Sun-Loving Shrubs and Vines for the Leventritt Garden Peter Del Tredici, Michael Dosmann, Tom Ward, and julie Coop The position of the shrub is distinctly secondary, and the burden of the inferior race is upon it. A tree may be valued for what it is, but a shrub is rated for just what it can do. It must render a service to compensate for its cultivation. This service may be one of beauty, through its flowers; or of use, by its fruit; or its foliage or habit of growth may be especially attractive, or of such a nature as will give it value as a shield or a cover for waste and barren places. -Harriet Keeler, Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them,1900 he Leventritt Garden adds a new compo- Criteria for Horticultural Display to the Arboretum’s collections-a MULTISEASONALITY. In most instances, plants nentdisplay of sun-loving shrubs and vines of single-season interest will not be included. suitable for southern New England. Unlike the To ensure interest year-round, preference will main Arboretum collections, which are princi- be given to plants with a minimum of two, if pally intended for scientific research, the new not three, seasons of ornamental interest, garden has been designed to demonstrate the whether bloom, fruit display, autumn leaf color, horticultural qualities of both species and or texture. cultivars. it will contribute to Nonetheless, PROVEN PERFORMANCE. Most shrubs will be the Arboretum’s scientific mission by adding selected for outstandmg horticultural merit, vines and herbaceous genera-particularly that is, nursery selections that are superior in botanical families that are perennials-m size, color, or persistence of bloom; in texture, to our research. important form, or color of foliage; or form and stature of Selecting the Plants habit. Choices will be determined by perfor- mance in the Arboretum as well as in other Working from fall 2000 through spring 2001, our botanical gardens and landscapes. These will plant selection committee-the authors, land- include the best of the dwarf conifers previously Laura scape projects manager Tenny Brogna, located on this site. Some of the vines will also former assistant education director Ellen be chosen for horticultural merit; the genus and intern Bennett, gardener Bethany Grasso, Clematis will be well represented, as will Stacey Berghammer-generated the list of Lonicera and Wisteria. plants to be included, first establishing our cri- teria. We agreed to give preference to plants Botanical Criteria that meet at least two and preferably three of GENERA AND SPECIES THAT ARE PART OF IMPOR- the criteria in any of the three categories, horti- TANT BOTANICAL FAMILIES BUT ARE NOT WELL cultural, botanical, and educational. Many of REPRESENTED IN THE MAIN COLLECTIONS. These our selections already exist in the Arboretum’s include shrubs that do not prosper in the main collections, and many more will be acquired collections because they lack sun or because from other botanical collections and commer- small stature or slow growth rate exposes them cial sources. to damage by dogs, humans, and mowers. Left to mght, top row: Enkianthus perulatus form and flower; middle row, Aconitum smomontanum (Chmese monkshood), Elliotia racemosa (Georgia plume), Hamamehs x mtermedia ‘Diane’ (hybmd witch hazel); bottom row, Caragana arborescens ‘Nana’ (low-growing pea tree) form and flower. Photographs by Peter Del Tredici, Gary Koller, John Alexander III, Robert G Mayer. 22 From left to mght, Viburnum opulus (European cranberry bush), V. hupehense (Hubei mburnumJ, V. phleobotnchum, V. dilatatum (lmden mburnum). Examples of those that will find a home in the In summer, the differences between species raised beds of the Leventntt Garden are Buxus hydrangeas, clethras, and stewartias and their and shrubby members of Fabaceae such as the respective cultivars can be studied. brooms, Cytisus and Gemsta. PLANT SOLUTIONS FOR LANDSCAPE PROBLEMS. of the vines will be selected for their Many Ilex glabra and Rhus aromatlca can stop bank botanical value rather than ornamental interest. erosion. Ericaceous plants grow well in acid Structures for vines in the Arboretum’s growing soils. Comptonia peregrina tolerates poor were to main grounds heretofore limited the soils. Vines can create wonderful vertical few fences. The Leventritt remaining perimeter screens, and for horizontal screens, shrubby Garden will accommodate vines new to many hedges are superb. the Arboretum. SPECIAL ORNAMENTAL For ornamen- Several important botanical families in North QUALITIES. tal winter interest, witch hazels lead the list. Temperate floras are represented primarily by Buddleias are just one example of a herbaceous plants, including some that were widely that sustains over cultivated at the Arboretum in earlier years. adaptable plant flowering much of the summer. For fragrance, the The garden provides the opportunity to aug- and are ment the botanical collections of these families daphnes, jasmines, honeysuckles prime Plants with colored and and genera. performers. foliage bold textures will also be highhghted. Educational Opportunities BIODIVERSITY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. Biogeogra- These selections will determine the opportuni- phy-specifically the study of disjunct popula- ties for learning that the garden will offer. The tions in Asia and North America-has been range of subjects will expand over time; below central to the Arboretum’s research for more are some of the areas of interest that our plant than a century. It will be demonstrated on the selections will support. Orientation and ground in the Leventritt Garden, where the storytelling signs, informational pamphlets, native Chionanthus virginicus will be com- identification labels, and docent tours will be pared to its Asian counterpart, C. retusus, as used as interpretive aids. will Asarum canadensis with A. splendens and with P. terminalis. COMPARISONS OF WILD TAXA WITH THEIR CULTI- Pachysandra procumbens VATED TAXA. For instance, the flowering of PLANT CONSERVATION. Another area of long- redbuds, Cercis canadensis and its cultivars term interest has been the conservation of ’Kovey’ and ’Alba’, can be contrasted in spring. endangered plants by growing them ex situ, 23 namely, here at the Arboretum. Elliottia effects in spatial and rhythmic patterns) and racemosa, Prunus depressa, and Andromeda drawings of microclimate variations, optimum glaucophylla head a long list of species m this shrub sizes (varying by bed and terrace position), category; among others to be included are and traffic flow. Amelanchier nantucketensis, Ilex collina, and The planting design committee-the authors Abeliophylum distichum. At the other end of along with Laura Tenny Brogna and Bethany the spectrum, plants that thrive too well-often Grasso-began its task by considering the distri- on what were the sites of presently endangered bution and size constraints of evergreens and species-will also be available for study, kudzu small trees. We placed larger plants at the sides and greenbriar among them. and toward the middle of each terrace, and slot- ted a high proportion of low-growing plants in Placing the Plants the lower terraces. In autumn 2001, Reed Hilderbrand Landscape Microclimate variations (sun/shade, dry/mesic in are minor we Architects submitted a set of concepts for the soils) the garden and assigned planting plan that included locations and distri- them a low priority with a single exception. We the northernmost end as a butions of small evergreen shrubs as well as designated lower, frost Tender if included at all small- to medium-sized trees (arrayed for visual pocket. material, in this garden, will be placed in the uppermost terrace and above the great wall. With these considerations in mind, the com- mittee began to partition the entire plant list into manageable groups and to locate individual taxa and groups in plan. Vines were sited in the upper terraces according to their growing requirements and their collections and ornamental value. Because wisterias require a high degree of structural sup- port, they are primarily clustered on and around the pavilion; the remaining plants climb on trel- lises, columns, and/or wall bases. Small- to medium-sized trees were included on our list specifically for design effect. We followed the landscape architects’ proposals in locating most of them within the terraces or at the garden edges with individuals ex- tending from the ra- vine area across the terraces. Eastern red- bud (Cercis canaden- sisJ and a few of its variants were selected as the primary tree candidates. We sited deciduous and ever- green shade trees along Centre Street Clockwise from top, Chionanthus virginicus (white fringetreeJ flowers, C. retusus to serve as sound and (Chmese frlngetreeJ flowers and frmt visual barriers. 24 Growth Patterns of Vines for the Leventritt Garden The plants that we call vines have in common a climbing habit, but how they climb varies widely. The major mechanisms will be represented in the Leventritt Garden. Adventitious Root Climbers These plants climb masonry walls or the trunks of trees; they can also grow as groundcovers. Campsis radicans (trumpet creeper) Euonymus fortunei (winter creeper)-many cultivars Hedera (ivy)-two species and many cultivars Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris (climb- mg hydrangea) Schizophragma hydrangeoides Twining Woody Vines Some of these vines, including Celastrus, Pueraria, Wisteria, require heavy posts or trel- lises to climb on; others do better on a mesh support such as chainlink. Akebia quinata on Cryptomena
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