A A-Horizon, 447, 452 Aabwas, 522 AAS, 565 Aatis, 523 Abas, 522 Abdomen, 532-533, 540 ABE, 570 Abiotic, 140-141, 170, 172, 176, 187, 189, 193-194 Abiotic Factor, 176 Abnormal Tides, 268 Abrin, 315 Abrus precatorius, 315 Absence of Disease, 575 Abyssal Plain, 49 Abyssal Zone, 204-205 Abyssopelagic, 204 Acacia auriculiformis, 383 Acacia formosa, 384 Acanthaster planci, 252, 261-262 Acanthurus lineatus, 247, 256 Access Routes, 614 Access to US Markets, 553 Accidental Spills, 576 Accumulation of Salts, 457 Accumulation Rate of Soil, 441 Acetone, 578 Acetylene, 663 Achiak, 334 Acid, 73, 78, 87, 164-165, 188-189, 383, 427, 440, 445, 498, 521, 525, 649, 675, 679 ACOE, 5 Acrocephalus luscinia, 374 Acropora, 223, 252 Acrostichum aureum, 363 Actitis, 304 Active Listening, 2 Acute Care, 571 ADA, 563, 565 Adaptation, 160, 180, 182, 184, 223, 250, 310 Addictive Nature, 530 Adding Value to a Product, 545 Administrative Procedure, 623 Adobe-Brick, 705 Adult Basic Education, 570 Adult Supervision, 725 Advanced Life Saving Skills, 567 Adverse Impacts, 598, 654-655 Advocacy, 1 Aerial Bombing, 35 Aerially-sprayed Herbicides, 586 Aerobic Bacteria, 453 Aerodramus vanikorensis, 385 Aerosol Propellants, 650 Aesthetic Design, 711 Africa, 63, 102, 166, 318, 330, 364, 490, 587 Aga, 338, 500 Agatelang, 322 Age of Dinosaurs, 69 Agencies Tasked with Implementing Environmental Laws, 644 Agenda 21, 660 Agfayan Soils, 381 Aggregate Market, 422 Aggregate Supply, 422 Aggrieved Party, 622 Aghurub, Chief, 26 Agingan Point, 418 Agricultural Clearing, 326 Agricultural Crops, 411, 413 Agricultural Developments, 260 Agricultural Homestead Programs, 503 Agricultural People, 507 Agricultural Pests, 41, 390 Agricultural Pesticides, 14 Agricultural Research, 570 Agriculturists, 153, 442 Agrihan, 52, 420 Agroforest, 529 Agroforestry Practices, 327 Agronomists, 31, 370, 522 Aguiguan, 50-51, 55-57, 68, 171, 323, 328, 375, 420, 472, 507 Ahermatypic Corals, 234, 248-249 AIDS, 225, 493, 496, 564-565, 578, 587 Air Conditioners, 560, 650, 692, 712 Air Conditioning, 435, 707-708 Air Layering, 330, 527 Air Mass, 94 Air Movement, 674, 677 Air Pollution, 14, 428, 498, 577, 609, 648-650, 652, 661, 666, 670, 673-674, 676-680 Air Pressure, 91, 95-96 Air Quality, 14, 503, 649, 673 Air Space, 524 Air Traffic, 564 Air Transportation, 420 Airborne Particles, 92-93 Aircraft Carriers, 36 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, 563 Aircraft Take-Off Patterns, 681 Aircraft Traffic Control, 563 Airfield, 35, 38, 41, 57, 420, 564-565 Airplane, 321, 687, 706 Airport, 301, 415, 420, 498, 562-565 Airport Advisory Service Station, 565 Airspace, 659 Akina Soils, 348, 381-382 Alageta, 522 Alahai Tasi, 281 Alamagan, 1, 50, 53, 375 Alarm Pheromones, 540 Alaska, 15, 200, 654 Alate, 540 Albizia lebbeck, 330 Alcohol, 29, 32, 565, 578, 586 Alcohol Distillery, 32 Alcyonarians, 248 Aldabra Islands, 166 Aldrin, 651 Alfalfa, 525 Algae, 72, 78-79, 160, 180, 187, 206, 219-222, 229-230, 232-233, 241-244, 247, 256- 257, 263-265, 267-268, 271, 278, 287-289, 325, 349, 357-361, 367, 376, 439, 468, 474-476, 480, 503, 685, 688 Algae Blooms, 685 Algiers, 103 Ali, 471 Alien, 497-498, 535 Alien Species, 497-498 Alien Worker Force, 41 Alkaline, 188, 352, 445, 449, 461, 525 Allamanda, 716 Allergies, 577 Allied Invasion, 35 Allied Victories, 34 Alligator Pear, 522 Alluvial Deposit, 347 Alpheid Shrimp, 252-253 Alternatives, 193, 199, 394, 424, 500, 505, 657, 659 Altitude, 51-53, 91-92, 96, 184 Aluminum, 59, 121, 324, 382, 441, 443, 452, 527, 666, 670, 701 Aluminum Oxides, 441, 443 Alvin, 209 Ambient or Water Quality-Based Standard, 651 Amblyrhynchus cristatus, 160 Ambulance, 567 Amenities, 596, 612, 614, 726, 728 American Bald Eagle, 14 American Crow, 497 American Folklore Society, 633 American Heart Association, 567 American Invasion, 34-35, 372 American Memorial Park, 36, 301, 373, 657, 711, 728 American Occupation, 37 American Pacific Fleet, 34 American Red Cross, 117 American Samoa, 15, 614, 645 Americans with Disabilities Act, 565 Ammonia, 195 Ammonium, 195 Amoeba, 278 Amphibian, 370 Amphibious Aircraft, 33 Amphipod, 254 Amphiprion, 250 Amwo, 294 Anaerobic Decay, 345, 353 Anas, 302, 375-377, 497 Anas acuta, 377 Anas clypeata, 376 Anas crecca, 377 Anas oustaleti, 375, 497 Anas penelope, 377 Anas platyrhynchos, 376 Anas poecilorhyncha, 376 Anatahan, 50, 53-55, 93 Anchoveta, 210 Ancient Chamorro, 25, 530 Ancient Greek, 11, 83, 135, 144, 347, 393 Ancient Rome, 610 Ancient Times, 395, 576 Andes Mountains, 103, 150 Andesite, 68, 71, 452 Andesite Line, 68 Andesite Rock, 68 Anemometer, 109 Angle of Polarization, 185 Anguilla marmorata, 370 Anguillid Eel, 352, 369-370 Animal Carcasses, 322 Animal Feces, 322 Animal Manure, 510-511 Annona muricata, 523 Annona squamosa, 523 Annual Inflation in Prices, 549 Annual Precipitation, 107 Annual Visitor Arrivals, 547 Anole, 489-490 Anomolops katoptron, 211 Anous stolidus, 292 Ant, 462 Ant’s Eye Look, 462 Antarctica, 47, 63, 101, 344, 391, 650 Antennae, 207-208, 253, 367, 532-533 Anthropologists, 8 Anthropology, 4, 23, 626, 633 Antibiotics, 590-591 Anti-Graffiti Law, 725 Anti-Graffiti System, 723 Antiherbivore Compounds, 257 Anti-Litter Campaigns, 665 Antiseptic, 316 Ants Associated with Aphid Colonies, 540 APC, 607-609 Apex Predators, 477 Aphanes, 71 Aphanitic Rocks, 71 Aphid, 533, 539-540 Aphid Parasitoids, 540 Aphis gossypii, 540 Aphotic Zone, 204-205 Apis, 534 Apis mellifera, 534 Aplonis opaca, 338 Appeal, 622 Appliances, 492, 560, 664-665 Applying Fertilizer, 454 Appropriate Penalties, 499 Approved Research Plan, 636 Apterous, 540 Aquaculture, 131, 368, 370 Aquarium Fish, 475 Aquatic Earthworms, 358 Aquatic Larval Stages, 359, 368 Aquatic Moat, 355 Aquatic Spiders, 358 Aquifer, 57, 86-87, 346, 352, 615-616 Arabian Desert, 100 Arabian Gulf, 200, 269 Arabian Sea, 199 Arabwal, 27, 31, 33, 281-282 Arbor Day, 609 Arbor Month, 573, 609 Arboreal, 487, 489 Arboreal Predator, 489 Archeological Data, 627 Archeological Remains of American Indian Societies, 627 Archeological Resource Recovery Plan, 611 Archeological Survey, 634 Archeology, 23, 41-42, 626-628, 630-632 Archeology of Buildings and Structures, 630 Archeology of Districts, 631 Archeology of Objects, 632 Archeology of Sites, 631 Archeozoic, 84 Archipelago, 23-25, 28, 44, 112, 136, 162, 167, 327, 374, 388, 416, 418, 470, 483 Architectural and Engineering Work, 704 Architectural Style, 705 Archives, 572 Arctic, 46, 93, 95, 101-102, 138, 186, 303-304, 377 Arctic Ocean, 46 Arctic Tundra, 186, 303 Area Lighting, 711 Areas of Particular Concern, 623 Areca catechu, 349, 529-530 Arenaria interpres, 304 Argon, 93 Argument, 11, 146, 381, 428 Aristotle, 144-145 Arizona, 15 Armored Dinoflagellates, 361 Armored Sea Urchins, 288 Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), 5 Arrow Worms, 208-209 Arson Enforcement, 384 Arsonist, 383 Arsonist/Hunters, 383 Art Class, 723 Art Contests, 724 Art Teacher, 723 Arthropod, 531 Artifact, 630 Artistry, 704 Artocarpus incisus, 331 Artocarpus mariannensis, 331 As Lito Airfield, 35 Asaf, 295 Asang, 385 Asbestos, 428, 579, 674 Asia Minor, 364 Asian Continental Shelf, 48 Asian Economic Crisis, 546, 553 Asian musk shrew, 388 Asparagus, 456 Asphalt, 613 Asplenium nidas, 184, 322, 327-328 Assembly Line, 430 Assessment of Natural Resource Damage, 654 Asthenosphere, 59, 64-65 Asthma, 577 Astringent, 330, 529-530 Astronomy, 4 Asuncion, 50, 52 Atacama Desert, 103 Atis, 523 Atlantic Ocean, 46 Atmagoso, 314 Atmagosu, 314 Atmospheric Atomic Bomb Tests, 581 Atmospheric Humidity, 179 Atmospheric Nitrogen, 92, 315 Atmospheric Pollution, 676 Atoll, 126, 134, 227-228, 242, 262, 437, 454, 577 Atom, 121-122 Atomic Bomb, 36, 38 Atrocarpus mariannensis, 349 Attorney General, 566, 601, 609, 646 Atuhong, 278 Aufwuchs, 358-359, 361 Auger, 719 Australia, 34, 40, 47, 63, 99, 102, 158-159, 217, 232, 236, 255, 261, 325, 352, 364, 488, 490, 665 Australian Pine, 286 Authority to Develop Laws, 641 Automated Underwater Temperature Recorders, 698 Automobile, 33, 421, 427, 565, 582, 648-649, 682 Automobile Batteries, 582 Automobile Exhaust Emissions, 649 Automotive Fuel, 424 Autotrophic Organisms, 173 Autumn, 109, 186 Autumnal Equinox, 105 Available Water Capacity of Certain Soils, 509 Average Annual Soil Loss, 450 Aviation Fuel, 687 Avifauna, 488 Avocado, 522 Awns, 312 Aythya fuligula, 378 Ayuyu, 333 B B-Horizon, 447-448 B-29 Airfield, 37 B-29 Bomber, 34 Baba, 365 Back Filling Mitigation, 636 Back Hoe, 719 Bacon, Roger, 6-7 Bacteria Spores, 177 Bacterial Resistance, 590 Badland, 382 Bag of Tricks, 257 Bait, 29, 289-290, 388-389 Baja Mexico, 64 Balance with Nature, 726 Balanced Fertilizer, 510, 716 Baleen Plate, 216 Baleen Whales, 210, 482 Balkans, 102 Bamboo Fences, 705 Ban Sales of Spray Paint to Adolescents, 725 Banadero Cliffs, 326 Banana Boat, 418, 611 Banana Shoots, 508 Banded Sea Snake, 213 Banner Tree, 331 Banyan Figs, 348 Banzai Assault, 35 Banzai Cliff, 37 Bar, 152, 221, 378, 400-401, 403 Barbecue Picnics, 726 Barber Pole Shrimp, 251 Bare Soil, 451, 453 Barley, 517, 525 Barnyard Manure, 520 Barometer, 96-97 Barracuda, 266, 580 Barrier Reef, 55, 228, 231, 236, 255, 261, 269, 416, 419 Barringtonia asiatica, 286 Barter, 395 Barter Agreement, 395 Barter Economy, 395 Barter Transaction, 395 Basal Groundwater, 86-87 Basalt, 53, 62, 64-65, 68, 71, 232, 242, 420, 452 Basalt Lava Flow, 420 Base Pairs, 164-165 Basic Human Standards, 432 Basic Life Support, 567 Basketball courts, 572 Basking Shark, 477 Bathyal Zone, 204-205 Bathymetric Map, 50 Bathymetry, 43, 45, 47, 50 Batteries, 117, 428, 582, 668, 690 Battery Acids, 667 Battle Sites, 630 Battlefields, 631
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