HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE LIST OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY THE HEAD OF PLANNING SERVICES UNDER THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION CASE NUMBER: 10/05287/FUL WARD: Bilton CASE OFFICER: Phil Jewkes DATE VALID: 08.12.2010 GRID REF: E 429696 TARGET DATE: 02.02.2011 N 457617 DECISION DATE: 26.01.2011 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.104.E.FUL LOCATION: 120 Knox Lane Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 3AS PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey extension. APPLICANT: Mr Tom Cox APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 26.01.2014. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the submitted plans reference S10/164-04 received by the Local Planning Authority on the 2 December 2010. 3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING CONSENT 1 The proposed side extension reflects the design and appearance of the application dwelling. There is adequate separation distance between the proposed extension and the adjacent dwelling to ensure that the proposal does not materially harm existing levels of privacy and amenity. The extension would not have any detrimental impact on the street scene or the special landscape area. The proposal therefore accords with the provisions of the development plan. CASE NUMBER: 10/05298/FUL WARD: Bilton CASE OFFICER: Ms Hannah Morrall DATE VALID: 01.12.2010 GRID REF: E 430346 TARGET DATE: 26.01.2011 N 457532 DECISION DATE: 20.01.2011 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.11381.A.FUL LOCATION: 13 Bachelor Drive Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 3EH PROPOSAL: Erection of rear extension and pitched roof to existing garage, installation of 3 roof lights and conversion of garage to form living space. APPLICANT: Mr I Mitchell APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 20.01.2014. 2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the details shown on the following drawings: Drawing numbers 1021 A(L)04 and 1021 A9K) 01A received on the 1st December 2010. 3 The external materials of the extension hereby approved shall match the existing materials of the dwelling house. 4 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), the areas shown on the submitted drawing, Proposed Site Plan 1021 A (k) 01A and Proposed Ground Floor Plan 1021 A(K) 01A received on the 1st December 2010 as parking spaces, turning areas and access shall be kept available for their intended purposes at all times. 2 Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policies H15 and HD20 of the Harrogate District Local Plan and Policy SG4 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy DPD. 4 To ensure the provision of acceptable off street parking and in the interests of road safety. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING CONSENT The scale, design and materials would respect the host property and the character and appearance of the area. The development would not harm the amenities of adjacent residents. The proposal therefore accords with guidance in Planning Policy Statement 1, Saved Policies H15 and HD20 of the Harrogate District Local Plan and Policies SG4, EQ1 and EQ2 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy DPD (adopted 2009) and 'The House Extensions and Garages Design Guide' (SPD). CASE NUMBER: 10/05156/FUL WARD: Bishop Monkton CASE OFFICER: Mr Mark Danforth DATE VALID: 29.11.2010 GRID REF: E 433394 TARGET DATE: 24.01.2011 N 466697 DECISION DATE: 21.01.2011 APPLICATION NO: 6.54.128.A.FUL LOCATION: Ivy House Farm Boroughbridge Road Bishop Monkton Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3QN PROPOSAL: Erection of extension to kennel building, 3 silage clamps and slurry lagoon. APPLICANT: Mr S Simpson APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 21.01.2014. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the submitted plans reference documents labelled Cow kennel building, bulk silage store, silage and slurry stores received 22 November 2010. 3 3 Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to being brought into use a security fence shall be erected around the lagoon details of which shall be submitted for the written approval of the local planning authority. 4 The lagoon shall be covered with a floating crust in the form of LECA (light expanded clay aggregates) balls for the lifetime of the development. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of safety and amenity. 4 In order to reduce smells emanating from the lagoon in the interests of residential amenity. INFORMATIVES 1. The construction and operation of the scheme must comply with The Water Resources (Control of Pollution) (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) (England) Regulations 2010 The farm is located within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone and therefore the rules under the Nitrate Pollution Prevention Regulations 2008 must be followed regarding storage capacity and slurry spreading. Guidance can be found at http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/quality/water/waterquality/diffuse/nitrate/help- for-farmers.htm Under the terms of The Water Resources (Control of Pollution) (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) (England) Regulations 2010 the person who proposes to have control over any relevant storage installation is required to serve notice on the Environment Agency specifying the type of structure to be used and its location at least 14 days before it is to be used for the keeping or storing of any relevant substance. We advise early contact with the Environment Agency local office to discuss the development before construction commences. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING CONSENT The proposal represents suitably scaled additions to the farm holding, the design of which reflects that of other farm buildings. The proposal will therefore have a neutral impact on the character and appearance of the area. In addition adequate separation distances exist between the application property and neighbouring houses ensuring that the proposal does not materially harm existing levels of privacy and amenity. The proposal therefore accords with the provisions of the development plan. 4 CASE NUMBER: 10/05551/OHLEXP WARD: Bishop Monkton CASE OFFICER: Mr A Moxon DATE VALID: 21.12.2010 GRID REF: E 433199 TARGET DATE: 01.02.2011 N 466800 DECISION DATE: 26.01.2011 APPLICATION NO: 6.54.OHLEXP LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 433199 466800 Renton Close Bishop Monkton North Yorkshire PROPOSAL: Notification for the erection of 'H' Substation. APPLICANT: Northern Electric Distribution Limited Subject to NO OBJECTIONS 1 The District/Borough Council/Authority: Harrogate Borough Council (i) does not object for the proposed development detailed above to be undertaken under the exemptions laid down in the Overhead Lines (Exemption)(England and Wales) Regulations 2009. (ii) does not wish the Secretary of State to consider the application using the full section 37 process under the Electricity Act 1989. Reasons for Conditions:- CASE NUMBER: 10/05308/FUL WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Mr Mark Danforth DATE VALID: 08.12.2010 GRID REF: E 440519 TARGET DATE: 02.02.2011 N 466401 DECISION DATE: 26.01.2011 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.463.A.FUL LOCATION: Olive House Aldborough York North Yorkshire YO51 9ES PROPOSAL: Erection of first floor side extension, single storey rear extension, conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation and alterations to first floor window to form two 5 smaller windows. APPLICANT: Sir A Lawson-Tancred APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 26.01.2014. 2 No development shall take place within the application area until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the Planning Authority. 3 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the submitted plans reference H/25/03,04/EG10 Revision A received by the Local Planning Authority on the 3 December 2010. 4 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no windows shall be inserted in the western elevations of the extension hereby approved, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 The site is of archaeological importance. 3 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 4 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity. INFORMATIVES 1. If a programme of geotechnical investigation is proposed on site in due course, I would advise an archaeological response may be appropriate. The Historic Environment Team does not undertake archaeological work of this nature. The applicant/developer is advised to commission a professional archaeological contractor to prepare a written scheme of investigation (WSI) for, and to carry out, the archaeological work.
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