DJILALI LIABES UNIVERSITY- SIDI-BELABBES FACULTY OF LETTERS, LANGUAGES AND ARTS The Philosophical View over the Concept of Death in Hemingway's Novels Presented to the Faculty of Letters Languages and Arts at the University of SIDI- BELABBES in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctorate in American Literature Presented by Slimane ABDELHAKEM Board of Examiners: Prof.:Bellabes OUERRAD University of Sidi Bellabes Chair Prof.Fatiha KAID BERRAHAL University of Laghouat Supervisor Prof. Abbès BAHOUS University of Mostaghanem Examiner Dr. Noureddine GUERROUDJ University of Sidi Bellabes Examiner Dr. Ghouti HAJOUI University of Tlemcen Examiner 2015/2016 Dedication To my parents And To my wife Malika ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I wish to thank God. Then, I have to thank my supervisor, professor. Fatiha KAID BERRAHAL in THELIDJI Amar -University-Laghouat For the continuous support of my PhD study and related research, for her patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my PhD study. There are no proper words to convey my deep gratitude and respect for her. She has inspired me to become an independent researcher and helped me realize the power of critical reasoning. In fact the Thesis writing process has been a long journey for me, seven years of research that would not have been possible without her belief in me. I also thank my wife and partner who supported me through this venture and for her stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together, especially these last three months, before deadlines, and for all the fun mixed with irritability we have had in the last six years. I wish to thank my children, Sara, Lamine, Soumia , Asma and Hakim for bearing my new mood of irascibility and providing a loving environment for me. My sincere thanks go to Dr. Hocine BENSAHA for his ceaseless help and great support. Without his help, my project would not have been achievable. I am also thankful to the general inspector of English Mr. Mohammed MADI for encouraging the use of correct grammar and consistent notation in my writings and for carefully reading and commenting on countless revisions of this thesis. I am also grateful to Doctor Med Seghir HALIMI. I am extremely thankful and indebted to him for sharing expertise, and sincere and valuable guidance and encouragement extended to me. He helped me come up with the thesis topic and guided me over almost last year of development. And during the most difficult times when writing this thesis, he gave me the moral support and the freedom I needed to move on. Special thanks must go to Mr. Christian PEREZ, for supplying me with documents, books and articles and for his deep concerns. I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all, who directly or indirectly, have lent their hand in this venture. ABSCTRACT in English This dissertation argues that the notion of ‘death’ overwhelms most of Hemingway’s works. ’Death’, as being conceived by Ernest Hemingway in his works is widely driven from the various cultures he has been exposed to as a journalist, a writer and a soldier during World War One. Chapter One, deals with the concept of death dealt with by philosophers, thinkers, writers as well as some civilizations, Hemingway became intimately acquainted with. This dissertation is divided into four chapters; besides the literary review devoted to the concept of death, the three others are displayed as follow: Are there any stylistic elements bearing the concept of death? Are there any symbolic elements related to ‘death that can be depicted and do they reflect Hemingway’s own experience? Are there any harbingers in Hemingway’s works of his suicide?, To examine these questions, the study reveals that Hemingway uses wind, cold, dark, night, rain and black as symbols to show his angst to ‘death’. Hemingway‘s own experience is mirrored in many of his works; A Farwell to Arms is studied because it is the most striking example. Two novels are analyzed to depict the inserted stylistic elements referring to ‘death’. For Whom the Bell Tolls and A Farwell to Arms bears various types of repetition used to hammer the notion of death. The two novels are subjected to the study because they best reflect the analysis since both of them are novels of war. Chapter four argues that Hemingway’s suicide has been carried chronologically all along his writings dating from 1925to1952. Key Words: Death, War, Style, Repetition, Symbols. ABSCTRACT in FRENCH Cette thèse révèle que la notion de la mort accable la plupart des œuvres d'Hemingway comme étant conçue par Ernest Hemingway dans ses œuvres, la mort est engendrée par de différentes statuts ; comme journaliste écrivain et soldat tout au long de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le premier chapitre de la thèse porte sur le concept de la mort, traitée par des philosophes, des penseurs, des écrivains ainsi que par certaines civilisations, qu’Hemingway a été en contacte avec. Cette thèse est motivée, sans compter du premier chapitre qui est consacré au concept de la mort, véhiculé par trois questions de recherche: Y a-t-il d’éléments stylistiques portant le concept de la mort? Y a-t-il d’éléments symboliques liés à la mort dans les écrits d’Hemingway et qui reflètent l'expérience propre à Hemingway? Y at-il des signes avant-coureurs du suicide dans les œuvres d’Hemingway? , Pour examiner ces questions, l'étude révèle que Hemingway utilise les noms, pluie, vent, froid, nuit, et les adjectives ; noir et sombre comme des symboles pour montrer son anxiété à 'la mort' L’expérience propre à 'Hemingway se reflète dans plusieurs nombre de ses œuvres; l’Adieu aux Armes est l’objet de mon étude, car il est l'exemple le plus approprié. Pour répondre à la deuxième question, deux romans sont analysés pour illustrer les éléments stylistiques insérés référant à 'la mort'. Pour Qui Sonne les Glas et l’Adieu aux Armes sont l’objet de mon étude stylistique et qui montre de différents types de répétition utilisés pour marteler l'idée de la mort. Les deux romans sont soumis à l'étude, car ils reflètent le mieux mon analyse puisque tous les deux sont des romans de guerre. Le chapitre quatre fait valoir que le suicide de Hemingway a été réalisée par ordre chronologique tout au long de ses écrits datant de 1925 à1952 Le conflit d’Hemingway avec la mort est chronologiquement remarqué dans ses œuvres En conséquence, le compte à rebours du suicide d’Hemingway n’était pas uniquement due à la détérioration de sa santé. Je suppose, s’il a mis fin à sa vie, c’est aussi parce qu'il avait hérité de gènes "suicidaires". Les Mots Clés : Mort, Guerre,Style,Répetition,Symbilsme. ABSTRACT in ARABIC تظهر هذه اﻷطروحة أن فكرة الموت تغمر معظم أعمال همنغواي الموت كما تم تصميمها من قبل إرنست همنغواي في أعماله، هي نابعة من احتكاكه بالثقافات المختلفة التي حاكاها كصحفي وككاتب و كجندي علي مدي الحرب العالمية اﻷولى. الفصل اﻷول من اﻷطروحة يتناول مفهوم الموت، وتصوره من طرف الفﻻسفة والمفكرين والكتاب وبعض الحضارات، التي احتك بها همنغواي بغض النظر عن الفصل اﻻول الذي هو مخصص للتعاريف واراء المفكرين والفﻻسفة و بعض الحاضرات والديانات فاﻷطروحة تحتوي علي ثﻻثة فصول نجيب من خﻻلها عن ثﻻثة أسئلة بحثية: )1(هل هناك أية عناصر رمزية تتعلق بالموت في كتابات همنغواي و هل هي تعكس حقا- الحياة الخاصة بهمنغواي؟ هل هناك عناصر لغوية استعملها الكاتب تدل علي مفهوم الموت؟ هل هناك أية طوالع في أعمال همنغواي تنبآ بقدومه علي اﻻنتحار ؟ ، عند دراسة هذه اﻷسئلة، تكشف الدراسة أن همنغواستخدم أسماء مثل المطر والريح والبرد، الليل الظﻻم ، والصفات. و كاﻷسود ومظلم كرموز ﻹظهارالشجن اتجاه الموت ' التجربة الشخصية لهمنغواي المنتشرة في العديد من أعمال اﻻدبية. وداعا لﻻسلحة هو موضوع الدراسة ﻷنه هو المثال اﻷكثر مناسبة. لﻹجابة على السؤال الثاني، ولﻻجابة علي السؤال الثاني تم تحليل روايتين لتوضيح العناصر اﻷسلوبية التي تم إدراجها من طرف الكاتب في اشارة الى "الموت". لمن تقرع اﻻجراس و وداعا لﻻسلحة هي موضع دراستي اﻷسلوبية التي تحوي على أنواع مختلفة من التكرار استخد مها الكاتب ﻻبراز فكرة الموت. تعرض كل من الرواياتين للدراسة، ﻷنها تناسب التحليل ﻻن كﻻهما رواية حرب. اما الفصل الرابع يبرز الترتيب الزمني في اﻻعمال المعروضة للدرلسة التي نشرت من تاريخ 1291 الي 2 195 ويﻻحظ الصراع مع الموت في أعمال همنغواي يقترب زمنيا وبالتالي، .كان اﻻنتحار عدا تنازليا لهمنغواي الذي ﻻيعود حسب اعتقادي فقط إلى تدهور حالته الصحية. ، بل هو أيضا ﻷنه كان قد ورث جينات "انتحارية". الكلمات المفتاحية: الموت الحرب اﻻسلوب التكرار الرمزية Table of Contents Dedication I Acknowledgement II Abstract in English IV Abstract in French (Résumé) V Abstract in Arabic VI Table of Contents VII List of Abbreviations XI General Introduction General introduction 01 Chapter One : Concept of death Introduction 07 I.1.Personification of death 08 I.2.Thanatos 09 I.3.Life and death drives 11 I.4.The Resumption of Death 13 I.5.Death and Human Being 14 I.6.The African Concept of Death 14 I.7. religions views on death 15 I.7.1.Christianity - View on Death 16 I.7.2.Judaism - View on Death 17 I.8.Death in American Literature 18 I.9.Death in Hemingway’s narratives 21 Conclusion 29 Chapter Two : “ very sad but very fine” The Aesthetic Progression Of Death In Hemingway’s Narratives Introduction 31 II.1. Psycho-analytic theory 32 II.2. stylistics 34 II.3.Problems of defining style 35 II.4.Style as the choice between alternate expression 37 II.5.
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