Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60034-8 - History of Scotland: Vol. III.: From the Revolution of 1689 to the Disruption, 1843 P. Hume Brown Index More information INDEX. Abbeys, founded by David I, i creased influence of the office. 95; by William the Lyon, i iii 410, 411. Dalrymple, Dun­ 108; growth of, and their influ­ das, Forbes, SeeGrant, Hope, Mac­ ence, i 131; Scottish, burned by kenzie, Miller, Montgomery the English, i 177, 182, 192; ii Advocates, Faculty of, of Jacobite 19 sympathies, iii 83' 152; depose Aberdeen, bishopric of, established, their Dean, Henry Erskine, iii i 95; see of, ii 236; city of, i 70 ; 385, 386 its charter, i 108; described, ii lEthelfrith, king of Bemicia, defeats 123; General Assembly of 1616, the king of the Scots, i 18; de­ ii 266; holds aloof from the feated by Edwin pf Deira, i 19, National Covenant, ii 3°4, 306, 20 309; Marquis of Montrose at, ii lEthelfrith, king of Northumbria, 332 ; taken by Monck, ii 365; a defeats the Britons, i 12 stronghold of Jacobitism, iii 156, lEthelstan, of England, invades 167, 168, 185; taken by the Alba, i 37; defeats the combined Jacobites, iii 312; university of, Danes, Scots, and Britons, i 37; founded, i 345; referred to, ii his death, i 37 123, 281, 282, 452 African Company, the, iii 27, 28, 39, Aberdeen, New, ii 448 94, 95, 10 125 Aberdeenshire. a stronghold of Agricola, invades7, North Britain, Episcopalianism, iii 243 i 2; his six campaigns, i 3, 4; his Abernethy, i 47, 59 wall,i3 Abjuration oath, iii 236, 237 Agriculture, laws relating to, iII?, Aboyne, Lord, ii 312 131; ii 445; introduction of im­ Aboyne, Viscount of, perishes in provements, i 218; iii 257, 258. burning of Frendraught, ii 291 359, 360; neglected before the Act of Classes, ii 350, 362, 363 Union,iii 45-41:1; the "Levellers" Act of Revocation. Revocation or "Dykebreakers," iii 204, 205 Act of Security, iii 89-94S,e Aidan, chosen king of Scots, i 18; Act of Settlement, iii 84, 89 his campaigns, i 18; defeated by Acts of Indemnity. Indemnity lEthelfrith, i 18; his death, i 18 Adam, bishop of Caithness,See roasted Aidan, bishop of Lindisfame, evan­ alive. i II3, 114 gelises N orthumbria, i 20, 21 Adamnan, his of Aikenhead, Thomas, executed for i IS, 16, 25, Life26 SI Columba, blasphemy, iii 40 Adamson, Patrick, archbishop of St Ailred of Rievaulx, i 86 Andrews, ii 197; excommunicated, Alan, lord of Galloway, death of, ii 202 i I14 Advocate, King's, ii 244, 245; in- Cramond Alaterva. See © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60034-8 - History of Scotland: Vol. III.: From the Revolution of 1689 to the Disruption, 1843 P. Hume Brown Index More information Index Alba, the united kingdom of the de.ath, i II 7; character of his Picts and Scots, i 35; invaded by reign, i II7, II 8; his natural lEthelstan of England, i 37; its daughter marries Alan Durward, social and political condition, i 45 i 119 Albany, Duke of, Robert Fife, Alexander III, king of Scotland, Earl of), i 198; his further(see career, "the peaceable king," i 118; em­ i 199-209; his rule, i 203, 204; barrassed by party rivalries, i I 18- at war with England, i 205 21 ; last king crowned at Scone Albany, Duke of, Alexander, escapes on the Stone of Destiny, i II9; from prison and takes refuge in marries Margaret, daughter of France, i 270, 27 I; his marriage Henry III, i 120; visits London, there, i 276; makes alliance with i 124; regains the Hebrides, i the king of England against the 124-26; pays homage to Edward Scottish king, i 276, 278, 280, I, i 128; death of his children, 281; appointed lieutenant of the i 128; marries Taleta, i 128 ; his realm, i 280; attainted, i 281,282; fatal fall at Kinghorn, i 129 his death in France, i 282 Alexander of Menstrie, Sir William Albany, Duke of, John, his return (Earl of Stirling), originates the to Scotland, i 352-55; and re­ Nova Scotia colony, ii 273, 274 gency, i 356-59; departs again to France, i 359-64; his second Alford,note fight at, ii 333 return, and continuation of re­ Alien Act, iii 101 gency, i 364, 365; sails again to Almonds, trade in, i 94 France, i 365; fails inhis projects, Alnwick, William the Lyon taken and retires, i 367, 368 prisoner at, i 102, 104; the town Albany, House of, crushed, i 212, burned, i 205, 228 213 Alpin, king of Dalriada, i 26 Alberoni, Cardinal, and Scotland, America, Scottish trade with the iii 195, 196 English Colonies, iii 255, 256; Alcluyd (Alclyde), a fortress of the emigration from the Scottish Britons, i 12, 26 Highlands to, iii 361 Aldred, Earl of Northumbria, in­ Ancrum, English army defeated at, vades Strathclyde, i 52 ii 16, 17 Ale, taxation of, iii 206, 207. Anderson of Whitburgh, iii 298 Beer See Angles, extent of their territory, Alexanderalso I, king of Scotland, i 69; i 10, 13, 14; their conversion to his advisers, i 70; his gifts to the Christianity, i 19, 20; defeat the Church, i 70-72; his death, i 72 king of Dalriada, i 21 Alexander II, king of Scotland, hts Angles (English), their invasion of peaceful reign, i IIO; relations Britain, i 12-14 with England, i III, 112; marries Angles of Bernicia, repelled by the the sister of Henry III, i II 3; Scots and Britons, i 18; their his sister marries Hubert de king, lEthelfrith, defeats the Scots Burgh, i II3; subjugates the dis­ and Britons, i 18 trict of Argyle, i Il3; and suc­ Angus, mormaer (earl) of Moray, cessfullysuppressesrevolts in other slain, i 76 parts, i I 14; his marriage to Mary Angus MacFerglls, founds a mon­ de Couey arouses the English astery, i 46, 47 king's jealousy, i II6; war with Angus, 4th Earl of, George, heads a Henry III averted, i 1I6; his faction, i 249, 251; his death, i 255 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60034-8 - History of Scotland: Vol. III.: From the Revolution of 1689 to the Disruption, 1843 P. Hume Brown Index More information Index 447 Angus, 6th Earl of, Arcbihald, sur­ Ardkinglass, castle of, ii +31 named Bell-the-Cat, invades Eng­ and land, i 273; found guilty of treason, Ardoch,note Roman camp at, i 7, 9 i 30+; husband of Margaret, Argathelians, the, iii 199-20+, 210, James lV's widow, i 35+, 358; '215, '217 their daughter, afterwards Lady Argyle, +th Earl of, Archibald, sent Lennox, i 357; rivalry with the against the Clan ronald and others, Earl of Arran, i 361, 370; his ii 40; encourages Protestantism, ascendancy. i 370-73, and fall, ii +8 i 373; divorced by the Queen, Argyle, 5th Earl of, Archibald, en­ i 372, 38+; a rebel against James courages Protestantism, ii 59, 60, V, i 385, 386, 392; appointed 66; an opponent of the Regent lieutenant of the Borders, ii 15, Moray, ii 127, 129, 133, 134; 16 subdued, ii 135; assists the Marian Angus, 8th Earl of, Archibald, faction, ii 1+8 ii 179, 187, 19+. 200, 201, 20+, Argyle, 6th Earl of, Colin, ii 172; 207, '2I 5, 227 his death, and successor, ii '2 I'2 Angus, mormaer of, his daughter Argyle, 7th Earl of, Archibald, de­ Fenvella, i +2 feated at Glenlivet, ii 217, 218, Annandale, 3rd Earl of, William, 238; appointed justiciary and iii 16 lieutenant of the South Isles, Annandale, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis ii 256; attacks the Clan Donald of, William, iii 172 in Islay, ii 260, 261 Annandale, Roman remains in, i 7; Argyle, 9th Earl of, Archibald, his granted to the Bruce family, i 89; trial and escape, ii +18, +19; his overrun by the English, i 1+9; rebellion fails, ii +28-33; his English expelled from, i J 89 death, ii +32 Anne of Denmark, becomes queen Argyle, 1st and only Marquis of, of James VI, ii 209, 210; her Archibald, ii 291, 309 and note, counter-policy at Court, ii 219, 315, 31 9, 32+-26, 343-+5, 3+9, 352, 372; defeated by Montrose, 239 b -' f' Anne, Queen, egmmng 0 reign, ii 332; ruin of his government, iii ++; her accession welcomed, ii 360, 363; becomes a Royalist, iii 75; takes the coronation oath, ii 361-63; yields to the Common­ iii 77; approves of a Union, iii wealth, ii 365; imprisoned, ii 382; 77; ratifies the Treaty of Union, executed, ii 385, 386 iii I'28 Argyle, 2nd Duke of, Jobn, royal Antoninus Pius, emperor, sends commissioner in the Union Parlia­ Lollius U rbicus to Britain, i +; ment, iii 96, 103, 113, II9; his his rampart or wall, i +, 9 services in the Jacobite rising of Appin Murder, the, iii 339 1715, iii 172-88; his dismissal Arbroath, abbacy of, ii 173, 175; from office, iii 189, 190 abbey of, ii 1+5; William the iii 199, 200, 203, 209, 210,and note;215, Lyon buried in, i 108; town of, 226-28, 283 i 228 Argyle, 3rd Duke of, Archibald, Archery, its practice recommended, still influential in Scotland, iii i 218 Islay, Lord Architecture, Scottish domestic, Ii Argyle,336. Seedistrict of, subdued by Alexander II, i I I 3 Arderydd,++6. ++i battle of, i 1'2 Argyle, King of.
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