.^- • "\--:^--.-^ -^v/^/.V'-o'-* **.--;^-\.^^ '^<./-'^.<^T--y*' %-^.<^T--,,»*' **.--^--, .^\- - '''r<-„ c-^"^ r' ./% ,'^^ 3^ » " = . <3 ** ^^ o^ :<»k^^ -ov^' ^^0^ ;>"-^<*.. * o.^ ^-<, A^ .>^1^;?/>,•' V cV .^^^g^'. ^^. ..<«' .'1%K'^ V .^"^ /^Sfej^'. ^. .^ /Jv-^c?;-. •^<^_ .-?."*' />S^'. ^^. ^\' j^^ . mm •^•^i" \:^f^'y "^^^^ ' ' • 'S' " c •» v^>^. O V^v"^ ".l .•^o^ ^°-v. ^_ ^^ ^'a ''^'i^ i^MM ^- A " " ,0 c ° o " .H.Ur<"3 'bV "^O^ o V ..-^^ .•-',;>L% ^-^^ ^<^ y^/f^.:^ % C° .i-O^ 4 O ;> ^.^ /i^»'^ ^^ o 'bV-" c> I .•iq. .0^ "^ '<?>•. ' .«»' ,*' o •« o <S* o , .IJ f. Greater New York ILLUSTRATED. OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWvS OF THE FOREMOST CITY OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. 1899. R.\ND, McNALLY & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, Chicago and New York. 31691 CopyriKlit. IS.J7. by Rand. AIcNally & Co. Copyright. is,j,|, liy Rand. McNallv & Co. TWO COPIES K£C-|V£D. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE PAGE of American Museum Natural History ... 195 Gansevoort Market 117 Prospect Park, Brooklyn » ... 249 American Surety Co.'s Buildinj^ ..'.... 59 Grace Church 107 Residences, Northeast 'Corner Madison Avenue American Tract 'Society's Buildinjj 81 Grand Cential Station 151 and Fiftieth Street 165 Astor. Mrs. John Jacob', Residence of .... 171 Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive 221 Riverside Drive and Grant's Tomb 219 Battery Park anLl New York Bay, from Roof of Hale, Nathan, Statue of 89 Riverside Drive. Looking North from (Iranfs Washington Building g Hall of Architectural Casts, Metropolitan Mu- Tomb 215 Hlaekwell's Island, South End 37 seum of Art 189 Riverside Drive, Looking North from One Hun- Bolivar, Statue of 49 Herald Building 143 dred and Twelfth Street 211 Bowling Green Building 47 High Bridge 233 Riverside Drive, Looking North from One Hun- BiitlgfS, Prospect Pa*k, Brooklyn 247 Holland House 145 dred and Twentieth Street 213 P.rightnn Beach, Coney Island 251 Hotel Waldorf-Astoria 147 Rivenside Drive and One Hundred and Eighth Hioad Street, Looking South from Wall Street . 71 Hotel Majestic 199 Street 207 Broad .Street, Looking North from Beavt-r . 75 Hotel Margaret. Columbia Heights, Brooklyn 237 Salvation Army Building ng Broadway and Bond Street to Tenth Street . Hotel Netherland 105 New 173 Sectional Dry l)ock and Brooklyn Navy Yard . ^^ Broadway and Fifth Avenue, Junction of . 127 Hotel Savoy . 173 Seventy-first Regiment Armory ..!... 141 ' from to . Huntington, P., Residence of Broadway Tenth Street Union Square 109 CoUis 171 Singer Building 77 Broadway. Looking North from Exchange Place 55 Judson ilemorial Baptist Church 113 Sixth Avenue, Looking North from Fourteenth Br(^n:)klyn Bridge Jumel Mansion 235 231 •Street Station of Elevated Railroad . .121 Brooklyn, Fulton and Court Streets 241 Knickerbocker Theater 149 Society of American Artists 163 Brooklyn Savings Bank 243 Liberty, Statue "of. Front View, from Southeast 23 Some New York Statues 175 Casino 149 Liberty, Statue of. Side View, from West . 25 Sound Steamer leaving North River Pier ... 33 Castle William,Ciovern})r's Island, New York Bay 19 Liberty, Statue of, View from Entrance of South Street, Looking South from Coenties Cetilral Park, East Drive 181 Pedestal, Looking toward Y'ork . 27 New Slip 43 Central Park, Fountain and Lake Life Building 185 139 South Street, Scenes on 45 Central Park. View of 183 Looking Southwest from New York and Brook- St. Bartholomew's Parish House 155 Century Club 163 lyn Bridge 13 St. Francis Xavitr Church, Interior of . ... 125 Church and Library, Sailors' Snug Harbor, Sta- Looking South from New York and Brooklyn St. James Building 133 ten Island 29 Bridge 15 St. IvUke's Hospital 223 Church Missions House. Entrance 159 Madison Square Garden 137 St. Patrick's Cathedral 157 C'ity Hall ParkandNew Buildingson Broadway 91 Mail and Express Building 79 St. Patrick's Cathedral, Interior of 159 '. Cotfee Exchange 63 Manhattan Life Insurance Co.'s Building . 53 St. Paul Building 83 College of Pharmacy 155 Matthews, J. H., Residence of 205 St. Thomas Church 167 Colonial Club 203 May Parties, Central Park 191 Temple Beth-El 145 Columbia University, Library of 209 Memorial Arch, Brooklyn 233 Temporary Tomb of General Grant 217 CoUimbus Monument 177 Metropolitan Club .- 153 The Mall, Central Park 179 Conkling, Roscoe, Statue of 89 Metropolitan Museum of Art 187 Tiffany, Charles, Residence of 197 Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange . 51 Metropolitan Opera House . : 143 Trinity Church, from Wall Street 67 . Corn E>cchange Bank 65 Montauk Club, Bri>ok]vn , 245 U^nion League Club 231 Criminal Courts and the Tombs 103 Moonlight on New Vo'rk Bay ....... 21 Union Square 123 HakotaFlats 201 Morningside Park 227 United States Sub-Treasurv 69 '. Island .' Daxid 39 National Shoe & Leather Bank u5 United States Trust Co . 65 Delmonico's 61 New York Bay from Battery 7 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Residence of ... 169 Dun Building 77 New York Bay, a Misty ]\io"rning i'li .... 17 View from Brooklyn, showing East River Bridge 5 " Empire Building 57 New York City Hall . 97 View from Grant's Tomb 217 Fidelity & Casualty Co. 's Building 63 New York Clearing House 61 View from North River 5 Fifth Avenue, Fifty-fir.st to Fifty-second Street. i6i New York Life Building 101 View Looking Northeast from Roof of Office Fifth Avenue, Looking North from One Hundred New York Post Office 85 Building, 66 Broadway ... .... 31 and Twenty-sixth Street 225 New York Stock Exchange, Interior of . 73 View Looking Southwest from Roof of Office Fifth Avenue, Looking South from Twenty- Normal College 193 Building, 66 Broadway 11 second Street 131 Ocean Steamers in Berths, North River ... 41 Wall Street and Trinity Church 67 Fifth Avenue Theater 135 Ocean Steamer Outward Bound 255 War Vessel in New York Harbor 253 Fire Headquarters, Brooklyn 239 Oyster Row 115 Washington Bridge 229 Fort Schuyler 39 Park Row Building 87 Washington Memorial Arch m Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island ig Physics, Department of 153 West Street, Looking North from Rector Street 99 Fourth Avenue, from Twenty-first to Twenty- Printing House Square ... 93 Work House, Blackwell's Island 37 third Street .129 Produce Exchange 49 LOWER PART OF MANHATTAN BOROUGH IN 1899— View from Brooklyn, Showing East River Bridge. LOWER PART OK MANHATTAN BOROUGH IN 1899— View from North River. NEW YORK I'.AY FROM BATTERY. ^7 ^*- -i VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM ROOF OF OFFICE liUILDIKG, oo BROADWAY. STATUE OF LIBERTY. PRODUCE EXCHANGE. MANHATTAN LIFE BUILDING. FUL'ION MAUKET. LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN BRIDGE. 13 t GOVERNOR'S ISLAND. EAST RIVER — Looking south from New York and Brooklyn Bridge. 15 A MISTY MORNING ON NEW YORK BAY. I? < y. - c- - -; w (-. <; r. ~ a » , c^: m- '» ' 'i \i I • 11-1 Kli. Ill, iByj, liV s. K. MUUUARU. MOONLIGHT ON NEW YORK BAY. 21 < o C/3 ;»«** "•^1 r/3 O O oi fa a VIEW FROM ENTRANCE OF PEDESTAL, LOOKING TOWARD NEW YORK. 27 » 1- Ml =* (^ CHURCH AND LIBRARY, SAILOR'S SNUG HARBOR — West New Brighton, Staten Island. R. W. Gibson, Architect. 29 S;T,^i^:ir>?-:*-'«f:<r?- 'bt'."" :?'- ?.»**-> Ik. X ::i''^im-^ 0- VIEW LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM ROOF OF OFFICE BUILDING, 66 BROADWAY. 31 SOUND STICAMRR LICAVINC NORTH RIVER PIER. 33 SECTIONAL DRY DOCK— East River. i," OLD KKII.AIK " VEKMO.N' LoKI' .W A K KL I.I V IN( . Mill- BROOKLYN NAVY YARD— East River. 35 Work ill use, BLACKWELL'S ISLAXl) — East River. iimiiiiiiir' CITY lluSi'ITAL. XLUbi:.-,' IIUIIE. SOUTH END BLACKWELL'S ISLAND — East River. 37 FORT SCHUYLER— Entrance to Long Island Sound. DAVID ISLAND — Long Island Sound. 39 OCEAN STEAMERS IN BERTHS. NORTH RIVER. 41 JEAN.NEl 1 E FAKK. SOUTH STREET, LOOKING SOUTH FROM COENTIES SLIP. 43 wmm •n W w u m 7j -0 o (U [-1 03 •d c iMlH!faBl[MfiHliiHllM]fkii]|ia;te iiilKfiBiteiiiHiiiniitolliHiiMKiMi, ImlimllmlmllmllmllimilMlmlm lllKJfiBilllnllnillinl!MilMiiilB<:| InlMMlHillnBiiBiilMillHiMl .H MfMMlMiMlliBltMiliKlHl 'H O Q im^imimimmmmimim m iimimiiMimimmtmmm 3 IMIMMMHIMipiiiHi •^. w w o rj J k:IfUif o CQ ,1 ! . I.f 4'..£li«iiO»ii'fav w u I o Q w J X <; C/2 X *7? s '"•*-"^^-«fc: «f' o ?^^^iAJJll^^U;*>A.^ MiU^ ^ tilp»-*-*=fil;H,^-^- ^^ »-3| ^»3 h«ili3!*«> ^^'^ t.i~gaair-^ W Fait " 1 \m \ (a. t'l^ ; iM« p o 'A W w a. r-« * • » * , » f * ^^ nr, .r- im r« 3^^ a a] .I...L **-!' ti^^' ^-*" .H^ /4*i/ I o ii^^^'^i^fMm/»m «^ /*^/ 1^ /et<^ f |»"^- i^ /**i/ *^' /*^ ir^ lit^'i *^ fr-rl o '-J r: S "^ milf^¥t«lTf^t..v--^^ i « <;^ pa «SJ!S o o W Pi < THE NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE — Cedar Street, between Broadway and Nassau Street. DELMONICO'S— Corner Beaver and South William Streets. R. W. Gibson, Architeci. J.\s. Brown Lord, Architect. 6l THE COFFEE EXCHANGE OF THE CITY OF FHjELITY & CASUALTY CO.'S BUILDING—Cedar NEW YORK— 113-117 Pearl Street. Street, from Temple to Church Streets. R. W. GIBSON, Architect. Cyrus L. W. Eidlitz, Architect. 63 CORN EXCHANGE BANK— Corner William and Beaver Streets. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. — 45 Wall Street. R. H. Robertson, Architect. R. W. Gibson, Architect. 65 o Pi u > Q < a a J < UNITED STATES SUB-TREASURY — Northeast Corner Wall and Nassau Streets. 59 INTERIOR OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE — Broad and Wall Streets. 73 l^JmMSIMiiami^iM DUN BUILDING. SINGER BUILDINC. Northeast Corner Broadway and Reade Street. Northwest Corner Broadway and Liberty Street. 77 ! 3 03 2 a a. s*'"^ ? .^j,^ #_**««* »iypL?, J Jill t rHUrt^f^- -'- !«- , -^prn |»r~^ rr^ fv?''™^ >- 11-^, fe« BiiJi Euai l^*- ^' ai"t_a«»^ *'*«?'"'**--*•• ^JJf? "J^f'^^' &P.<S.« ^/»«/pJ"''fea! &iM'6Ba'^* * J S » «JL8 JS ^ JS W O O o rv e o 2 \ ft Q c3 o 0^ n! a Is ci o 1:^ o(/I o w f2; is s = ^ ™ = = tP*'! =-»! 11.
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