Oi/^'t>. //■ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. This Book is the property of H.B.M. Government and is to be kept in safe custody by the pei^son to >A^hom it has been issued. [Oroten Copyright Reserved.'^ SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. MARCH, 1916. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &c., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 29th FEBRUARY, 1916. LISTS OF SOLDIERS' BALANCES UNDISPOSED OF TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED EVERY Ql'AI:TKU LISTS OF OFFICfRS OF THE R<^GULAR ARMY, Ac, RETIRED FROM THh ACTIVE LIST, VICTORIA CROSS, ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD FOREIGN ORDERS, <jtc., &c., Ac. ^ % 1^ f f LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHOltlTT OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONEI!V OFFICE. BT J. J. KELIUKI; & CO, LTD^IAUSUALSEA IIOAD, S.E. ^' "^.''"'' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Q This Book is the property of H.B.Wl. Qovemment, ar»d is to be kept in safe oustody by the person to whom K has been issued. [Crown Copyright Reserved.~\ 18 @ ^trtljnritg. SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. MARCH, 1916. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, Ac GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 29th FEBRUARY, 1916. LISTS OF SOLDIERS' BALANCES UNDISPOSED OF. TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED EVERY QUAI.'TK); LISTS OF OFFICERS OF THE REGULAR ARMY, &c., RETIRED FROM THE ACTIVE LIST, VICTORIA CROSS, ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD, FOREIGN ORDERS, &c., &c., &c. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KBLIHBR & CO., LTD., MAR8HAL8EA ROAD, S.E, S3.'S30-Wt. 55S3«/«75-12,7SO-:i/l6—JJ.7. K, & Co. Ltd. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SUBJECT. PAGE. SUBJECT. PAGE. 1 1 Promotions, Appointments, ; Oflacers of the Regular Army. etc.:— j &c., retired from the Active List ^01* Regular Forces :— Yeomen of the Guard ... 509* Comiiiauds and Staff... ... ?> \ Gentlemen-at-Arms 510* Royal Flying Corps , 22 The King's Body Guard for Regimental Lists ■ 27 Scotland ' 511* j Army Service Corps, Army! Victoria Cross ... 512* .Medical Service, kc. ... 90 Orders of Knighthood :— Overseas Contingents ...i lU Order of the Garter 514* Indian Army 120 „ „ the Thistle 515* Royal Marines 123 ,, „ St. Patrick 515* Establishments 124 ,, ,, the Bath 516* Memoranda 125 ,, ,, Merit 527*--.-.„ 1 General Reserve of Officers... 131 „ ,, the Star of India... .528* ' ,, St. Michael .^ Special Reserve of Officers 132 St. George! 530* Channel Islands Militia 151 ,, ,, the Indian Empire 538* The King's Own Malta Regiment Royal Victorian Order ...: .541* of Militia ... Distinguished Service Orders 547* Imperial Service Order ...\ .565* Territorial Force :— ' Military Cross | 566* ('omniauds and Stall' ...] — j The Royal Red Cross ... .583* Regimental Lists < 152 | Foreign Orders i 580* Army Service Corps, i:c. ..., 191 | Medallists:— Promotions and Rewards Royal Artillery Institution 603* for Service in the Field 203 Royal United Service In- Appointments, &o., to stitution 604* Orders of Knighthood 223 Alexander Memorial 604* Deaths 225 Parkes Memorial 605* Soldiers' Balances Worshipful Company of Undisposed of! — Musicians 1 605* 1 i i _.__ . J 'Published in Januarj T, April, Filly, and Ontoher issues only. 1 Ppomotions, Appointments, <fcc. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &c., nice laxt Piihliration, War OSice, •nth Velrtiai-y, WIG. REGULAR FORCES. 'MMANDS AND STAFF. Tho undermentioned appts. are made :— Brigade Comjnander. Col. J. Marriott, M.V.O., D.S.O., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Col. (Hon. Brig.-Gen.) J. H. Campbell, t.r.O., ret. pay. (Gai. 1 Feb ) 12 Jan. 16 Brigade Maiors. Capt. A. N. rope, R. Fus., from temp. Maj., Serv Bn., and to bo seed., vice Capt. H. V. fjc jtt, Kif. Brig., deed. (Gaz. 1 Feb.j Dated 4 Sept. 15. (Substituted Jor the notification whieli appeared in Gaz. of 21 i>ct. lb.) Ma]. M. P. E. Lonsaale, Res. otOfl. (Gaz. 1 Fab.) 13 Jan. Ma). E. C. Gepp, D.fi.o.. D. ol Corn. I..I., Spec. Res. (Lt., ret. pay). (Gaz. 1 Feb.) .. 23Jan. Capt. B. L. Jiddla, R.E., from aStaBCapt. at W.O. iGaz. 1 Feb.) 25Jan. Staff Captains. Capt. J. C Brand, <'. Gds. (Gaz. 1 Feb.) 5Junel5 Lt. (temp. Capt.) Lnrd V. W. Paget, Res. uf i>ff., from an A.M.L.O., and to relinquish his temp, rank, vice temp. Maj. Hoo. D. M.-P. Carleton. (Gaz. 1 Feb.) 5Jan.l6 (^amp Commandant. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General). Temp Maj. H. C. Wace, L'nattd. List. Terr. Kor.e, from Oxf. Univ. O.T.C. (Gaz. 1 Feb.) (Dated 12 Jan. 16. (Substituted for tiie notifli-ation whleh appeared in Gaz. of 26 .Tan. 16.) The andermetitioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. :- Staff Captains. (Gaz. 1 Feb.) Dated 16 Dec. 16;— Temp. Capt. E. G. H. Cooke, Essex R., Terr. Force. Temp. Capt. \V. Edge, X. Lan. R., Terr. Force. Staff Lieutenant. Lt. G. W. Wentworth, Nort. R., and to be sei-d., vice 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) N. C. F. Francis, 1{.F..\., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 2 Fel).) .. The undermentioned appts. are made,;— Staff ('aptaiu. Capt. K. H. Stocker, 13 Hrs., vice Maj. Sir R. L. Baker, Bt.. Dorset Yeo., Herr. Force. (Gaz.3Feb.) .. 23JJee.l5 The undermentioned temp. appt. is made;— Director, Explosive>* Supply Department, Ministry of Munitions. (Graded for purposes of pay as an Assistant Director at the W.O. j Capt. H. W. Kempster, A.S.C.Spoc. Res. (Gaz. 4 Feb.) 21Nov. The undermentioned apjits. are made :— Brij^ade Major. Maj. A. P. Churchill, Essex R., vice Maj. R. G. Sliuter, D.S.O., R. Ir. Pus. (Qaz. 6Feb.) Brigade Commander. Lt.-Col. L. L. Maxwell, 2 Lrs., Ind. Armv, and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vlc-e Col. (ternp. Maj.-Gen.) H. h! Leader, f.B. ((iaz. 7Feb.) Brigade Majors. Capt. W. M. A. Poster, 10 Lrs., Ind. Army, vice Maj. V. E. Muspratt, 30Lrs., Ind. Army. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) .. 2JaK. Bt. Maj. E. A. Osbome. D.H.O., R.B., vice Ma). C. J. B. Hay, D.S.O., CJneen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) 3Jau. Capt. ». Gore-Browne, R.A., vice Maj. A. W. Bartholomew, D.S.O., R.A. (Gaz. 7Feb.) 10.TRn Promotions, Appointments, dbc. EBGULAE FOECB8—oonfej. COMMANDS AjfD STAFF—confd. Staff Captains. Capt. W. S. Caulfelld, Lcina. E., and to be seed., vice Capt. J. H. E. Tardley, E. Innis. Fu9.. Spec. Res (Gaz. "Feb.). 26N0V.15 Lt. A. G. E. Garrod, Leic. R., Spec. Ees., from a Flying Offr., vice 2nd Lt. W. L. Birch, W. York. E., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) 6Dec. Lt. S. G. Harbord, E.A., and to be seed., vice temp. Capt. G. A. Hope, E.A. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) 6Dec. Temp. Lt. F. e. Hobson, W. York. K., vice Capt. E. V. G. Horn, E. Sc. Fus. (Gaz. 7Feb.) ISDec. Capt. (temp. Ma].) A. Lyou, D.S.O., Gord. Highrs., TeT. Force, and to relin<jai8h his temn. rank, viceLt. O. N. Macready, H. E. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) .'. 14Dec. Temp. Capt. L. Mason, E.A., vice Capt. F. S. Fyne, E.A. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) ISDec. Oapt. L. F. Stephenson, S. Staffs. E., Serv. Bn., from Ad]t., and to be seed., vice .MB). C. D. V. Cary-Barnard, D.S.O., Wilts. R. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) 20Dec. Capt. W. D. Adams, 14 Can. Inf. Bn. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) 23Dec. Capt. E. M Watson, D.S.O., K. Dub. Fus., and to be seed,, vice Capt. Hon. E. O. Campbell, U.S.O,, Sea. Highrs. (Qaz. 7 Feb.) 3Jan Iti Lt. E. E. Davles, 16 Lrs., vice Ma]. D. W. Roberts, E.A. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) SJan. Lt. K. S. Hunter, 6 D. Gds., and to be seed., vice Ma]. F. E. Spencer, E.A. (Gaz.7 Feb.) 8Jan. Lt. F. E. Morgan, R. A., Vice Capt. F.S. Pyne, E.A. (Gaz. 7 Feb.) 9Jaa. Capt. A. F. P. Wehner, R.A., to be Capt. Instr. in Gunnery, and to be seed. (Gaz. 7Feb.) 2Feb. Brigade Commander. Col. G. W. H. Pain, C.B., ret. pay, and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 8 Feb.) .. .. 18Dec.l5 Brigade Major. Maj. A. B. Thorburn, Arg. and Suttf d Highrs., vice Ma]. H. F. Churchill, Ees. of Oft. (Gaz. 8 Feb.) .. .. .. .. .. „ .. .. .. 27Jan.l6 The undermentioned temp. appt. Is made at the W.O. :— Director. Bt. Col. W. D. Bird, D.S.O., ADC. to the King, from a G.S.O., 1st Grade, and to be temp. Brlg.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Ma].-Gen. C'. J. Mackenzie, C.B. (Qaz. 8 Feb.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4Feb. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made;— Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport. Capt. H. L. Griffin, D.S.O., Ees. of Off., vice Capt. L. A. Northcote, Ees. of Off. (Gaz. 8 Feb.) 210et.I5 The undermentioned appts. are made :— Camp Commandant. (Graded for purposes of pay as a deputy Assistant Ad]utant-General.) Col. W. H. Williams, C.M.a., ret. pay, from a Ma]., Wesse.x E.G.A., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 9Feb.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. 9Nov Brigade Majors. Ma]. H. E. Bowen, Essex R.. vice Mai. A. Crookendeni Ches. R. {Gaz. 9 Feb.) .. 5Nov. Oapt. .T. G. Lyons, E's. of Off , vice Maj. E C. Solly-Flood. Elf. Brig. (Gaz. 9 Feb.).. 12Nov. Temp. Capt. F. G. Tyrrell, York. L.I., vice Capt. B. W. Shuttleworth, 45 Sikhs. Ind. Army. (Gaz. 9Feb.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J9Nov. Capt. S. P. A. Rolls, Dorset. E.. vice MaJ. A. L. Hadow, Norf. K. (Gaz. 9 Feb.) .. 17Dec. Capt. P. L. Leared, 7 Gurkha Elf., Ind. Army, vice Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) H. L. Knight, E. Ir. Fiis. (Qaz. 9 Feb.) ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20Dec. Ma]. .7.
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