September 26, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26559 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CHIANG KAI-SHEK Mme. Chiang Kai-shek as devout Christians. economic success for developing countries in REMEMBERED CKS built a small chapel near his residence the world. where he prayed alone and often with the When CKS passed away in April 1975, a Mme. CKS, studied the Bible every morn­ million ordinary men and women mourned HON. GUS YATRON ing, worshipped regularly, and gave his as­ him, lining the funeral route from down­ OF PENNSYLVANIA sistance to all Christian causes, the result town Taipei to Tzuhu, his temporary resting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES being the phenomenal growth of Christian place in the suburbs. One weeping soldier, churches in Taiwan today. kneeling along the funeral route, refused to Thursday, September 25, 1986 Besides Christianity, another factor that get up. "I followed the late president from Mr. YATRON. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Nathan K. dominated CKS's life was his total dedica­ Canton to Nanking, to Chungking, to Nank­ Mao, a respected academic, and noted au­ tion to establishing a strong China. At the ing and then to Taiwan. He was my father, thority on Taiwan has written an excellent time of his birth in Fenghua, Chekiang my whole family. Now he's gone, what's left province on October 31, 1887, China was one of life?" Others remembered him as modem statement on the centennial birthday of the of the weakest countries in the world, with China itself, his life mirroring all the trau­ late President of the Republic of China, Gen­ foreign powers enjoying enormous economic matic changes of twentieth century China. eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The statement privileges and concessions in China. To put President Chiang Ching-kuo . remembered covers Chiang Kai-shek's rule over several a quick end to the Manchu government was him best: "Father was a great time in his decades until his death in April 1975. I com­ the aspiration of every Chinese man and time and decisive force in the modern devel­ mend this piece to the attention of my col­ woman. opment of the country and the people." leagues. CKS joined Dr. Sun Yat-sen in overthrow­ Indeed, eleven years after CKS's passing, ing the Manchus in the 1911 revolution, CKS has been proven as the decisive force. A GRATEFUL NATION REMEMBERS CHIANG after having been taught Confucian classics Today Taiwan is an economic giant, being K.U-SHEK and conduct by his widowed mother. She the sixth largest trading partner of the <By Nathan K. MaoJ told him many a time that he must put the United States; it enjoys a per capita income Time magazine featured Generalissimo interests of China well above any personal of more than US $3,100.00, the highest ever and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek as "Man and considerations. in Chinese history. Its private enterprise Wife of the Year" in 1937, highlighting As a filial son, CKS never forgot his moth­ system is the envy of the world and has America's admiration and support for er's instruction. After Dr. Sun's death in worked so well that Mainland China is anx­ China's war against Japan. At that time, 1925, CKS began the first step of national ious to imitate. China fought Japan without any foreign as­ unification by setting out to eliminate all To Chiang Kai-shek, a Christian and Con­ sistance. Japan had 4,480,000 ground troops, the warlords that were scavenging China. In fucian nationalist, the Chinese people are 2700 first-line war planes and 1,900,000 tons 1928 he united China for the first time in indebted. He freed them from the Manchus, of warships in active service. China, on the the century. the warlords, the Japanese and foreign im­ other hand, had a poorly equipped army of Meanwhile CKS realized that the threat perialists. By transforming an impoverished 1,700,000 men, 350 planes and 59,000 tons of to the welfare of China lay in Chinese com­ island into a beacon of freedom and an eco­ various vessels. munism, "the disease of the heart." He led nomic giant, all within the time of a genera­ Chinese losses were high but China, under several anti-Communist eradication cam­ tion, he showed the world and especially the command of CKS, refused to surrender. paigns in the 1920's and 1930's. His efforts Mainland China the right way of establish­ Invoking Churchillian eloquence, CKS pro­ were less than fruitful due to Japan's inva­ ing a strong nation. claimed to the world: "We shall fight to the sion of China starting with its occupation of A nation of the people, by the people, and last dying man; this is a war of national sur­ Manchuria in 1931 and ending with its for the people-the dream of man-is now in vival. We shall win the ultimate struggle. defeat in 1945. existence in Chiang's Republic of China of It's a war between right and wrong." CKS, however, was successful in expelling Taiwan. CKS was right. After eight years and 2 foreign powers which had dominated China million casualties on the Chinese side, since the Opium War of the 1840's. CKS Japan surrendered to China on August 10, persuaded the United States, Great Britain JAZZ-AN AMERICAN NATIONAL 1945. That evening, CKS wrote in his diary and other Western powers to give up their TREASURE of his appreciation of Psalms 9: "I will unequal treaties with China in the 1940's. praise thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart And at the Cairo Conference in 1943, CKS . when mine enemies are turned back, obtained pledges from the Allies for the HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. they shall fall and perish at thy presence. return of Taiwan and Pescadores to China OF MICHIGAN For thou has maintained my right and my after the war. cause." In fact, CKS achieved international ac­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Filled with God's love, CKS was grateful claim for China. He himself was asked to be Thursday, September 25, 1986 that the war was over and that peace would the Supreme Commander of the China The­ come to Asia. He sought no vengeance and atre by Roosevelt, while his country, The Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I intro­ he asked of no reparations from Japan. In­ Republic of China, was one of the Five duced House Concurrent Resolution 396 stead he accorded the Japanese magnanimi­ Great Powers after the war. which proclaims jazz an American national ty. After Japan's surrender in 1945, CKS treasure. Magnanimity was manifested in CKS's ef­ looked forward to implementing Dr. Sun Since its birth, jazz has evolved into a so­ forts to repatriate to Japan the 2.8 million Yat-sen's Three Principles of Nationalism, Japanese soldiers and civilians in China and Democracy and Social Welfare. But CKS phisticated and multifaceted musical art form in CKS's insistence to Roosevelt that Japan was denied that opportunity with the Com­ that is studied, performed, and respected be allowed to keep its status for the emper­ munists' occupation of the mainland in throughout the world. Though indigenous to or, knowing as he did of Japan's reverence 1949. America and developed out of the African­ for the emperor. Thus CKS allowed Japan It was in Taiwan that CKS got the oppor­ American experience, jazz has not been prop­ to quickly recover from the wounds of the tunity to architect the modem nation that erly recognized by this Government's highest war and emerged as the post-war power that he and Dr. Sun had envisioned. By introduc­ official bodies. Notwithstanding the eminent it is today. ing land reform, capital formation, industri­ artistic achievement of American jazz musi­ CKS's Christian spirit of forgiveness and al development, universalization of educa­ love, so evident in his treatment of the Jap­ tion, and direct democratic processes, CKS cians and the undisputed influence of the anese after the war, guided him for the rest gave birth to modem Taiwan, which had music over a period of more than eight dec­ of his life until his passing on April 5, 1975. been ravished by Japanese colonial rule. By ades, jazz remains underdeveloped institution­ Dr. Fredrick Chien, a personal interpreter 1975 Taiwan enjoyed the second highest ally and underfunded by both the public and to CKS, remembers the late president and living standard in Asia and was a model of private sectors. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 26560 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 26, 1986 The major challenge facing jazz today is A FIFTEEN-YEAR NIGHTMARE IN would simply allow these individuals to file a how do we support the artists that create the SOUTH GEORGIA claim; the rest would be determined by the music and the organizations which support courts. I know it is late in the session, but I and present jazz when it is not commercially HON. WYCHE FOWLER, JR. felt I must respond to the call for assistance viable. We believe a congressional resolution OF GEORGIA by the individuals named in my bill. proclaiming jazz as an American national IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R.- treasure will begin to encourage a greater Thursday, September 25, 1986 A bill for the relief of certain individuals level of public and private economic support Be it enacted by the Senate and House of for nonprofit jazz organizations.
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