Established 1881 THE DAILY Your guide to Residence EXploration, pp. 9-14 WEATHER, p. 2 MIT’s Oldest and FRI: 70°F | 61°F Largest Newspaper Scattered showers SAT: 71°F | 60°F Chance showers tech.mit.edu SUN: 76°F | 61°F Sunny Established 1881 Volume 134, Number 31 Friday, August 22, 2014 Early MIT Proposal for Saferide Boston East Institute considers 84 Mass. Ave. rerouting Saferides Somerville pilot seen as successful; Harvard Bridge Cambridge West may be replaced Established 1881 By Katherine Nazemi groups. The GSC, IFC, and Panhel- lenic Association reviewed the pro- Students should watch for posal and, after discussions among changes to the Saferide schedule student leaders and within the com- this year as the MIT Office of Park- munity, created a counterproposal ing and Transportation works with that built on and modified MIT’s Beacon St. Hereford St. various student groups to finalize proposal. and implement new shuttle routes. The Office of Parking and Trans- Over the summer, the MIT Office portation is still communicating of Parking and Transportation sent with student groups, and while no Commonwealth Ave. out a series of recommendations for changes have been finalized yet, changes to the Saferide shuttle lines, Boylston St. looking for feedback from student Saferide, Page 7 INFOGRAPHIC BY AntHOny YU Professor Rob Miller is new East Reif accepts ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, invites Campus housemaster Established 1881 community to join him has been named the dormitory’s MIT President L. Rafael Reif awareness of amyotrophic lat- tip [his five-gallon] bucket” of new housemaster. plans to be doused with icy eral sclerosis, better known as ice water onto him. He said in a “It’s a concentrated microcosm water on Killian Court today Lou Gherig’s disease. The chal- statement that “if multiple con- of the MIT culture and ethos,” Mill- at 11 a.m. He was challenged lenge, a dare to dump ice water traptions get built, [he’ll] seek er said in a statement, “and I’m re- by Harvard President Drew G. on oneself or donate $100 to volunteers to use them,” but ally looking forward to being part of Faust and MIT’s Edgerton Cen- the ALS Association, has raised that extra buckets will be avail- that.” ter, according to MIT’s official more than $41.8 million for that able regardless. Dean for Student Life Chris Co- Tumblr page. organization, according to The Reif plans to make a dona- lombo, East Campus President Jes- Those challenges are part New York Times. tion to the ALS Association in sica M. Parker ’15, and professor of the viral social media trend Reif has asked the MIT com- addition to being doused with Charles H. Stewart III, the chair of known as the ALS Ice Bucket munity to help him participate water. the search committee, all noted Challenge, which has raised by supplying a “contraption to —William Navarre Miller’s enthusiasm for the position. Miller has been recognized for his undergraduateEstablished teaching 1881and was a 2013 Margaret MacVicar Fac- CSAIL ulty Teaching Fellow. This fall, he Tsarnaev friend pleads guilty to Professor Rob Miller ’95 was is one of the instructors for 6.005, named East Campus’s new house- a software development class hun- master on Tuesday. dreds of students take each year. Miller replaces Tom and Kate obstruction, faces 7 years max Computer science professor Delaney, who became the East Robert C. Miller ’95, who lived in Campus housemasters in 2006. Prosecutors: Man sought to protect bombing suspect East Campus as an undergraduate, —Leon Lin By Jess Bidgood less than seven years for his client Massachusetts. It was found in a THE NEW YORK TIMES but declined to provide further nearby landfill. details. Outside the court, he said The same day, April 18, Tsar- BOSTON — A college friend Kadyrbayev had made “an error naev and his older brother, Ta- IN Short of the surviving Boston Marathon in judgment that he’s paying for merlan, are accused of shooting Online registration opens bombing suspect, who denied dearly.” and killing an MIT police officer for all students on Mon- last year that he hindered the in- Federal prosecutors say that named Sean Collier before lead- day, Aug. 25. vestigation into blasts at the finish in the days after the April 15, ing the authorities on a chase line of the race, changed his plea 2013, bombing, which left three that ended in Tamerlan’s death. Orientation for both to guilty on Thursday. people dead and more than Dzhokhar eluded the authori- freshmen and first-year Dias Kadyrbayev, 20, entered 260 wounded, Kadyrbayev and ties for another day before he graduate students begins guilty pleas to one count of ob- Azamat Tazhayakov, his room- was found wounded in a boat on Monday, Aug. 25. struction of justice and one of mate who was also a friend of in a backyard in Watertown, conspiracy to obstruct justice in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s, realized Massachusetts. Grades for Summer Ses- federal court. that their friend was the bomb- Earlier this summer, Tazhay- sion classes must be sub- “Do you think you know ing suspect and tried to destroy akov was convicted of the same mitted by Monday, Aug. 25. enough to be able to plead evidence that might tie him to charges that Kadyrbayev faces, guilty?” Judge Douglas P. Wood- the crime. after about a week of testimony. The Advanced Standing lock asked. Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov The jury heard testimony Exams for undergradu- Kadyrbayev took a deep are accused of entering Tsar- from several witnesses, includ- ates, the English Evalua- breath. “I think I do,” he said. naev’s dormitory room at the ing law enforcement agents and tion Test for international HO YIN Au—THE TECH In a plea agreement, federal University of Massachusetts Tsarnaev’s college roommate. graduate students, and Freshmen Pre-Orientation Pro- prosecutors said they would seek Dartmouth and removing a The jurors were told that it was other tests for newcomers grams (FPOP) started this week. no more than seven years in pris- backpack containing fireworks, Kadyrbayev, not Tazhayakov, who are next week. Here, members of the Class of 2018 on for Kadyrbayev. Woodlock will a laptop and other items. Sev- first discovered the backpack and created their own putty and learned not say whether he plans to ac- eral hours later, according to who disposed of it. Tazhayakov Send news information about biomaterials and polymers at cept the deal until a sentencing prosecutors, Kadyrbayev put was nevertheless convicted, sug- and tips to news@tech. the Department of Material Science hearing on Nov. 18. the backpack in a trash bin near gesting that Kadyrbayev’s defense mit.edu. and Engineering. Kadyrbayev’s lawyer, Robert the apartment he shared with team would have faced an uphill Stahl, indicated he would seek Tazhayakov in New Bedford, climb at trial. PUZZLES PUZZLES TROUBLESHOOTING GIVer Doesn’T Roller Coaster SECTIONS World & Nation . .2 Somewhere on the Search for PUZZLES DeliVer THRILLS Opinion . .4 Meaning... is back! FUN, p. 6 Sudokus, Techdokus, The movie falls short of the REX begins at East Fun Pages . .5 and a crossword. FUN SUPerMOON book. ARTS, p. 8 Campus. NEWS, p. 7 Arts . .8 p. 5 Biggest moon of the year. NEWS, p. 15 2 The Tech Friday, August 22, 2014 Fewer pass high school exams, D and some in England cheer On Ferguson unrest, poll LONDON — After years of complaints about declining standards for high school exams, the British government has made them harder to pass: The latest results show the shows sharp racial divide first drop in the passing rate in three decades. And in a na- tion where education has long been a political battleground By Tanzina Vega cold blood,” Felicia Irving, 28, a black. WORL between progressives and traditionalists, the changes are an and high school English teacher in Since Aug. 9, when Wilson shot emphatic victory for the old school. Megan Thee-brenan Hampton, Georgia, who is black, and killed Brown, protesters have N Results for English 18-year-olds, released last week, THE NEW YORK TIMES said in a follow-up interview to the marched just blocks away, some- showed that 52.4 percent earned the highest grades this year, poll. times peacefully, other times with down from 52.9 percent in 2013. And after 30 years of steadily A poll taken since a white po- Jean Smith, 75, a retiree in Hart- acts of violence. climbing passing rates for the A-level test, which determines lice officer in Missouri shot dead ford, Alabama, who is white, said The police have dressed in riot university entrance, the figure dropped slightly this year. an unarmed black teenager shows she could not determine “with just gear, driven armored vehicles on On Thursday, thousands of English 16-year-olds got their blacks and whites sharply divided two or three facts” whether the the streets, and used tear gas and results for a different exam, called the General Certificate of on how fairly the police deal with officer, Darren Wilson, had been rubber bullets. ATIO Secondary Education. The test is normally taken by 16-year- each group, along with a rising justified in shooting and killing The public is split over the po- olds, but younger students have been taking parts of it a year feeling, especially among whites, Brown. lice response, with equal numbers early, knowing that they can repeat it if they do poorly. that race relations in the country “To know whether it was justi- saying that the police have gone However, because of a rule change discouraging early test are troubled.
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