Q:ongrcsstonal R~cord United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 83d CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION of America George Kennedy Pastore M assachusetts.-Leverett Saltonstall SENATE Gillette Kerr Payne Goldwater Kilgore Potter and John F. Kennedy. Gore Knowland Purtell Michigan.-Homer Ferguson and WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1954 Green Kuchel Robertson Charles E. Potter. Griswold Langer Russell · Minnesota.-Edward J. Thye and The 6th day of January being the Hayden Lehman Saltonstall day prescribed by Public Law 199, 83d Hendrickson Lennon Schoeppel Hubert H. Humphrey. Congress, 1st session, for the meeting Hennings Long Smathers Mississippi.-James 0. Eastland and Hlckenlooper !dagnuson Smith, Maine John C. Stennis. of Congress, the 2d session of the 83d Hill Malone Smith, N.J. Congress commenced this day. Hoey Martin Sparkman Missouri.-Thomas C. Hennings and The Senate assembled in its Cham­ Holland Maybank Stennis Stuart Symington. Humphrey McCarran Symington Montana.-James E. Murray and Mike ber at the Capitol. Hunt McCarthy Thye Manst:eld. RICHARD M. NIXON, of California, Jackson McClellan Watkins Vice President of the United States, Jenner !41llikln Welker Nebraska.-Hugh Butler and Dwight Johnson, Colo. Morse Wiley Griswold. called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock Johnson, Tex. Mundt Williams Nevada.-Pat McCarran and George meridian. · Johnston, S. C. Murray _Young Kefauver Neely W. Malone. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown New Hampshire.-Styles Bridges and Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that Robert W. Upton. of.:'ered the following prayer: the Senator from Indiana [Mr. CAPE­ New Jersey.-H. Alexander Smith and Let us lift our hearts in prayer. HART] is absent on official business. Robert C. Hendrickson. Our Father God, who hath made and The Senator from New York [Mr. New Mexico.-Dennis Chavez and preserved us a nation, we thank Thee for IvEs] is absent because of illness. Clinton P. Anderson. new years and for new days, for new Mr. CLEMENTS. I announce that - New York.-Irving M. Ives and Herbert thoughts of Thee and for new hopes for the Senator from illinois [Mr. DouGLAS] H. Lehman. a redeemed humanity and a cleansed and the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. North Carolina.-Clyde R. Hoey and earth. That hope is brightened and MoNRONEY] are _absent on official busi­ Alton A. Lennon. · that faith is strengthened as we turn ness. North Dakota.-William Langer and from all beside to an altar of depend­ The Senator from Montana [Mr. Milton R. Young. ence and contrition where, around our MANsFIELD] is absent because of illness. Ohio.-John W. Bricker and Thomas incompleteness, flows the completeness The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is A. Burke. of the divine resources. present. Oklahoma.-Robert S. Kerr and A. S. We pray Thy choicest blessings upon Mike Monroney. these servants of the Nation's welfare, LIST OF SENATORS, BY STATES Oregon.-Guy Cordon and Wayne who with renewed powers and restored Alabama.-Lister Hill and John J. Morse. souls return this day to the high tasks Sparkman. Pennsylvania.-Edward Martin and of this National Chamber of deliberation. Arizona.--Carl Hayden and Barry M. James H. Duff. To Thee we come with a solemn sense Goldwater. Rhode Island.-Theodore Francis of our own inadequacy. With the dim Arkansas.-John L. McClellan and Green and John 0. Pastore. lamps of our own devices we cannot find J. William Fulbright. South Carolina.-Burnet R. Maybank a sure and clear path through th~ tangled Calijornia.-William F. Knowland and and Olin D. Johnston. maze of this stricken generation. May Thomas H. Kuchel. South Dakota.-Karl E. Mundt and no cherished resentments, no camou­ Colorado.-Edwin C. Johnson and Francis Case. flaged selfishness, no small loyalties nor Eugene D. Millikin. Tennessee.-Estes Kefauver and Al· ingrained prejudices choke and clog the Connecticut.-Prescott Bush and Wil­ bert Gore. channels of our public service. Enlarge liam A. Purtell. Texas.-Lyndon B. Johnson and Price our spirits to meet the stupendous di­ Delaware.-John J. Williams and Daniel. mensions of these epic days. J. Allen Frear. Utah.-Arthur V. Watkins and Wal­ 0 God, to whom the future belongs, Florida.-Spessard L. Holland and ·lace F. Bennett. use us as pioneers of a better world George A. Smathers. Vermont.-George D. Aiken and-Ralph for ourselves .and for all people. We Georgia.-Walter F. George and Rich­ E. Flanders. ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. ard B. Russell. Virginia.-Harry Flood Byrd and A. Amen. Idaho.-Henry C. Dworshak and Her­ Willis Robertson. man Welker. Washington.-Warren G. Magnuson and Henry M. Jackson. CALL OF THE RO~ Illinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett M. Dirksen. West Virginia.-Harley M. Kilgore and Mr. KNOWLAND. I suggest the ab­ Indiana.-Homer E. Capehart and Matthew M. Neely. sence of a quorum. Willia:c. E. Jenner. Wisconsin.-Alexander Wiley and Jo· The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk I owa.-Bourke B. Hickenlooper and seph R. McCarthy. will call the roll. Guy M. Gillette. Wyoming.-Lester C. HUnt and Frank The legislative clerk <Edward E. Man­ Kansas.-Andrew F. Schoeppel and A. Barrett. sur, Jr.) called the roll, and the follow­ Frank Carlson. ing Senators answered to their names: Kentucky.-Earl C. Clements and John SENATOR FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE Aiken Butler, Nebr. Dirksen Sherman Cooper. Anderson Byrd Duff Mr. BRIDGES. Mr. :?resident, I send Barrett Carlson Dworshak Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender and Beall Case Eastland Russell B. Long. to the desk the certificate of appoint­ Bennett Chavez Ellender Maine.-Margaret Chase Smith and ment of the Honorable ROBERT W. UPTON, Bricker Clements Ferguson of New Hampshire, to fill the vacancy Bridges Cooper Flanders Frederick G. Payne. Bush Cordon Frear Maryland.-John M. Butler and caused by the death of my colleague, Butler, Md. Daniel Fulbright J. Glenn Beall. Senator Tobey. c-1 3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE January 6 The VICE PRESIDENT. The certifi­ was read, considered by unanimous con­ I have already advised the Democratic cate will be read. sent, and agreed to: leader, the senior Senator from Texas The ·certificate of appointment was Resolved, That a committee consisting ·of [Mr. JoHNSON), of certain bills which read, and ordered to be placed on file, as two Senators be appoint ed by the Vice Presi­ we propose to take up beginning· on follows: dent to join such committee as may be Monday. The order in which I shall STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. appointed by the House of Representatives state them is not necessarily the order To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE to wait upon the President of the United in which they will be taken up, but I States and inform him that a quorum of · UNITED STATES: each House is assembled and that the Con­ wish to give to the Senate advance notice This is to certify t~at pursuant to the of the program. power vested in me by the Constitution of gress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. The bills are as follows: On page 9 the United States and the laws of the State of the calendar, Senate bill 987, Calen­ of New Hampshire, I, Hugh Gregg, the Gov:.. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair dar No. 731, authorizing the coinage of ernor of said State, do hereby appoint RoB­ appoints the Senator from California ERT W. UPTON a Senator from said State to 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the represent said State in the Senate of the [Mr. KNOWLANDJ and the Senator from tercentennial celebration of the found­ United States until the vac~>. ncy therein, Texas [Mr. JoHNSON] members of the ing of the city of Northampton, Mass.; caused by the death of Cbarles W. Tobey, is committee on the part of the Senate. House bill 1917, Calendar No. 730, to filled by election_, as provided by law. authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces Witness: His Excellency our Governor, to commemorate the sesquicentennial of Hugh Gregg, and our seal hereto aftixed at NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE the Louisiana Purchase; Concord, this 14th day of August, in the year Mr. JOHNSON of Texas submitted the of our Lord, 1953. Senate bill 2474, Calendar No. 719, to HUGH GREGG, following resolution <S. Res·. 168), which authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces Governor. was read, considered by unanimous con­ to commemorate the tercentennial of the By the Governor: sent, and agreed to: founding of the city of New York; (SEAL) ENOCH D. FuLLER, Resolv ed, That the Secretary inform the Senate bill 2038, Calendar No. 617, to Secretar y of State. House of Representat ives that a quorum of amend the act approved July 8, 1937, au­ the Senate is assembled and that the Senate thorizing cash relief for certain em­ is ready to proceed to business. SENATOR FROJ.\.L OHIO ployees of the Canal Zone Government; Senate bill 2457, Calendar No. 615, to Mr. BRICKER. Mr. President, I pre­ authorize the Administrator of General sent the certificate of appointment of HOUR OF DAILY MEETING &rvices and the Postmaster General to THOMAS A. BURKE, to be a Senator from Mr. SALTONSTALL submitted the enter into building purchase contracts; the State of Ohio, to fill the vacancy following resolution <S. Res. 169), which to extend the authority of the Post­ caused. by the deatil of our colleague, was read, considered by unanimous con­ master General to lease space for post­ Senator Taft. sent, and agreed to: office purposes, and for other purposes; The VICE PRESID:W.NT. The- certifi­ Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting Senate Joint Resolution 1, Calendar cate will be read. of the Senate be 12 o'clock meridian, unless No.
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