RP571 UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Prime Ministers Office for Regional Administration and Local Government Public Disclosure Authorized The Dar es Salaam City Council Public Disclosure Authorized CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF A LONG TERM INTEGRATED DAR ES SALAAM BRT SYSTEM AND DETAILED DESIGN FOR THE INITIAL CORRIDOR Public Disclosure Authorized ANNEX VOLUME 8 IMPACT ANALYSIS AND MITIGATION CHAPTER 8.5 Resettlement Action Plan - Phase I - Part A Final Report Dar es Salaam May, 2007 Public Disclosure Authorized LJGIT I1 C, . j- (1%X LVGIT I U ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BRT Bus Rapid Transit CBD Central Business District CBO Community Based Organizations DAI Direct Area of Influence DART Dar Es Salaam Rapid Transit DCC Dar Es Salaam City Council DSM Dar Es Salaam ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment GOT Government of Tanzania PAP Property Affected Peoples PIC Public Information Center PMU DART Project Management Unit RAP Resettlement Action Plan ROW Rights-of-Way RPF Resettlement Policy Framework RPIT Resettlement Planning and Implementation Team TANROADS Tanzania National Roads Agency ToR Terms of Reference TZS: Tanzanian Shillings USD: United States Dollars LOUT Ci- 1 Dar es Salaam BRT System Phase I - Part A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) INDEX 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Resettlement Action Plan of Phase I - Part A in the Context of the DART Project's Resettlement Policy Framework 1.2 Socioeconomic Conditions along Phase I - Part A Alignment 1.3 Consultation during RAP Preparation 2.0 Summary of Property Survey Results 2.1 Affected Property Statistics by Type 3.0 Summary of Socio-Economic Survey Results 3.1 Categorization of Surveyed Project Affected People (PAP) 3.2 Other Project Affected People 3.3 Vulnerable PAP and others Requiring Special Assistance 4.0 RAP Budget for Phase I - Part A 4.1 Property Indemnification and Resettlement Allowances Under the Terms of Tanzanian Law 4.1.1 Property Valuation and Allowance Allocation Criteria 4.1.2 Summary of Compensation Schedule and Budget Summary UDGIT T - 4.2 Complementary Compensation Entitlements under the Term of the DART Resettlement Policy Framework 4.2.1 Eligible PAPs per Compensation Measure 4.2.2 Estimated Budget for Complementary Compensation 4.3 Other RAP Implementation Costs 4.3.1 Consultation and Disclosure Costs 4.3.2 Property Valuation Adjustment Allowance 4.3.3 RAP Implementation Management and Monitoring Costs (Resettlement Planning and Implementation Team - RPIT) 4.3.4 Other Allowances 4.4 Consolidated Budget for the RAP of DART Phase I - Part A 5.0 RAP Implementation Schedule 6.0 Consultation and Disclosure during Implementation 6.1 Specific DART Phase I Part A Consultation and Disclosure 6.2 Grievance Redress during RAP Implementation 7.0 Monitoring and Reporting Plan ANNEXES Annex 01 - Proposed Compensation Schedule Annex 02 - Property Survey Data Bank (Inspection and Valuation Questionnaire) Annex 03 - Socio-Economic Survey Data Bank (Residential Resettlement Questionnaire and Commercial Activities Questionnaire) Annex 04 - DART Phase I - Part A Expropriation Plans Annex 05 - Social Impact Assessment included in the ESIA 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Resettlement Action Plan of Phase I - Part A in the Context of the DART Project's Resettlement Policy Framework This is the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Phase I - Part A of the DART Project in Dar es Salaam and has been prepared according to the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) issued by the Dar es Salaam City Council in February 2007 (Rev. 01). It should be analyzed in conjunction with the RPF. As established in the RPF, two (02) Resettlement Action Plans will be prepared for Phase I. Part A herein refers to the 10.95 Km. segment between Kivukoni Front and Ubungo Terminal. An initial version of the RAP for this segment, including a Property Survey and Compensation Schedule, was prepared in May 2006. Since then, the project was extended (to include the 9.90 Km. which are referred to as Phase I - Part B), and various design modifications were incorporated, affecting Part A segments as well. Figure 1.1.a below shows the location of DART Phase I - Parts A and B. Figure 1.1.a Location of DART Phase I - Parts A and B YIbsco ler nral Emra rnwal '', '' xc.' Phase DART Firsl iw =Phse AA7mlTe -Phase B Stations wTeftrminsh * F.elr S adws aoS 6 24 2 L*1 "JGIT il1 This RAP includes significant modifications of the May 2006 RAP and incorporates the complementary guidelines included in the RPF. It is based on an update of the Property Survey (conducted between January and February 2007) and on a Socio-Economic Survey which was concluded in March 2007. The Property Survey verified previous data and, as possible, complemented it in order to meet data requirements set in the Property Survey Inspection and Valuation Questionnaire (Annex 01 of the RPF). It should be highlighted, however, that the date of property inspections for the May 2006 RAP has been maintained as the cut-off date for valuation purposes. The Socio-Economic Survey was carried out through application of the Residential Resettlement Questionnaire and Commercial Activities Questionnaire (Annex 02 of the RPF). A total of 102 properties will be affected for implementation of DART Phase I - Part A. Of these, only 21 will be totally affected. Project Affected Peoples (PAP) include 282 entities (families, businesses, other). This includes 27 non-occupant owners of buildings, 41 resident families (including 31 owner- occupiers and 10 tenants), 201 businesses, 12 properties where only fences or boundary walls are affected and 01 building in construction whose use (and owner) were not identified. The 41 resident families include an estimated 262 people in total. The 201 businesses employ an estimated 497 persons (besides the business owners). Further to the PAP totaled above, DART Phase I - Part A will affect 87 businesses that operate as tenants or concessionaires within Ubungo Terminal and employ a total of 494 persons (besides the owners). This is a government facility that will be totally remodeled. Since it will not be expropriated it is not included as one of the 102 properties in the Property Survey. Most expropriation for Phase I - Part A will take place at station locations and at the 04 feeder stations planned. Expropriation Plans showing project intervention limits and affected properties are included in ANNEX 04. Other back-up documentation for this RAP includes the Proposed Compensation Schedule (ANNEX 01), and the complete data bank resulting from application of the Property Inspection and Valuation Questionnaire (ANNEX 02) and the Socioeconomic Questionnaires (ANNEX 03). The Proposed Compensation Schedule was prepared by the RAP team's certified valuer and will be submitted for review and approval by the City's Chief Valuer in June 2007. 3 L*GIT i ! Summary tables with main Compensation Schedule total values per Ward and Municipality and per type of allowance are included in this RAP. Similarly, a summary budget for Complementary Compensation and Assistance measures as established in Section 5.2 of the RPF is presented, as well as a consolidated budget for DART Phase I - Part A RAP implementation. All figures are indicated in Tanzanian schillings (TZS) and main totals and sub-totals are also presented in US dollars. A 1.200 TZS per dollar exchange rate was adopted. As will be noted in some sections of this RAP, a great deal of effort was spent with verification of data consistency. Not all data required in the questionnaires was completed in all cases. Some questionnaires were only partially considered due to inconsistencies between data in the Property Survey and the Socioeconomic Survey. All these cases are pointed out as pertinent. These shortcomings, however, are minor and do not affect the general results. Furthermore, all PAP with grievances affecting valuation and/or eligibility will have the opportunity to request revisions during this RAP's disclosure procedures (see Section 6.3). Prior to this RAP's conclusion, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) on the project was completed. This included a detailed Social Impact Assessment contemplating both construction and operation phases. Description of all expected socioeconomic impacts as described in the ESIA (and including impacts associated to resettlement) is included in ANNEX 05. 1.2 Socioeconomic Conditions along Phase I - Part A Alignment Socio-Demographic Characteristics The immediate DART impact area for Phase I Parts A and B (DAI), covers 18 Wards in Kinondoni and Ilala Municipalities. The socio-demographic characteristics of the population in this area, based on the 2002 Population and Housing Census and on field survey work concluded in February 2007, indicates a total DAI population of 479,219 inhabitants in 2002. Given the annual growth rate of 4.3%, it can be estimated that this number is near 590,000 in 2007. When looking exclusively at the Direct Area of Influence for Phase I - Part A, the total population in 2002 was 460,489 inhabitants, as shown in Table 1.2.a below. Projection of this population for 2007 results in 568,382 inhabitants. As can be seen, most of the population in the DAI of Part A is within Kinondoni Municipality. Census statistics indicate that population is predominantly young, with 32% 4 LAWGIT X of people under the age of 15 years and an age dependency ratio of 51.24%. The fertility rate for Ilala and Kinondoni Municipalities is 6.5%. Table 1.2.a Total Population by Wards - Direct Area of Influence for Phase I
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