DOCUMENT 7ESUME 7r 129 602 SE 021 397 At.57i1C,? Schwar.+-z, Sid L., 77(1. TTL Enrgy Flms Catalog. 7nr2rgy r2.es,:,arch and Dev1r)pm2nt Acl_mnisl:ratir, 1976. T.-ST:TUTTON Energy T'esearch and Development Admirlistratn, flak "idge, Tenn. 7UF, fl.;',717 76 P2p.; Photographs may not reproduce well ERRS P7'7(-7 HC-$4.67 Plus Postage. RESC:TT'TC: Catalogs; *Energy; *Films; General Science; *Instructional Films; *Instructional Materials; *Physical Sciences; Science Education Energy 7.esearch and P,evel ?ment Adminis4:1ration; ERDA AF.STEACT This is the first edition of the Energy Research and Development Administration (E731) catalog of available motion picture films. One hunlred and eighty-eight films, principally relating to energy, are briefly described and claf7sified intothree understanding levels. All filmstre loaned f-ee; complete borrowing instructions arld .7.crust foLms are provide'l. (SL) Documents acquired by ERIC include many ir_formal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes everyeffort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items ofmarginal * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects thequality * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable - via the ERIC DocumentReproduction Service (EDPS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document.Reproductions * * supplied by EDES are the best that can be made frcm the original. *********************************************************************** 40Effr_ 71r -43.$ "re6N , '° . - .s k. 4 IP., 4 o S DE PARTMENT OF HEALTH .440. 4414,476 EDUCATION & ELFAQE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF E DUC A T ION % matiki.41 Acc,* wow* . tft - , - d o ier-le - 444r" awl-- I' I_,1 _Mk._ .<" I I,II I 8 /L. O. titsyck - 1C' or `44 71, 417' ' _rt, 4 ..):._ . .- 4i?/5 ;7- 4;70 . 4 -.-:- -44.14s9 kez141.:W4,1. '1".:,$;iaii , .. - , . .2..1.4.at. .-.'-'77"--1::;0080., O 8 -- 7 I. 6. OAK (2b RIDGE H If .\ !) ,:!! t ,","t '11.,roul.C, t !tr,,,.\ : .1i.11ItIi 'sr m !it ;; 1.:`.)1':# ' 11,c, Hi,. frwi fip,) .j,,;;I(! !. tIcifdr Lent t.r 1.1-;1).\11.,j,!.1.,t1i Hr.,r. LI;trr;1 *oil( '11 Art:tr.. ri.r1.) 1-;1(.) 7;"1.c),'t j 'Ili,. \VIM, t. 1,1! j) .1); \ 11.Hr. I I) [)it:, 1.1Iir:triiitt I) f 'fr .. ; i ;tIt1 1. Ext. :i-1 i 3 NERGY F. M ATA Energy Research and Development Administration 1976 Inquiries concerning this catalog should be directed to: Audiovisual Branch Office of Public Affairs hitcrgv lte.;carch and Development ,Administration Washington, D.C. 205.15 Telephone: Area Code 301/973-1239 ;) IN.111t1Dr(-1.(1111.1-11.1(-1.1(1N hit rothiction Vattilot2 1ApIttudtion 1.ritIi...bitlinJ, .11utut (.;11;111,L1 Furtmti Anti I ,t. ltc 11tartm ",11,111,tav I1orry, Ihtv. m Drtler 111:2,1u, Loan 111.(IturtIncut, Vele\ Cicjr,111(V H \-1fit'11('"PYint: ai Canadian liorrovcrs \ Advice to Foreign Itorrower, \it How to Purcha,e Ilit% to Dhtain Stock Footat2,e 12.11)A Film Request Forr:., (back of book) Notice lo ERI)A llotpit;ter Ilmck imuk) INI)1'.N SECTION Outlint. Subjcct tilibject Subject Order Film Titles .tiect ion --Titles in Alplmbetical Irder Film 'Cale; IntieN 1,1!,(11Ig Producers, Spo:uors and 1tairce. ux Sourcc Addres,c; 71 FILM DESCRIPTION SECTION Dewriptions or Films in :Alphabetical Order . .11 fir.1pdinwr, 1fi Hahn, Eiwritv Research iindItto, elopment .Adminktraiion 11 If! cricrgy plrurN and reialed Hit iHrirH. } jmnrr rm riplArry ,f !In-,. miTr ar, ;Iarlahlp ra,r :aye Har. }Irm1.411 a the num.. ,;01 loc,ited by subject or title:";m'r\ hun k simply codcil for audience ek 1 In dcr.tanding, tele\ isitin clearance is siated, f rudu cer,, spon,ors, sale, sources All films are di scribed for casv referiatte hy .ahools, tehmion stations, civic clubs. go% crnment and trialorgamiatiousinterestedin,,/u,.,:!;:oial and Illiort?1,111(Mal /111115 IS WCH istiTh11101I (lad itfn1r. and energy related suldects, To help teachers, broadcasters :old program cli.tirmen select films which will suit the understanding le% ek of students and other audicnces, all titles art. Hide:tied :Is suitable for Ihrec Iin derstanding 1,to.t.ls th/cr,tata/itt4' Lcuci I 1,CHCINctIhr:1 ..";Chui,/ fldCIStandIn).; LCI11 m12,1 .`,.coIrmr :C1num,I Lcccl-; ,;irdrnirm-.ci Hcscarclicr:;,.ticicntist;,Eruli:;,cr.,; and We }wart:11y acknowledge il,at this catalog follows the general format and pattern ofCATALOG OF iiTIl)STATE:, GOVERNMVNT PRODUCED NIATERIALS (197.1-75) published hy the :National .Audiovismil Center, General Services Administratiott. National Archives and Records Servico. ,And special thanks to Ed Westcot I, Photo Officer, Or Public Affairs, for selecting and cropping all the photograph, and particularly for permitting us to use the cover illustration winch is repeated as the illustration for l-lE WE CANNOT SENSE. This photograph from his private collection was made at ()cyan City. \laryland, Easter Sunday 197,I, Sid I. Schwartz. Editor b.ut ERD The Energy Research an evelopment Administration tmcrgv its ,,horages, rising cosk. more IIiIiHt tH. Ii liiiifliit ,1 i Him!, ,,,01,:d,r,ibi,..01,101,11 ail around the world. Lnited ha, become ;alitel;1,Ire ot. the a.)wilit; ni'rdiiinublklIng 4ti4iiriH'iurt ci error*. dirrn..11.., ;Ind II, tnni.diinvMl.1 In the future. element in Federal reponse tothese energy problems was the creation of the new Energy Research and Development \,Inimistrat ion which was activated on January 19, Fit D.\ bring, togetlwr into a single agency the inalor energy ri....earCh MId development programs "r the Federal( h,irruitu,iit aimed atfinding ways to increase the supply of energy as well as t,, com.eneia energv aiready available. LW) \will do this t\providing a simnd organi/ational and programmatic hase for moking rapidly.Itwill addance the state of energy technology in311 promhing areas including such fossil energy techniques as coal gasification ;Ind liquefaction: !unclear FIS,,1011 and fillon: -01Z11'. geothermal, and other Avanced energy systems. The agency's mission, as defined hy Congress. K (I)(IP\ l'IOPall energy smirces to meet the needs of present zoid future generations: to increase the productivity of the natimbd economy and make the nation s431f-sufficient in energy; to restore, protect and enhance the environment; and to a.,:-.33re public health and safely. In brief. ER DA will direct inajor efforts that eventually will enable the nat;on to attain the goal of meeting the nation's energy requirements without the need to rely on foreign sources. In this effort, EliD will draw heavily ml the proven experlise of the program components inherited from the Department ur tht.Interior, the National ticience Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the former Atomic Energy Commission. Itwill also work closely with the industrial and ;icademic communities, recognizing that the ultimate achievement of ERDA's mission depends on the smooth transfer of proven energy technology to the private sector for commercial upphi:mtion Id prompt benefit to all American citi/ens. Eltpi functions are divided into SIN major categorie3.: fossil energy; solar. geothermal, and advanced energy systems; nuclear energy; energy conservation; Onvironment and safety; and national security. atalog Format andse A. Ci lii ogFormat FILM I ITLE IVIJNIBERS Fvcry.hiryin the c;italog h ililoic heel, organized with eileig d Jima tit fe miniher. Ihr title ttliflihet dud heading,,.I he iiew forindt WhiII Ordering films. 1.OUTLINE OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 1 IIt.. method of determining the actual 6. SERIES -iihject heading in the catalog that contains your Films in series are listed in the FILM 111I,ES .pecific .ired of wit sEcTION under the series title. 'Hu, components of the series are also listed individually:this entry II. \I; y will indicate "From the . I 7. INSERTS AND SUPPLEMENTS Research Insertsdescribingindividualfilms and supple- periodicallyoidwill 2.SUBJECT SECTION ments willhe published films accumulatedsincethe I hisc.ectioncnntain,alltitles in alphabetical containallnew .m.dt r hi,aed under appropriate snbject publication of this edition. nlple NI 'CLEAR POWER General :vromic POWER PRODUCTION I( )IIC POWER TODAY tand oril E. How to use the catalog Fuels Processing and Ilandiing CURRENT NIETHODSIN Pl.( I. By title: If you have a specif ic titlein mind, look FABRICA'HON direetly in the FILM TITLES SECTION . Page 9 FIFTH FUEL THE Waste 2. By subject: When you find thesubject of interest WASTE DISPOSAL BY HY DR..% i'LIC inthe OUTLINE OF SUBJECTHEADINGS, FRACTURING stdiag on Page 1 SUBJECT SEC- 4. FILM TITLES SECTION P.Ige 9 then look at the OUTLINE OF TITLES SECTION lists all the I., les in TION starting on Page 3 The will the catalog in alphabetical order. and choose the film title. The film description be listedalphabeticallyinthe FILM TITLES I.FILM DESCRIPTfON SECTION . 11 SECTION starting on Page 9 The FILM DESCRIPTION SECTION withtitle the entriesinalphabeticalorder provides all the OUTLINE OF SUB. descriptive information that pertains to a particu . 3.By browsing: Consult JECT HEADINGS and choose headingsof inter- lar title. est. Look these up inthe SUBJECT SECTION Example: listed under the CHALLEN(;E OF THE FUTURE 11975). where applicable titles will be subject headings. Detailed information onselected 29 ininutes, color. the FILM (Insert identical type and make up the full titlesofinterest may be found in description as it will appear in the catalog DESCRIPTION SECTION. ix 10 orr w 41;1 I pair ,aitutt,attlattot, and eitn, anon potelach tla I .,111 .h,11.. ::! I .`.1h1,1,1'.i lb tic lrgi, He Ail ,Ir;1; I "It M:(11!.,li pht'll, IN I II I II I ltbrart,-, in la Ii. Ila ):11,, Ill I &LILA p111.11,,ahlibrarte, -erte regional ed, Hum Ii,cialtitedliorrower', throughont the t tined Ina\ obtain II, 111111 ,-11111-, that (",,Idaiti ,1 411., LOAN REQUIRLMEN TS itertergv requncnient,, appi \toall 11111 't II ii ninis areI,Hiedfree.
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