ISSN 2310-340X RNPS 2349 -- COODES Vol. 7 No. 1 (January-April) Marcillo Parrales, D.V., Domínguez Junco, O. “Gaps in the application of 2019 Ecuadorian public policies and their relationship with small and medium enterprises” p. 129-144 Available at: http://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/202 Gaps in the application of Ecuadorian public policies and their relationship with small and medium enterprises Vacíos en la aplicación de políticas públicas ecuatorianas y su relación con las pequeñas y medianas empresas Diana Victoria Marcillo Parrales1, Osvaldo Domínguez Junco2 1Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. Ecuador. Email: [email protected] 2Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba. Email: [email protected] Received: June 6th, 2018. Accepted: January 22nd, 2019. ABSTRACT RESUMEN The autonomous decentralized Los gobiernos autónomos governments of the cantons of Ecuador, as descentralizados de los cantones del established by the Organic Code of Ecuador, según lo establece el Código Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Orgánico de Ordenamiento Territorial Decentralization, are able to generate Autonomía y Descentralización, están en their own territorial policies. Public capacidad de generar sus propias políticas administrators, depending on compliance territoriales. Los administradores públicos, with the goals of economic reactivation en función del cumplimiento de las metas and the internal market, must manage de reactivación económica y del mercado development programs in terms of growth interno, deben gestionar programas de in production and microenterprises. Public desarrollo en términos de crecimiento de policies are an instrument that is used in la producción y de las microempresas. Las the administrations of public bodies to políticas públicas son un instrumento que achieve economic and social growth. The se emplea en las administraciones de los present research, carried out in the canton organismos públicos para alcanzar el Jipijapa of Manabí Province in the Republic crecimiento económico y social. La of Ecuador, allowed to determine the presente investigación, realizada en el importance and impact that the public cantón Jipijapa de la Provincia de Manabí policies have in the development of the en la República del Ecuador, permitió small and medium enterprises through the determinar la importancia e impacto que analytical descriptive method with a tienen las políticas públicas en el bibliographical revision from the desarrollo de las pequeñas y medianas theoretical approach. It identifies some of empresas, a través del método the existing public policies of a productive descriptivo-analítico, con una revisión nature and their relationship with small bibliográfica desde el enfoque teórico. Se and medium-sized enterprises. Their identifican algunas de las políticas públicas Translated from the original in Spanish ISSN 2310-340X RNPS 2349 -- COODES Vol. 7 No. 1 (January-April) Marcillo Parrales, D.V., Domínguez Junco, O. “Gaps in the application of 2019 Ecuadorian public policies and their relationship with small and medium enterprises” p. 129-144 Available at: http://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/202 applicability and evaluation were analyzed de índole productiva existentes y su with the efficiency, effectiveness and relación con las pequeñas y medianas effectiveness indicators, a diagnosis was empresas. Se analizó su aplicabilidad y made applying surveys in valoración con los indicadores de microenterprises identified as object of eficiencia, eficacia y efectividad, se realizó study, and interviews with the political un diagnóstico aplicando encuestas en las authorities of each decentralized microempresas identificadas como objeto autonomous government that make up or de estudio y entrevistas a las autoridades are part of the Jipijapa canton. To validate políticas de cada gobierno autónomo the results, statistical software Statistical descentralizado que conforman o son Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) parte del cantón Jipijapa. Para validar los version 22.0 was used. The existence of resultados se empleó el software gaps that prevent the correct application estadístico Statistical Package for the of public policies and development Social Sciences, versión 22.0. Se programs was determined. determinó la existencia de vacíos que impiden la correcta aplicación de políticas Keywords: public policies; micro- públicas y programas de desarrollo. enterprises; administration; autonomous governments; local development. Palabras claves: políticas públicas; microempresas; administración; gobiernos autónomos; desarrollo local. INTRODUCTION Public policies are the result of the Local development is the set of economic, interaction between a cognitive process social, cultural, political and territorial (world view, ideas), a defence or processes through which a community, on promotion of particular interests or groups the basis of its own potential and the and the influence of both formal opportunities offered by the environment, institutions (the State, public has access to well-being, without administration, trade unions, etc.) and exclusion or discrimination, and informal institutions (culture, the market, guarantees the conditions for future etc.) (Secretaría Desarrollo Económico, generations to do so (Carvajal Burbano, 2009). 2011). Small and medium enterprises are an In Ecuador, the boom in microenterprises economic unit of production and decision occurred during the 1990s due to the that through the organization and increase in underemployment and coordination of a series of factors (capital unemployment caused by the crisis of the and work), seeks to make a profit by 1980s. Most of them were constituted producing and marketing products or without planning programs and with high providing services in the market interest rates, causing the Ecuadorian (Andersen, 1999). State to look for alternatives that would maximize the advantages. Thus, in 1992, the Ministry of Foreign Trade (MICIP) Translated from the original in Spanish ISSN 2310-340X RNPS 2349 -- COODES Vol. 7 No. 1 (January-April) Marcillo Parrales, D.V., Domínguez Junco, O. “Gaps in the application of 2019 Ecuadorian public policies and their relationship with small and medium enterprises” p. 129-144 Available at: http://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/202 created the National Chamber of theoretical references in the contextual Microenterprises (CNM), as a grouping framework, taking as object of study the organization of formal and informal canton Jipijapa, located south of the microenterprises, microentrepreneurs province of Manabí, between 01 degrees with microcapitals throughout the national 10 minutes and 01 degrees 47 minutes territory, organized in cantonal chambers, south latitude and between 80 degrees 25 parishes, federations and sector-based minutes and 80 degrees 52 minutes west organizations of microenterprises (López, longitude. It has a surface of 1540Km², 2015). there is an isolated and irregular mountain massif that develops between Jipijapa and Ecuador is a potentially productive Manta, surrounded to the north and west country, among its main natural resources by the Pacific Ocean, to the south by the are: mining, marine resources, Jipijapa Valley and to the east by the aquaculture resources and fertile lands for Portoviejo River. The climate is tropical production. The aforementioned aspects dry. The average temperature is 24 project it as a state that with a well- degrees Celsius with an average annual managed development model would rainfall of 1,280 cubic millimeters [Plan de generate a growing economy; however, Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial, the inadequate exploitation of its natural cantón Jipijapa (PDOT, 2015)]. resources by businessmen and industries creates, each time, an environment of It was proceeded to establish a greater economic and social socioeconomic situational diagnosis with disadvantages within the population. information determined through surveys of microentrepreneurs, using a population La población rural es el sector que selection method and a sample of the total directamente se ve perjudicado al carecer database of microenterprises legally de los recursos humanos, técnicos y los registered in the Internal Revenue Service conocimientos necesarios para una of Ecuador, Jipijapa branch. The formula producción eficiente. La inherencia was: gubernamental en la última década, la carencia de políticas de crecimiento empresarial, junto con la mala administración de los gobiernos de turno crean un escenario poco motivante para la iniciativa microempresarial, donde los proyectos de inversión por parte de instituciones privadas, públicas, estatales e internacionales, en la mayoría de las In order to measure the results of the ocasiones no pueden ser aprovechadas, application of the public policies developed relegándose a simples ayudas que no for the microenterprise sector by the transforman ni mejoran niveles de vida. decentralized autonomous government of the canton of Jipijapa through the fulfillment of plans, programs and projects MATERIALS AND METHODS planned, budgeted and executed, the method of evaluation of management Different methods were used in the indicators of the State Comptroller development of this research. The General's Office 2005 was used, as bibliographic documentary analysis, to detailed below: determine the system of concepts and Translated from the original in Spanish ISSN 2310-340X RNPS 2349 -- COODES
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