i ~ Province of New Brunswick Twenty-seventh General Election 1970 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1970 PROVINCIAL GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS POLL BY POLL Page No. List of RE'turning Officers 4­ Summary of Votes Received 6 - 13 Political Divisions and Advance Poll Voting 16 Albert County 17 Bathurst City 18 Campbellton City 19 Carleton County 20 - 21 CharlottE' County 22 - 24 Edmundston City 25 Fredericton City 26 - 27 Gloucester County 28 - 31 Kent County 32 - 33 Kings County . ......... 34 - 35 Madawaska County 36 - 37 Moncton City .................. 38 - 41 Northumberland County 42 - 45 Queens County 46 Restigouche County 48 - 49 Saint John Centre 49 - 52 Saint John Ea~t 53 - 54 Saint John West 55 Sunbury County 56 ~ 57 Victoria County 58 York County 59 - 60 Westmorland County 61 - 64 Electoral Map Insert LIST OF RETURNING OFFICERS ... Electoral District Returning Officer Address Occupation ---------- ALBERT Sterling Downey R.R. # 3, Moncton, N. B. Lumber Operator BATHURST John A. Duffy 441 King Ave., Bathurst, N. B. Insurance Agent ~ CAMPBELLTON Frank Roy 14 Paterson St., Campbellton, N. B. Retired rn CARLETON 2 Chester Banks Centreville, N. B. Retired -I CHARLOTTE Sheldon F. Haddon Fairhaven, Deer Island, N. B. Acccuntant -< U, EDMUNDSTON J. Herve Dufour 230 Victoria St., Edmundston, N. B. Manager rn < FREDERICfON C. N. R. Scott 548 Hillcrest Cr., Fredericton, N. B. Retired rn GLOUCESTER Alfred Blanchard Blanchard Settlement, N. B. Teacher 2 -I KENT Louis F. Bourque P. O. Box 72, Buctouche, N. B. Businessman I J: KINGS Ronald Devine 59 Paradise Row, Sussex, N. B. Office Worker I~ MADAWASKA Armand Demers St. Jacques, N. B. Dispatcher 2 MONCfON Cyril Abramson SO Century Dr., Moncton, N. B. Secretary Mgr. rn II NORTHUMBERLAND Jack Lutz 430 Green St. Ext., Newcastle, N. B. Retired > (Vacated on Dec 21, 1970) r QUEENS Arlie L. Palmer Hampstead, N. B. Farmer rn RESTIGOUCHE Claude Paradis 231 McKay St., Dalhousie, N. B. Paper Maker I:;; SAINT JOHN CENTRE J. Bapst Cronin 150 Manners Sutton Rd., Saint John, N. B. Insurance Agent Ij SAINT JOHN EAST Donald H. Wilson 11 Knox Ct., Saint John, N. B. Sales Rep. o 2 SAINT JOHN WEST Gregory McManus 627 Charles St., Saint John, N. B. Chef ~ SpNBURY Arnold Sprague R.R. # 1, Oromocto, N. B. Mgr. Tech. Planning Cj"" VICTORIA Guy Pugh P. O. Box 67, Plaster Rock, N. B. Retired WESTMORLAND Amance LeBlanc Cape Bald, N. B. Lobster Packer YORK Arthur Pugh Burtt's Corner, N. B. Retired :;.n~ trI>%jn rDe.£E.. -It>~ iP'<: a::<: _.1» ;:l <:~ O'S-Q.=a ~?'5J> ~~ ;:In ° ~ It> ~ on r.::lIQg", 0l-'Q. .... (gnI-';:l ~§ n I» ~I-h ::+ :;. (1)n ..... n;:l (1) 0 0'" "'- -;....« ",« n ", r:. e.1-'~1t> ~« g.~oa (gl»~n an - n !;;1~:;.Q. I-'P> :s IIQ 0' trI q. - t!>!ii' =~ ~(:; tn(l)~ ...... It> '" --::I (]) n'll> Q.~ I!!. 8. -'I'" ::s t!> ~n .... a,t!>r:: ~l .8. Ere.- a- la. I» a- !:T~ /I) ",,8 g: "I~ C'l 'tI ~li !:I:fGf8 S' • f!!: : i 8 ..... D> lit 1-_i I~ TWENTY-SEVENTH GENERAL ELECTION 1970 5 BY·ELECTIONS (Held since General Election 1967) FREDERICTON Vacancy caused by the death of the sitting member Dr. J. F. McInerney (PC) on Oct. 25, 1967. Voting, June 10, 1968. Page, John (L) 5,305 Garvie, Lawrence (PC) 8,240 Elected RESTIGOUCHE Vacancy caused by the death of the sitting member the Hon. Jeoffry Daigle (Ll, Minister of Health on Sept. 9, 1968. Voting, November 4, 1968. Brimsacle, O. R. M. (L) 5,292 VanHorne, J. C. (PC) 5,447 Elected NORTHUMBERLAND Vacancy caused by the death 0 fthe sitting member Dr. J. L. A. Savoie (L) on Apr. 19, 1969. Voting, June 16, 1969. Kane, Frank Edward (L) 8,338 Elected Boulay, Charles E. C. (PC) 6,951 At the dissolution of the Legislative Assembly there remained two vacancies, caused by the deaths of Oaude Taylor (PC), Electoral District of Albert, died Feb. 1, 1970, and the Hon. Raymond Doucett (L), Minister of Public Works, Electoral District of Restigouche, died Mar. 29, 1970. Writs of Election were issued to fill these vacancies at an Election to be held on October 13, 1970. The Legislative Assembly was dissolved on Sept. 2, 1970 calling for a general election on October 26, 1970, thereby nullifying the Writs for the by-elections in the Electoral Districts of Albert and Restigouche. SUMMARY OF VOTES RECEIVED C len IiJ C ~a::C IiJ 01iJ1iJ NAME OF ELECTORAL DISTRICT > (/)~ I- -mI­ l­ ww > 0* AND a:: 1-(.) g IiJ:EZ 0( CANDIDATE ADDRESS OCCUPATION ow .J a::1iJ1iJ> D. > a:: IiJ n.~cm ALBERT ROBERTSON, Brenda (Mrs.) .. P. O. Box 931, Moncton Home Economist PC 4,863 Elected I~ MACLEOD, Malcolm 6 Strathmore Dr., Middle Businessman PC 4,799 Elected Z Coverdale, N. B. -l DOWNEY, Clyde -< Hillsborough, N. B. Lumberman LIB 2,072 * &, INGALLS, Cyril 162 Court St., Gunningsville, N. B. Businessman LIB 2,039 I'll < BATHURST I'll Z -l PICOT, J. Adolphus 1157 St. Peter Ave., Bathurst, N. B. Foreman PC 2,768 :I WILLIAMSON, H. H. P. O. Box 462, Bathurst, N. B. Executive LIB 4,142 Elected * Cl I'll CAM PBELLTON Z I'll VAN HORNE, J. C. 24 Arran St., Campbellton, N. B. Lawyer PC 3,189 Elected * »::Il MACDONALD, John W. 13 Stanley St. Bnsinessman LIB 2,706 r SENECHAL, J. H. Wilfred 196 Arran St., Lawyer INDEP 37 .. I'll r CARLETON I'll 0 -I HATFIELD, Richard B. Hartland, N. B. Businessman PC 6,695 Elected * 0 GALLAGHER, Charles Centreville, N. B. Farmer PC 6,104 Elected * z STAIRS, Edison Woodstock, N. B. Insurance Agent PC 5,881 Elected -' RUSSELL, Charles E. P. O. Box 518, Woodstock, N. B. Asst. Mgr. Radio Sta. ....,CD LIB 2,528 0 CAINES, Robert Centreville, N. B. Pollution Foreman LIB 2,523 PATTERSON, James E. R.R. # 2, Florenceville, N. B. Farmer LIB 2,711 MORRISON, Barry Woodstock, N. B. Student NDP 208 STEHLIK, Sarno Hartland, N. B. Farmer NDP 145 WALLACE, James, Jr. Woodstock, N. B. Student NDP 164 o IiJ C ~a::C IiJ 01iJ1iJ NAME OF ELECTORAL DISTRICT > (/)~ I- --I­ I­ IiJW >"'0* AND a:: 1-(.) ~ liJ:Ez CANDIDATE ADDRESS OCCUPATION OW .J a::1iJ1iJ> ~ > a:: IiJ l1.:Eom CHARLOTTE L ~ 0 UI 0 ~a:O > UI OUlUl > 0­ I­ -mI­ NAM E OF ELECTORAL DISTRICT l­ UIUI > 0* AND a: I-() ~ UI:2:Z c( OUI oJ a:UlUI> CANDIDATE ADDRESS OCCUPATION a.. >a: UI a..:2:0m CHARLOTTE ~ COCKBURN, G. W. N. St. Stephen, N. B. Lawyer PC 6,047 Elected ITI * Z MCGAW, Leland R.R. # 3, Moore's Mills, N. B. Lumberman PC 5,816 Elected * -t RIGBY, John E. St. Andrews, N. B. Physician PC 6,028 Elected * 00( YOUNG, Decosta W. Youngs Cove, Deer Island Fisherman PC 5,785 Elected * ITI BROWN, Robert W. 61 Queen St., Milltown School Teacher Lffi 4,638 < MOSES, Bernard Box 175, Black's Harbour Merchant Lffi 4,585 '"ITI Z ROSS, E. B. "Bill" P. O. Box 398, St. Andrews Merchant Lffi 4,484 -t WOOSTER, Douglas Grand Harbour, N. B. Fisherman Lffi 4,290 J: MODDING, Robert Michael Beaver Harbour, N. B. Labourer NDP 218 C> ITI EDMUNDSTON Z ITI SIMARD, Jean-Maurice 64-48th Ave., Edmundston Accountant PC 3,065 Elected 1I,. PICARD, Fernand 29 Church St., Plumbing & Heating Lffi 2,490 r Contractor ITI FREDERICTON r ITI (') CHALMERS, G. Everett 63 Grey St., Fredericton Physician PC 11,249 Elected • -t GARVIE, Lawrence 151 Eglinton St. Lawyer PC 10,459 Elected * 0 HOYT, William L. 212 Waterloo Row, " Lawyer Lffi 5,829 Z 1 Hermitage Ct., Physician .... REYNOLDS, Edward N. Lffi 6,079 co .." CALLAGHAN, Patrick Michael R.R. # 6, Springhill, N. B. Manager NDP 723 <:) KHOURY, Charles Joseph 595 King St., Fredericton Law Student NDP 595 GLOUCESTER BOUDREAU, Odilon Maisonnette, N. B. l\Iachine Operator PC 4,272 BOUDREAU, Roland Green Point, N. B. Merchant PC 4,538 CHIASSON, Calixte Lameque, N. B. Accountant PC 5,132 LOSIER, Camille Tracadie, N. B. Construction Estimator PC 5,1751 I.." 0 UJ 0 ~a:C 100 > UJ OUJUJ > (J)­ t- -lilt- NAME OF ELECTORAL DISTRICT t- UJUJ > 0* AND a: t-(,) g UJ:::eZ ~ oUJ oJ a:UJUJ> CANDIDATE ADDRESS OCCUPATION Q. >a: UJ Q.:::eCIII GLOUCESTER (Cont'd) YOUNG, William Paquetville, N. B. Me<:hanic PC 4,211 ~ BOUDREAU, Orner Beresford, N. B. Real Estate Agent LIB 11,333 Elected * In BRANCH, Frank R.R. # 5, Bathurst, N. B. Z Professor Lffi 10,552 Elected ., -i FERGUSON, Adjutor A. P. O. Box 151, Sheila, N. B. Salesman Lffi 10,877 Elected -< JEAN, Bernard CaraquetCaraquet, N. B. Barrister LIB 10,892 Elected In * In ROBICHAUD, Andre P. O. Box 196, Shippegan Professor Lffi 11,055 Ele<:ted < DUMONT, Andre Petit Rocher, N. B. Teacher INDEP. 646 Inz -i KENT :I: BABINEAU, Oliver J. Richibucto, N. B. Manager 2,618 jj') PC In HUTCHINSON, Fred Bass River Point, N. B. Insurance Agent PC 2,495 Z ROBICHAUD, Ulysse St. Charles, N. B. Farmer PC 2,521 In :0 GRAHAM, Alan R. P.O.Box5,Re~on,N.B. Businessman LIB 6,581 Elected * »­ ROBICHAUD, Louis J. 58 Waterloo Row, Fredericton, N. B. Lawyer LIB 6,608 Ele<:ted >10 r RICHARD, Andre F. Buctouche, N. B. Businessman LIB 6,033 Elected * In r In KINGS (") -i BAXTER, John B. M. East Riverside, N. B. Lawyer PC 7,995 Elected * 0 HORTON, George Box 18, Sussex Corner, N. B. Merchant PC 7,593 Elected * Z SHERWOOD, C. B. Norton, N. B. Farmer PC 7,695 Elected ...
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