,Þ United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypotlresis - Medical Ve... Page I o129 'IItt¡ q IT¡ Home ) United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypothesis United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypothesis 0 i 0 0 New 0 0 0 Like G+l EXH,lrglT C-57 http://medicalveritas.org/united-nations-censors.dr-leonard-horowitzs-origin-of-aids-thesis/ 212512017 United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS F{ypothesis - Medical Ve... page 2 of 29 UN To Censor Dr. Leo,nard G. Horowitz's "Manmade" Origin of AiDS Research? March 4,2008 Open Appeal by the Author, Dr. Horowitz 9_. I was recently alerted that United Nations sponsored AIDS groupr, . hosted by the UN AIDS Secretariat to the UN Theme Group on AIDS, is considering censoring my research determ¡nat¡ons and publications, along with Internet links to vaccination theories on the origin of HIV/AIDS. suppressing Internet free speech is troubling, but censoring scientific facts concerning AIDS and its apparent man-madè, vaccine-linked, origin is despicable and genocidal. theory,'explains the trrgber¡ng of thþ :' AIQS pandemic in the late 1970s and earl¡r BOs ¡n itlLse ðpecific par:ts of the'wórld; ": .,,] . ,i'' Please kindly read and forward this information as widely as possible so that we rh,ay shed the light of truth into the dark deceptions of ', vaccine industrialists contrdlli¡1g mqdical and ì'.p-uþlic healtht' pr:ostjtufes undermining the''legitimacy, integr:ity, and credi'bility of health' '.:;, sciehcei'' , '.';ì,,, ", ' .t., .', ,'. ¡,;; .- , l. .'ia:.. i. ì : | '" ,:.' :.' ":' http://medicalveritas.orglunited-nations-censors-dr-leonard-horowitzs-o:igin-of-aids.thesis/ 2/25120I7 United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypothêsis - Medical Ve... Page 3 of 29 In add,i'tion, if you have not viêwed my latest docuÌnentary f¡lm, In Lies We Trust: The,CtrA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, available now online fo'r freê viewing,without copyright restrictions, please do so at your earliest convenience at www.inlieswetrust.com. Thank you for your educational outreach and activism. Together we shall overcome ign'orance and adversity in co*creating a healthy world In the Spirit of health and'human service. l-eonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.4., M.P.H.,'D.N.M., D.M.M.Overseer and Manag¡ng MemberHealthy World Distributing, LLC Lette,r to th,e trnternational AIDS COMMUN,ITY (a.ids- se@sol ution.excha nge-u n, net. i n ) : The sun is claimed to cure infantile'jau,n;dice.;But in Anlerica, if you claim your use of a similar spectrum of light frequencies produced by an Ott,,La:mp cures thisrand rnoreì,'you are'cha'rged'with a c,rime-: ;, sent to,court'; maybe to,jailr,beca'u'se,I-IG;HT.,is,,legally , ,' : misrepresented as a *DRUG" if you simply'state'this:claim in'the med ia. Is this scientific? Is this ,even reasonabl,e? I's th:ere any evidence that LIGHT is a DRUG? The Moderator of.AIDS COMMUNITY dernonstrates similar blind bias, and grossly disservi,ces,the AIDS,COMMUNITY by his condescendinE rhetorical remark degrading this author:who has better things to do with his time and life than serve those "without ears to hear, nor eyes to see" the truth that could set the world free from infectious d iseases. I provided for the AIDS COMMUNITY's evaluation of scientific material the facts that were published in the UK in Journal of Medical Hypothesrs. (See attachment below.) That scientific peer reviewed article is damning enough for any reputable HIV/AIDS investigator to be persuaded to investigate further and stimulate debate. http://medicalveritas.org/united-nations-censors-dr-leonard-horowitzs-origin-of-aids-thesis/ 2125/2017 United Nations Censors Dr. L.eonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypothssis - Medical Ve.,.. page 4 of 29 Apparently,,Dr. Moderator, who encourages censorship, has less intelligence and professional integrity th.an,a comrngn fool. Every physician knows that diag'nosis precedes treatrnent, âfld that,the diagnostic process involves a differential diagnosis. Here we are THEORIZING what ails the patient-civilization. Here, as the, late great AIDS Czar,for the World H,ea,lth Organ,ization, Jonathan Mann, said, "Rather than a medical problem, AIDS is a , socio-political IMPOSITION." His statement heralds a critical component in'the differ:ent¡al diag,nosis of this hideous pandemic; one that,Th,e Mod'erator wishes to'stiike from,t,he record while assailing its proponents. Diagnosis means "to see,throug,hl'to the;r:oot.cau,se of the disord,en. With blind bias, you can't see through anything;,including,the r:oot of this disorder called AIDS; as well evidenced by The Moderator's wr,itten statemerit,reflecting,such; blind,bias. ' i \ : ': .' ..,. ,. ' I Censorslnip is totall'y ,u,nscientifia;,trnreasonable;,iries,ponsibl,e, a'nd undermining as ilrbreaches profe,sslona,l'aridisclenti,fic integrity , ,t : beyond the Atr'DS Comm.unityr. Efforts to effectively diagnose and treat this world's worst cancer cornplex,âre thre,atened'to' sto:pr here at th,e tJnited Natio,ns. ,For.all we know, IF my scientific thesis is accurate as the com;pelling evidence supporting it has proven to be by peer-reviewed scientific s,Crutiny,'THEN t'he origin of. AIDS' th"r:oug,h,ôontami:nated vaccin¿itións; specifically the hepatitis B'vaccine p,¡e¿'uced initially in chimpanzees and rhesus'rnonkeys b'etWeen I,97'A.a:nd 7974, not the polio vaccine of the 1950s and'1ater; MIGI.IT STILL BE FUELING THE AIDS PANDEMIC! Only a grossly-malfeasant blindly-biased sociopath would neglect this proba bility. Perhaps it's time to appoint,ä new Moderator for the AIDS community at the United N,atio,ns http://medicalveritas.org/united-nations-censors-dr-leonard-hor.owitzs.origin,of-aids-thesis/ Z/25l20I7 United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypothesis - Medical Ve... Page 5 of 29 http ://www. orig i nofa ids. com/a rticles / polio. htm Pol io, Hepatitis B a nd AIDS:An Integrat¡ve Theory on a Possible Vaccine Induced Pandemic tsy Leonard G.,Horowitz, D.M.D., M.4., M.P.H. Folio, Hepatitis B and AIDS: An lntegrative Theory on a Possible Vaccine lnduced Pandemic By Leona rd G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.4., M.P.H http : //www. tetra hed ro n.org / E-mail : tetra @tetrahedron. org The following paper was accepted fol publication in the Journal of Medical Hypoth"eses:tThe firral edíted manuscript was published ttlläyrZ0û1, Vol. 56,'No. ;po :'553.-6$4. 'éxist'between 'this paþêr and'tne 'iìnal 5;" 'St'igrrt- 'differeäCes r: r: publication. ', 'l Editor:in-Chief:' Dr. David F. Horrobin, Laxdale Limited Kings Park House, Laurelhill Business Park, Stirling FK7 gJQ, UK Abstract The hypothesis that simian virus 40 (SV40) infected polio vaccines may be linked to the evolution of acquired immunodeficiency disorder (AIDS), and certain cancers, has been advanced. Most recently, investigators discussed the likelihood of "gene-reshuffling" following SV40 infection as a precursor to acquired immune dysfunction. Findings of recent SV40 infections in four children born after 1982 suggest infections were transmitted vertically along gene lines. Earlier observations proved activation of a retrovirus gene by a hepatitis B virus (HBV) protein. This paper proposes a new integrative theory http://medicalveritas.orglunited-nations-censors-dr-leonard-horowitzs-origin-of-aids-thesis/ 212512017 United Nations Censors Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Origin of AIDS Hypothesis - Medical Ve.., page 6 of 29 on the origin of AlDS,..,lt advances the possi,bility of genetic recomþinations with oncogene actjvation by HBV involving SV40, chimpanzee immungdeficiency virus (SlVcpz), and other simian viruses containing reverse transcriptase, that likely infected polio vaccinated blood donors to the initial hepatitis B (HB) vaccine trails conducted on gay men in New York City and other minority groups including Blacks in Uganda in the early to mid-'l970s. lntroduction and Background Scientific reporls have advaneed a theory of a polio vaccine linked evolution of AIDS and certain cancers. (1-4) A possible link between SV40, that contaminated earl,y Salk 'and Sabin polio vacçines; and AIDS, was initially explored by Kyle in The Lancet in 1992.(4) lnvestigators Urnovitz(1), Butel(2-3) and others(4), discussed the likelihood of "gene-reshuffling"'following SV40 infection as a precursor to acquired imrnune dysfunction and the development of certain cancers. Likewise, Butel revealed evidence o-f recent SV40 infections in four children born after 1982.(3) Her team aduan"ed'the likelihood that the infections were transmitted vertically, along gÇne lines, from parents who had received tainted polio vaccines. Earlier, she observed the activation of a HTLV-1 retrovirus gene by a HB virus protein.(5) With an acknowledged thrqat of SV4O recombination in assoçiaiion wittr lmrnune suppression, ?ld possible onçogene devqlo'pment or activation in polio vaccine and possibly HB vaccine recipients and'tñeir offspring, this paper advances an integrative theory on the origin of AIDS. lt asserts the possibility of genetic recombinations between SV40, chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus (SlVcpz), and/or other simian viruses containing reverse t¡anscriptgse such as the foamy retroviruses (SFR), that likely infected blood donors who had first received contaminated polio vaccines in the 1950s and early :lg60s, before volunteering for the HB vaccine trails conducted on gay men in New York City (NYC), Blacks in central Africa, and other minority groups in 1974 through 1975. Ten :years later,, in 1984, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first responded to concerns that experimental HB vaccines, administered durirng the 1970s to homosexual men in the United States, were somehow linked to the AIDS epidemic.(6) Anonymous authors representing the CDC, along with others from Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD), aná the State University of New York (SUNY), reported no trace of the human immunodeficiency virus (HlV-1) in samples of vaccine supplied by MSD Further, their epiderniologic analyses, conducted on gay HB vaccine trial http://medicalveritas.orglunited-nations-censors-d¡-leonard-horowitzs.origin-of-aids-thesis/ 2/2512017 United Nations Censors Dr.
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