c2,KS47 1 1 tin *" III 1. ? 1 RAIO1 * --- Dm PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL - 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL 111. it2 ,,‘,.;:iN e tho Ito it; te"te , ,\cni,/, II ette ff lkoerant via)/rti ti ilk tat a3 (As 'n Ntuzsblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) . .. (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) PRYS: S.A. 10c OORSEE 15e PRICE: S.A. 10c OVERSEAS I5c 22 VOL. 215 PRETORIA, 1973 3648 AUGUSTUS22 AUGUST, BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SLUITINGSTYD VIR ADMINISTRATEURSKENNIS- CLOSING TIME FOR ADMINISTRATOR'S GEWINGS ENSOVOORTS. NOTICES ETC. 10 Aangesien 3 September 1973. 'n openbare vakansiedag As the 3rd September, 1973, is a public holiday the is, sal die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van Administra- closing time for acceptance of Administrator's Notices, teurskennisgewings. ens., soon volg wees: etc.. will be as follows: 12 middag op Dinsdag 28 Augustus 1973. vir die 12 noon on Tuesday, 28th August, 1973, for the issue uitgawe van die Provinsiale Koerant van Woensdag, 5 of the Provincial Gazette of Wednesday, 5th September, September 1973. 1973. LW. — Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende 11,B.—Late notices will be published in the sub- uitgawes geplaas word. sequent issues. J. G. VAN DER MERWE, J. G. VAN DER MERWE, Provinsiale Sekretaris. • Provincial Secretary. K5.7-2- 1 K5.7-2- 1 - No. 190 (Administrateurs ), 1973. No. 190 (Administrator's), 1973. PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION Nademaal by artikel 90 van die Grondwet van die Whereas power is vested in me by section 90 of the Republiek van Suid -Afrika, 1961, aan my die bevoegd- Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, to heid verleen word om 'n ordonnansie, waarin die Staats- promulgate an Ordinance, assented to by the State president-in-rade toegestem het, of te kondig; President-in-Council; So is dit dat ek hierby die Padwysigingsordonnansie, Now, therefore, I do hereby promulgate the Roads 1973, wat hieronder gedruk is, afkondig. Amendment Ordinance, 1973, which is printed hereunder. Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 8ste dag Given under my Hand at Pretoria, on this 8th day of van Augustus, Eenduisend Negehonderd Drie-en-sewentig. August, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-three. S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. Administrator of the Province Transvaal. PR. 4-11(1973/18) PR. 4-11(1973/18) Ordonnansie No. 7 van 1973. Ordinance No. 7 of 1973. (Toestemming verleen op 1 Augustus 1973.) (Engelse eksemplaar deur die Staatspresident (Assented to on 1st August, 1973.) onderteken.) (English copy signed by the State President.) 2614 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 22 AUGUSTUS 1973 'N ORDONNANSIE AN ORDINANCE Tot wysiging van die Padordonnansie 1957, deur verder voor- 0 To amend the Roads Ordinance, 1957, by making further siening to maak ten opsigte van die bevoegdhede van die provision Administrateur in respect of the powers of the Administrator re- betreffende die opening, sluiting of verleg- lating to the opening, closing or ging van paaie soos in artikel 5 beoog; deur spesiale voor- deviation of roads as contemplated in section 5; by making special provision in siening te maak ten opsigtc van 'n openbare pad watt opge- respect of a public road which has ceased to be a public hou het om 'n oputhare pad binne 'a. munisipaliteit te road within a municipality; and to provide - wees; en out vir aangdcenthede in verband daarmee voor- for matters in . cidental thereto. siening te maak. Provinsiale Rand van Transvaal VERORDEN AS DE IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans- DIEVOLG:— ID vaal follows:— 1. 5 asnd- Ame vawysiging Artikel van die Padordonnansie 1957, ment I. Section 5 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957, is artikel word hierby gewysig — of hereby amended — 5 van section Ordon- s or or- (a) by the substitution nansie (a) deur paragrawe (a) en (b) van subartikel dinance for paragraphs ( )a and 22 van (1) deur die volgende paragrawe to vervang: Nat. (b) of subsection (1) of the following para- SODS1957,graphs: amended "(a) na ondersoek en verslag .deur die be- bgeywysIg sbyection "(a) after investigation and report by the artikel trokke raad, enige pad tot 'n openbare 4 of Or- 4 van board concerned, declare any road to verklaar; - dinance Ordon- pad 25 of be a public road; nansie 1959, (b) after 25 van (b) na ondersoek en verslag deur die be- section investigation and report by the 1959, 3 of Or- • board artikel trokke' raad. verklaar dat 'n openbare dinance • concerned.. declare that a public 3 van road shall. run on. land where no road Ordon- pad oor grond loop waar voorheen IMI nansio section previously existed or where a road pre- 6 geen pad bestaan het nie, of waar 'n vanviously' existed 1961, pad voorheen bestaan het maar ge- dinance but has been closed;"; artikel loot • and. 2 van Sillit iS;"; en . , 1966,: Ordon- section nallide (b) by the insertion after subsection (IA) of the (b) deur na subartikel (1A) die volgende subar- 2 of Or- . 10 van dinance following subsection; 1966 tikel in te voeg: 20 of artikel 1971 and . 2 van • "(1B) "(113) Waar die Administrateur — section . Where.the. Administrator — Ordon- of Or- nanaie I dinance . (a) in terms of 'the provisions of subsection 20 van (a) ingevolge die bepalings van subartikel . 14 en 1972. (IA), declares that a ofkel anti (1A)verklaar'dat n openbare pad 'nie' public road shall 1 - no longer be a public road within a rdovann- langer 'n openbare pad binne 'n munisi • • •the O nanale paliteit vir die toepassing municipality; for purposes of this 14 van van .hierdie Ordinance; or 1972. Ordonnansie is nie; of (b) revokes (b) 'n kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings a notice'issued in terms of the van subartikel (2) uitgereik, intrek. provisions of subsection (2), • .. • Phou die betrokke openbare pad om . die public road concerned shall not cease to nie op • as' 'n pad te bestaan nie, maar word vir die . exist is. a road, but shall for the purposes - toepassing van artikel 63 van die Ordon- . of section 63 of the Local Government Or nansie •op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordon- dinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), be nansie 17 van 1939), geag 'n pad of straat deemed to be a road or street within the binne die betrokIce munisipaliteit te wees, en, municipality concerned and, without dero - sondergatingafbreuk aan die bepalings van arti- from the provisions of section 92, kel 92, is geen vergoeding aan die eienaar no compensation shall be payable to the van die grond wat deur sodanige pad of owner of the land encroached upon by such straat in besit geneem is, betaalbaar nie.". road or street.". Provi- Begs . 2. Wear 711 openbare pad sloes 2. Where a public road — betref- (a) binne' 'n munisipaliteit opgehou het relating . fende om, uit open- hoofde van 'n kennisgewing ingevolge die be- public (a) within a municipality has, by virtue of any re van die 1957, n - notice issued in terms of the pasta palings Padordonnansie nit w!Phicw > hh provisions. of wat gereik, 'n openbare pad binne sodanige mu- have ' the Roads Ordinance, 1957, ceased to be a opgehou . het can nisipaliteit te wees; of to be public road within such municipality; or , openbare (b) biiite 'n munisipaliteit opgehou het om, van- • Bbd%lids- ff.:niee wee sy latere insluiting in 'n' munisipaliteit, (b) outside a municipality has, by reason of its munisl- riuth,ja. Paliteite 'n openbare pad binne sodanige munisipali- Patties. subsequent inclusion within a municipality, to wees. teit te wees, ceased to be a public road within such maar daarna te eniger tyd voor die inwerking- • municipality, treding van die Padwysigingsordonnansie, 1972 but was thereafter at any time before the corn- (Ordonnansie 14 van 1972), as 'n pad of straat mencement of the Roads Amendment Ordinance- gebruik is, word sodanige pad of straat vanaf die 1972 (Ordinance 14 of 1972), used as a road - or datum van sodanige kennisgewing of insluiting , , street, such road or street shall from the date of geag 'n pad of straat binne sodanige munisipali- such notice or inclusion, be deemed to be a road teit te wees soos in artikel 63 van die Ordon- . or street..within such municipality as contem- nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie plated in section 63 of the Local Government 17 van 1939), beoog. Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939). • 1 Kest 3. Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Padwysigings- Rig:,- 3. This Ordinance shall be called the Roads ordonnansie, 1973. Amendment Ordinande, 1973. , . I 5 2615 1 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 22 AUGUST, 1973 - - No. 191 .(Administrateurs ), 1973. No. 191 (Administrator's), 1973. - . • - . • PROKLAMASIE : PROCLAMATION i. • Nademaal by artikel 90 van die Grondwet van die Whereas power is vested in me by section 90 of the Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1961, aan my die bevoegd- Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, to held .verleen word om 'n ordonnansie, waarin die Staats- promulgate an Ordinance, assented to by the State - - - • - president in Jade,toegestem het, of te kondig; • President-in Council; . - . So is dit' dat ek hierby die Wysigingsordonnansie op Now, therefore, I do hereby promulgate the Hospitals Hospitale, 1973, wat 'hieronder gedruk is, afkondig. Amendment Ordinance, 1973, which is printed hereunder. Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 10de dag Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 10th day. - of r van Augustus, Eenduisend Negehonderd Drie-en-sewentig. August, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-three. 1 . - • . , • S. G. I. VAN NIEKERK, • • . S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, , Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. - Administrator of the Province Transvaal. PR. 4 11(1973/6) . • PR/ 4- 11 (1973 / 6) Ordonnansie No. 8 van 1973. • . Ordinance No. 8 of 1973.
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