2009 ANNU A L REPOR T & HONOR ROLL TOGE T HER WE ARE ST RONG בן שלושים לכח 1 TOGE T HER WE ARE ST RONG בן שלושים לכח While we all know the significance of the age 13 in our Jewish tradition, but lesser known is Ben Sh’loshim LaKoach — that at age 30, the period of true strength begins. This is the time when, after years of training, we are obligated to use all of our skills to honor G-d and further the collective good. Our Federation entered its 30th year with the maturity and resources to best serve our fellow Jews. And it was just in time, too — for we entered one of the most difficult economic periods our country has ever seen. With unwavering commitment, our Federation is working through a myriad of challenges brought on by increased needs and decreased dollars. We have reenergized our efforts, renewed our commitments and reviewed every dollar spent on administrative costs to best address the significant needs of our Jewish family– locally, in Israel and around the world. These difficult times have only served to furtherstrengthen us. Our board and executive staff have painstakingly streamlined operations; more volunteers have stepped forward than ever before; our community has organized food drives and supplemental fundraisers; local residents have rallied in solidarity on our campus; a new generation of young leadership has made a selfless commitment to serve— and new donors have stepped up to the plate to help compensate for those who cannot give at their accustomed level of generosity. Last year, we closed 800 new gifts and welcomed 54 new Lions of Judah to the fold — significant accomplishments even during less challenging times. Together, with 30 years of strength and wisdom, we renew our vows to our Jewish members family in need, and look to the future with hope, determination and a history of compassion and prosperity. With Best Regards, William S. Bernstein, MSW Stewart G. Harris David Pratt President & CEO Chair, Jewish Federation Chair, Jewish Community Foundation TABLE OF CONTENTS TO B Y WEINM A N PA L C HIK CEN T ER F OR JE W I S H PHIL A N T HROPY Major Gifts 7 Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy 9 Metro Division 11 Country Clubs and Community Involvement 14 New Initiatives Respond to Community Needs 16 Jewish Community Foundation 18 Campus Developments 20 PROGR A M S A ND AGEN C IE S Founding Agencies 22 New Initiatives Respond to Community Needs 24 Jewish Education Commission 25 Jewish Community Relations Council 27 Israel and Overseas 29 Projects in Israel 30 Projects Worldwide 33 THE BU S INE ss O F CA RING Federation Leadership 35 Federation Revenue & Expenditures 37 Foundation Leadership 39 Foundation Financials 40 2009 Corporate Sponsors 41 HONOR ROLL S Tribute to Those of Blessed Memory 43 Cumulative Giving – The Circle of Giving 44 2009 Annual Campaign 48 Foundation Honor Rolls 75 David Pratt Chair, Jewish Community Foundation when you see this icon click, for more information. COVER PHOTOS: JFSPBC Young Adult Leadership circa 1980; NextGen, 2009 TOGE T HER WE ARE ST RONG בן שלושים לכח hirty years ago, a group of caring, involved individuals came together to address the increasing Tneeds of the area’s growing Jewish population. These pioneers recognized the great potential that this unique community held, and created our local Federation in 1979. Since then, continued vision, strong leadership and remarkable generosity have taken us from a storefront office with a part-time employee to a vibrant Federation on a 100- acre campus with more than 10,000 donors and serving a community of over 131,000 Jews. This year, our Federation responded to unparalleled financial challenges with resilience, ingenuity and three decades of collective strength and wisdom. The most difficult economic environment in our seventy years impacted fundraising across America and around the world. All the while, humanitarian needs continued to increase while donations dramatically declined. In addition, our community’s overwhelming population of elderly residents grew, as did their need for a wide array of services and programs. Our Federation has beento take action. We streamlined the budget, reduced administrative costs to the bare bone, and rallied the community to give to their very best ability. We made changes both bold and subtle to optimize our resources while refusing to lose sight of important long-term goals. Now 30-years-old, we look back with pride and resolve. We have renewed our commitments to our agencies, their beneficiaries and the donors who make it all possible. Together, we stand strong to ensure that no member of our Jewish family – locally, in Israel or around the world – ever has to stand alone during their time of need. 4 For more than 30 years, we’ve been asking you to make a pledge to Jews in need. Now, here is our pledge to you: We pledge to remain 100% accountable for every penny of every 1 donation, keeping our administration costs at a minimum and maintaining the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness. We pledge to remain steadfast in our commitment to address the 2 entire range of Jewish needs — from immediate and emergency care to building a strong and bright Jewish future through education and Jewish identity programs. We pledge to keep our financial and allocations information 3 fully transparent and always available upon request. We pledge to treat you and all donors like stakeholders in our 4 shared Jewish mission. We pledge to keep you well informed of the wonderful impact of 5 your gift, and how you’ve made a world of difference in the lives of others. 6 We pledge to be ever mindful of this pledge to you. HIGHE st Rat ING F ROM CH A RI T Y NA VIG at OR As potential donors become even more discerning, the value of an investment in JFSPBC was further illustrated when the Federation received the highest, four-star rating from Charity Navigator. This highly respected organization reviews and rates thousands of charities across the country, serving as a public watchdog to alert potential donors about those that are less than efficient. A four-star status means “Exceptional; exceeding industry standards and outperforms most charities in its cause.” 5 TO B Y WEINM A N PA L C HIK CEN T ER F OR JE W I S H PHIL A N T HROPY 6 TO B Y WEINM A N PA L C HIK CJP Maj OR GI fts hroughout the year, “Our major donors are our local champions, contributing 65% of the major donors stood millions of dollars we raise and allocate each year. They understand up as the driving force T that more and more people in our community are overwhelmed with of the campaign. Faced with unprecedented fundraising they costs of daily living, fears of losing their homes, and having to choose went above and beyond to meet between buying food or paying for their utilities and medicine.” unprecedented needs. - Ellen R. Sarnoff, Campaign Chair WEL C OME Bac K RE C EP T ION The 2009 Major Gifts season was launched with a warm Welcome Back Reception at the beautiful St. Andrews Country Club home of M.L. Bedowitz. More than 90 major donors reunited to kick off a new season of giving. Featured speaker Carole Solomon, immediate past chair of the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Board of Governors, and current chair of the Agency’s North American Council, spoke about leadership and philanthropy in uncertain times. L-R: M.L. Bedowitz, Campaign Chair Ellen R. Sarnoff 2009 Maj OR GI ft EVENING O F VA LOR With its theme of “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue,” the Major Gifts Evening of Valor could not have had a more fitting speaker. More than 300 major donors of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County gathered at the Polo Club of Boca Raton to hear one of the most important voices of our time: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Holocaust survivor and lifelong human rights champion Elie Wiesel. In conclusion, Wiesel implored, “Whatever you do in your life, think higher and feel deeper.” Rani Garfinkle, Evening of Valor Warren & Robin Struhl, Evening of Federation Chair Stewart Harris , www.jewishboca.org/majorgiftsphotos Chair Valor Chairs Eli Wiesel 7 TO B Y WEINM A N PA L C HIK CJP L-R: front: Elaine Stein Roberts, Crown of Judah co-chair; Pamela Weinroth, Joshua Society co-chair; Robin Struhl, event chair; Diane Feldman, King David Society co-chair; back: Harvey & Phyllis Sandler, Prime Minister’s Council co-chairs; Robert Weinroth, Joshua Society co-chair; Elie Wiesel; Rani Garfinkle and Warren Struhl, event chairs; Larry Feldman, King David Society co-chair; Sherman & Jeanette Vogel; Leadership Gifts co-chairs ajor donors closed the 2009 season at the home of Robin and Warren Struhl for “A Dialogue with MFrederic S. Mishkin,” an immediate past governor of the board of the Federal Reserve System and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. Mishkin is also a professor at Columbia University, a regular guest host on CNBC and brother of Federation leader Joe Mishkin. Elie Wiesel greets Harvey and Phyllis Sandler L-R: Joe Mishkin, Frederic S. Mishkin www.jewishboca.org/majorgiftsphotos 8 TO B Y WEINM A N PA L C HIK CJP THE DORO T HY SE A M A N DEP A R T MEN T O F WOMEN ’S PHIL A N T HROPY he Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s “As successful as our Women’s Philanthropy has Philanthropy, led by Chair Anne Jacobson, been in past years, with today’s financial hardships continued to adapt to changing times in 2009.
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