"I don't like it when women talk down other r women because ;f .-._.-'.·_, ,,;·. .........: ....,;-. they're prosti - lif:_.,- ~ :~ ,. I + r··:.'.,, ~ ". , ·;--::ft:" .,)~ · tu t es. I m 1or .._.,, ...... , .~ " . prostitute rights. i/·-/~i?:> It's always been · ·· · \:-\;Lacly Oui,eac'-l WoY'l<tr-/ here, and women wha~? A M;nirnvm wa9e should be able to , .,.,. -~"t~ e"'trj j db control it, and - . · · , · ·.. wit~ a felY'P regulate it, and .a.~era,y? have some fuck­ ing protection ... 1.·11 ,et ProstitutioQ is a \,c>Ck -\6 'JIIA. business . It's not about wanton women, from medieval times. It's a fucking way to make money." "The one who's buying always thinks that he's got the power, . but he doesn't. /'I fue"':r /.' ,,d 1 The one who's (JJ-JUfM T j ! supplying has t1d 1/, r pue got the power ." Jp~Cf/.w >,1-:r -Roseanne .. ' .. , . ~ .l' 0 -:---!;~,,.~i'?:'•'T.'.·~·~,:1 !!-UI I VH.lt\l., "\:. .:· . , Editor (ii .. i ~ Vic St.Blaise CONTENTS Contributors Priscilla Alexander, Alyxdra, Dawn Davenport, Trisha Disha, Sheila E­ Mail, Millena Fint, Augusta Fury, Catherine La Croix, Julian, john Seaux Newnew, Creme Vixen PRODUCTION Director Brie Watling VISUALS Director Jezebuck Contributor s Dick Peters, Bob Dole, Fred Phelch, Newt Gang Gingrinch DISTRIBUTION Public relations John Taexim Best Boy Run Around Sue WHOREZ INE is a registered trade mark of the beast, and found on Martha Stewart's coffee table next to the tulips Library of Congress Cataloging in Period ical Data St. Blaise, Victor Whorezine 1. Prostitutes-Enrichment of the world -- 1994- 2. Prost itutes- Anecdotes, facetiae , satire, encouragemen t, etc. _ I. Strumpet, Jezebuck. II. Title , F69.5.E69 1994 9485.69'8469 69-076 :,i. ISBN o-,196969-01-8 FIRST PRINTING address an donations to: VVHC>AE:ZINE 2300 Mark e t S tr eet Suite 19 San Francisco CA 94114 The late, late, late show Wow! This may hold lhc record for longest period I recently joined COYOTE- in fact I'm writing this as I wait hclwcen issues. Doesn't lhal tell you solllething? for a call. It's 3:30am. I'm a college educated, smart young Then again, I'm always saying we're on lhe brink or woman who enjoys being a chic call girl. Please send me disappearing. Well now there's a new wrinkle. The a copy of Whorezi11e. Thanks! place where we photocopied f'oryears has raised ils Michelle rates again and 1ha1brings us 10 new problems. Bui California you know, that's life, lot's or li11leuncxpectalions. editor's note: yo1111glady, you sure do keep /m e ho11r.1· but What's been going on al the Whorczine office? /'111glad you're thinking <f 11swhen you're up and alum/ We've lllovcd some of our office to a new secret location. All the mail still goes to Mii ·kct Street, a look at the future ... but the nuts and bolts produclion now takes place An article I found in May follows. In February, the in a swanky flat in a l10i1ytoity part of town. That Prostitute Information Centre in Amsterdam began offer­ move tlcrailcd completion of this issue like nothing ing a six-day course, for around $160, on how to practice else in our four year history. Bui the move was the trade in the Ne1herlands. Sessions include a survey of necessary for reasons I can't get into and I'm glad it job opportunities, a field trip to a sex bar, a role playing happened and I think you'll like what's in here and class with an actor portraying a customer and a class on maybe you thought we upped and quit and now you finances to explain the tax decluctability of such expenses can be surprised or 111aybe you're rolling your eyes as condoms, lealherwear and beauty aids. Thought it may and no mailer, if you're still reading you're bored. be of interest. Mr. G. Thanb to all our contributors. I never say that Victoria, British Columbia enough. And to those who have been thinking aboul sending something in but haven't- what the editor's note: amazing hoiv something that makes so 1111,ch hell, procraslinalc some more, because the next sense can be so illegal! we'll reprint the article as soon as issue of Whorezine will not look like any other and we get it. you'll wish you were ·included, but to quote Nix*: "You arc not worthy ... you waited for me like thank heaven for naughty girls sheep". To which you can reply "Fuck You!" To I'm glad we have a publication devoted to our lifestyle. which I say, "I like to get business out of the way Also I'd be happy to write for it as I have incredible tails first."** (sic?) of the night life so wild at times, can't quite behave myself. Lots of things got left oul of this issue, I'm sad to Gigi report, but there's only a finite amount of energy Colorado devoted lo this project and lately an :mlimiled attention to various prostitution issues. It's great 1hal we are in the media all over the place; I just wish l was in a better position to present our view f'J\-;31f I,, Wf ( MadJ. Me) or it all to you. Keep an eye out for developments S1Jr101 in Canada, Auslrnlia, new serial killers, the Beijing ad.vice. phoY"\e. },'ne, Eke Conforencc, ad inlinitem. We're coming to a main­ h,a~ s e.,{; u f h.e( slrcam near you! fV"\ an. , \'1.ow +" f<(!. R.f '--'(th..A < d;~\ \--<tbo-AS~-5,'pN'E'r it1Y *Lord qr lllusio11s d~t-q, Is- g IV)s-+-ru C +r.~V\S 'l': J. 4·1,.,,. Frij lVJagnette 's people su !Tering from serious i IIncss, or involved in caretaking, such as hospice workers. HOO KLI NE -Reviews/ essays or hooks, journals and "out of the mailbag and into the sheets!" ;.,~«;ape attemptfa tal periodicals rrom a variety or disciplines calls for sub missio n ... (e.g. psychobiology, literary/ cullurnl Firs!, some1hing rrench that you should studies, anthropological, criminology) to3 7 in Korean fire NOTboycoll. .. Dolores French, the founder which discuss significan1 aspccls or pain, several women attacked the ma ­ and related topics. of HIRE, Hooking Is Real Ernploymcn1, is Women fleeing tron of the dormitory, Park Yong­ collecting sex workers' coming oul stories. -Original visual art work. hi, 58. Park told polit e the \\'.<?men Dolores wrote her own book "Working, My Start creating,~and send stuff in between alleged mistreatment broke into her room and tied her Lire as a Prostitute" which is one of the September I and December 15to 1-farold hands and feet before.covering her 'classics' of the movement. Jaffe, editor, Fiction International, En­ at church..-run center with a blanket and beating her. glish Dept., San Diego Slate University, "They fled after hearing sounds "ii will greatly increase our prospects for San Diego, CA. Include Self Addressed By Paul Alexan der of something breaking, maybe win ­ ASSOCIATEDPRESS the book 10 include samples of a variety of Stamped Envelope and mark your enve­ dow glass, and then flames . bil­ coming out stories along with the descrip­ lope Pain. SEOUL - A church-nm train­ lowed out of several rooms," police tion of'whal we plan Loput logelhcr. I think ing center, where prostitutes and quoted her as saying.,, I 1ha1 l'ivc to lcn pages It will greally SOL searching ... Jesse Heiwa is start­ petty criminals were supposed to Police said Park's attackers get new start, turned into death were wearing street clothes instead increase our prospects l"orthe book Loin ­ ing SOL, a new ':tine about benefit a a trap for 37women Monday when a of pajamas, suggesting they music/ spoken word compilations that clude samples or a variety of coming out plan to escape alleged mistreat­ planned to escape after beating stories along with the description of what raise money and activate people for ment failed. her. ·, we plan to put together. I think that five to various causes. Send your benefit comps Another 16 were injured, some · About eight . wonwn. rwere miss­ ten pages would be a good length 10 start and description sheets to: SOL, e/o po seriously, when deliberately set ing and believed tQi}w.v.~fle~, Yon- with. But consider 1:.at a llexiblc guideline. box 7045 JAF Station, NYC, IO I I 6- fires swept through the dormitory hap TV reported. }lf • ,: .•Ji , ,. 1 would appreciate it if the story is typed 7045 of the Kyonggi Women's Technical The school is located in Y 9~gin, and double-spaced with numbered pages. School near Seoul around 2 a.m., 35 miles south of Seoul, and.nm by If your word-processor can put your name .Relocation Station, what's your pre­ police said. the Korea Presbyterian Chur~l)t With the doors locked and bars at the top or lhc page ..yith the page numbers occupation? Hookin' up dykes and ·. , Courts senb .young women there on the windows, many of the terri­ lhal would help us keep everyone's stories queers in other places. RS proclaims ,tor 10 months of,vocational train­ fied victims, all in thefr te~ns or"' ing as hairstylists or tailors. Some from gelling mixed in together. Ir you think itself to be the first and only publication 20s, burned to death 01· suffocare,d.· of the · 138· wotnel} who lived there you can get a story done lo include it in the indicating the best cities in the US for Police summoned -,the reform were prostitutes; others had been proposal, please send it to us by the end of queers to live.
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