Index Abadan, 106, 107, 126, 138, 139, 141 Aran i, Dr, 126, 138 abbreviations, xv-xvi arbitration, tribal society, 89 Abdul Azim Mosque, 122, 129, 132 Ardekan,92 Abrahamian Ervand, 7, 121, 149 armed operations absolutism, Qajar dynasty, 122 Fedayi,159 Afshar, Haleh, 5, 58, 220 Mojahedin , 163-4 Afshar, Kamran, 4,51 armed struggle, Fedayi advocacy of, Agha Jari, 109 156-9 AGIP,105 ARMISH,181 agri-businesses, 61, 63, 64, 70, 76 arms deals, US, 182-5 Agricultural Development Bank, 64 army, 8, 9-10 agricultural sector as Shah's power base, 186-9 dam construction, 20 budget, 185-6 failure of development policies, 66-71 crowd and, 144 investment, 61-2, 64-5 ineffectiveness, 188 labour force, 53-5 pay, 186-7 less-developed countries , 51-2 policing tribal areas, 82 mathematical modelling, 55--7 post-Revolution, 189-91 neglect, 30, 60-1 post-Revolution ideology, 192-5 planning, 61-2 purges, 179, 192, 194 post-Revolution, 40, 71-{) revolts, 177 production, 65--7 surveillance, 180 share in GOP, 27 Tudeh Party support in, 178-9, 194 value added, 34 under Qajar dynasty, 17s-{) agricultural wages, 73 under Reza Shah, 176-7 agriculture Arsanjani , Hassan, 62, 63 policy, 4-5 Asgarizadeh, Muhammad, 161, 162 terms of trade, 2 Ashraf, Hamid, 153, 153, 156, 159, 159, trade balance, 61 160 Ahmadzadeh, Mas'oud, ISS, 157 Ashtiyani, Muhammad, 153 Ahwaz, 138 Association of Lawyers, 138 AIOC,83 atrocities, against tribes, 82 air force, 189 Azerbaijan, 143, ISS, 157, 161, 178 A1am, Assadolah, 189 Azerbaijanis, 226 Algeria, 114 Azeri language, ISS-{) Ali, Imam, 162, 193,220,223 Allied invasion, Second World War, 83, Babi heresy, 134 12s-{), 177-8 Badi'zedegan , Ali Asghar, 161, 162 Amnesty International, ISO Bahonar, Mohammad Javad, 39 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 81, 83 Bakhtiar, Shahpour, 185 Anglo-Persian Agreement, 125 balance of payments deficit, 31 Arabian Marker Crude, 114 Baldwin, G. B., 19 Arabs, Iranian,S, 37, 194 Baluchestan, 30, 53 254 Index 255 Baluchis,95 Central Organisation of Rural Co- Bani Sadre Abolhassan, 38-9, 72, 194, operatives, 234 234,247,251 Chahar Mahal Va Bakhtiari, 53 banks, 27, 228 chaqou-keshan, 141, 142 agricultural, 71 Chiefs of Mission, US, 181-2 agricultural loans , 64--5 Civil Code 1928,222 Barth, Frederik, 90 civil servants, 236 Basseri,9O class background see also tribes guerrillas, 150 bast. 122, 129, 130, 132 ulama, 221 bazaar, 7-8, 17,21 clergy, 1-2,4, 16--17 alliance with ulama , 33, 221 alliance with merchants, 7-8 , 17 in Constitutional Revolution, 128-31 army and, 192, 193 part in Islamic Revolution, 34-5 hardline, 38-9 post-Revolution, 39 part in Islam ic Revolution, 34-5 protests against Russian invasion, 135 see also ulama support for Mossdaeq, 140-1 cloth-dealers, 128-9 Bazargan, Mehdi, 37-8, 40, 71, 72, 73, co-operatives, 233-4 160, 168-9, 170, 185,224,251 coal complex, Isfahan, 233 Bazargani, Muhammad, 161, 162 commerce, nationalisation, 230-3 Behbahan, 81, 92 Communist Party, 137 Behbahanis, AIOC and, 83 see also Tudeh Beheshti, Ayatollah Mohamad, 38, 39 conflict resolution, tribal society, 89 Behrangi, Samad, 155 Congress, US, 184 Bill, James , 31 Consortium, 103, 108 Binder, L., 92 Constitution (1906), 34, 123 bombings Constitutional Revolution, 35, 122-4, Fedayi, 159 144 Mojahedin, 164 role of bazaar, 128-31 boneh, 60, 69, 71, 72, 75 constitutionalists, 123-4 Boroujerdi, Ayatollah Mohamad Hassan, construction 222 investment, 33 BoyrAhmad, 6, 81, 84, 85-6, 90-1 Second Seven Year Development Plan , bread riots, 133, 135 20 Brinton, C. J., 37, 39 consumer goods, tariffs, 27 Britain, 176, 178 copper complex, Sarchesmeh, 232 invades Persia, 124 CORC, 234 oil interests in Iran, 83 Cossack Brigade, 124, 176, 177 British Legation Cottam, R. W., 84 demonstration, 129, 134 Craig, D., 29 protest, 129 crowd,7-8 broadcasting, controls, 250 as factor in politics, 122-8 Bushehr, 109 European and Iranian compared, 142-5 capital outflow , 34 cultural effects, of fundamentalism, II Carter, President Jimmy, 34, 185 current account, deficit, 31 cash crops, 65 Curzon, George, Marquis Curzon of CCUTU, 138 Kedleston, 125 CENTO, 184 Central Bank of Iran, 31, 227, 228, 235 dams, construction, 20, 61-2 Central Council of United Trades Dashteh Moqan, 76, 101 Unions, 138 Dehqani, Ashraf, 155, 159, 160 Central Intelligence Agency, 17, 19, 178, Dehqani, Behrouz, 155 180 DEMINEX, 105, 106, 107 256 Index democracy, Khomeini's view of, 224 factories, construction, 20 demonstrations faqih , 224, 226 against Islamic government, 234 Farahani, 'Ali Akbar Safa'i, 159 against Russian invasion, 135 farm corporations, 61, 63, 64-5, 70 Constitutional Revolution, 128-9, 130 farm prices, 70 National Front, 127-8 Farsi language, 5, 88 republican crisis, 136, 136-7 Fazel, G. R., 5, 80, 85, 86, 89 royalist, 141-2 Fedayan, 8, 75, 150, 151, 153-60, 165, supporting Mossadeq, 14(}-2 167,169 Tudeh Party , 126, 127-8, 139 post-Revolution, 252 Department of Defense, US, 184 social background, 164 devaluation, 20 . Fedayi Mon sheb, 168, 169 development, Iran , 1-2 Fei, J. C. H., 51, 52 development plans, 59-60, 70 Fei-Ranis model of agricultural labour, petroleum investment during, 109-12 51,52 development policies Fesharaki, Fedeidun, 6, 99 agricultural, 66-71 finance, Islamic government, I(}-II dualistic, 2, 58-60 First Electoral Law 1906, 130 theoretical basis, 4 Five Year Plan Dez dam, 20, 62 Fifth, 31-3 Djam, General Fereydoun, 189 Fourth, 33 doctors , 248 1983,74,76 domestic demand, expansion , 33 fixed capital formation, gross domestic, Dunn , J., 36 21,25,33 food ecological effects of land reform, 88 imports, 65, 70 economic aid, US, 19-20 prices, 27, 63, 65, 73-4 economic growth, 25-6 self-sufficiency in, 59, 61, 68 economic planning, 235-7 subsidies, 74 see also development foqaha, 223 economic policy, Islamic government, foreign capital, agriculture investment, 64 226-37 foreign exchange, oil and gas revenues, Economic Stabilisation Programme, 21, 33 22,23 foreign investment, 19 economics, Khomeini's view of, 225 Foundation for the Powerless Ones, 37 economy, post-Revolution, 39-41, Freedom Fighters' Rural Councils, 75-6 226-37 Friedrich, C. J., 37 education, II Fundamental Laws, 123 post-Revolution, 246-9 fundamentalism, 2, 35, 75-6 secularised, 222 social and cultural effects, II, 244-53 tribes, 88-9, 93 EGOCO,105 Gachsaran, 81 Eight Point Decree, 239-40 gas exports, 24, 108 Elam, 30, 31 gas injection electorate, categories, 130 oil production, 100 electricity shortages, 32 secondary recovery, 108-9 Elwell-Sutton , L. P., 83 gas processing, 104 Endowment Office, 222 gas revenues, 33 Ennals, Mart in, 150 gavbandan, 69 Enzeli,I35 gendarmerie erosion, topsoil, 88 policing tribal areas, 82 exports, 24 rural, 176 carpets, 230 general strike 1905, 122 oil, 115 GENMISH, 181 Index 257 Gilan mountains, 158 IMINOCO, 104, 106 Gini coefficient, income distribution, 30 Imperial Guard, 168 government, Khomeini's view of, 224-5 import substitution, 23 government debt, 235 imports, 26 government expenditure, 33 food,65-70 government revenue, sources, 61 incomes, 29-30, 68 Great Britain, relations with Persia, Independent Islamic University, 247-8 124-5 industrial sector Gross Domestic Product , 21, 25 factory construction, 20 gross fixed capital formation, 21, 25, 33 labour demand, 52, 55 Gross National Product , post- industrial workforce, 4-5 Revolution, 235 industrialisation, 23-31, 137 Guardian Corps of the Islamic early attempts , 18-19 Revolution, 190 financing, 61 see a/so revolutionary guards industries guerrilla movements, 8-9, 149-50 nationalised,232-3 origins, 151-2 subsidies, 40 political groupings, 150-1 inflation, 2, 26, 33 post-Revolution, 169-70,252 rate, 73 guilds, 3, 8, 137 intelligentsia, 4, 17, 34, 150 electoral rights, 133-4 post-Revolution, 39 in Constitutional Revolution, 128-9 interest payments, ban on, 228-9 International Labour Office,30 Haft Kel, 109 International Monetary Fund, 21 Hallock, Richard, 182 investment Hamaden,76 agriculture, 64-5 Hand, H. P., 85 foreign, 19 Hanifnezhad, Muhammad, 161, 162, 163 in construction, 33 Hashemi, Mohamad, 250 manufacturing, 34 Hashemi Rafsanjani, Ayatollah Ali oil industry, 100 Akbar, 228 petroleum sector, 109-12 Hassan, Imam, 162 private sector, 20-1, 34 Haward , Captain, R. S., 182 public sector, 21 health care, regional disparities, 30 IPAC, 104, 106 Hezh Allah, 169 Iran Oil Participants Limited, 103, 107 holdings, fragmentation, 69 Iran Party, 140 HOPECO, 106, 107 Iranian Cultural Revolution, 247 Hosein, Imam, 35, 162-3 Iranian culture, Islamic government Hosseinieh-i Ershad, 163 attitude to, 249 hostages, US Embassy, 38 Iranian Imperial Gendarmerie, 181 House of Justice, 123 Iraq, 114 House of Representatives, 184 war, 4, 39, 190-1,234,239,252-3 Household Budget Surveys, 30 irrigation, 61-2, 69 household expenditure, 30 Isfahan, 30, 124, 126, 138, 139, 141 Housing Foundation, 37 Islamic Council, 76 Hudson Research Europe, 32 Islamic government humanities departments, closure, 249 finance, 10-11 Humphrey, Hubert, 21 threats to, 238-9 Hyser, General Robert, 185 Islamic guerrilla movements, 151 Islamic law, 248 Ideological and Political Section, 192 Islamic Republican Party, 38-9 Ideological Islamic Guidance Council, Islamic Revolution, I, 15-16,35-41 251 ideology, 10,201-19 ideology, Islamic Revolution, 201-19 nature of, 35-7 258 Index Islamic Revolution (cant .) land taxes, 61 tribes and, 92-3 landlords, 144 Islamic revolutionary courts, 37 absentee, 62 electoral rights, 133 Jablonsky, General Harvey, 182 failure to invest, 68 Jazaeri, Morteza, 223 under Land Reform Law, 28-9 Jazani, Bezhan , 153 languages, Iran, 5, 88, 155-6 jezyeh,221 LAPCO, 104, 106 jolt, 69 LAREX,105 Jorgenson, Dale W., 52 Law for the Attraction and Protection of Foreign Investment in Iran (1955), kadkhoda, 29, 85, 87, 93 19 kala, 104 legal system Karaj hydro-electric dam, 20, 62 Khomeini's view of, 225 Kashani, Ayatollah Seyed Abdol Qasem, revision, 248 140 tribes and, 89-90 Kasravi, Ahmad, 132, 133, 133 less-developed countries, agriculture Kazeroon, 92 sector, 51-2 Keddie, N.
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