1 Travis, Ed. 1998. Kei-English extract of multilingual encyclopedic lexical database. Ambon, Indonesia: SIL-UNPATTI [data from Ed Travis, Pilipus Renyaan, H Geurtjens (A-M)] 4359 main entries 3130 subentries Note: The symbol ¢ represents a high back open rounded vowel (upsilon). a: [u'a] 1) give 2) stand in the way of, block, guard, hug [a] expression of dismay, astonished [a] a particular ko gold bracelet a: bracelet > enkaa a: spread a bracelet > yam a = yamad aad: head of a village (clan) a-: ?? > brenan/abrenan: tide diminishes/rises -a: emphasis > Aka he-a?: What's the matter? > wa'id-a!: No. (denial) > Waon i-a ...: In that case, uh, ...vocative, stutter > Tom-a.: Hey, Tom. aa: Oh yes! aan: older sibling SYN-> ya'an ANT-> warin > aan mat wawaan: elder (not eldest sibling) > aan warin: brother's and sisters; ally > aan ya'an: his oldest sibling > aang waring: my family??, my brothers & sisters??, my friend > O aam na'a te wa'id?: Do you have any older brothers or sisters? > yaman aan: one's oldest sibling (functioning as father) ab: ko fish?? SYN-> kalusur > ab kalusur: ?? SYN-> ab kavavav, ab yar > ab kavavav: ko fish SYN-> ab kalusur, ab yar > ab yar: ?? SYN-> ab kavavav, ab kalusur abet: cf. ai bet abkaan: cf. kaan ableek: tin can abloat: long abnuhan: neck, nape of neck; navel?? abran: young man > vat abran: husband and wifemasculine, male 2) bold abren: delegate abrenan: (tides) rise ANT-> brenan abresan: chili, red pepper > abresan ngahong: hot chili pepper abrin: command abruk: ?? > kanar abruk: red parrot 2 absek: cf. kubil ad: [en'ad] 1) beached, stranded ANT-> loi > habo en'ad: The canoe is grounded. 2) dry dry out SYN-> [nak]mar, hangrubu, [nas]kehe, [nav]tit, [nam]rov > lelan en'ad: His throat is dry/he's thirsty. > Tahet en'ad.: The tide is out. > uran kokat en'ad: The rice in the bowl is dry. > uum en'ad: you are dumb ANT-> uum wear [ad] get, obtain > Muad [o mu wad] vu'ut ta hob? Ning uad rak.: Have you caught any fish yet? Yes, I have. [adan] dry, old, aground ANT-> vuka SYN-> kmar > ai adan: dry wood ad'an: cf. adan adat: tradition, common law, respect??, polite, custom, behavior > adat asnur: cutoms, culture > kai adat: well brought up adfifin: temple (of head) adfofar: cheek adir: [en'adir] teach, talk to, rebuke SYN-> [en]turuk, [en]hitil > o m'adir kotkot skol: You teach school for children. [naf'adir] study > uf'adir veveu Evav: I'm studying the Kei language. adiran: tooth, gums adranan: white sea bird, like a heron, but taller and with a longer beak adung: [en'adung] arrange, organize [naf'adung] put down (another person) > naf'adung asa (bangsa): discriminate on the basis of genealogy a'ear: cf. e'ar ael: cf. ail aen: cf. ain aenbe: cf. [en]be af: signal, gesture, wave at > ya'au u'af kot en roi: I signalled that fellow. 2) cut off SYN-> ot afa: something, thing > afa sian: evil spirit > Afa vel meman faka (afa aka)?: What is that over there (to the side)? > Ya'au u'an afa rak.: I've eaten. [ma'afa] thick (of flat objects: cloth, plank); numerous (packed??), wide (island), high SYN-> [ma]nan, manan ANT-> (ma)nifin > mal ma'afa: thick skinned > O ulim ma'afa.: You have a husky body./You're invulnerable (to bullets and knives). > esbo ma'afa: thick cloth > fofan ma'afa: thick board > nuhu yanat roi ma'afa: that islet over there is wide (high??) 3 afaka: cf. afa aka, isabta afat: [en'afat] cut (off, up), chop > afat fo lo: Cut it off straight. > I en'afat ai nasngalik.: He cuts wood quickly. [fatfat] cf. fatfat afi'i: What is it? (I've forgotten.) SYN-> afa he la, afa ya > I nafi'i rak.: It's already, uh, whatever. aflear: mast > aflear habo: sailboat mast afnge: cf. [naf]nge afra: ironwood > vat afra: ?? afruan: middle > afruan daan: exactly in the middle > endir leen afruan: mediate, in the middle > kuva afruan: back basket aftetat: chisel SYN-> skav > aftetat lelang: semicircular chisel agam: religion SYN-> aingam aha: 1) bamboo rafter for sago thatch roof 2) wallaby SYN-> hilo'o, ahat 3) antelope SYN-> rus 4) almond SYN-> uar [en'aha] gather (fruit) > en'aha nuur: pick coconuts > en'aha kustel: pick pepayas [nab'aha] gather, congregate, swarm around ahad: week, Sunday ahai: [en'ahai] 1) spear, stab (with a stick), prick, pierce, pick (fruit) with a pole SYN-> kayet, sung, tavat > en'ahai voat > hir ba er'ahai fau: (One of them is going to marry) and the others are going to help arrange it. > i nas'ahok en'ahai kustel.: He jumped and knocked down a papaya with a pole. > um'ahai: you(s) stab > ya'au u'ahai nuur: I climbed the tree and knocked down the coconuts by poking with a stick lv:kayet. SYN-> aha nuur 2) fig. arrange [nas'ahai] ache, be sharply painful > ya'au yeang nas'ahai: My feet ache. > en'ahai ken hira ivun raan: impress a person (with one's speech) ahaik: [en'ahaik] prophesy > en'ahaik loet ahang: [en'ahang] stack up ahar: cf. kivut ahat: 4 [en'ahat] smear on ahat: ?? ahel: sign SYN-> fanean aher: section between joints (bamboo, sugarcane), stanza of a song aherat: underworld, the upper world, afterlife?? SYN-> n‚t ahoi: cf. [en']ahai ahok: [en'ahok] jump across > i en'ahok vat: He jumped over the stone. [nas'ahok] jump up SYN-> [nas]takur > I nas'ahok en'ahai kustel.: He jumped and knocked down a papaya with a pole. > I nas'ahok enharang.: He jumped high enough (to get it). > I nas'ahok karatat.: He jumped up high. ai: tree (trunk), wood [ai bet] a tree whose bark and leaves are used as medicine; the leaves and blossoms are stewed as greens [ai daran] KK: lightweight wood; KB: heavy wood [ai fra] ironwood [ai fuun] flower [ai honghong] firewood, (small, dry) branch [ai hulin] tree trunk [ai hungir] tree with hollow trunk [ai imun] sprout [ai kav] cotton plant [ai kaba] ?? [ai kor] nutmeg [ai lar] ko tree [ai lohor] bottom plank in canoe, hull [ai nar] ainar tree?? [ai ngam] ko tree [ai tu'ar] tree stump SYN-> ai utin [ai utin] tree stump [ai vat] children; block of wood [ai vuan] fruit > kav ai: hank of string SYN-> leban ail: fishhook, key > ail ihin: point of fishhook > ail kyom: fishing instrument [mar'ail] (commercial) fisherman SYN-> [mar]vu'ut ain: one SYN-> mehe > ain na'a oan: one and one half SYN-> ain nakidin > ain ni ain: birds of a feather?? > ain te ru: one or two > ain mehe: one > ain ru: two, both??, and?? > ain ruru: double > minggu ain rak: (I've been here) one week so far. [naf'ain] ?? aingam: 1) religion SYN-> wawaat, agam > mor angam: religion 2) ko plant 5 aintel: cf. tel ait: uncle SYN-> mimin > ait k¢t: favorite uncle aitnil: cf. horhor ajad: happen don't -ak: ?? > naskeb-ak: stored at one's waist in roll of sarung aka: common sense, effort what? > Afa ya meman aka?: What is this (that I'm holding)? > Aka he-a?: What's the matter? > Aka he ka?: What's the matter? > O mbua leran aka?: What day are you going? > Toran, o m'isabta afa ka val rak he? Wa'id o!: What are you thinking about that you sigh like that? It's nothing. [ka] what > La fir (ka) Ocu o mdo vel-e?: When are you coming here again, Ucu? > O mbua gareja fo ka (aka)?: Why are you headed to the church? akav: cotton akbak: cf. atbak akbelin: box, case akbitan: leader in battle akbo: just, and then, furthermore > ya'au u'an afa rak akbo uma i: I finished eating before I came here. > ya'au uhilik fau ensu kbo, o msikat: I'll throw the mangoes down to you and you catch them. aklaas: drinking glass > ma taan mdo nansa'ai aklaas: Bring the tray here to hold the glass. aklas: cf. aklaas akna: cf. kena, aknavun, kanavun aknavun: 1) (wood) ashes 2) hearth, fireplace SYN-> = kanavun akngir: cf. atnir akrau: ?? akrid: saw akrit: octopus akrod: cf. karod, katrod akwal: rice kettle (copper), wok SYN-> kwal akwas: authority al: cf. [en]kal |et BI gali aleman: heavy > hukum aleman [eleman]: heavy punishmentload, burden, weight > O aleman enli Ari ne ya'au alemang enli o.: You are heavier than Ari but I am heavier than you. > Ya'au lemang enli Oce.: My load is more than Oce's. > ya'au nung aleman enli Oce.: My load is heavier than Oce's. aloat: eel alu: cake made of rice, almond, etc. 6 am: we (excl.) ama: covenant? > ama sor lim: Pancasila amak: [en'amak] ?? SYN-> [en]hamak amalir: lean-to, shanty, canopy, long house SYN-> los, sabua amam: cf. am mam aman: mucus amarar: ?? ames: all of us (excl.) amnanat: long (time), forever, always, eternal > amnanat wa'id: never > hob amnanat: It will still be a while. > Ya'au uteuk amnanat./Nanat oho.: I waited a long time./A long time, yes. amnelat: young girl, virgin SYN-> manelot, helat (dit) amud: [en'amud] ?? cf. [en]ler amuun: macadamia nut > damar amuun: macadamia torch > O mu'an amuun o mras uar.: You'll find that macadamia nuts taste as good as almonds. an: [en'an] weave, plait SYN-> hed > Dar en'an besa hob.: I haven't finished weaving the mat. [na'an] eat SYN-> [en]loloang > mu'an ler rat: Damn you! > na'an ken afa: bite onto something (besides food) > na'an namleher: change one's mind (because bribed??) > i na'an mu'u: He's eating a banana.
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