NGO Report Acronym Name of Organisation Kosova Office Address City (alb/serb) Head of Office Deputy Mobil Phone Satphone Landline e-mail address AAH Action Against Hunger Sunny Hill Nov Pazar 48 Gareth Owen Julie Williams 00 389 70 252 046/357 00 871 762 068 275 038 549 172/29 291 [email protected] AAP Albanian Austria Partnership Ulpijana D-4 H-2 #11 Skender Thaqi 038 47 681 AAR Association to Aid Refugees, Japan Maticanska 5 Prishtine/Pristina Nobuyuki Yokota 00 389 70 226 526 00 873 761 211 6487 ABA American Bar Association Xhemajl Kada Str # 24, Dragodan Pamela S. Fahey 389 70 252 517 AC AmeriCares Dragodan Andrew Hiydik 873 761 272 922 ACI Actions Civilies Internationales Michel Trichet ACT Action by Churches Together Podgoricka 95,Dragodan Prishtine/Pristina Thorkild Hoyer Leila Dzaferovic 00 45 23 201 085 00 873 762 154 250 038 549 187/188/ 190 [email protected] Gjakova/Djakovica Field Office Address: Nena Tereze 361 Cont. Pers: Nikola Ikonomov Office phone: 00 871 762 208 260 e-mail: Mitrovica Field Office Address: Tetova 20 Bosnian Quarter Cont. Pers: Jan Petter Saga Office phone: 028 24 083 e-mail:[email protected] Mitrovica Field Office Address: Sava Kovaqevic 424 Shipol Cont. Pers: Edwin Ramathal Office phone: 00 873 761 275 245/028 33 958 e-mail: Address: Cara Bushel 3 Cont. Pers: Henric Olsen Office phone: 00 871 761 602 335 e-mail: Address: Rruga e Clirimit Cont. Pers: Office phone: 00 871 761 274 844 e-mail:[email protected] ACTED Ag. D'aide a la Coop. Tech. Et au Development Meto Bajraktari str. BIP Mitrovice/Kosovska Mitrovica Remy Reymann Jean Philipe Riche 028 31 058 ADAB Associazione per le Donne Albanese Robert Gajdiku # 80 Prishtine/Pristina Silvia Sestili 00 39 335 706 0949 00 871 761 608 212 [email protected] ADEH Association D'Entraide Humanitair International Bashkesia Lokale 6,Sunny Hill Bambur Fadlija 038 45 623 ADI Association for Democratic Initiative Nena Tereze Str. 54/9 Albert Musliu 038 22 888 ADRA Adventist Development & Relief Agency Proleteri Str. # 18 Prishtine/Pristina Paul Dulhunty 038 500 650/549 045/047/048 [email protected] Gjakova/Djakovica Field Office Address: Ilir Soba str. Blloku i Ri Cont. Pers: Sali Fazliu Office phone: 0390 23 156 e-mail: Mitrovica Field Office Address: Marshall Tito str. Cont. Pers: Office phone: 028 32 020 e-mail: Ferizaj/Urosevac Field Office Address: Nerodime str. objekti 17 Nentori Cont. Pers: Jennifer Cline Office phone: 00 873 762 094 786 e-mail: Page 1 2/14/00 HCIC GIS Unit, Prishtina NGO Report Acronym Name of Organisation Kosova Office Address City (alb/serb) Head of Office Deputy Mobil Phone Satphone Landline e-mail address ADS Acteurs De Solidarite Isa Grezda # 31 Gjakove/Djakovica Bernard Pavon 0390 28 009 [email protected] AFPIC Action for People in Conflict Rr.e Vneshtaris # 18 Tony Percy AFSC American Friends Service Committee Mitrovice/Kosovska Mitrovica Michael Poulshock 028 30 254 AGAPE Association for Generosity & Active Promotion of Empathy Skopje, Macedonia Kostake Milkov 389 91 115 190 AGAPE Christian Humanitarian Organisation Robert Gajdiku#9,Sunny Hill Kacaniku/Kacanik Nikollov Andrejev Andy Bishop 00 389 70 255 147/ 255 847 00 389 91 111 457 [email protected] AGRINAS Agricultural International Assistance Pogradec, Albania Simon Westeijn fax.355 832 2131 AI Amnesty International Shelley Inglis AiBi Associazione Amici Dei Bambini Trajko Simic Str.#25 Dragodan Prishtine/Pristina Nadia Raneri 39 348 357 2614 AID Aksioni i Dashurise Dardania Bl.9A 2/3-6 Bekim Beka 038 542 800/42 920/42 921 AJJDC American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Grand Hotel, Prishtina Eli Eliezri AKRI "AKRI" Lidhja per Preventive "Sllavej Planina" # 55, Shkup(Skopje) Prishtine/Pristina Zekirja Osmani 00 389 91 112 823 AL-HARAMAN Al-haraman Humanitarian Foundation Velania 1 Prishtine/Pristina Saleh Al-Dehaichi 871 762 153 993 AL-WAKF Al Wakf Al Islami Xhemajl Ibishi 56 Majdi Gabbab 038 30 591 AM Association Medina Dr. Carrey Franck AMDA The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Partizani Str.#12 Prizren Kazuki Hanaue 873 761 213 737 AMI Aid Medicale Internationale Bazhdaran, Prizren Jose Matos 871 762 093 565 Page 2 2/14/00 HCIC GIS Unit, Prishtina NGO Report Acronym Name of Organisation Kosova Office Address City (alb/serb) Head of Office Deputy Mobil Phone Satphone Landline e-mail address AMICA Amica 7 Korriku str. # 4 Rahovec/Orahovac Judith Brand Annet Gerber 00 870 761 617 079 ANNF Association Navarra New Future 18 Nentori H.# 5 # 2 Prishtine/Pristina San Hose Fernandez 038 25 309 AOG Assemblies Of God Rashid Deda Str. # 85, Mitrovice Kurt Plagenhoef 028 37 884 APCNSH The Association for Prevention and Combat of Narcomania Dardania SU 7/1 Lam A # 22 Prishtine/Pristina Mr.Sc.Kadri Bicaj 038 40 859 ARC American Refugee Committee Patrijaha Varve#84, Dragodan Prishtine/Pristina Rob T.Rowe 00 389 70 254 742 00 871 761 997 725 063 744 416 [email protected] Gjilani/Gnjilane Field Office Address: Gavrani 5/1 Cont. Pers: Ftitz Ehemme Office phone: 00 871 761 997 720 e-mail: ARCOBALENO Missione Arcobaleno Italiano Governament Marshall Tito 15 A Peje/Pec Stefano Costa 00 39 02 760 152 12 ARD Association for Rebuilding Democracy Dardania SU/5 La/12 Prishtine/Pristina Feta Bakija 038 27 164 ARK Alliance for Rehabilitation in Kosova Mustafa Bakija #22, Gjakove Keith Disselkoen 881 631 016 766 ARTWB Artists Without Borders Hector Sierra 00 81 3 355 07053 [email protected] ASB/DPA Arbeiter Samariter Bund Ivo Llolla Ribar81/A, Prizren Franz Moestl 873 761 616 480 ATLAS Atlas Logistique Brigada e Rinise # 77 Prishtine/Pristina Lies Gacem 00 871 762 154 398 038 25 073 atlas [email protected] AUTRC Austrian Red Cross Cultural Building Istog/Istok Andrea Wissinger Sebastian Nowak 00 43 699 101 15204 00 873 762 009 945 [email protected] AVIS Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue Mitrovice/Kosovska Mitrovica Dr.Claudio Maria Bottigli 028 32 755 AVSI Associazione Volontari per il Servizio International Durmitori #37 Prishtine/Pristina Luca Domeniconi Manuela Trussardi 00 39 335 710 1897 00 871 762 265 995 [email protected] Peja/Pec Field Office Address: Boro Vukmirovic 32 Cont. Pers: Office phone: 00 871 762 2995/39 335 7270912 e-mail: AWB Aid Without Borders Lamela 1/4, Sunny Hill Daphina Eshkol 038 49 541 Page 3 2/14/00 HCIC GIS Unit, Prishtina NGO Report Acronym Name of Organisation Kosova Office Address City (alb/serb) Head of Office Deputy Mobil Phone Satphone Landline e-mail address AYA Albanian Youth Action Karposhi 41Catholic Church Ilir Rodiqi 038 48 843 BAG Balkanactie-Belgium Godanci Str. 67, Shtime/Stimlje Shpresim Arifi 00 32 477 573 765 BASHKIMI" Shoqata Edukativo Arsimore Kul.Hum. Bamirese "Bashkimi" Hasan Prishtina 46 Cen Pushkolli 038 35 180 BCC Barcelona City Council Kopaoniku 37 Prishtine/Pristina Julian Artacho 038 24 732 BCP Beati I Constructori Di Pace c/o Council Human Rights Prishtine/Pristina Albino Bizzotto 39 049 807 0522 BEREQETI Shoqata H. "Bereqeti" Ramiz Sadiku Str. #15 Naim Ternava 038 25 222 BETHANY Bethany International Services Gjakove/Djakovica Keith Disselkoen 038 85 496 BFT Balkans Freedom Trust Migjeni Str.# 16, Gjakove Gjakove/Djakovica Gary Opfer Kathy Opfer 0390 25 726 [email protected] BGPERKOS Bergamo Per il Kosovo Dardanija Str. 1a Peje/Pec Piero Legrenzi 039 28 134 BI Better Investments Prishtine/Pristina Geofrey Briggs 038 23 328 BLF Bureau de Liaison de France Rijeka str. # 24 Prishtine/Pristina 00 33 684 804 427 BM Balkan Ministries Vuqiterna Str. # 26 Jerry Sweitzer BO British Office Dragodan 1, Xhemajl Kada # 37 Prishtine/Pristina David Slinn Susan Crombie 00 44 7880 717 880 00 870 761 841 166 [email protected] BPT Balkan Peace Team Sheshi Nena Tereze 72-A/ 9 Prishtine/Pristina Alan Jones Robert Sautter 00 31 620 397 935 038 42 706 [email protected] BSF Balkan Sunflowers Aktash 3,Bll4 H#3,Sunny Hill Prishtine/Pristina Eduard Thatcher 038 20 646 [email protected] Gjakova/Djakovica Field Office Address: Sadik Stavileci 97 Cont. Pers: Jennifer Mueller Office phone: e-mail:[email protected] Peja/Pec Field Office Address: Revolucioni i Tetorit 35 Cont. Pers: Casey Johnson Office phone: e-mail: Page 4 2/14/00 HCIC GIS Unit, Prishtina NGO Report Acronym Name of Organisation Kosova Office Address City (alb/serb) Head of Office Deputy Mobil Phone Satphone Landline e-mail address CA Cap Anamur Dardania Su-Bl 1A Lok. 26 Prishtine/Pristina Nedim Goletic 038 24 447 CAD Children's Aid Direct Lipjani # 6, Dragodan 2 Prishtine/Pristina Chrissie Gale Karen Smith 44 771 276 7255 038 549 091 [email protected] CAI Child Advocacy International Aktashi I -64 Prishtine/Pristina Shkumbin Dauti Partha Banerjea 063 750 014 00 871 762 103 721 038 21 931 [email protected] CARE Care International Metohija 5 Prishtine/Pristina Tom Hurley Chris Sykes 00 389 70 267 023 00 871 762 093 533 038 549 252/549 130 [email protected] Ferizaj/Urosevac Field Office Address: Hekurudha Cont. Pers: Oliver David Office phone: 871 761 268 459 e-mail: Prizren Field Office Address: Adriatiku 16 Cont. Pers: Andrea Rothweiler Office phone: 871 761 616 456 e-mail:[email protected] Address: Nerodime Cont. Pers: Peter Muriuki Office phone: 00 871 762 020 025 e-mail: Podujeva Address: Skenderbeu Cont. Pers: Johc Steel Office phone: 00 871 762 281 650 e-mail: CARITAS/A Caritas Austria CRS Warehouse Prizren Margaretha Matic 00 871 761 616 915 CARITAS/AL Caritas Albania Gjakove/Djakovica Silvio Tessari 871 761 191 6073 CARITAS/B Caritas Belgium Anton Ceka 18/2 Gjakove/Djakovica Jaques Dony 873 761 856 773 CARITAS/CH Caritas Switzerland Nazmi Hikmeti #104 Dragodan Prishtine/Pristina Peter Amhof 00 41 79 456 2550 CARITAS/CZ Caritas Czech Gjilani/Gnjilane Pavel Kolinsky 871 761 871 811 CARITAS/DEN Caritas Denmark Peder Pederson 45 331 272 61 CARITAS/G Caritas Germany& Diakonen Ivo Llolla Ribar 66 Prizren Mr.
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