1 • I:==:THE=:I:N:DIAN::~S~C~HO~O~L~J~O~URN~AL~-!!!!A!!!!D!!!!VE!R!TI!SIN~G~S~E~CT.IO~N __...1 • We thoroughly uoderstand the wants of tfIe ullfw buyer. ()peralfug the most complete Eugravlug and Prlulfug MaD· Order plant lu America day and nfgbt, you receive prompt Service, salfsfactory goods and prices that create frleuds Whether yoU are lD Mexico, New York or 'rrtseo. DbrslraUODII 01 n't:17 Idad and 4eser1pUoa.. dtM:r fa eGlon or bladeaDd willie. PI'tnIba8. saa .. MoIdds.l1oe ealalogs, private cwu:sp..daaee JMIJ1'G'. olfIee stal1011UY. de. AD _ ......._ ... prompll)' and -eaII7. Wort< mild or .._" Bad<. WIlI1'E NOW AND "WE'LL oEUVElt THE GOODS. Mention Tal JOUR..'i.u. whenever yon write to our advertisers. 2 THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION The Farmers State Bank cAr1wlsas City, 1CvIsa.s, CAPITAL 550,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, 525.000. -DIRECTORS- WY. E. OTIS. JXO. L. PARSOXS. J. MACK LOVE. E. :s'EFF. A. H. DE~TOS WM. E. OTIS, PIIUD£fIT. A. H.DENTON, C~u. For the biggest assortment of FOR DRUGS, BOO KS, Fine Stationery and Lowney's Good Gas Goods Chocolates. at lowest prices GALL AT :Jolliff ~ ;Jwart3, Gilbert-Sturtz Hdw. Co. ARKA'ySAS OITY. KJ...VSM. Everything in Hardware Arhmsas City. Kansas. T.E. OLDROYD a=d DR. L. D. ITCH ELL, COMPANY, ...DEIITlST... FURNITURE AIID UNDERTAKING Opposite Farmers' Slale lWU:. in I. f. Block. Arkansas City, Kansas. 2adger ~umber 'CO. L. D. HOD GE B. W. 8OARD!IAN, Arenl DE TIST, Lumber and Building Material Over Home ational Bank, EsliDW.. ChurlaU, Given. Arb=s City, l>.n. ARJ(AKSAS CITY, ]UK A8. WE SAVE YOU MONEY --- == On DrJ Goods, Clothin Immense Assortment and th r and Shoes. 110 Trouble to s:oVery Lowest Prices. ~:;~~===~==~~:'4lI Coods. THE NEWMAN DRY == := ARKA.'(SAS CITY ~OObS COMPANY, '-- ::=:-__=:.:.:.:AN~A~. Mention tbe JOUBSAL wb :-- -,----- enever YOQ 'Write {Jur I.dverth,frs. THE INDL\.N SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION 3 Economy Way CALIFORNIA You dOl TOT sacrifice comfort for economy when you go in a Santa Fe T 0 uri s t P u 11m a n. tALL THE WAY 25 for Colonist ticket to Cal­ ifornia. Dail y, FEBRUARY 15 to APRIL 7. tl.Slight extra charge for berth. Seat in chair car free. 4lDurtless roadbed. Harvey meau. Ask Santa Fe Agent at <:.Arkansas City', Kansas, for tourist sleeper booklet Best Line to St. Louis Train. TO. 8 Saves a DAY to ~ew York H. C SHIElllS L. s. M<CLELLAN T P. A W. P. 903 Main Strttl. K>ns>s City. IiIissouri Mention the JOCRsAL;wbene.er you write oar ad,ermers. 4 THE INDIAN. SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION If you "can't go" we'll bring the wilderness to you-If you can we'll tell you HOW, WHEN and WHERE PINS STERLING SILVER FIELD AND E1I4me[ea Reef, White, Green STREAM 'l'rta 5Ik STERLING SILVER On Sale on All ews Stands-l5c SPOONS. No.1. 1.50. 30'clock ~izt .Don't miss HORACE KEP­ Oklaboma Handle. No.:!..t.j"~ Indianftgure HART'S series of articles on on flat Handle. ~o.l .J 50. same as ~o. Camping and Woodcraft 2. Gilland Enameled BowL nor DWIGHT W. HUNTINGTON'S No .. _. Bead on series of articles Gust beginning) on tront Tepeeonbaci of Randle. No. a. ~.!.13, Size and Game Clubst Parks and Style of illustration. No. 6. 1.00. Same as.~(l. Preserves in America 5. Copper and GIl covering this important subject in finisb. T" :'5. Llte~o.~ all its newly developing phases as No.,. ~. Large Beal'S _at. it has never yet been covered. • 8!3.i5 Same as So. 1'0.. d Gilt Every sportsman and all who are i, Copper aD fini!'b. interested in game and fish preser­ By Mill rostpail. vation will be vitally interested in - these articles, written by the au­ E. L McDowell thor of "Our Feathered Game" and "Our Big Game" especially Jewder M ..... lltT. K""'" for FIELD AND STREAM. L -:=_ To all who send $1.0 for a year's _ -...-f subscription to FIELD AND STREAM 'II 111-111-"'-'" i and mention this magazine we will send Roosevelt.~ " 'S I postpaid, a copy ofTheodore ", TSTUDENT ! book, "Hunting the Grisly and other : • MAGAZIKE.! Sketches." If preferred, we will send, p~. in place of Mr. Roosevel~s book a i For Students of " f "T' , :, h Dr>lftllr· copy 0 he Sportmg Dictionary" or . and-Ink and Bros .cJ! ! a pair of our famous water color ~uck­ I th t pax-prattJ , shooting pictures, entitled "Hit and Miss-If " Teaches the arts a r illustrating, , "I magaZIne and newsP"ljdesigning, etc: : cartooning, commercl~ 'err volUlDe, I "1 Over 12 free lessons 'b ev substribeg : about 50 drawIngs, Y' fcised eo " Field and Stream " only, published land ~~~e !JeginD;:; "I is ue A true he per ZOO i!Jchl1- ! 35 West 21st Street, New York at)' : No. lSHhsonic Tcmpk,I>.laJD.t~ e..-...-...- ... - ....... Mention tbe JOt1L."AL wbenever you write our adverl1sen. THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION 5 Chilocco R.R. Time Table Tht triaM lotlou: stop daily. AXTA FE RoGTE.-Station one and one· half mile east of Administration Building­ Going north: Xo. at 11:,)5 a. m.: Xo. ,KawCit)" Train) at ;:O~ p. m. Going south: Xo.4O; at 9:1~ a. m.: Xo. 115 at 11:03 a. m. Flu 00 IAXE tation known as Cale, uth bound, ;:30 a. m. and 5:0~ p. m : north hound, 1~:(}.I a. m. and 6: p. m. ~E" ERA )lILLeiG COllP1XY, Manufacturers of the Celebrated "POLAR BEAR" FLOUR. ARKANSAS CITY, Kfu\'SAS DeANE & JARVIS 'HTm mac"'\'M~ lOa\\o1\s, REMEMBER US 1!l\l\\\\\es. e&.TT\&.\\eS, 1\e\1\ Whenever you want HARNESS or a bill of HARDWARE. a1\1\ ~all\e1\ '5eeo., etc., etc. 109 S. Summit. ABKANSMCITY. K~I' HAMILTON HARDWARE CO Geo. L. Beard, Arkansas City, Kans. Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods G. Hartler. Pres. :\. D. Sa.nders, cashier fuhinr Tuklc ..d Athletic Goods. The Citizens State Bank c.piW. Fiftr ThOU5llld. Fullr Paid fm, Il.cpairiq • spccWly, A Home LnstitutiOD. We licit Your Business MILLER" Missouri Pacific Time Table. PHOTOS Arkansas City, Kans. No. 810 passenger, departs----, . 12:30 p. m No. 89-1 local freight, departs.--- 8:00 a. m ARE THE BEST. '0. 893 local freight, arrives ..11:30 a. m No. 8t9 Passenger, arrives.... :. 4:OOp. m No. 810 makes close connecbon at Dexter with fast train for CoffeyVJlle, PIttsburg, tmpire tJteam i.aundrq, Nevada and 51. Louis, and for rints on the ARKANSAS CITY. Iron Mountain route south 0 CoffeyVJlle. Also with fast express for Colorado and TELEPHONE NO. 25. Pacific Coast points. Local freights carry passengers between C·N B . Ur1t. Proprietor. Arkansas City and Dexter. W. A. RUPERT, Agent. ONE OOOR NORTH OF GLAOSTONE HOTEL, Mention the JOU8.'1A[, whenever yon wnle our advertisers, 6 THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION THIS ILLUSTRATION SHOWS OUR NEW STEEL CAKE GRIDDLE BAKES e CAKES J"ER MINUTE Sits on top, fits any stan, will heat in 5 minutes. a child can use it, worth its weight in gold, and only costs 5C)e.-will save fuel enough to pay for itself every mon~ WANTED_A L<>calA!l"llltDev"Ydly, T!Ilage and coantty lown io the t"niud Staus. Sampl~Griddle by bspn: s (or 25 cents, you to pay EJ:p~ chargt'S, with b6t prices to agent, will takt 2c stamps for satnplrs: also Carpet Strttchers. lodlan Btadt'd. Sboppin~ Bags and other 200d articlesfot' agents. Addrus F. M. VAN erreN ll.sm~, ltaDuf.cturers. 61' Mald Street, Buffaio, N. Y. Your Old Friends Back East Ought to Move Southwest. Send us the names and addresses of anyj>ersons you think would be in· terested in the Southwest, and we will mail them interesting land boOk­ lets and a copy of our immigration journal, liThe Earth." You send the list and we will send the descriptive matter. Do it NOW! Address, GaxraI CoIoaiuti.. ApL ,.Santafe•• A. T. l F. F. Ky- l1eo.tiouthe Jot:&.."u lfb en ever you write our advertisers. THE U\DL-\N SCHOOL JOURnAL-ADVERTISING SECTION 7 ~turm'5 STATEHOOD n Published at Tulsa, Indian Territory, and devoted to Indian Territory u... Oklahoma and the Southwest, is a standard magazine of more than 100 pages every month. It is a reliable index to the industrial and commercial development of this country, as well as a true record of Indian history and Indian lore. It is but six months old, yet the magazine bas touched such a popular chord that in less than half a year it had come to be recognized as one of the best on the news stands, and is finding ready sales from one end of the country to the other. a.The information in this magazine concerning the two territories is worth many times the price to anyone, and the literary features are of special merit. Devoted largely to the territories, it is unique and intensely interesting. (lThe Indian depart­ ment is under the editorial direction of Mrs. Ora Eddleman Reed, fonnerly editor of "Twin Territories," and this department alone is worth the sub­ scription price, as it contains the history of the Indians of not only the five civilized tribes, but many others are being investigated and written about by her. The Magazine is handsomely illustrated, and as well printed as the average standard magazine.
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