1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7695 _· LEAVE OF ABSENCE of survivors of prisoners of war put to death By Mr. WATTS: . by the Government of Japan; to the Com­ H. R. 4709·. A bill for the relief of Baron By unanimous' consent, leave of ab- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Fred Alexander D'Osten-Sacken; to the sence was granted·. to: ' · · [ · ~ By Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. Mrs. Roi;;ERS · of 'Massachusetts· <at H. "R. 4702. A bill to amend section 2 of By Mr. WINSTEAD: the request of Mi: .. BROWN ·of Ohio), in­ the settlement of War Claims Act of 1928, as H:R. 4710. A bill authorizing the Secre­ definitely, on account of illness in her amended, so as to authorize restoration of tary of the Interior to issue to Robert family. · trust funds for payment of the balances of Graham a patent in fee to certain lands in Mr. FENTON <~t the request of Mr. the awards of the mixed claims commission, the State of Mississippi; to the Committee GRAHAM), indefinitely, 6n account of sei:i­ United States and Germany, to nationals of on Interior and Insular · Affairs. - the United States; to . the Committee on ous illness in the imm'ediate family. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr;·SMITH of Virginia. <at the request By Mr. BEALL: of Mr. HARDY), intj.efinitely, on account H. R. 4703. A bill to provide that certain of illness. school officers and employees of the Board SENATE Mr. HART, for an indefinite period, of Education of the District of Columbia · on account of illness·. · shall be granted annual leave of absence FRIDAY, JULY,6, 1951 equal to that granted to teachers of the ADJOURNMENT Board of Education of the District of Colum­ <Legislative day of Wednesday, June 27, Mr. PRIEST. Mr. ·speaker, I move bia; to the Committee on the District of 1951)_ that the House do now adjourn. Columbia. · The motion was agreed to; accordingly By Mr. RICHARDS: The Senate met at 12-o'clock meridian, <at 5 o'clock and 11 ·minutes p. m:) the H. R. 4704. A bill authorizing the Secretary on the expiration of the recess. House adjourned until tomorrow, Fri­ of State to make grants .or loans to needy The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown widows of Foreign Service officers who died Harris, D. D.," .offered the following day, June ~· 1951, at 12 o'clock noon. prior to the · effective date of the Foreign Service Act· of 1946; to the Committee on prayer: Foreign Affairs. EXECUTIV_E COM~U~ICATIONS, ~TC. Eternal God our Father, whose life is By Mr. HOPE: the breath of our being: In these times 590. Under clause 2 of. rule XXIV, a H. R. 4705. · A bill to amend the Defense that try. our souls as. we gird-the might letter from the Director of Legislation Production Act of 1950; to the Committee on and Liaison, Department of the Air Banking and Currency. of the Natfon to defend our threatened Force, transmitting· copies of reports of liberties, we pray that we may take care to strengthen the spiritual foundations property outleased by the Air Force a.s MEMORIALS of June 1, 1951, pursuant to Public Law of our democracy, knowing that without ' 364, Eightieth Congress, and Public Law Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ Thee we build on sin!dng sand. Give 211,· Eighty-first Congress, was taken rials were presented and referred as us hearts and minds big enough for those from the Speaker's table and referred to follows: social reconstructions, for those daring the ·committee on Armed Services. ·By Mr. CASE: Mei:n:ori'al of the Legislature feats. of generous good will that shall - of the Stat.e of New. Jersey, memorializing yet turn human life into a glad and gra­ the Congress of the United States, to adopt PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Federal legislation to establish a corporation cious fraternity around this torn arid or to reestablish a former corporation to in­ tortured world. Help us to ·remember Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public sure private citizens against loss or damage that the spiritual splendor of our her­ bills and resolutions were introduced and to persons and property resulting from the itage cannot be handed down, that con­ severally referred· as follows: action of foreign enemies during periods of stantly it is to. be rewon by eternal vigi­ ·-BY .Mr. LEONARD W. HALL: hostilities; to the Committee on Interstate lance, and that with every generation it , H. R : 4693. A bill t0 amend section 77, sub­ and Foreign Commerce. section ( c) (3), of the Bankruptcy A9t;: as Also, · memorial of , the Legislature of the must be reborn, repossessed, and reinter­ amended; to the Committee on the Judiciary. State of New Jersey ,. memorial~zing the Con­ pretep. in the living garden of freedom. By -Mr. MORRIS (by request): gress of the United States to adopt legisla­ Now God be praised who hath H. R. 4694. A bill to repeal certain' legisla­ tion to release the citizens of one State from, matched us with this hour of world.des- tion relatiag to the Gallup-Durango Highway . the payment of an income tax iri a State and the Gallup-Window Rock -Highway at where they work but wherein they are not . tiny, when we ·are privileged with our all the N;avajo Indian Reservation; to the Com­ residents; to the Committee on Ways and to defend the treasure committed to us · mittee on Interior· and Insular Affairs. Means. by t:1e founding fathers and to guard H. R. 4695. A bill to ainend the Road Act Also, memorial of the Legislature of .the their dream and ours against sterner of May 26, 1928 (45 Stat. 750), authorizing State of New Jersey, memorializing the Con­ odds and darker perils than the signers appropriations for roads on Indian reserva­ gress of the United States, to adopt legisla­ of the Declaration were called to meas­ tions; to the Committee on Interior and In­ tion providing Federal aid to the State in sular Affairs. financing an adequate project for the pro­ ure or face. Give to us peace in our H. R. 4696. A bill to authorize the Secre­ tection and preservation of the beaches and time, O God! · The peace that comes of tary o( the Interior to compromise; adjust, shore fronts from erosion and other damage purity, and strength to simple justice or cancel certain debts of individual Indians from the elements; to the Committee on due. In the name of the Prince of and Indian tribal organizations, · and for Public Works. Peace, we ask it. Amen. other purposes; to the Committee on In­ By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ terior- and .Insular Affairs. lature of the State of California, relative to THE JOURNAL H. R. 4697. A bill to reserve certain land on the need for materials . for construction of On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and the public domain in Utah for addition to additional school and college buildings in the Goshute Indian Reservation; to the California; to the Committee on Banking by unanimous consent, the reading of Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. and Currency, the Journal of the proceedings of Thurs­ H. R. 4698. A bill to extend the time for day, July· 5, 1951, was dispensed with. enrollment of the Indians of California, and for other purposes; to the Committee on PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-AP~ Interior and Insular Affairs. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private PROVAL OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLTT­ H. R. 4699. A bill to declare title to the TION Chicale Day School site to be vested in the bills and resolutions were introduced United States in trust for the Pueblo of and severally referred as follows: Messages in writing from the Presi­ Isleta; to the Committee on Interior and By Mr. SEELY-BROWN: dent of the United States were commu­ Insular Affairs. H. R. 4706. A bill for the relief of Louis S. nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one By Mr. WALTER: Thomas and D. Grace Thomas; to the Com­ of his secretaries, and he announced that H. R. 4700. A bill for the relief of certain mittee on the Judiciary. civilian personnel employed by the Navy By Mr. BEALL: the President had approved and signed Department for expenses incurred incid.ent H. R. 4707. A bill for the relief of Mrs. the following acts and joint resolution: to temporary duty performed at the Navy Bessie Gathgeµs; to the Committee on the On June 29, 1951: Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., in 1942; to the Com­ Judiciary. S. J. Res. 51. Joint resolution providing for mittee on the Judiciary. By Mr. LANE:_ United States participation in the celebra­ By Mr. BECKWORTH: H. R. 4708. A bill for the relief of Gerald tion at Philadelphia, Pa., of the one hundred H. R. 4701. A bill to amend the War Claims Augustine Grant; to the Committee on the and seventy-fifth anniversary of the sign­ Act of 1948 to provide for paying the claims Judiciary. ing of the ·Declaration of Independence. XCVII-485 7696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 6 On June 30, 1951: debt of gratitude to these brave men by enemy Sergeant Adams was knocked to the S. 1590. An act to extend and revise the spreading the story of their heroism onto ground when pierced in the leg by an enemy District of Columbia Emergency Rent Act; the pages of our RECORD. bullet. He jumped to his feet and, ignoring and his wound, continued on to close with the S.1645.
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