· I I - RACONTEUR COPYRIGHTED MOREHEAD STATE NORMAL AND TEACHERS COLLEGE MOREHEAD, Ky. RACONTEUR RACONTEUR Published by THE SENIOR CLASS of MOREHEAD TEACHERS COLLEGE assisted by . THE NORMAL SENIORS MOREHEAD, Ky. Three RACONTEUR RACONTEUR j1Bebication To F. C. BUTTON Our President I n grateful acknowledgment of the life time ser'7.J:ce which he has given to the educational interests of this section of Kentucky and m'Jre personally to the individual students of this school this .first 'Uolume of The Raconteur is Dedicatetl. Five - RACONTEUR jforeworb p LEASANT thoughts of happy days with teachers and school friends, now vivid and seemingly indelible will gradually fade and pass. To preserve these memories for future years is the purpose of this book. Sial RACONTEUR Contents Dedication . .. 5 College Seniors . ...... .......... 27 Normal Seniors .. .. 33 Undergraduates ...... ... .... .. .. .. ·45 Specials ..... .... .. .... 5 I Activities .... .... .... ... .. · .. ······ · · 57 Athletics . ...... .. .. 83 Literary . .... .. ... .. 87 Jokes and Ads . .. ··· 97 Seven RACONTEUR Eight RACON TEUR Officers of Administration FRANK C. B UTTON , A. M. President S. M. B RADLEY, T reasurer J AY L. CHA MBERS, A . B. D ean and R egistrar W . L. J AYNE, A . B . H ead of Department of Rural Educatio.>t and Field Service MISS O RA L. ADAMS, B. S. D ean of Hi'omen Z. T. YOUNG, F ina?tCia! A gent H ARLAN B LAIR, Business Agent M RS. NANNIE G. FAU L C ONER, L ibrarian M ISS ETHEL M OOREHOU SE, Director of Cafeteria ART H UR H OGGE Superintendent of Buildings anri Grounds MISS ANNA B. CARTER, Secretary to I he President MISS L YDA AMBURGEY, Secntary, Extension D epartment C. B. L ANE, Bookkeeper Ivl RS. J\ 1A YME vV ILEY, M atron N ine RACONTEUR Board of Regents HaN . M c H ENRY RHOADS State Superintendellt of rublic Imtruction, Ex-Officio Cltairman MRS. \V. J. FIELDS, Frankfort, K entucky, Vice Cltairman Term expires 1928 HaN. ALLIE ,"N'. YOUNG, M oreltead, K entuck)", S eO'etary Term expires 1928 H ON. EARL \V. SENFF, Mt. Sterling, K entucky Term expires 1930 GLENN E. PERRY, Owingsville, K entucky Term expires 1 930 NORMAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL M c H ENRY RHOADS, Superintendent of Public I11Jtruction Ex-Officio President of Council R AINEY T. WELLS, President of tlte Mur1'ay State Normal Sc!tool FRANK C. BUTTON, President of tlte M ordead State Norma! Sc!tool 1'en Eleven RACONTEUR JAY L. CHAMBERS, A. B") A. M. Dean Morehead, Ky. University of Kentucky; D ;rector of Extension 1924-; Dean 1926; Normal Senior Class Sponsor; Annual Spon sor CATHERINE L. BRAUN, B. S. Science Dept. O wensboro, Ky. Peabody College for Teachers; Y. W. C. A. Sponsor. MRS. LILLARD CARTER, A. B. F rencli and La! in Lexington, Ky. Transylvania College; Latin and French Club Sponsor. MRS. NAOMI CLAYPOOL Art Dept. Salt Lick, Ky. GEORGE DEWEY DOWNING, LL. B. Athletic Coach Lexington, Ky. U. of K. ANDREW ESTREM, A. B., A. M., Ph. D. English Dept. Red Wing, Minnesota Luther College ( 1st ), at Cornell University (2nd). Twel1Je RACONTEUR Thirteen RACONTEUR HOWARD H. GROVES, A. B., A. M. I~I Psy chology (l nd E ducatio1~ Dept. Morehead, Ky. Johnson Bible College; University of Michigan. ~d' HENRY C. HAGGAN, B. S. in Agr. Agriculture Dept. Morehead, Ky. Unin>rsity of Kentucky.; Junior Coll ege Sponsor; Annual Sponsor; Y. M. C. A. Sfonwr. I~ D. M. HOLBROOK, B. S. !vI athematics Dept. Morehead, Ky. Lebanon, 0.; National Normal University; Elliott Co. Club Sponsor. INEZ FAITH HUMPHREY, A. B. English Dept. Morehead, Ky. Eureka College. W. L. JAYNE, A. B. Rural E ducatio1t Dept. Morehead, Ky . • Georgetown; Johnson Cqunty Club Sponsor. EFFIE KING, A. B. Biology Dept. Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky. Foul·teen , RACONTEUR Pifteen RACONTEUR WARREN C. LAPPIN, A. B. Director of the Training School Dept. Morehead, Ky. TrJnsylvania. SAMUEL H. McGUIRE, A. B. (Complete work of A. M. Summer 1927) History Dept. U. of Ky.; AnnuJl Sponsor. MRS. ESTHER McGUIRE English Dept. Morehead, Ky. J un ior College, Morehead State Normal. HELEN FRANCES McGURK, A. B. Mathematics Dept. Lawrenceburg, Ky. University of Ky.; Phi De2ta Literary Society; Lawrence Co. Club Sponsor. CLARENCE NICKELL, A. B. Science Dept. Malone, Ky. University of Kentucky; Berea Normal and Berea Vocational; Y. M. C. A. Chairman Ad­ visory Board; Phi D~lta Literary Sxiety Sponsor. CHARLES OSCAR PERATT, A. B., Ph. B., A. M. History Dept. Morehead, Ky. University of Kentucky; Universi ty of Chicago; Columbia Universi ty; Button Literary Society Sponsor. Si.·teen RACONTEUR I ~ . Hel'cnteen RACONTEUR EVELYN ROYALTY Expression Dept. Springfield, Ky. Diploma from Ri ce School of Express ion-Summer Acti\-ity of Leland Powers School; Dramatic Club Sponsor. BETTY MILDRED ROBINSON, A. B., A. M. English Dept. Campbellsv ille, Ky. G eorgetown College, Ky.; Columbia Uni\-ersity. EMMA SHADER Music Dept. Springfield, Ky. Conservatory of Music, Louisv ille, Ky.; Piano and Public School Music; Orchestra; Glee Club; Quartette. LOLA ETNA TRAYLOR, A. B. M atlzematic Dept. Providence, Ky. U. of K. CAROLYN TURNER, B. S. in Home Economics H ome EcoltOmics Lex ington, Ky. State University of Kentucky; Letcher County Club Sponsor; Owsley County Club. RUBY VANSANT, A. B. M atlzematics Dept. Morehead, Ky. Transylvania College ; Hamilton College. Eighteen RACONTEUR Nineteen RACOlv"TEUR LUCY ADAIR WILSON, A. B. Physical Education D ept. Lexington, Ky. Unive rsity of Ken tucky; H. S. S ~ nior Class ; Montgomery Co. Club; Annual Sponsor. N. EDiTH BOGGS T,"ailtill g School Grades 3 and Olive Hill, Ky. EasLrn Ky. Sta te N : nnal School & T. C.; CJrter Co. Club Spomor. RUBY MAUD HARD Training School and also Teacher of Primary Methods Marion, Ky. CAPITOLA SIMPSON 6th and 7th Grade Critic Teacher Owenton, Ky. Eastern State Normal & Teachers College. MISS ORA L. ADAMS, B. S. Dean of W omen (.4 dm. Dept.) Harrodsburg, Ky. Beaumont College ; Button Literary Society ; Floyd County Club Sponso r. MRS. NANNIE G. FAULCONER L ibrarian Lexington, Ky. Twenty RACONTEUR Twenty-one RACONTEUR MARY MARGUERITE BISHOP A ssistant Lib~'arian Morehead, Ky. Junior College of 1\1 orehead State Normal. ETHEL M. MOOREHOUSE Cafeteria Florence, Arizona Santa Barbara State Normal School and Teachers College; Y. W. C. A. Spon sor. MRS. MAYME WILEY Matr01t Soldier, Ky. Twenty-two RACONTEUR / Twenty-th1'ee /<ACONTEUR MRS. PHOEBE BUTTON Twenty-four RACONTEUR History of the School HE Morehead State Normal School and Teachers College is the suc­ T cessor of the Morehead Normal School, which was founded in 1887 with Mrs. Phoebe Button and her son, F . C. Button, as teachers, with one pupil in attendance the first day. The liberality of General William T. 'Vithers, of Lexington, Kentucky, made the school possible; the generosity of Hon. T. F. Hargis, of Louisville, Kentucky, provided for the first school house and the grounds for all the buildings; and a gift from Robert Hodson and wife, of Oquawka, Illinois, afforded the basis of a fund for the erection of a boarding hall. For thirteen years the school was supported by the Kentucky Christian Missionary Society. On July 3 I, 1900, it passed under the control of the Christian Women's Board of Missions. Under this management the school continued till 1922 when the school property was deeded to the Common­ wealth of Kentucky. The General Assembly of Kentucky in 1920 enacted a law providing for an educational survey of the State by a commission of five persons, ap­ pointed by the Governor, which was to report its findings, with recom­ mendations, to the Governor. The commission, composed of Dr. 1,l-.,T. A. Ganfield, President of Centre College, Danville, Chairman; Alex G. Bar­ ret, lawyer and member of the Louisville Board of Education, Louisville; J. L.. Harmon, President of the Bowling Green Business University, Bowling Green; C. J. Hayden, President of the Springfield Board of Edu­ cation, Springfield; and Miss Katie McDaniel, formerly County Superin­ tendent of Christian Cou~1ty Schools, Hopkinsville, secured from the Gen­ eral Education Board, of New York Ci.ty, the services of a staff of experts under ~he direction of Dr. Frank P. Bachman, and after a survey extending over a period of fifteen months, made its report to the Governor in 1921. Among other recommendations was one for the establishment of two normal schools for the training of white elementary teachers one in Eastern Ken­ tucky, and cne in Western Kentucky. Acting under this recommendation the General Assembly of 1922 passed an act providing for the establishment of two Normal Schools for the training of white elementary teachers, and appropriating money for the maintenance and operation thereof. This act further provided that a com­ mission of eight persons, five to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, who was Hon. J. H:. Thompson, of Bourbon county, and three by the Lieutenant Governor, who was the Hon. S. Thruston Bal­ lard, of Louisville should select locations for the two schools. The Lieutenant Governor designated as members of the commission Prof. J. L. Harmon, President of the Bowling Green Business Univer­ sity; Hon. Alex G. Barret, lawyer and distinguished citizen of Louisville; Twenty-five RACONTEUR and Judge Arthur Peter, lawyer and former Judge of Jefferson county. The Speaker of the House designated as members of the commission Judge Ed. C. O'Rear, former Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals; Hon. Thomas A. Combs, former State Senator and prominent business man, of Lexington; Hon. Sherman Goodpaster, former State Treasurer, of Frank­ fort; Hon. W. S. Wallen, Jawyer and legislator, of Prestonburg; and Hon. Earl" W. Senff, .lawyer and County Judge of Montgomery county. ] udge O'Rear Was m;l.de chairman, and Judge Senff secretary, of the com­ mISSIOn.
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