Pacific Affairs Vol. 56, No. 1 Spring 1983 PAGE Cultural Policy in India, Part 1 Establishing a Niche for Cultural Policy: An Introduction Lloyd I. Rudolph 5 Rethinking Secularism: Genesis and Implications of the Textbook Lloyd I. Rudolph Controversy, 1977-79 Susanne Hoeber Rudolph 15 Cultivating Science as Cultural Policy: A Contrast of Agricultural and Nuclear Science in India Robert S. Anderson 38 Sino-Japanese Security Cooperation: Evolution and Prospects William T. Tow 5 1 Malaysia's Rubber Smallholding Industry: Crisis and the Search for Stability Richard Stubbs 84 The Pacific War Revisited Review Article Alvin D. Coox 106 Book Reviews (listed overleaf) 113 Pacific Affairs (USPS 767-380) is published quarterly by the University of British Columbia. Office of publication: William Byrd Press, 2901 Byrdhill Rd., Richmond, VA 23261, U.S.A. Second-class postage paid at Richmond, Virginia. Postmaster: Send address change to the William Byrd Press, P.O. Box 27481, Richmond, VA 23261. Copyright 0 1983, University of British Columbia. BOOKS REVIEWED IN THIS ISSUE ASIA.The Winning of Independence. Edited by Robin Jeffrey. George McT. Kahin SENTIMENTALIMPERIALISTS. The American Experience in East Asia. By James C. Thomson, Jr., Peter W. Stanley, and John Curtis Perry. Foreword by John King Fairbank. Warren I. Cohen U.S. FOREIGNPOLICY AND ASIAN-PACIFICSECURITY. A Transregional Approach. Edited by William T. Tow and William R. Feeney. Michael Leifer AUSTRALIAAND JAPAN.Nuclear Energy Issues in the Pacific. Edited by Stuart Harris and Keichi Oshima. Louis Turner CRITICALENERGY ISSUES IN ASIAAND THE PACIFIC.The Next Twenty Years. By Fereidun Fesharaki, Harrison Brown, Corazon M. Siddayao, Toufiq A. Siddiqi, Kirk R. Smith, and Kirn Woodard. Louis Turner SOCIETYAND THE WRITER.Essays on Literature in Modern Asia. Edited by Wang Gungwu, M. Guerrero, and D. Marr. George Woodcock CHINAUNDER MONGOL RULE. Edited by John D. Langlois, Jr. Richard John Lynn WOMENIN CHINA.Current Directions in Historical Scholarship. Edited by Richard W. Guisso and Stanley Johannesen. Elisabeth Croll CHINESEELITES AND POLITICALCHANGE. Zhejiang Province in the Early Twentieth Century. By R. Keith Schoppa. John Fincher NATIONALISTCHINA AT WAR.Military Defeats and Political Collapse, 1937-45. By Hsi-sheng Ch'i. James E. Sheridan WHENTIGERS FIGHT. The Story of the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. By Dick Wilson. James E. Sheridan CHINANURSE, 1932-1939. By Jean Ewen. ,James Bertram NORMANBETHUNE. His Times and His LegacyISon Epoque et Son Message. Edited by A.E. Shephard and Andree Levesque. James Bertram CHINA.Politics and Government. By Tony Saich. William A. Joseph CHINA.Alive in the Bitter Sea. By Fox Butterfield. William Saywell CHINAIN THE SEVENTIES.Australian Perspectives. Edited by Stephen FitzGerald and Pamela Hewitt. William Saywell SECURITY,STRATEGY, AND THE LOGICOF CHINESEFOREIGN POLICY.By Jonathan D. Pollack. Dauis B. Bobrow THECHINA FACTOR. Peking and the Superpowers. Edited by Gerald Segal. Daw B. Bobrow CHINA'SFOREIGN POLICY IN THE ARABWORLD, 1955-75. Three Case Studies. By Hashim S.H. Behbehani. Suzanne Ogden THEAWAKENING GIANT. China's Ascension in World Politics. By Harish Kapur. Suzanne Ogden THEHEALTH OF CHINA.By Ruth Sidel and Victor W. Sidel. Bruce J. Esposito THELYRICAL AND THE EPIC.Studies of Modern Chinese Literature. By Jaroslav PrfiSek. Edited by Leo Ou-fan Lee. Richard John Lynn CHINESELITERATURE FOR THE 1980s. The Fourth Congress of Writers and Artists. Edited by Howard Goldblatt. Richard King RULEBY INCARNATION.Tibetan Buddhism and Its Role in Society and State. By Franz Michael. Tadeusz Skorupski THETIBETAN SYMBOLIC WORLD Psychoanalytic Explorations. Bv Robert A. Paul. Herbert V. Guenther COURT AND BAKUFUIN JAPAN.Essays in Kamakura History. Edited by Jeffrey P. Mass. William Wayne Farris JAPAN'SRENAISSANCE. The Politics of the Muromachi Bakufu. By Kenneth Alan Grossberg. William Wayne Farris ONEHUNDRED YEARS IN JAPAN,1873-1973. Parts I & 11. By Gwen R.P. Norman and Howard Norman. John F. Howes ANGLO-JAPANESEALIENATION, 1919-1952. Papers of the Anglo-Japanese Conference on the History of the Second World War. Edited by Ian Nish. John H. Boyle TRADITIONAND CHANGEIN POSTINDUSTRIALJAPAN. The Role of the Political Parties. By Roger Benjamin and Kan Ori. Ellis S. Krauss THEUSSR AND JAPAN,1945-1980. By R.K. Jain. Donald W.Klein CHINAAND JAPAN,1949-1980 (Second Edition). By R.K. Jain. Donald W.Klein THETEN THOUSAND LEAVES. A Translation of the Man'yoshti, Japan's Premier Anthology of Classical Poetry. Volume One. By lan Hideo Levy. Kenneth L. Richard FROMTHE COUNTRYOF EIGHTISLANDS. An Anthology of Japanese Poetry. Edited and translated by Hiroaki Sato and Burton Watson, with an Introduction by Thomas Rimer. Kenneth L. Richard THEZEN POEMSOF RYOKAN.Selected and translated by Nobuyuki Yuasa. Kenneth L. Richard 157 THEORIGINS OF THE KOREANWAR. Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes, 1945-1947. By Bruce Cumings. B.C. Koh 159 KOREA.The Untold Story of the War. By Joseph C. Goulden. B.C. Koh 159 TRADITIONALKOREAN LEGAL ATTITUDES. By Bong Duck Chun, William Shaw, and Dai-Kwon Choi. Preface by Robert A. Scalapino. H. Kim1K.E. Parker 162 MODERNIZATIONAND ITS IMPACTUPON KOREANLAW. By PyOng-ho Pak, Chu-su Kim, KwOn-SOP ChOng, HyOng-bae Kirn, and T'ae-jun KwOn. H. Kim1K.E. Parker 162 LEGALNORMS IN A CONFUCIANSTATE. By William Shaw. H. Kim1K.E. Parker 162 SOUTHASIAN CIVILIZATIONS. A Bibliographic Synthesis. By Maureen L.P. Patterson, in collaboration with William J. Alspaugh. Sylvia M. Hale 165 INDIANSUMMER. Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi. By Robert Grant Irving. Richard W. Seaton 166 WORKERSAND UNIONSIN BOMBAY.1918-1929. A Study of Organisation in the Cotton Mills. By Richard Newman. Morris Davis Morris 167 MANNATHUPADMANABHAN AND THE REVIVALOF NAIRSIN KERALA.By V. Balakrishnan and R. Leela Devi. Robin Jeffrey 169 MIGRATIONAND ETHNICITYIN URBANINDIA. Kerala Migrants in the City of Madras, 1870-1970. By Susan Lewandowski. M.F. Katzenstein 170 PUNJABIKINSHIP AND MARRIAGE.By Paul Hershman. Edited by Hilary Standing. With a Foreword by David Pocock. Murray J. Leaf 172 MARRIAGE,THE FAMILY, AND WOMENIN INDIA.By V.V. Prakasa Ran and V, Nandini Rao. Karen Leonard 173 TWENTY-FOURSTORIES BY PREMCHAND.Translated by Nandini Nopany and P. Lal. Kathryn Hansen 174 PREMCHAND. His Life and Work. By V.S. Naravane. Kathmn Hansen 174 DRAMAIN ANCIENTTAMIL SOCIETY. By Karthigesu Sivathamby. ~andakrantaBose PAKISTAN.Energy Planning in a Strategic Vortex. By Charles K. Ebinger. Raju G.C. Thomas ROOTSOF CONFRONTATIONIN SOUTH ASIA. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and the Superpowers. By Stanley Wolpert. Ashok Kapur COMMUNITYAND NATION.Essays on Southeast Asia and The Chinese. By Wang Gungwu. Selected by Anthony Reid. Lea E. Wzlliams THEASEAN STATESAND REGIONALSECURITY. By Sheldon W. Simon. Mzchael Leifer A HISTORYOF MODERNINDONESIA: C. 1300 TO THE PRESENT. By M.C. Ricklefs. Robert Van Nzel THEROAD TO POWER.Indonesian Military Politics, 1945- 1967. By Ulf Sundhaussen. Harold Crouch DOUGLASMACARTHUR. The Philippine Years. By Carol Morris Petillo. Napoleon J. Casambre THEISLANDS. America's Imperial Adventure in the Philippines. By Emily Hahn. Napoleon J. Casambre PASSINGTHE TORCH.By Edward Doyle, Samuel Lipsman, Stephen Weiss, and the editors of Boston Publishing Company. Douglas Ross THETEN THOUSAND DAY WAR. Vietnam, 1945-1975. By Michael Maclear. Douglas Ross THEVIETNAM TRAUMAIN AMERICANFOREIGN POLICY, 1945- 75. By Paul M. Kattenburg. Davzd P. Chandler THEENDLESS WAR. Fifty Years of Struggle in Vietnam. By James Pinckney Harrison. Dauid P. Chandler VIETNAMSINCE THE FALLOF SAIGON.By William J. Duiker. Chris Nyland THEWILL OF HEAVEN.A Story of One Vietnamese and the End of His World. By Nguyen Ng~cNgan, with E.E. Richey. Chris Nyland AFTERSAIGON FELL. Daily Life Under the Vietnamese Communists. By Nguyen Long, with Harry H. Kendall. Chris Nyland KERAJAAN.Malay Political Culture on the Eve of Colonial Rule. By A.C. Milner. Nicholas Tarling FROMSANGHA TO LAITY.Nationalist Movements of Burma, 1920-1940. By U Maung Maung. Fred R. won der Mehden OKEANIA:SPRAVOCHNIK. Edited by K.V. Malakhovskii and V.P. Nikolaev. John J. Stephan PARTYPOLITICS: AUSTRALIA, 1966-198 1. By James Jupp. R.K. Curly POLITICSIN ETHNICALLYBIPOLAR STATES. Guyana, Malaysia, Fiji. By R.S. Milne. Margaret Clark CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE LLOYDI. RUDOLPH,Professor of Political Science and Chairman, Public Affairs Program, University of Chicago, U.S.A. Co-author (with Susanne Hoeber Rudolph) of The Modernity of Tradition (University of Chicago Press, 1967), The Regional Imperative: U.S. Policy Toward South Asian States (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities PressINew Delhi: Concept Publishers, 1980), and In Pursuit of Lakshimi: The Political Economy of the Indian State (forthcoming). SUSANNEHOEBER RUDOLPH, Professor of Political Science and Director, South Asian Language and Area Center, University of Chicago, U.S.A. Co-author (with Lloyd I. Rudolph) of The Modernity of Tradition (University of Chicago Press, 1967), Education and Politics in India: Studies in Organization, Society, and Policy (Harvard University Press, 1972), and Gandhi: The Traditional Roots of Charisma (University of Chicago Press, 1983). ROBERTS. ANDERSON,Associate Professor of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Canada. Co-editor (with Paul R. Brass, et al.) of Science, Politics, and the Agricultural Revolution in Asia (Boulder, Colora- do: Westview, Press, 1982). WILLIAMT. Tow, Visiting Assistant Professor for the University of
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