RESOLUTION 28 OF 2O2I RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, NEW YORK, REFERRING THE AMENDMENT OF THE DEFINITION OF 6HOTEL" IN THE CrTY OF KINGSTON ZONING CODE THE HLPC, CITY OF KINGSTON PLANNING BOARD, AND THE ULSTER COUNTY PLANNING BOARI) Laws & Rules Committee: Alderman Ventura Morell, Scott-Childress, Tallerman, O'Reilly, Sponsored By: Worthington WHEREAS, a request has been made to amend the definition of 'ohotel" as stated in the City of Kingston zoning code so as the definitions are consistent throughout the Code and also consistent with the definition contained within the Ulster County Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law, such request to amend the Zoning Code shall be referred to the City of Kingston Planning Board, the Ulster County Planning Board and the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission for associated review and comments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 -That the following proposal to amend the definition of "HOTEL" in section 405-3 of the City of Kingston Code to provide: "A building or portion of it which is regularly used and kept open for lodging of transient guests on an overnight basis. The term "hotel" or "motel" includes short term rentals, an apartment hotel, motor court or inn, "tourist cabins", boardinghouse or club, or similar hotel or motel type of accommodations by whatever name designated, whether or not meals are served, and shall include those facilities commonly known as'obed and breakfasts" and "short term rentals", be and is hereby referred to the Ulster County Planning Board, the City of Kingston Planning Board and the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission. SECTION 2 - That same is declared a Type 2 act\onpursuant to ITIYCRR Part 6t7. SECTION 3- That this resolution shall take place immediately. Submitted to the Mayor this _ day of Approved by the Mayor this _ day of 202r 2021 Elisa Tinti, City Clerk Steven T. Noble, Mayor Adopted by Council on 202t RESOLUTION 29 OF 2O2I RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCTL OF THE Crry OF KINGSTON, NEW YORK, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR A2O2O TRANSFER IN THE ENGTNEERING DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,343.16 FROM CONTINGENCY TO PAY CSX RAILROAD FEES RELATING TO A CITY STORM DRAIN PROJECT Finance/Audit Committee : Alderman Scott- Childress, Tallerman, Davis, Hirsch, Schabot Sponsored By: WHEREAS, the Engineering Department has requested a transfer in the amount of $35,343.16 from contingency to pay CSX railroad fees related to a city storm drain project; and WHEREAS, the Finance/Audit Committee has received, reviewed and approved this request. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1- That the following sums be transferred as follows: FROM: A1.1990.14.5404 Contingency $35,343.16 TO: A1.1440.5301 Capital Cont. Services $35,343.16 SECTION 2- That this resolution shall take place immediately Submitted to the Mayor this _ day of Approved by the Mayor this _ day of 2021 2021 Elisa Tinti, City Clerk Steven T. Noble, Mayor RESOLUTION 30 OF 2O2I RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF'KINGSTON, NEW YORK, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR Aa021TRANSFER IN THE GRANTS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT rN THE AMOUNT OF $6,000.00 TO PAY THE COST OF OVERTIME. Finance/Audit Committee : Alderman Scott- Childress, Tallerman, Davis, Hirsch, Schabot Sponsored By WHEREAS, the Grants Management Department has requested a transfer in the amount of $6,000.00 to cover the cost of overtime WHEREAS' the Finance/Audit Committee has received, reviewed and approved this request. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CrrY OF KINGSTON, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1- That the following sums be transferred as follows: FROM: A1.1440.18.5821 Engineering Med. Ins. $1,000.00 Al .1440.1 1 .5 101 Engineering reg. pay $2,000.00 41.1990.14.5404 Contingency $3,000.00 TO: A1.6990.1 1.5 103 Grants Mngt. Overtime Pay $6000.00 SECTION 2- That this resolution shall take place immediately Submitted to the Mayor this _ day of Approved by the Mayor this _ day of 2021 202t Elisa Tinti, City Clerk Steven T. Noble, Mayor Adopted by Council on 2021 rt € 1THE CITY OF KINGSTON COMMON COUNCIL I'INANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT ROOUEST DE$CRIPTION INTERNAL TRANSFER C0NTTNGENCY TRANSFER _X-* TRANSFER_X_ AUTHORIZATTON_ BUDGET MODIFICATION BONDING REQUEST CLAIMS zoNrNG_ OTHER - DEPARTMENT Grants tA\ DATEI 2tt0t202t Description: Trans6r $6000 of funds into the Grants Management account for overtime costs. From: Engineering Medical Insurance - A1 1440.18,582 I : $ 1000 Engineering Regular Pay - A11440.11.5101: $2000 Contingency -Al 1990,1 4.5404: $3000 To: Grants Management 0vertime Pay - A16990.11.S1"03 Estimated Financial Impact: $3000.00 Signatur.e Motion by Committee Vote YES seconded by- NO Action Required: Reynolds Scott Childress, Ward 3, Chairman Don Tallerman, SEQRA Decision; Ward 5 Type I Action Type II Action Unlisted Action Anthony Davis, Ward 6 Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance: Conditioned Negative Declaration: Michele Hirsch, Ward 9 Seek Lead Agency Status: _ Positive Declaration of Environmental Significance: Steven Schabot, Ward I s ,M CTTY OF KINGSTOI\ Oflice of Grants Management grants@ kingston-rry. gov Kristen [i. Wilson, Director S[everr'f, Noble, Mayor January 28,2AZl Honorable Andrea Shaut President/Alderman-at- L arge Kingston Common Council 420 Broadway Kingston, NY 12401 Re: Request for Overtime Funds Dear President Shaut, The Office of Grants Management requests placement on the agenda of the appropriate committee for a request to transfer additional funds into the Grants Management budget to cover overtime cosis for the Grants Manager. Due to the City's large grant project portfolio (the cunent numbers and project statuses are shown in the grants activity update delivered this monlh), and due to recent shortages in staff, there is a need for the Grants Manager to work extra hours in order to complete the minimum requirements needed to keep our grants in good standing. We have put some projects on hold, but there are still inevitable deadlines we must meet for many funders. In addition, to save local taxpayer dollars, new funding can be acquired for existing projects the City has already planned to complete. We anticipate new funding sources to become incrcasingiy available as a result of the change in federal administration. We have estimated at this time that $6000 is needed. We are able to transfer $3000 from the Engineering Department as a result of savings incured by not hiring two employees on the exact start date originally planned. we request that the additional $3000 be transfened from contingency. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, fi&",ftuj/--- Kristen Wilson City HaIl '420 llroadway ' Kingstou, New York 12401 '(845) 334-3955. Fax (845) 334-3958 .www.kingsron4ry.gov RESOLUTION 31 OF 2O2I RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, NEW YORK, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR A2021 INTERDEPARTMENTAL TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,900.00 IN THE COMPTROLLER'S DEPARTMENT TO BALANCE THE BUDGET Finance/Audit Committee : Alderman Scott- Childress, Tallerman, Davis, Hirsch, Schabot Sponsored By: WHEREAS, the Comptroller's Department has requested a transfer in the amount of $7,900.00 to cover the cost of overtime WHEREAS, the Finance/Audit Committee has received, reviewed and approved this request. NOW' THEREFORE' BE rT RESOLVED By TrrE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE Crry OF KTNGSTON, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1- That the following sums be transferred as follows: FROM: A1.1330.s111 Seasonal $4,000.00 /'r.3320.s103 Overtime $1,200.00 1-t.3320.51 18 Standby Pay $2,700.00 TO: A I . 13 t5 .5102 Longevity $ss0.00 A1.1315.5103 Overtime $1,900.00 A1.1320.s411 Consultant 3,000.00 A1.1330.5103 Overtime $1,900.00 4t.3320.5t02 Longevity sss0.00 SECTION 2- That this resolution shall take place immediately Submitted to the Mayor this _ day of Approved by the Mayor this _ day of 2021 2021 ry THE CITY OF KINGSTON COMMON COTJNCIL FINAIYCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT RE9UEST DESCRTPI'ION INTERNAL TMNSFER CONTINCENCY TRANSFER TRANSFER _ AUTHORIZATION X BUDGET MODIFICATION X BONDTNC REQUEST _ CLAIMs ZONING OTHER. DEpARTMENI Comptroller 9979112812021 Descriptio ,Respectfully request approval of interdepartmental 2021 budgetary transfers N/A Estinated Financial I S Motion YES NO Seconded Action Required llouglas Koop, Chairmatl n Reynolds Scotl-Childress Ward 3 SEQRA Decision Type I Action 'lypc ll Action Unlisted Action Anthony Davis, Ward 6 Negative Declaration of Environmental Signiticunce: _.- Conditioned Negative Declaration: Michele Flinc[ Ward 9 Seek Lead Agency Status: _ Positive Declaration olEnvirunmental Significance: _ Steven Schabot, Ward 8 &:\r {: CITY OF KINGSTON Office of the Comptroller [email protected] .lohn'fucy, Compboller Steven'f. Noble, Mayor January 28,2027 Alderman At Large Andrea Shaut, President Clty of Klngston Common councll City Hall,420 Broadway Kingston, NY 12401 RE: Mid-Year 2021 Budgetary Transfers Dear President Shaut, I am submlttlng the attached 2021" budgetary transfers to accommodate necessary adjustments to my office's 2021. budget. There ls no overall financial impact from these transfers. John CPA Comptroller, n City HaIl . 490 Broarlway . Kingstorr, New York t2401 . (845) 304-3935. Fax (845) 334-3944 'wrvn.kingston-ny,gov General Fund BudgetarY Transfer To: From: DeDt Acct # Acct Descriotion A1110unt Fund Deot
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