Psychology Basics Index A AA. See Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Ability tracking, 17 Abnormal behavior, 674 Abnormality; behavioral models, 9; biological models, 5; cognitive models, 10; diathesis-stress model, 12; humanistic models, 9; psychoanalytic models, 7; psychological models, 5-13; sexual variations and, 776; social-learning models, 9; sociocultural models, 11 Absolute threshold, 908 Abstract thinking; dementia and, 242; language and, 471 Abuse; amnesia and, 62; domestic, 277 Acceptance, death and, 238 Accommodation, 908 Accreditation Council of Psychoanalytic Education, 639 Acetylcholine, 568, 908 Achievement, giftedness and, 356 Achievement motivation, 908 Achievement need, 626 Achievement status, 418 Achievement tests, 671 Acquisition, 908; conditioning and, 591 Acrophobia, 630 Act psychology, 663 Action potential, 908 Activation-synthesis theory of dreams, 287 Activation theory of motivation, 555 Active imagination, 81 Activities of daily living (ADLs), 242, 265 Actor-observer bias, 908 Actualizing tendency, 908 Adaptation, 908; intelligence and, 450; sensory, 761; social psychology and, 794 Adaptive skills, mental retardation and, 532 Adaptive theory of sleep, 783 ADD. See Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE), 55 Addiction, 219, 908; support groups and, 866 Addictive brain, 855 Addictive personality, 855 ADHD. See Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Adler, Alfred, 649, 946; Horney, Karen, and, 804; individual psychology, 430-437; motivation and, 555 ADLs. See Activities of daily living (ADLs) Administration on Developmental Disabilities, 265 Adolescence, 908; cognitive skills, 14-21; domestic violence and, 280; growth spurts and, 23; identity crises and, 416; psychosocial development, 319; schizophrenia and, 736; self-esteem and, 758; sexuality, 22-29 Adrenal glands, 908 Adulthood; definitions, 22; personality and, 618 Advertising; conditioning and, 203; perception and, 761 Affect, 732, 908 Affective disorders, 908. See also Mood disorders Affective states, 664 Afferent, 908 Affiliation, friendship and, 30-35 Affiliation motive, 909 Age; dreams and, 288; intelligence testing and, 458; suicide and, 858 Aggression, 36-41, 909; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and, 107; aversive control and, 488; instincts and, 446 Aging; cognitive changes, 42-50; hormones and, 398; individual psychology and, 433 Agnosia, 51 Agoraphobia, 630, 909; panic attacks and, 96 Aiken, Lewis, 460 Ainsworth, Mary, 100 Air rage, 39 Alarm reaction, 372 Albert, Robert, 225 Alcohol abuse; aggression and, 38; domestic violence and, 280; depression and, 247; suicide and, 247, 860 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 866 Aldwin, Carolyn, 821 Alexithymia, 821 Alienists, 508 Allele, 909 Allport, Gordon, 946; humanistic trait models, 402-407; prejudice, 433; self, 748 Alpha press, 625 Altered states of consciousness, 212 Alternate personalities, 560 Altruism, 909 Altruistic suicide, 858 Alzheimer, Alois, 52 Alzheimer's Association, 52 Alzheimer's disease, 46, 48, 51-58, 181, 243, 909; amyloid-beta protein and, 529; animal experimentation and, 529; neuropsychology and, 573 Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Initiative, 57 Ambiguity, helping and, 382 American Association on Mental Retardation, 260 American Institute of Psychoanalysis, 804 American Psychoanalytic Association (APsA), 643 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 811 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 268 Aminoketones, 541 Amnesia, 59-64, 528 Amok, 12 Amphetamine psychosis, 742 Amplification, dreams and, 81 Amplitude, 909 Amygdala, 145 Anal stage, 315, 657, 901, 909 Analgesia, 909 Analogies, 226 Analytic language acquisition styles, 467 Analytic psychology; Lacan, Jacques, 65-71 Analytical psychology, 648, 909; Jung, Carl, 72-77 Analytical psychotherapy, 78-83 Anastasi, Anne, 451 Anderson, Lynn, 370 Androgens, 909 Androgyny, 389, 909 Androgyny theory, 889 Angell, James Rowland, 663, 848 Anger, 40; death and, 238; depression and, 163 Anima archetype, 74 Animal experimentation, 84-91, 333, 663; behaviorism and, 129; learning and, 483; memory and, 524; neuropsychology and, 572; phobias and, 636 Animal Welfare Act, 89 Animus archetype, 74 Anomic suicide, 858 Anonymous questionnaires, 870 Anorexia nervosa, 12, 306, 909; hunger and, 411; types, 309 Antecedents, 131 Anterograde amnesia, 529, 909 Antianxiety drugs, 303 Antidepressants, 159, 249, 301, 541, 581, 909 Antipsychotic drugs, 304, 511; schizophrenia and, 735 Antisocial personality disorder, 605, 909 Anxiety, 7, 698, 726, 813, 909; amnesia and, 59; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and, 107; bulimia nervosa and, 310; compulsions and, 578; conditioning and, 592; consciousness and, 217; death and, 237; fugue and, 59; psychoanalysis and, 639; psychosurgery and, 693; sensitivity, 613; social psychology and, 794; stress and, 819 Anxiety disorders, 92-98, 304; cognitive therapy and, 196; personality and, 612; phobias, 630 Anxiety management training, 170 Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), 613 Anxiolytics, 303 Anzieu, Marguerite, 69 Apgar test, 261 Aphasia, 51, 470, 910; receptive, 904 Aplysia, 374, 491, 522, 527 Apperception, 844 Appetite, hunger versus, 411 Applied behavior analysis, 125, 133, 208 Applied research, 910 Approach-approach conflict, 727 Approach-avoidance conflict, 727 Apraxia, 51 Aptitude, 910 Aptitudes Research Project (ARP), 671 Arachnophobia, 630 Arbitrary inference, 196, 249 Arc-USA, 260 Archetypes, 73, 649, 910; self as, 747 Archival data, 910 Aristotle, 214, 287, 330, 445 Arousal; emotional, 325; personality disorders and, 607; phobias and, 631; schizophrenia and, 741 Arousal cost-reward model of helping, 379 Art, sensation/perception and, 765 Artemidorus Daldianus, 285 Articulation disorders, 807 Artificial intelligence, 182, 910; reasoning and, 505 Artistic ability, intelligence quotient (IQ) and, 356 Aserinsky, Eugene, 785 Assessment, 271, 274; giftedness, 359; personality, 610 Assimilation, 910 Associated features, 272 Association, conditioning and, 589 Association for Behavior Analysis, 712 Association for Death Education and Counseling, 238 Associationism, 517 Associative learning, 200 Atkinson, John, 626 Atmosphere hypothesis of reasoning, 502 Attachment, 99-105, 910 Attention, 179, 910; aggression and, 37; selective, 762 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 106-112, 303 Attitudes, 910; personality and, 602 Attraction; affiliation and, 31; theories, 113-120 Attribution, 755, 910 Attributional biases, 910 Attributional style questionnaire, 478 Auditory Integration Training (AIT), 124 Auerbach, Stephen, 816, 821, 824 Austin, George A., 504 Authoritarian personality, 795 Autism, 121-127 Automatic thoughts, 194 Automaton conformist personality, 796 Autonomic nervous system, 567, 721, 910 Autonomy, 317 Availability heuristic, 183, 500, 910 Aversion, 777 Aversion therapy, 910 Aversive control, 488 Avoidance, 206; anxiety and, 93; phobias and, 630 Avoidance-avoidance conflict, 727 Avoidant mother, 103 Avoidant personality disorder, 605 Axon, 910 B Back, Kurt, 33 Baddeley, Alan, 185, 516 Bahrick, H. P., 44 Bailey, Kent, 822 Balance, 79 Baldwin, James Mark, 66 Baltes, Paul, 48 Banaji, M. R., 44 Bandura, Albert, 171, 618, 636, 702, 946; development, 256; personality, 610; self, 749; social learning, 787-793 Barbiturates, 303 Bard, Phillip, 840 Bargaining, death and, 238 Bartlett, Frederic C., 504, 518 Basal ganglia, 145 Basic anxiety, 803 Basic trust, 317 Bates, Elizabeth, 474 Bateson, Gregory, 739 Battered woman syndrome, 279 Baumeister, Roy, 750 Bebbington, Paul, 157 Beck, Aaron T., 10, 158, 166, 194, 249, 326, 436, 636, 702, 861, 946 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), 159, 910 Becker, Ernest, 237 Bed-wetting, 784 Behavior; abuse, 277; cognition and, 165; constructs and, 597; depression and, 157; development and, 254; drives and, 293; emotions and, 325; endocrine system and, 331, 394; gender and, 349; groups and, 368, 864; head injuries and, 691; homosexuality and, 387; imprinting and, 423; individual psychology and, 433; instincts and, 444; language and, 471; learned helplessness and, 478; learning and, 483; moral development and, 546; needs and, 625; neuropsychology and, 571; obsessive-compulsive disorder and, 577; personality and, 602, 610, 618; psychoanalysis and, 639-640; reflexes and, 719; schizophrenia and, 734; sexual, 774; social learning theory and, 787; stuttering and, 809; substance abuse disorders, 851 Behavior disorders, 674; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, 106 Behavior modification; habituation and sensitization, 372; hunger and, 413 Behavior patterns, cognitive social learning and, 188 Behavior therapy, 680 Behavioral neuroscience, 208 Behavioral therapy, 699, 910; depression and, 159 Behaviorism, 128-134, 330, 346, 663, 911; cognitive behavior therapy and, 170; instincts and, 445; motivation and, 553; personality and, 610; S-R theory and, 729 Behaviorist theories of development, 256 Belenky, Mary Field, 751 Beliefs, reasoning and, 502 Bem, Sandra, 351 Benson, Herbert, 220, 840 Benzodiazepines, 304 Bereavement, 236 Berger, Hans, 785 Berkowitz, Leonard, 383, 946 Bernard, Claude, 410 Berthold, Arnold Adolphe, 330 Bessel, Friedrich, 884 Beta press, 625 Bettelheim, Bruno, 816 Between-subject designs, 911 Bias; gender differences and, 891; intelligence quotient tests and, 706; questionnaire design and, 870; reasoning and, 502 Big Five system of personality, 602 Bilateral prefrontal leucotomy, 691 Binet, Alfred, 14, 227, 450, 457, 547, 946 Binet-Simon scale, 227, 450, 457 Binge eating, 306, 408 Bingham, Walter Van
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