INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. (For index to these, see pages xiv, xv.) AAO ADI AACHEN (Prussia), 928, 962; tech· ABYSSINIA, boundary, 213, 263 633, nical schools, 930 907, 1035 Aalborg (Denmark), 786 - commerce, 686, 907 Aalen (Wiirttemberg), 971 - King (Negus), 633, 634 Aarau (Switzerland), 1312 -leased territory, 263, 634 Aargau (Switzerland), 1309, 1311 - railways, 636, 907 Aarhus (Denmark), 786 -religion, 634, 635, 817 Aba (Belg. Congo), 267 - roads, 686, 907 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 332 - trade routes, 636, 907 Abaiang Island (Pacific), 422 - treaty with Italy, 633 Abancay (Peru), 1181 Abyssinian race, 634 Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, King of Hejaz Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1262 and Nejd, 647 Acarnauia ~Greece), 973 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan, Acchele Guzai (Eritrea), 1034 (Kedah), 183 Accra (Gold Coast), 256, 258 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 178 Accrington, 14 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Amir of Achai:a (Greece), 973 Trans-Jordan, 192 Achimota Univ. Coll. (Gold Coast), Abemama Is. (Pacific), 422 256 Abercom (N. Rhodesia), 221 Acklin's Islan,d (Bahamas), 332 Aberdeen, burgh, 17 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 720 -county, 17 Acre (Palestine),187, 188,190{port, -university, 22, 23 191 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 588 Acre Territory (Brazil), 698, 700 ; Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 603 rubber, 703 Aberystwyth College, 22 Adana (Turkey), vilayet, 1324 ; Abeshr (Wadai), 900 mining, 1329 ; town, 1324, Abha (Asir), 649 1329 Abidjan (French West Africa), 912 Addis Ababa (Abyssinia), 633, 634, Abkhasian, Soviet Rep. (Georgia), 637, 907 1257 Adeiso (Gold Coo.st), 258 Abo (Finland), 836; university, 836 Adelaide(S. Australia), 385; airmail, Abo-Bjorneborg (Finland), 835 357, 358; port, 356 ; univ., Aboisso (French West Africa), 912 386 Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), 1016 ADEN, 94, 95, 117, 204, 647, 649; Abu, Mount (India), 144, 170 boundary, 94 ; garrison, 128 ; Abuna (Coptic bishop), 634 railway, 94 Aburi (Gold Coast), 258 Adi Caieh (Eritrea), 1034 ABYSSINIA, 213, (133 sqq Adi Ugri (Eritrea), 1034 1361 1362 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1930 ADJ ALA Adjame (Ivory Coast), 912 Agder, Aust& Vest(Norway), 1145 Admiralty Is. (N. Guinea), 426 Agi.on Oros (Greece), 974 Adowa (Abyssinia), 633 Agordat (Eritrea), 1034 Adrar (Mauritania), 914 Agra (prov.), Bee United Provinces - (Spanish Sahara), 1289 -(town), 120, 163 Adrianople (Turkey), 1324 Agram or Zagreb (Yugoslavia), Adua (Aby88inia), 634 13Ji0 A.dygeiskaia (U.S.S.R.) auton. rJ!gion; "T" u¢v.,1351 1230 Agngento (Italy), 1018 ../Egean llllands, 1040 Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1159 -"'Greek, minerals, 978 Aguascalientes(M-exioo ),1089; irriga· -Italian, 1040, 1041 tion, 1091; town, 1.089 - Turkish, 1324 Agusan dist. (Philippine Is.), 622 AFGHANISTAN, 639•8f1J. Ahmadi, El, mosque, 817 AFRICA, Central. Protectorate, BU. A}lmedBb&d.(lndia), 120, 152 Nyasaland Protectorate, 208 Ahmed ibn Jabir., Sultan of Kuwait, - Colonies in, Belgian, 26.8, 684 BIJIJ. 651 .. --British, 194 tiqq Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 835 --Freq.ch, 2{!9, 275, 276, 874, Aidin (Asia Minor). see Aydin 875, 887 61/IJ. Aigun (China), port, 732 --Italian, 200, 213, 1024, 1033 Ain (France), dept., 847 BIJ.IJ. • . Ain Galakka (Kanem), 900 -- Portuguese, 1203, 1208 sqq Ain Sefra (Algeria), 888 - - Spanish, 1215,_ 1276, 1280, Aisne (Francti), .dept., 847 1289, 1290 i see' aZ.O Morocco, Aitape (New Guinea), 425 Spanish Zone. 1097 sqq, Aitutaki Islud (CQok Islands), 415 ; - East (British), 194 sqq i' · wireless station, 415 - - (Italian), 2()0, 263, 1024, 1.0!13 Aivalik (Turkey), asphalt, 1329 sqq . Aix (France), univ., .854 --(Port.), 1203, 1210 sqq Ajaristan, Soviet Rep. of (Georgia), - Equatorial (French); 875,898 sqq . 1257 - North(French),:874,1,!,7~, 887sqq; Ajk (Hungary). ooal, 1001 &ee alao Algeria, Morocco, Ajmer, town. (India), 122, 144, 145 Tunis Ajmer-Merw&ra (India), 144 · · -- (Italian), 1024, 1036 Sf/fl. ..:... agriculture, 132 · -.-(Spanish), 1276, 1280, 1289; - area and pop., 117 see alao Morocco, Spanish - births and deaths, 120 Zone, 1097 BIJ.9 - education, 145 - South (British), 214 sqq -finance, 144 -- Union of, 224 8!/IJ. -forests, 131, 132 ....:... S •.West(British), 2ilsqq - government; 115 - West (British); 250 8!/IJ. - land revenue, 130 --(French), 275, 276, 874, 875, -- tenure, 130 907 IIIJ.IJ. - religion, 121 --(Port.), 1203, 1208, 1209, 1210 Akassa {Nigeria), 253 - -{Spanish); 1275, 1289, 1290 Akershus (Norway), 1145; foi:t, Afrikya, 1166 Tunis 1149 Afyonkar Ahisar (Tilrkey}, vilayet, Akmolinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1249 1324, 1328 Akron (Ohio), 447, 571; univ., 572 Agadir (Morocco), 11011 Aksu (Sin-Kiang), 7t8 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 207 Aksun (Abyssinia), 633 Agaii.a {Guam), 628 · Akureyri (Iceland). 797 Agdenes (Norway), fort,_1149 Alaava (Spain), 1276 INDBi 1863 ALA: ALG ALAB.UU, 444, 485 lfJIJ ALBERTA, Lieutenant-Governor, 280, -agriculture, 461, 487 SOl - luea and population, 444, 485, - live stock, 290 486 - mining, 291, 80S -cotton, 461, 487 - ministry, 301 - poJ:t, 474, 487 . - municipal districts, SOl - 'pl'Oduction a'ndindustry, 461, 487 - natura:l gas, 803 - representation, 489, 485 - petroleum, 80S Al~~ (B~), state, 700, 701 - political parties, SOl Ala 1elin Sulaunan Shah, Sultan - production & industry, 289, 290, (Selangor), 178 292, sos Ala'juela (Costa Rica), 761 ; town, ....,. railways, SOS 761 -representation, '279, SOl Aland (Finland), 885 -wheat, 289 ALAsiU., 444, 612 sgq Albuquei'CJ.ue (New Mexico), 559 ; - area and pop., 444, 455, 612, 618 UnlV., 559 . - banks, 479, 614 Albury (New South WRlea), 862 - defence, 454, 456 Alcazar (lt:Ol'Ot"co), 1099 - eClucation, 450, 618 Alcoy (Spain), 127·7 - fisheries, 469, 614 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 211 - gold, 464, 614 Alderney, government, 72; popu- - government, 441, 442, 612 lation, 18 · - mining, 464, 614 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 40 -ports, 474, 614 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1202 -·production, &c.,46i, 469, 618, 614 Aleppo (Syria), 884, 885 ; cotton, -shipping, 474, 614 885 ; Schools, 884 ; tobacco, - troops in, 454, .456 885 ; town, 884, '885, 886 Alawiyya, Territory of the (Syria), Ale888ndria (Italy), 1014; town, 1018 884, 885 Alesund (Norway), 1146 Albacete (Spain), province, 1276 ; Alexander I, Kilig(Yugoslavia),l348 town, 1277 Alexander Bay ,(Newfoundland), ALBANIA, 642 sqq paper-mill, 330 ..,.- ilir routes, 645 Alexandretta (Syria), 884 ; town, 884 - alliance with ftaly, 648 Alexandria (Egypt), 816 ~ coast defence, 644 - shipping, S25 '-constitution of 1928, 648 - town, 815, 816 -King, 643 . - trade;· 825 -Vatican, concordat with, 644 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 634, 817 Albany (I:iew York), 447, 561, 562 Alexandropolis ·(Gresee ), 97 3 Albany (W. AUii~ia), 890 Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1272 Albay (Philippines), 628 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1202 Albert, King (Belgium), 678 4LGBRIA1 875, 887 lf}q A~RTA. (Canada);279, SOl lqq - area and pop., 87 5, 888, 889 - agriolilture, 289, 290, 803 - books of reference, 893, 894 - area and pop., 281, 302 -budget, 887, 889, 890 - births, marriages, deaths, 282, 302 ~ education, 853, 854, 889 ...,. constitution and government, 279, - faculties, 854 SOl -finance, 887; 88g, 890 - crops, 289, 290 - govermiJ.ent, 846, 874, 887, - education, 284, 302 888 - finance, 286, 802, 80S - naval ,station, '862 - forests, 291, ·SOS - representation, 846, 888 - Legislative Assembly, 280, 801 - university, 854, 889 1364 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1930 ALG AND Al Ghail (Yemen), 649 Amarillo (Texas), 592 Algiers (Alger), 862, 889 Amasya (Turkey), vilayet, 1324 -naval station, 862 Amazonas (Brazil), state, 700 ; - university, 854, 889 rubber, 703 Al Habl (Yemen), 649 - (Peru), department, 1181 AI Hazm (Yemen), 649 -(Venezuela), ter., 1342 Alhucema Isles (Spanish Africa), Ambado (French Somali . Coast), 1276 907 Alicante (Spain), 1276 ; air station, Ambala (India), 122 1287; town, 1277 Am bans, Tibetan officials, 7 46 Aligarh (India), 122; university, 123, Ambato (Ecuador}, 807, 808 163 Ambeno (Portuguese Timor), 1213 Ali Navaz Khan Talpur, ruler Amberg (Bavaria), 952 (Khairpur), 165 Amboina (Dutch Indies), 1128 Al Jauf (Yemen), 649 Ambriz (Portuguese West Africa), Al Khamr (Yemen), 649 1209 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1114 Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 423 Allahabad (India), 120, 163; uni· AMERICA, see United States VP.rsity, 123, 163 -British Colonies, Dominions, &c., Allentown (Pa.), 447, 579 in (see Bermuda, Canada, West Alliance (Ohio), 571 Indies, &c.), 27 6 sqq Allier (France), dept., 847 - French cols. in, 875, 918 sqq Al Matamma (Yemen), 649 Amersfoort (Netherlands), 1114 Almelo (Netherlands), 1114 Amhara (Abyssinia), 633, 634 Almeria (Spain), prov., 1276 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 311 - minerals, 1283 ; town, 1277 Amiens (France), 851 Almirante (Panama), port, 764 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 159 Almora (India), 747 Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 211 Al-Mu'tasim Bi'llah Al-Sultan Ab- ·Amman (Trans-Jordan), 193, 648 dullah (Pahang), 178 Amoy (China), port, 732 Aloft Is. (Fr. Pacific), 922 Amran (Yemen), 649 Alor Star (Kedah), 182 Amritsar (India), 120, 161 Alost (Belgium), 676 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1114 ; Alpes, Basses- (France), dept., 847 canal, 1119; fort, 1119; port, - Hautes- (France), dept., 847 1123; univ., 1115 --Maritimes (Franc(l), dept., 847 -(New York), 562 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 211 Amsterdam Island (Reunion), 906 Alpollu (Turkey), 1329 Amur prov. (Manchuria), 745 Alsace-Lorraine, 849, 926 Anaconda (Montana), 547 - area and population, 849, 926 Anaiza (Nejd), 647, 648 -forts, 859 Anatolia (Turkey), 1328 - univ., 854 Ancachs (Peru), department, 1181 Al Suda
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