PRAHA ñ indik·tory udrûitelnÈho rozvoje PRAGUE ñ sustainable development indicators Magistrát hl. m. Prahy Prague City Hall Indikátory udrûitelnÈho rozvoje usnadÚujÌ hodnocenÌ Sustainability indicators make the evaluation of progress pokroku k udrûitelnosti, umoûÚujÌ srovn·nÌ s doporuËen˝mi towards sustainable development easier, enable to make hodnotami, legislativnÌmi limity, srovn·nÌ mezi st·ty, regiony, benchmarking to recommended values and legal limits, mÏsty, umoûÚujÌ stanovenÌ cÌl˘ rozvoje a zhodnocenÌ and to compare states, regions, and cities with each other; efektivnosti vynaloûen˝ch prost¯edk˘. enable to set the development objectives, and to evaluate effectiveness of resources spent. Tato broûura obsahuje: This brochure contains: Èást A ñ v˝bÏr z dokumentace p¯ihl·öky hl. m. Prahy Section A ñ Selection from the documentation elaborated for do soutÏûe EvropskÈ zelenÈ mÏsto the application of the City of Prague for the (http://www.europeangreencapital.eu) European Green Capital Award zpracovanÈ v z·¯Ì 2008. Struktura a v˝bÏr indik·tor˘ (http://www.europeangreencapital.eu) vych·zÌ z metodiky soutÏûe. in September 2008. The structure and selection »·st B ñ v˝bÏr z roËenky Praha éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2007 of indicators are based on the methodology vydané v dubnu 2008. Sada indikátorù byla of the award. zpracov·na s vyuûitÌm zkuöenostÌ z projekt˘ Section B ñ Selection from the yearbook Prague Environment a metodik 2007 released in April 2008. Elaboration of the · Zpr·vy o stavu ûivotnÌho prost¯edÌ mÏst na Internetu set of indicators is based on experience and (CEROI, 1998) methodology of projects · Spoleèné evropské indikátory (ECI, 2003) · Cities Environment Report on Internet (CEROI) · Urban Ecosystems Europe (UEE, 2006) · European Common Indicators (ECI) · T˝mov· iniciativa pro mÌstnÌ udrûiteln˝ rozvoj · Urban Ecosystems Europe (UEE) (TIMUR) · Team Initiative for Local Sustainable · Strategick˝ pl·n hl. m. Prahy a oborovÈ koncepce Development (TIMUR) mÏsta v oblasti ûivotnÌho prost¯edÌ hl. m. Prahy · Strategic plan of the City of Prague and field policies of the City in the area of the environment EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL Praha ñ indik·tory udrûitelnÈho rozvoje Prague ñ sustainable development indicators Magistrát hl. m. Prahy Prague City Hall V˝bÏr z dokumentace k p¯ihl·öce do soutÏûe Selection from the application document EvropskÈ zelenÈ mÏsto a z roËenky for the European Green Capital Award Praha éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ and from the yearbook Prague Environment OBSAH CONTENTS ÈÁST A ñ V›BÃR INFORMACÕ PRO SOUTÃé SECTION A ñ SELECTION OF INFORMATION FOR EVROPSK… ZELEN… MÃSTO THE EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL AWARD Praha Prague 1. Lok·lnÌ p¯ÌspÏvek ke glob·lnÌm zmÏn·m klimatu 1. Local contribution to global climate change 2. MÌstnÌ doprava 2. Local transport 3. Dostupnost ploch ve¯ejnÈ zelenÏ 3. Availability of green areas open to the public 4. Kvalita venkovnÌho ovzduöÌ 4. Quality of ambient air 5. ZatÌûenÌ hlukem 5. Noise pollution 6. Produkce odpad˘ a odpadovÈ hospod·¯stvÌ 6. Waste production and management 7. Spotøeba vody 7. Water consumption 8. »iötÏnÌ odpadnÌch vod 8. Waste water treatment 9. SystÈm environment·lnÌho ¯ÌzenÌ ve mÏstÏ 9. Environmental management of the municipality 10. UdrûitelnÈ vyuûÌv·nÌ ˙zemÌ 10. Sustainable land use 11. OstatnÌ opat¯enÌ 11. Other measures »¡ST B ñ INDIK¡TORY UDRéITELN…HO ROZVOJE SECTION B ñ SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS OF THE CITY HL. M. PRAHY PODLE ROÈENKY OF PRAGUE FROM THE YEARBOOK PRAHA éIVOTNÕ PROSTÿEDÕ PRAGUE ENVIRONMENT ZKRATKY ABBREVIATIONS TitulnÌ strana: p¯ÌrodnÌ rezervace RadotÌnskÈ ˙dolÌ Cover Picture: Nature Reserve RadotÌn Valley ÈÁST SECTION A V›BÃR INFORMACÕ PRO SOUTÃé EVROPSK… ZELEN… MÃSTO SELECTION OF INFORMATION FOR THE EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL AWARD Praha Prague PoËet obyvatel ve mÏstÏ 1 212 097 (1. 1. 2008) Number of inhabitants in the municipality Rozloha mÏsta (km2) 496,1 Area of the municipality (km2) Poèet obyvatel v Praze (k 31. 12.) Number of inhabitants in Prague (Dec. 31) 1 220 000 1 210 000 1 200 000 Praha 1 190 000 Prague 1 180 000 1 170 000 1 160 000 1 150 000 1 140 000 1 130 000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Zdroj / Source: »S⁄ 4 Lok·lnÌ p¯ÌspÏvek ke glob·lnÌm zmÏn·m klimatu Local contribution to global climate change 1. Indikátory / Indicators: Popis Hodnota / Value Description (1) A Celková produkce ekvivalentu CO2 na obyvatele vËetnÏ emisÌ 7,85 t Total production of CO2 equivalent per capita, including emissions ze spotøebované elektøiny from electricity useconsumed (1) B CO2 na obyvatele ze spotøeby plynu 1,71 t CO2 per capita from use of natural gas consumed (1) C CO2 na obyvatele z dopravy 1,34 t CO2 per capita from transport (1) D Pouûit˝ p¯epoËet gramy CO2 na kWh 598 Conversion of Gram of CO2 grams per kWh used (1) Zdroj / Source: »HM⁄, 2006 MÏrnÈ emise sklenÌkov˝ch plyn˘ v Praze ze vöech kategoriÌ In 2006, specific greenhouse gas emissions in Prague from sources zdrojù v roce 2006 èinily 7,85 t CO2 ekvivalent na obyvatele, of all categories amounted to 7.85 t CO2 equivalent per capita, of z toho ze zemnÌho plynu 1,71 t, z v˝roby elekt¯iny 3 t, z v˝roby which emissions from natural gas totalled 1.71 t, from the electri- tepla 1,07 t a z dopravy 1,34 t CO2 ekvivalent na obyvatele. city generation were 3 t, from the heat production were 1.07 t, MenöÌm podÌlem p¯ispÌvaly emise ze spalov·nÌ tuh˝ch paliv na and from transport were 1.34 t CO2 equivalent per capita. Lower ˙zemÌ mÏsta (0,71 t) a zanedbatelnÏ i ze spalov·nÌ kapaln˝ch share was accounted for emissions from the solid fuel com- paliv (0,03 t). Pro v˝poËet emisÌ z elekt¯iny v roce 2006 byl po- bustion on the City territory (0.71 t) and emissions from the uûit koeficient 598 g CO2 / kWh. Hodnoty emisÌ sklenÌkov˝ch liquid fuel combustion were negligible (0.03 t). The coefficient plynù se za poslednÌch 5 let v˝raznÏ nemÏnÌ. 598 g CO2 / kWh was used for the calculation of emissions from the electricity generation in 2006. In the past five years, the greenhouse gas emissions values have remained practically unchanged. CelkovÈ emise sklenÌkov˝ch plyn˘ na ˙zemÌ hl. m. Prahy (1000 t CO2 ekvivalent) Total greenhouse gases emissions on the territory of the Capital City of Prague (1,000 t CO2 equivalent) 1996 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ZemnÌ plyn 2 596 2 057 2 233 2 138 2 211 2 154 2 116 2 031 Natural gas Tuhá paliva 1 185 700 830 868 815 894 863 842 Solid fuel Kapalná paliva 417 54 58 42 75 31 17 30 Liquid fuel V˝roba elekt¯iny 3 551 3 474 3 660 3 304 3 219 3 260 3 476 3 570 Electricity generation V˝roba tepla 909 1 033 1 192 1 162 1 332 1 221 1 275 1 267 Heat production Doprava ñ 1 270 1 334 1 390 1 547 1 558 1 573 1 589 Transport Celkem 8 659 8 603 9 344 8 975 9 258 9 249 9 561 9 628 Total Zdroj / Source: »HM⁄ 5 Lok·lnÌ p¯ÌspÏvek ke glob·lnÌm zmÏn·m klimatu 1. Local contribution to global climate change Opat¯enÌ Measures · Sniûov·nÌ spot¯eby tuh˝ch paliv a emisÌ ze stacion·rnÌch · Reduction of solid fuel consumption and emissions from zdrojù stationary sources · Sniûov·nÌ emisÌ z dopravy · Reduction of emissions from transport · Sniûov·nÌ spot¯eby energie · Reduction of energy consumption · Zvyöov·nÌ podÌlu energie z obnoviteln˝ch zdroj˘ na celkovÈ · Increasing share of renewable energy sources in the total spot¯ebÏ consumption · ⁄spory spot¯eby energie v objektech v majetku hl. m. Prahy · Energy saving in buildings owned by the City of Prague Dokumentace, nástroje Documentation, tools · ⁄zemnÌ energetická koncepce hl. m. Prahy · Territorial Energy Concept of the Capital City of Prague · AkËnÌ pl·n k realizaci ⁄zemnÌ energetické koncepce · Action Plan for the implementation of the Territorial Energy hl. m. Prahy v letech 2007ñ2010 Concept of the Capital City of Prague in 2007ñ2010 · Energetické audity budov a energetickÈho hospod·¯stvÌ · Energy audits of buildings and of energy management · Integrovan˝ krajsk˝ program sniûov·nÌ emisÌ a zlepöenÌ kvality · Integrated Regional Programme for Pollution Reduction ovzduöÌ na ˙zemÌ aglomerace hl. m. Praha and Air Quality Improvement on the Territory of the Prague Agglomeration · Program dotacÌ hl. m. Prahy na p¯emÏny topn˝ch systÈm˘ · Programme of Prague City Hall subsidies for the conversion of heating systems CelkovÈ emise sklenÌkov˝ch plyn˘ na ˙zemÌ hl. m. Prahy (1000 t CO2 ekvivalent) Celkové emise sklenÌkov˝ch plynù na ˙zemÌ hl. m. Prahy v r. 2006 Total greenhouse gases emissions on the territory of the Capital Total greenhouse gases emissions on the territory of the Capital City of Prague (1,000 t CO2 equivalent) City of in 2006 9 800 9 628 Doprava / Transport ZemnÌ plyn / Natural gas 9 561 9 600 17,0 % 21,8 % 9 344 9 400 9 258 9 249 9 200 Emise z v˝roby tepla Kapalná paliva 8 975 Emissions from Liquid fuel 9 000 the heat production 9,0 % 8 800 8 659 13,6 % 8 603 Tuhá paliva 8 600 Solid fuel 8 400 0,3 % 8 200 Emise z v˝roby elektøiny Emissions from the electricity generation 8 000 38,3 % 1996 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Zdroj / Source: »HM⁄ 6 MÌstnÌ doprava Local transport 2. Indikátory / Indicators: Popis Hodnota / Value Description A DÈlka cyklotras v relaci k celkovÈmu poËtu obyvatel ve mÏstÏ 0,27 km (1) Length of designated cycle routes in relation to the total number (km na 1000 obyvatel) of inhabitants in the city (km per 1,000 inhabitants) B PodÌl populace ûijÌcÌ ve vzd·lenosti do 300 m od sluûeb ve¯ejnÈ 89,5 % (1) Share of population living within 300 metres from an hourly dopravy provozovanÈ kaûdou hodinu (nebo ËastÏji) (or more frequent) operated public transport service (2) C PodÌl cest osobnÌmi automobily do vzd·lenosti pod 5 km 20ñ25 % Proportion of all trips under 5 km by private car D PodÌl ve¯ejnÈ dopravy za¯azenÈ v kategorii s nÌzk˝mi emisemi cca 2 % (3) Proportion of public transport classified as low emission one Zdroj / Source: (1) TSK ñ ⁄DI, 2007; (2) TSK ñ ⁄DI, 2005; (3) ROPID, DP Praha, 2008 DopravnÌ systÈm hl.
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