Venues: Centro Cultural Español • Coral Gables Woman’s Club Woman’s Gables Coral • Español Cultural Centro Venues: Festival Director: Carlos Molina Carlos Director: Festival eventos sociales eventos Miami, FL 33265-0725 Miami, FL PO Box0725 The MiamiClassicalGuitarSociety conferencias Clases magistrales Clases Concurso internacional Concurso social events social Lectures Master Classes Master competition international international In 1987 he founded the Miami Classical Guitar Society. Guitar Classical Miami the founded he 1987 In Eduardo Isaac (Argentina) Isaac Eduardo organized the I International Guitar Competition of Miami. of Competition Guitar International I the organized Convention and Competition, in Miami, Florida. He also also He Florida. Miami, in Competition, and Convention Massimo Delle Cese (Italy / Italia) / (Italy Cese Delle Massimo and in 1991 and in 2002, he directed the GFA’s International International GFA’s the directed he 2002, in and 1991 in and Dimitri Illarionov (Russia / Rusia) / (Russia Illarionov Dimitri In 1976, he organized the first guitar festival in Cuba, Cuba, in festival guitar first the organized he 1976, In David Martínez (Spain / España) / (Spain Martínez David Italy, Austria, and Spain. and Austria, Italy, international guitar competitions in the United States, Mexico, Mexico, States, United the in competitions guitar international concerts conciertos / / Molina has been selected juror for for juror selected been has years past the In Europe. Workshop, and in masterclasses in the U.S., Mexico, and and Mexico, U.S., the in masterclasses in and Workshop, Florida International University, the National Guitar Summer Summer Guitar National the University, International Florida Havana, Cuba, and since 1983, at Miami-Dade College, College, Miami-Dade at 1983, since and Cuba, Havana, National Conservatory, the Superior Institute of the Arts in in Arts the of Institute Superior the Conservatory, National June 21st to the 25th / Junio 21 al 25 al 21 Junio / 25th the to 21st June Carlos Molina Carlos has been teaching at the the at teaching been has 1969, Since Nikita Koshkin, have also dedicated him pieces. him dedicated also have Koshkin, Nikita Guitarra y encuentro 2006 encuentro y Guitarra Molina the “Canticum.” Other composers, such as as such composers, Other “Canticum.” the dedicated Carlos Barbosa-Lima, and Nikita Koshkin. In 1968, Leo Brouwer Brouwer Leo 1968, In Koshkin. Nikita and Barbosa-Lima, Carlos 2do Concurso Internacional de de Internacional Concurso 2do Leo Brouwer, Turibio Santos, Alirio Díaz, Benjamin Verdery, Verdery, Benjamin Díaz, Alirio Santos, Turibio Brouwer, Leo assemblage 2006 assemblage Molina Molina has shared concerts with guitarists guitarists with concerts shared has twenty countries. countries. twenty and offering concerts in concert halls and festivals in more than than more in festivals and halls concert in concerts offering competition guitar followed. Since then, he has been performing worldwide, worldwide, performing been has he then, Since followed. National Guitar Competition in Cuba, and his first tour of Europe Europe of tour first his and Cuba, in Competition Guitar National nd international nd 2 Law at the University of Havana. The following year, he won the the won he year, following The Havana. of University the at Law graduating from the National Conservatory and the School of of School the and Conservatory National the from graduating s miami Carlos Molina Carlos began his performing career in 1969, after after 1969, in career performing his began CARLOS MOLINA CARLOS presents presenta / / About the Director the About The Miami Classical Guitar Society / La Sociedad de Guitarra Clasica de Miami de Clasica Guitarra de Sociedad La / Society Guitar Classical Miami The The Miami Classical Guitar Society is proud to present “MIAMI’S II IN- La Sociedad de Guitarra Clásica de Miami tiene el gusto de presentar el II Categories OF Participation / CategorÍAS DE ParticipaciÓN TERNATIONAL GUITAR COMPETITION AND ASSEMBLAGE.” This event SCHEDULE OF EVENTS / CALENDARIO DE EVentos CONCURSO Y ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE GUITARRA DE MIAMI Full Registration (Matrícula completa). $195.00 is conceived to encourage the knowledge and promotion of the concert gui- 2006. Este evento está concebido con el propósito de fomentar el conocimiento includes all concerts, masterclasses, lectures and competition. tar within our community and beyond, as well as to generate enthusiasm to CONCERTS / CONCIERTOS y la difusion de la guitarra de concierto en el marco de nuestra comunidad y You save $20.00 the younger generations of guitarists aspiring to become excellent perform- Concerts will begin at 8:00 pm (Los conciertos comenzarán a las 8:00 pm). fuera de esta, y a la vez inspirar a las nuevas generaciones de guitarristas que (incluye todos los conciertos, clases, conferencias y el concurso. ers, perfectioning their instrumental techniques, interpretation and artistry. aspiran a ser excelentes instrumentistas perfeccionándose técnica, interpretativa David Martínez Wednesday, June (Miércoles, junio) 21 * Ahorra $20.00) The event is fully opened to the general audience, who will benefit and y artísticamente. Dimitri Illarionov Thursday, June (Jueves, junio) 22 * enjoy the exciting international competition, the wonderful concerts, interest- Competitor’s registration (Registración de concursantes). .$175.00 Massimo Delle Cese Friday, June (Viernes, junio) 23 ** ing lectures by specialists, and opened masterclasses offered by internation- REGLAMENTO Eduardo Isaac Saturday, June (Sábado, junio) 24 ** PACKAGES / PAQUETES: ally renowned artists. El II Concurso y Encuentro Internacional de Guitarra de Miami consiste en * At the Spanish Cultural Center (Conciertos en el Centro Cultural Español) tres rondas abiertas a todos los intérpretes de un avanzado nivel sin límites de Day Pass - Thu/Fri/Sun. .$ 40.00 ** At the Woman’s Club (Conciertos en el Woman’s Club de Coral Gables) GUIDELINES edad. Cada concursante presentará las piezas requeridas ante un jurado de (Pase de un día - Jueves/Viernes/Sábado) Miami’s II International Guitar Competition will consist of three rounds, MASTERCLASSES SCHEDULE / CLASES MAGISTRALES reputación establecida en el mundo de la guitarra y de la música. Todas las obras Day Pass - Sat (Pase de un día - sábado) . .$ 55.00 opened for guitarists of an advanced level with no limit of age. Each com- Masterclasses will start at 10:00 am from Thursday, June 22- June 25. See del concurso deberán ser ejecutadas de memoria. La primera vuelta eliminatoria Four evening concerts’ package. $ 80.00 petitor will have to present the required pieces before a selected panel schedule below. se efectuará de forma privada ante el jurado. De ser escogido, el concursante (Paquete de cuatro conciertos) of judges of established reputation in the guitar/music world. All pieces (Las clases magistrales comienzan a la 10:00 am desde el Jueves 22 al pasará a la segunda ronda semi-final abierta al público, El jurado escogerá no are to be played from memory. The first round will be a qualifying round Domingo 25. Mirar el itinerario adjunto). más de ocho concursantes para la última prueba. La prueba final sera también INDIVIDUAL EVENTS / EVentos INDIVIDUALES performed privately before a panel of judges. If she/he is accepted, the abierta al público y solo a cuatro concursantes le serán otorgados premios. Se Friday and Saturday Concerts. $ 25.00 ___ David Martínez Thursday, June (Jueves, junio) 22, 10:00 am contestant will participate in a second semi-final round opened to the pub- hará un sorteo público para determinar el orden de los concursantes al comienzo (Conciertos viernes y sábado) lic. Eight contestants will be chosen by the judges for the final round. The de cada ronda. ___ Dimitri Illarionov Friday, June (Viernes, junio) 23, 10:00 am Wednesday and Thursday Concerts. .$ 20.00 final round is opened to the public and four prizewinners will be chosen ___ Massimo Delle Cese Saturday, June (Sábado, junio) 24, 10:00 am Conciertos miércoles y jueves from the contestants. A public lot will be drawn to determine the order of PIEZAS REQUERIDAS participants in each round. ___ Eduardo Isaac Sunday, June (Domingo, junio) 25, 10:00 am Ronda Eliminatoria Preludio 1006a J.S.Bach. Diez minutos a Competition Final Rounds (ea.). $15.00 Please indicate teachers’ preference with ordinal numbers. Add to the form. libre elección Rondas finales del concurso (cada una) REQUIRED PIECES (Favor de indicar las preferencias de profesor con números ordinales y Ronda Semi-final Quince minutos a libre elección. Incluyendo Master classes – auditors (ea.) . .$ 10.00 Qualifying Round Prelude 1006a by J.S. Bach. Ten minutes of free añadir al boletín de inscripción). una pieza de compositor español Clases magistrales- oyentes (cada una) choice Guitarists wishing to perform in Masterclasses should fill out the Registration Ronda Final Una Sonata. Un total de25 minutos de A non-refundable $75 fee deposit should be made by June 15, 2006 to guarantee Semi-Final Round Fifteen minutes of free choice including one piece by a form and send the Full Registration fee. Classes are forty minutes long with música incluyendo la Sonata your place in the competition. Those registering after deadline should pay the full Spanish composer limited number of students per teacher. Please indicate teachers’ preference registration fee. Final Round A Sonata A total of 25 minutes of music including the in numbers. Only one class will be guaranteed
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