Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1969-1970 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1969 Eastern Progress - 06 Nov 1969 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1969-70/8 VIP Homecoming ftf* t Elsewhere [ Sitting The PiC9 In A Progress^ Help!, Pige 7 / Student Publication of Eastern Kontucky Univnity, Richmond, Ky. Ten Pages Thursday, November 6, 1969 47th Year, Number 8 MOST CAN VOTE $50,000 UP IN SMOKE I Loss Heavy Forty-Two Students Join EKU Committees In Todd Fire Appointees are Juniors, seniors cisions affecting students en- Student power came to Eastern this week with tinguishere and fought the blase or graduate students who are rolled in the University." A fire of undetermined that was concentrated on the llth the appointment of 42 students to 21 University com- "in good standing" with the Uni- _.. .. _._ origin caused an estimated floor. Kuehne and Brennan had mittees. versity. Maxlinlse Effectiveness 150.000 damage last Sunday to be helped from the building The committee positions were __ _^....i,, The students will have full Whltneld. created by the Student Affairs The report also said tnatsto- morning to Todd Hall's 10th when they were almost overcome voting privileges on all of the Also, Allied Health, Gregory by smoke, Keerns said. Report, which was approved in dente should *■"!*£ *T and 11th floors and an eleva- committees except one, theStu- Stoner and Hannah Rodan; Con- June by the Board of Regents, mlnistrattve ocwinlltew to tor, i "If it hand't been for Brennan dent Disciplinary Committee, on tinulng Education, Madlyn wad- ' "provide for and maximize the and Kuehne that place might have whtch student voting is prohibited deU and Sam Reader; Library, There were no injunes. Particlpationp.rfnin.rtni, Encouragedttnronra*«d enec^effectiveness p. ^^ of student »— parttci-^^ > A report by state arson really burned up," Sgt Kearns by state statute. Jack Whitney and Rudd Parsons; squad investigators con- said. The committees and the student Professional Growth and Faculty them." cerning the fire's cause is appointees: Welfare . Janet Coaneand Merle "As concerned members of the Student viewpoint on admin- PW Delta Metelits, and Date Processing, University community," the re- istrative matters also Is pro- expected to be received to- Student Affairs Harold Gray and Margaret Bel- port states "students' shouldbe vided by Kentucky statute which day by Eastern officials. About 4 a.m. school officials lamy. encouraged to participate in and calls for a non-voting student started moving students back into Student Affairs Stuart Reagan make positive contributions to member on the board of regents Students from the floors have Todd, except for tee top floors and Andrew Williams; Student President Picks the development of the Univer- of each state-supported univer- been transferred to Keene Hall which were too heavily damaged Dlaclplinary, Peggy Dodd and sity as it seeks to implement sity. until repairs can be made. Eas- by smoke and scattered flames. Richard Rodgers; Student Or- The appointments were made by its goals and purposes, The student member on East- tern President Robert R. Martin Several bystanders reported see- ganizations Patricia Taylor and Eastern President Robert R. Mar- "Responsible student opinion ern's Board of Regents is said Tuesday that bids for re- ing one student climb out an llth Janyce Reinders, and Council tin, who chose tee students from that Is supportive of the educa- Robert Warfield, Junior, who was pairs would be open for another story window onto a lightning rod on Academic Affairs. Cindi Dor- 94 nominations made last Tues- tional process should be solid- elected by the student associa- three weeks with repairs sche- and then onto the top of the man and Phillip Fletcher. day by tee Student Council. ted and considered in organised tion last May. duled to take another month to structure. Part Of The Damage Also. Student Loans, Brenda Appointments are for a year, deliberations which lead tode- six weeks. The evacuated floor of Todd Butler and Deborah Cox; Ath- I The Eastern Student Council President Martin told The was occupied by Phi Delta Theta letics, Steve Summers and Su- Tuesday voted for the formation .Progress .-».—- Tuesday * that-— most of - fraternity.jraternuy. Severalo»r*rm* membersuw'"™» of«» Charred doors, melted tight cases and smoke ^t^™*? sanne Hlgglns; Teacher Educa- of yet another committee on cam- tee damage was to the elevator, ( ^ aocial —^ toW 7h9 prog, of a fire in Todd HaH Sundaynday that caused an eat ting Deborah Jo Reeves and pus. From a proposal by coun- $50,000 damage. School officialsIcials are awaiting a <~tf*J»- ceiling Ule, fixtures and wiring. reBf ^ mtlr personal belong- Karen L. Blake and Graduate cilman Roger Click, the Council ve*gator». report before determteing theorlgto ef^jteg He estimated that the damage ings were In many cases damaged Council, Mary Simon and James decided to form tee Steering to the elevator alone was $25,000 beyond repair. Hamilton. Deadline Committee for University Com- and will have to be repaired Also Curriculum Committee of mittees. "almost from scratch." the CoUege of Arts and Sciences, (Continued on Page Nine) Phillip Sterbllng and Patricia Approaches Smoke Was The Sophomore Runner Goins; Curriculum Committee of Sorority Rush the CoUege of Applied Arts and students who are "There wasn't much danger of Technology. Nolan Freeman and associate, ueuiahawati tee building burning," he said. Mike Cowman^ and Curriculum Ends Saturday grauste degree roquteetn Sorority rush will «nd Saturday "The smoke was the real Commlttee^of the College of i Jane or August of 1S10 danger." Business. Bobby Allen Derrick) with preference parties given by Collapses, Dies; complete the appropriate form each sorority. He said that if the report by and Kenneth George Tipton. for their specific degree aa soon state investigators indicates that Rushees wiU be able to pick Instruction Improvement as possible. up their bids Sunday from their arson was present, "we'll do The form may be obtained fit everything we can to find out rush counselors, who have sup- Aiso Improvement of In- the office of the dean of the ervised rushee groups during this who did It." college In which the student Is Autopsy Awaited struction, Sara Vice and Raymond week. He said the residence hall is ^nren^a. The deadline far flHng covered by 80-20 insurance. Norrls Jr.; Heritage, Daniel Kent a degree requirement form Is fiArtrfro r»t-v««r Whit* IB However, White continued to Richmond, was In charge of the .^^ Margaret Skaggs, Inter- Wednesday, November M. services, national Education, Linda Berth -Three uniteiremtheRichmond ^SGSSTS^ItonSr ***•• ***** «2* *~ "1 Elections a Funeral services were Monday ^ Rog-r click} Museum, Wal- fire Department answered the j^Jntrock memberTcol- jm*L 'P^^ Jnsteted toS r ln White's hometown, white ter Qarrett and Rebekah LeMaa- according 2'to Ricnm'ond^oUw toPie* *»<» <««? **«* T^St team It the end of this »«„.«.«...semester. f^Plains, N~.Tr.N.Y. Two EasternEtejern stu- terg and "itedio.Radio. T.V. and Audio-Audlo- End At 4 Sgt. Garnett Kearns, firemen did day after working OUt With dents, Wilbur Davis and Mervyn yi£oaxt Kristin Wood and Tonl not enter the upper floors of the other runners. About SCO persons attended a Lewis, were sent through "pri- — Voting for class elections memorial service for White Fri- ^to funds" to officially rep- was today (Thursday) from day afternoon in van Peursem reseat the university at the 'Romeo, Romeo, Where Art Thou?' 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in each ed last Friday m Lexington Pavtiion.~TEev. AjC. Gbodioe, of funeral.' Kearns said he and patrolmen but its results had not been residence hall and in the Dan Brennan and Ed Kuehne went determined at Progress Student Union Building lob- through the floors of tee dorm Here, At Pearl. Buchanan Theatre by. making sure all residents had deadline Wednesday. THE SOUND OF MUSIC -, , ifc. 1 ■ evacuated. On - campus students were Kearns said Kuehne and Bren- Whlte, who was a middle-dls- teace runner last year for the wrnum, a-j-ff^arsiffi'isiass: ara^r jar-si to have voted in their residence nan teen took portable fire ex- "Romeo and Juliet opens <rmJ ^a^a!™ $1#25 students, efficient scene changes, ball, while commuters were to 1 ■ 1/OlOneiSColonels, WWwas yivimimvm*pronounced dead Pattte Sixty-Four Prep Bands tonight (Thursday) at »^ ^ chUdren, 75 cents. This is the second season at have voted in the Student Union. p.m. in Pearl Buchanan 'The play has been in rehearsal Eastern for Professor KeUey, Officials Pledge TSSiAmpSLl Theatre under the sponsor- since iateSeptember and includes who came here from Western Thursday after he had collapsed Computer ballots were to have at Eastern's athletic field after .tu«TAf the Little Theatre.,anproaimately 40 cast membes. Kentucky University where he „ Cooperation running with track squad mem- T?«SL+L direction of ProtosorKelley said that the worked with productions at the been used. Results should be an- Tuesday's city elections In bers. To Be Here Saturday Hor^ce Kelley StaSt ptey^wS employ a i Playhouse. ^tonight Richmond will have an affect on professor of drama, the! play Eastern, according to the new White, who last year was on a also will be presented to- mayor and police Judge. fuU athletic scholarship, was not Sixty-four high school block to Madison Street, turn left morrow and Saturday and Mayor-Elect Wallace G. Maf-Mat- « toe "re^teem at the ^. including more than and go to Kit Carson Drive, and mtmb#r next Wednesday # through f ett feels that there will prob- tim# « ,„, demth because he had ^000 muaicd^fl will Bftrtt- proceed to the rear of the sta- Saturday.
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