Index Aachen. See peace of Aix-la-Chapelle Alexander of Yugoslavia, 193 absolutism, 86, 123 Alexandreida (Czech rhyming epic), 25, 30 Action Program, 254–55, 266, 267, 272 All-National coalition, 185 Adamec, Ladislav, 289, 290 Allgemeine Zeitung (newspaper), 115 Adler, Viktor, 143 American Club of Czech Women, 132 Adriatic Sea, 8 Andra´ssy, Gyula, 130, 136 Adventures of the Good Soldier Sˇvejk Andropov, Yurii, 282 (Hasˇek), 158, 233 Anezˇka, 25 Aegean Sea, 8 Anna, daughter of Ludwig, 32 Aeroflot, 269 Anna the Belvedere, 64 Age of Reason. See Enlightenment anti-Semitism, 151, 157, 200, 207, 239 Anti-State Right Declaration, 148 Agnew, Theodore L., xx–xxi hierarchy of appeals, 74 Agrarian Party, 150, 153, 168, 180–81, 182, appeasement, policy of, 203 183, 185, 204, 206, 220 April Laws of 1848, 129–30 agrarian reform, 107–8, 140, 151, 186, 187, Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, 251 191 architecture agricultural collectivization, 241, 243 Baroque decoration for, 65 Agrobanka Praha, 313–14 in Bohemia, 25, 33, 35, 54 peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 84 climatic adaptation of, 64 Albrecht of Habsburg, 29–30, 51 Mannerism decoration for, 65 Albrecht of Wallenstein, 69, 70 of Renaissance, 64–65 Alesˇ, Mikola´sˇ, 158 sgraffito facades for, 65 Alexander I of Russia, 102 Archive of the National Museum, xxi, 104, Alexander II of Russia, 133 159 .......................... 10888$ INDX 08-05-04 15:17:52 PS PAGE 415 416 Index Arnold, Emanuel, 115 Bach, Alexander, 122, 126–31 A´ rpa´d dynasty, 23 Badeni, Kazimierz, 148, 149 Art Nouveau, 159 Bakunin, Mikhail, 125 Articles of Prague, 45, 47–48, 50 Balb´ın, Bohuslav, 77 Athenaeum (journal), 143 Balkan Wars of 1912–13, 163 Auersperg, Adolf, 136 Banat of Temesva´r, 78 Treaty of Augsburg, 71 Bara´k, Rudolf, 249 Augustinian canons, 40 barbarian invasions, 8 the Ausgleich, 128–33, 135, 136 Baroque, 65, 75, 77 Austria Barthou, Louis, 193 the Ausgleich for, 128–33, 135, 136 Basel, ecumenical council at, 49 autonomy of Slavs in, 119, 120, 121, 133, Battle of the Nations, 96–97 345n37 Bavaria, 10, 12 Congress of Vienna for, 97 Baxa, Karel, 150 constitution for, 119, 122 BBC. See British Broadcasting Corporation as counterbalance to Russia, 118 Be´la IV, 20 Czech cooperation with, 116, 118 Belcredi, Richard, 130 domination of, by Napoleon, 96 Belgium, 97, 103 end of Enlightenment for, 97 Treaty of Belgrade, 80 federalism for, 128, 130, 133 Benedictines, 14, 66, 76 gain of Lombardy/Venetia by, 97, 117, 125 Benesˇ, Edvard, 166, 167, 170, 171–72, 181, German culture in, 91, 135 186, 187, 188–89, 193, 194–95, 196, 197, Government Council for, 119 203, 205, 329, 331 government in, under Joseph II, 90–92 acceptance of Hitler’s demands by, 204 grossdeutsch/kleindeutsch solution for, demise of, 233, 236 117 in exile, 206, 208, 211, 220 inflation in, 165 foresight of, 208 pro-German policy of, 137 German demands upon, 204 Reichstag elections in, 121–22 Great Retribution Decree by, 224, 360n51 treaty of Scho¨ nbrunn for, 96 Munich Agreement and, 218–19 war between Prussia and, 130 postwar return of, 222 Austria-Hungary reorganized government and, 231, 231–32 Bohemian crownlands in, 160 Western ties and, 227 collapse of, 175 Beran, Josef, 239 democratization of, 150 Beran, Rufolf, 192, 196, 206, 207, 208 German dominance of, 162 Berger family, xxi methods with Russia by, 161 Berlin crisis, 249 at start of World War I, 164 Berlin Wall, 286 duchy of Austria, 19, 47 Bethlehem chapel, 40, 41 Austrian Anschluss, 189, 196, 197 the Bible, 40, 43 Austrian Empire, 3–4 Biedermeier style, 102–3 Austrian National Archive, xxi Bienert, Richard, 208 Austrian National Library, xxi Bila´ Hora. See battle of White Mountain Austrian Social-Democracy, 142 Bil’ak, Vasil, 255, 259, 260, 262, 268, 273, the Avars, 9–10 275, 282 Avignon, popes of, 31, 36, 38 Bismarck, 130 Black Benedictines, 76 Babenbergs, 19, 20 Black Death. See plague Babylonian captivity, 38, 40. See also Black Sea, 4, 8 Avignon Blanche of Valois, 32 .......................... 10888$ INDX 08-05-04 15:17:52 PS PAGE 416 Index 417 Bocˇek, Anton´ın, 105 manufacturing in, 106 Bohemia middle class of, 107, 115, 139, 140–41 agrarian reform for, 107–8 National Committee for, 118 agriculture for, 106 national renascence in, 98, 111–12 architecture in, 25, 33, 35, 54 natural resources of, 21 Austrian-Hungarian foreign policy and, nobility in, 17–18, 30–31, 42, 58–59, 116, 162 129 bankruptcy for, 105–6 origin of, 7–8 coexistence in, 158 pluralistic political life of, 154 colonization of, 17, 20–21 political structure of, 29 Constitutional Union for, 118–19 Poor Clares in, 25 cultural losses of, 75 population of, 72, 88, 106, 145, 155–56 Czech/German languages in, 117, 126, primogeniture in, 19 130, 137, 149, 156 reformation in, 39–40, 88 diet elections for, 119, 121, 153–54 Reichstag elections in, 121 economy of, 74, 86, 87–88 relationship between Moravia and, 16 educational reform in, 89–90 religious division of, 56 elected government for, 117, 154t Renaissance in, 63 emergence of, xv–xvi, 14, 15 Rescript of April 8, 1848 for, 117–18 equality of Czechs/Germans in, 116–17 revolution of, 121 Estate rule of, 56–57 social structure of, 141–45 famine in, 88 status of, under Francis I, 96 feudal system in, 17–18, 38 ta´bory (gatherings) in, 135 Franciscans in, 25 Thirty Years’ War impact on, 72–75 German Confederation for, 97 town structure of, 38, 50 German/Czech zones in, 139, 204 trade in, 13–14, 37, 153 Germans in, 114–15, 116, 137, 140, 145, transportation in, 107 146 unification with Germany by, 118 gothic architecture in, 25, 33, 35, 54 Union of Germans from Bohemia, Mora- governance of, 126, 132, 135 via, and Silesia for the Preservation of their Nationality and, 118 gubernia (royal offices) for, 87, 91, 103, union with Germany by, 118 104, 126 White Mountain impact on, 75 Habsburg monarchy and, 78–79, 83 workers’ movement in, 142–43. See also Humanism in, 63 Czech culture image of, 3 Bohemian Chamber, 73 industrialization for, 139–45, 349n22 Bohemian Confession, 63, 65, 91 influences on, 15 Bohemian Court Chancellery, 73 infrastructure of, 155 Bohemian Estates Jesuit control by, 75–76 decennial recess of taxation by, 86–87 Jewish expulsion from, 90 discontent of, 105 Jews in, xvii, 24–25, 38, 56, 91, 107, 157, power of, 91, 104–5 200, 207, 210–11, 215 rights of, 105 Joseph II’s control of, 91 rule/rebellion by, 56–57, 66–67, 71, 83 knightly culture in, 25 treason of, 84 land diet for, 57, 104, 117, 126, 128–29, Bohemian Forest, 4 132, 135, 137 Bohemian Germans, 114–15, 116, 137, 140, land reform for, 119, 221 145, 146 landlord/peasant relationship in, 88, 91, Bohemian-Moravian Plateau, 4 107–8 Bohemian-Palatinate War, 68. See also Thirty literature of, 29 Years’ War .......................... 10888$ INDX 08-05-04 15:17:53 PS PAGE 417 418 Index Bohemian Rebellion, xvi Carolingian tradition, 10, 33 the Boii, 7 Carolus. See Charlemagne Boleslav I, 13, 331 Carpathian Mountains, 8 Boleslav II, 14, 16, 24 Carrati, Francesco, 77 Bolesław I, the Brave, 14 Cas (Time) (journal), 143, 159 Bolzano, Bernard, 109, 110 the Castle, 182, 205, 264, 288, 308 Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III castle/fort as power center, 13, 16 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Cathedral of St. John the Divine, xv book-burning, 41. See also censorship Catherine II of Russia, 86 Borˇita of Martinice, Va´clav, 66 Catholic parties, 153 Borˇivoj, 10, 11, 12 Cˇ echoslav (journal), 114 Bosnia, 137, 160 CEFTA. See Central Europe Free Trade Bourbon dynasty, 97 Agreement Boy Scouts, 210, 270 Cˇ elakovsky´, Frantisˇek Ladislav, 112 Brahe, Tycho de, 63, 64 Celts, 7 Brandenburg, 33 Cˇ eneˇk of Vartenberk, 46 Brandenburgers, 22 censorship Bratislava, 176, 352n7 book-burning as, 41 Brauner, 115, 119 elimination of, 244–45, 253, 289 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 169 of literature, 77, 97 Brˇetislav, Jindrˇich, 17 Main Administration of Press Supervision Brˇetislav I, 16 for, 236 Brˇevnov, Benedictine monastery of, 14, 91 media control under, 266, 269, 288 Brezhnev, Leonid I., 252, 257–59, 264, 273, Moscow Protocol for, 265 275 of newspapers, 99, 114, 115–16, 124, 164, Brezhnev Doctrine, 281–82 230, 236, 244, 269 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 236 police directorates for, 104 Broad Coalition, 188, 191 regulations for, 97, 259 Brod, Max, 158 during World War I, 165 Bronze Age, 7 Center for Coupon Privatization, 312 Bug River, 13 Central Action Committee, 230, 289 Bukovina, 85 Central Committee of Home Resistance Bulgaria, Christianity in, 11 (U´ VOD), xxvi, 211, 223 Bureau for the Direction of Party Work in the Central Europe, concept of, 3 Czech Lands, 268 Central Europe Free Trade Agreement Byzantine Empire, 8–9, 23 (CEFTA), 298 Central National Revolutionary Committee Caesar Augustus, 9 (U´ NRV), xxvi, 211, 214 Cˇ alfa, Maria´n, 290, 293 Central Trade-Unions Council (U´ RO), xxvi, Calvinism 223, 262 Frederick of the Palatinate for, 66–67 Cˇ ernı´k, 259, 262–67, 272 impact of, 61 Cesarini, Cardinal, 47, 49 Joseph II’s toleration for, 91, 92 Cˇ eska´ expedice (Czech Expedition), 98 Unity of Brethren and, 61 Cˇ eska´ ota´zka (The Czech Question) (Ma- cameralists, 87 saryk), 147–48 Treaty of Campo Formio, 95 Cˇ eska´ vcˇela (Czech Bee, newspaper literary Cˇ apek, Karel, 187 supplement), 114 Duke of Carinthia, 21 Cˇ eske´ mysˇlenky (Czech Thought) (Kaizl), Carniola, 21 148 Cˇ arnogursky´, Jan, 290, 295, 303, 371n50 Cˇ eske´ slovo (Czech Word) (newspaper), 159 .........................
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