105 Culling .Mention [ 29 APRIL 1970 ] to a matter of 106 urgent public importance THE MINIS' El OF STATE IN THE on the Table of the House. The Minister often MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRl says that the information is laid on the Table VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA) : (a I No, Sir. of the House. ;. (b) Does no a ise. MR. <MAIRMAN : I see. SHRI PITAMBER DAS : That information 12 NOON may be made available to us. EXPRESSION OF SENSE OF RELIEF AT PRESIDENTS ESCAPE FROM MR. CHAIRMAN : I will look into it. But ACCIDENT IN BHUTAN so far as my information goes it is put in the desk of the Member. MR. CHAIE M \N : Hon. Members HON. MEMBERS : No, no. must have n id in this morning's papers about tke accident which oc MR. CHAIRMAN : I will look into it. I curred in Bhuun. On behalf of the will make a statement about it later on. House I exprc ss distress at this acci dent and I ala » express an immense sense of reliei on the providential escape of the 'resident and the King of Bhutan. express grief at the CALLING ATTENTION TO A MATTER death of Shri Pankaj Sharma, a member of the OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE Pr sident's party, who was involved in thai accident. I hope I am expressing i he feelings of the House. GROWING NAXALITE ACTIVITIES IN WEST BENGAL HON. MEMBERS-: Yes, Yes. ____ RE SUPPLY )I STATEMENTS TO MEMBERS R ELATING TO QUES- TIONS SHRI PIT vMBER DAS (Uttar Pradesh) : Sir I have a small submis- nj to make ind it is this. The question was raisi i sometime back also that the information with regard to the questions that are laid on the Table of the House, f hey are made available to the Memb' rs also, then it would :very much fa ilitate matters because they would bi prepared wjth the sup-plementaries. Tie practice prevailing in most of th: states, and I know definitely aboi t Uttar Pradesh, is that all the answe 5 that are to be orally given in the 1 rouse, all of them in the Tfen form re placed on the Tables of every THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Men ber of the House. That is the usual ; "ai MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ticc there. Even if we do not ic:ept the very VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA) : Mr. same practice, we s lojld evolve some such Chairman, Government are feeling deeply •method. The statements particularly should be concerned over the recent incidents of violence male available to all the Members beforehand. and vandalism committed by extremist ele- ments in West Bengal, particularly in Calcutta. MR. CHAIRMAN: Which statement.? Only day before yesterday there was a serious Answ :rs to questions ? incident in the Cossipore area of Calcutta when SHRI PIT/ MBER DAS : Regarding some extremists attacked a police jeep with questions the information is often laid high explosive bombs resulting in the death of the second officer in charge 107 Calling Attention [ RAJYA SABHA ] to a matter of 108 urgent public importance [Shri Vidya Charan Shukla.] of the post MR. CHAIRMAN : You ask for and serious injuries to three others. That clarification. Gandhian literature, portraits of Gandhiji, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and other national leaders had been SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA (West Bengal) : made the targets of attack is deplorable. It is Calling attention is sought to be turned into a unfortunate that some misled students got general anti-Communist propaganda. involved in such incidents even within the premises of educational institutions. We have impressed upon the State Government the SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD dangerous possibilities of a combination of MATHUR : 1 am in possession of the House. ideologies of violence with possession of arms and explosives. A well-planned and SHRI A. P. CHATTERJEE (West Bengal) systematic drive has been undertaken for the : He has taken Chair's permission. recovery of arms and explosives in unlawful possession. The Calcutta Police have SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD recovered between 16th March and 15th April MATHUR : No, he has not. He is in the habit 537 bombs, 44 crackers, 814 rounds of of standing up. ammunition, 1.1 kg. explosives, 1 rifle, 5 country made guns. Extensive action has also been initiated to apprehend and deal with the miscreants under law. 29 arrests have been made in connection with recoveries of unauthorised arms, explosives, etc., in Calcutta alone. 66 others suspected to be involved in acts of violence and vandalism have been arrested in Calcutta. The State Gov- ernment will keep the pressure for energetic action by all administrative agencies concerned, so that conditions may become normal as quickly as possible. The State Government have been assured all assistance which they may need for dealing with politically motivated violence and vandalism. SHRI KALYAN ROY (West Bengal) : Sir, on a point of order. How is it relevant? We are here only talking about Naxalite activities. SHRI NIREN GHOSH (West Ben How is it relevant ? gal) : Is he seeking clarification ? What is the clarification ? SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD MATHUR : I am seeking clarification from the Home Minister. What is the information about this ? 109 Calling A Utntion [ 29 APRIL 1970 ] to a matter of 110 urgent public importance MR. CHAIRMAN : I am concerned with the conduct of the business in the House. The business must jo on. [MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN in the Chair] MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Mr. Chitta Basu. SHRI CHITTA BASU (West Bengal) : The activities of the extremists of late have increased in dimension . SHRI NIREN GHOSH : Sir, how do you proceed in this matter ? MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : According to the list and one Member from each party, because the list is very long. SHRI MULKA GOVINDA REDDY SHRI A. I CHATTERJEE; Sir, it should not 1 e converted into a Jana Sangh parlour. -, i (Mysore) : In the first round one Member from each party should be called. 111 Calling Attention [ RAJYA SABHA ] to a matter of 112 urgent public importance MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : It is SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: Sir, a the procedure that we have been following in large number of Members have given the the House. If the list is very long, then we call Calling Attention Notice. It serves the purpose one representative from each party from the of a little discussion or asking clarification list. And after that we give chance to the from all shades of opinion. Suppose a Calling members belonging to the other parties not in Attention Notice is given by ten Members of the list. my party alone—it is quite conceivable—does it: mean that unless the ten party Members SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA : When wish, nobody else should be called ? Does it the list is long, first of all, the Member who mean that Mr. Mishra should not be asked to gives notice, he is called. Then one from each seek clarification simply because his name party. After that, you go to the others again. does not appear there or fhe name of any Member of his party is not there ? MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : That ' is what I say. One from each party according to the MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Definitely, list and then we go to the other list. he will also be given a chance or his party will be given a chance but only after exhausting SHRI ARJUN ARORA (Uttar Pradesh) : this list. Mr. Chitta Basu. On a point of order. How long is 'long', because there have been instances—in this case it is only 30 names—where a Calling Attention Notice was given by 80 Members? How long is 'long' ? SHRI NIREN GHOSH : Only from the list or otherwise ? MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : First, from the list. SHRI NIREN GHOSH : From the list, it will not cover all. SHRI CHITTA BASU : Sir, the activities of the extremists of late have increased in MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : After the dimension and in form. But these activities are list is finished, we shall see. not peculiar to West Bengal alone; they are to be witnessed in different parts of th© country. SHRI A. P. CHATTERJEE: Those Therefore, the situation requires analysis in Members of a party which has been found to depth, not in a superficial manner. Sir, the he accomplices in the murder of Gandfoiji, agrarian unrest which has been the cumulative they should not be allowed to raise the result of the criminal failure of the Govern- question of burning his picture. ment in the matter of distributing land, fallow {(Interruptions). or forest land, to the poor peasants and the landless agricultural labourers, their failure in MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Order, the matter of guaranteeing the minimum, order, please. living wages to the agricultural workers and a host of other agricultural problems in the countryside, all these provide the necessary background for the extremist activities of this nature. Again, Sir, there is growing unemployment in the urban areas. And the frustrated youth who have got nothing purposeful or meaningful in life are generally gravitated towards the high-flown phrase of class liberation and take to the path of SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA : Sir, individual terrorism or depredation or extraneous matters should not be brought in. vandalism of the worst type as we have been witnessing. In this back- DR. BHAI MAHAVIR (Delhi) : Sir, he should not be nermitted to rise like this. 113 Calling A Utntion [ 29 APRIL 1970 ] to a matter of 114 urgent public importance SHRI MAHITOSH PURAKAYASTHA ground, may I mow from the Government whether i has so far taken into account this (Assam) : May I know from the hon'ble Minister whether it is a fact that the Naxalite vi< w of the problem and sought to meet the activities got a spurt during the United Front situation.
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