The original documents are located in Box 2, folder “Bill Signing Ceremonies (3)” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 2 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 22, L976 MEMORANDUM FOR: MAX FRIEDERSDORF THROUGH: VERNLOEN ~ FROM: TOM LOEFFLE~L • SUBJECT: Signing Ceremony for S. 1847 (LOLst Airborne Memorial) Congressman Robin Beard (R. -Tenn.), the original sponsor of HR-37LO (companion bill to S. 1847), has requested that every consideration be given to congressional participation at a signing ceremony in the event the President approves the Legislation. This bill would authorize the LOLst Airborne Division Association to erect a memorial in the District of Columbia. This memorial would be erected at no cost to the Federal government. On December L the Senate passed companion Legislation sponsored by Senators Brock and Humphrey. On January 20 the House passed Beard's bill by a record vote of 400 yeas to 0 nays. The Congressman stated that such an event would be of significant benefit to Senator Brock and himself in Tennessee. cc: Bill Kendall THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 4, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: MAX FRIEDERSDORF THROUGH: VERN LOEN VL FROM: TOM LOEFFLER~L • SUBJECT: Request by Rep. Dawson Mathis (D. -Ga. ) for Presidential Signing Ceremony on the Rice Production Act of 1975 (HR-8529) As we discussed, Congressman Mathis is hopeful the President will hold a signing ceremony on the Rice Production Act of 1975. The bill passed the House on December 16, 1975 by a vote of 3ll yeas to 104 nays. It passed the Senate on February 3, by a vote of 76 yeas to 12 nays. 2:00 p. m. on Thursday, Feb. 5 ,· (arrive by 1:30) EAST ROOM enter by S. W. gate - Diplomatic Reception Room entrance to WH Senate Appropriations Comm ittee: John L. McClellan Mil ton R. Young Birch Bayh, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation Clifford P. Case Additional Senators at the request of Secretary Coleman: Edward Brooke Robert Taft Ted Stevens House: Leadership: tJo-carl Albert -,. ~N1.+- ~ NO-Thomas 0' Nei 11 .to110 - h'IMI( a..o...a~ Nb John J. McFall -.S-1..o'l-Rl:ro­ rJc-John J. Rhodes "o~oo - ~ ~-Robert H. Michel ><t.2..ot- ~ House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Tr~r~ Co.mmerce: ...; .. Harley 0. Staggers, Chairman- .. -4331-rA~ Fred B. Rooney, Chai~n _ "r,,~11- tea. 14µ.l.a~ Brock Adams ~ .3/ot- - ~ ---1-- Ra l ph H. Metcalfe""".,37.:t-.~ \ ~-\11.G. "Bill" Hefner ,,_ 3715'- ~ Crn°1~) / /.'*"James Santini icS qtps- - .....~,;;;;,,;,,,,;;;- ~ames J. Florio ~~~01- ~ '~-Samuel L. Devine "53s;- -&V~) Joe Sku · - .- .. -3- .. Staff: Y ;1,,-fo..,_f,11tffi- O~;,...;:.,'I!) /-lo ~ I?;. ..,/J ::.;t"· . W.E. Williamson, Clerk William P. Adams, Professional Staff ~embe r Willia~ Druhan, Professional Staff Member William Kovacs, Chief Counsel Kent Woodman, Legal Counsel Woody Price, Legislative Assistant to Congressman Adams Hal Hatfield, Legislative Ass:stant ressman Skubitz au a oy, ss L 1nor1ty Cou0sel ~ ~. ~ r-.·~~~~-John Klucsik, ~-Special... ~~ Assistant ~' ~ -· l?U'WJ-6~· Lee Corcoran, Professional Staff Member Lew· Berry, Minority Counsel Ray Huber, Administrative Assistant to Congressman Rooney House Appropriations Committee: NOGeorge H. Mahon ~ Elford Cederberg ~Sil vi-0 Conte ? Additional House Members at the reauest of Secretary Coleman: · ~ John Heinz tt1~ Andre\'/ Young · ~Yvonne B. Burke, Chairperson of the Black Caucus ~~Walter Fauntroy, Vice Chairman of the Black Caucus Cardiss Collins, Secret~ry of the Black Caucus State Representatives: Governor George Busbee, Georgia, Chairman Transportation Committee, National Governors• Conference Governor William G. Milliken, Michigan, Vice Chairman Transportation Committee, National Governors• Conference ;. Members of the House of Representatives Adams, Brock ....-Broyhill, James T. Burke, Yvonne B. - Cederberg, Elford Collins, Cardiss Conte, Silva Devine, Samuel L. Flood, Dan Florio, James J. Hastings, Jim Hefner, W. G. "Bill" Heinz, John Rooney, Fred B. Santini, James '- Shuster, Bud . Skubitz, Joe Staggers, Harley O. ~-~ added re: Bob Wolthuis call of 2/ 5 - 9:45 a. m. '}'..Howard, James J. ; House Staff Members Adams, William P. Berry, Lew Corcoran, Lee Downey, Mortimer Druhan, William Hatfield, Hal Huber, Ray Klucsik, John Kovacs, William. ·Malloy, Paul Olson, Ron Price, Woody Williamson, W. E. Woodman, Kent added re: Bob Wolthuis call of 2/5 - 9:15 a. m. Dick Sullivan Cliff Enfield ~·,;:> . , ([ ~.'· . 'bi' ..~.'_- ; \"' .. .,,,__ ..: ' . A. 2:00 p. m. Thursday - EA st Room - S. W. gate (arrive by 1:30) Diplomatic Reception Room· The following is a list of suggested invitees to the signing ceremony for S. 2718: Congressional Guests: Senate: Leadership Mike Mansfield Robert C. Byrd Hugh Scott Robert P. Griffin Senate Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation: Warren G. Magnuson, Chairman Vance Hartke, Chairman Howard W. Cannon Ernest F. Hollings Russell B. Long Adlai E. Stevenson III Wendell Ford Frank E. Moss John 0. Pastore Daniel K. Inouye James B. Pearson Lowell P. Weicker J. Glenn Beall, Jr. James L. Buckley . Staff: Michael Pertschuk, Chief Counsel Lynn S. Sutcliff, General Counsel Paul A. Cunningham, Pi·ofessional Staff Member Tom Allison, Professional Staff Member Jeff Baker, Legislative Counsel to Senator vJeicker Mal Sterrett, Professional Staff Member John C. Kirtland, Professional Staff Member Bob Joost, Senate Legal Counsel Mary Schuman, Staff Counsel Joe Carter, Legislative Aide to Senator Beall Maynard Dixon, Legislative Aide to Senator Buckley Mary Ellen Miller, Legisl ative Aide to Senator Stevenscr.i Frank Barton, Legislative Aide to Senator Ford ,,,,.....---...., - ¥. ,, ._) -I • l~r l ' . ,/ . ·. -4- Northeast Corridor Governors: - ' Governor Marvin Mandel , Maryland -· . Governor Sherman W. Tribbitt, Delaware I -) $, k ,, _,,_ ·- ( , "f Governor Milton J. Shap p, Pennsylvania j I Governor Brendan T. Byrne, Ne\'/ Jersey 1:-- ./.. ;, ·, ., - Governor Hugh Carey, New York Governor Ella T. Grasso, Connecticut Governor Philip W. Noel, Rhode Island Governor Michael S. Dukakis, Massachusetts Prominent Railroad Officials and Washington Railroad Representatives: Steve Ailes, President, American Association of Railroads (AAR) Carl Lyon, Senior Vice President, AAR Harry Breithaupt, Jr., Vice President & General Counsel, AAR Paul Marsha 11, AAR Emory Waldrop, AAR Merrill Moody, AAR Frank Barnett, Chief Executive Officer, Union Pacific Ben Biaggini, President, Southern Pacific Railroad Alan Boyd, President, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad (1st U.S. Secretary of Transportation) Graham Claytor, President, Southern Railroad John Fishwick, President, N&W Railroad Walter Clements, N&W Railroad John Ingram, President, Rock Island Railroad (former FRA Administrator) Downing Jenks, President, Missouri Pacific Railroad Lou Menk, President, Burlington Northern Railroad John Reed, President, Santa Fe Railroad Tom Rice, President, Seaboard Coast William Quinn, Chairman, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Hays Watkins, Chairman, Chessie System Reg Whitman, President M-K-T-(Katy RR) (former FRA Administrator) John Barriger, Dean, Emeritus Railroad Industry Howard Croft, President, The American Short Line Railroad Association Nils Lennartson, President, Railroad Progress Institute Floyd Johnson, Chairman, Railroad Progress Institute Richard Little, Union Pacific Dick Shoup, Union Pacific William MacDona ld, Union Pacific Governor Ned Breathitt, Southern Railroad ;f- Charlie Van Horn, Chessie System ' Bill Denton, Southern Pacific Ray Chambers , Rock Island; Boston and Maine Judy 'Durand, MoPac Frank Grossman, Santa Fe Hank Davenport, ICG Bob Clark, Santa Fe Lloyd Duxbury, Burlington tiorthern -continued- ,1 l ; ) -5- Prominent Railroad Officials and Washington Railroad Reps. (cont.): Erle Zoll, Seaboard Coastline William Dempsey, Chairman, National Railway Labor Conference Robert Blanchette, Trustee of Penn Central Harvey Shipman, ~foshi ngton Representat·ive of Penn Central James Granham, Southern Railroad Shipper Representatives: Sam R. Wadkins, Vice Chairman, RPI Kenneth L. Vore, Vice President of Traffic & Transportation, U.S. Steel Lee Lane, Public Interest Economics Center Allen Ferguson, Public Interest Economics Center William K. Smith, General Mills Donald G. Griffin, Vjce President of Traffic, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Sam Flint, Quaker Oats Company Stan Sender, Sears, Roebuck and Company C.H. Fields, American Farm Bureau Federation A.P. Davis, Carnation Company Jack Pearce, General Counsel, COMET A.E. Leitherer, Vice President of Traffic, Allied Mills, Inc. Carl R. Anderson, Director of Corporate Traffic, Whirlpool Corporation Charls Walker Phil Potter Jim Bartley, Executive Director of National Industrial Traffic League Gus Heist, President of National Industrial
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