Portret Mesta

Portret Mesta

Ljublja n a jbj a n Ljublja Ljubljana – glavno mesto 6 Ljubljana: A Capital City Zgodovina Ljubljane 18 The History of Ljubljana Vizija Ljubljane 56 The Vision of Ljubljana Sprehod po Ljubljani 70 A Walking Tour of Ljubljana Draga Ljubljana! Dear Ljubljana, Ljubljana je zame najlepše mesto na For me, Ljubljana is the most beautiful svetu. Vsakodnevno si prizadevamo k city in the world. Every day we work izboljšanju kakovosti življenja naših me- hard to improve the quality of life for ščank in meščanov in k boljšemu poču- the people living here and to make tju naših obiskovalcev. Prepričan sem, sure our visitors have a great expe- da si zaslužijo le najboljše. rience here. I’m convinced that they S spoštovanjem naše skupne zgodovi- deserve only the best. ne – letos obujamo spomin in praznu- With respect for our shared history – jemo 2000. letnico prve urbane nasel- this year we’re celebrating the 2,000th bine na tem območju, rimske Emo- anniversary of the first urban settle- ne – gradimo prihodnost, ki temelji ment in this location, Roman Emo- na trajnostnemu razvoju, prijaznem do na – we’re building a future based on narave, v katero vpenjamo urbanost in sustainable development and friendly zagotavljamo boljše življenje na vseh S. Jeršič to the natural environment, integrating področjih in za vse generacije. Temu urban features into it and ensuring a smo se pred osmimi leti zavezali tudi v viziji Ljubljana better life in all areas and for all generations. We pledged 2025, ki jo uspešno izvajamo, saj smo v tem času uresni- ourselves to this eight years ago in the Ljubljana 2025 čili že več kot 1.500 projektov. vision, which we’re carrying out successfully, having com- Da je ta pot prava, nam dokazujejo tudi številna prejeta pleted more than 1,500 projects during this time. mednarodna priznanja in nagrade. Ponosen sem na svoje The fact that we’re on the right path is also confirmed by sodelavce, ki so zaslužni, da je Ljubljana prejela prestižni many international recognitions and awards. I’m proud of naziv »Zelena prestolnica Evrope 2016«, najvišje prizna- my colleagues, who are responsible for Ljubljana winning nje Evropske komisije na področju trajnostnega razvoja the prestigious 2016 European Green Capital Award, mest. Komisija je v svoji obrazložitvi izpostavila, da smo v which is the European Commission’s highest recognition Ljubljani z doslednim uresničevanjem vizije Ljubljana 2025 for sustainable urban development. In its statement, the naredili največ v najkrajšem času. Poleg tega smo edino Commission highlighted that Ljubljana has done the most mesto, ki je kar dvakrat prejelo nagrado Evropski teden in the shortest time by consistently carrying out the Lju- mobilnosti, leta 2012 pa smo s projektom »Preureditve bljana 2025 vision. Moreover, Ljubljana is the only city nabrežij in mostovi na Ljubljanici« prejeli prvo nagrado that has won the European Mobility Week Award twice, za urbani javni prostor v konkurenci 347 projektov iz 36 and in 2012 our project Ljubljanica Embankment Reno- evropskih držav. Ta projekt je po mnenju žirije ustvaril vation and Bridges received first prize for urban public enotni javni prostor in omogočil celovito dostopnost, saj space in a competition against 347 projects from thirty- prenovljena nabrežja vzdolž Ljubljanice skupaj s preno- six European countries. In the jury’s opinion, our project vljenimi in na novo postavljenimi mostovi zdaj povezujejo created a uniform public space and provided full acces- ključne točke mestnega jedra. Nagrada je toliko bolj po- sibility because the renovated embankments along the membna tudi zato, ker je bila ravno prenova mestnega Ljubljanica together with the renovated and newly built središča in omejitev motornega prometa, s tem pa tudi bridges now connect key points in the city centre. This odpiranje tega prostora živahnemu dogajanju na javnih award is all the more important because renovating the površinah, eden od uvodnih velikih projektov vizije Lju- city centre and restricting motorised traffic, accompanied bljana 2025, ki je zaradi velikega odziva tako meščank by opening this area to vibrant activity in public spaces, in meščanov, kot tudi strokovne javnosti, dala dodaten was one of the initial big projects of the Ljubljana 2025 zagon trajnostnemu razvoju Ljubljane. vision. The enthusiastic reception it enjoyed from both residents and the professional community provides new Spoštovani! impetus to Ljubljana’s sustainable development. Prva iz serije publikacij Portret mesta vas bo popeljala skozi This first volume in the series Portrait of a City will take zgodovino Ljubljane, vas seznanila s trajnostnim razvojem you through the history of Ljubljana, acquaint you with mesta in vam med drugim predstavila najpomembnejše the town’s sustainable development, and also present the projekte, ki smo jih izvedli v zadnjih letih. Lahko rečem, most important projects that we’ve carried out in recent da smo z njimi korenito spremenili naše mesto in počutje years. These have fundamentally changed our city and the naših meščank in meščanov, hkrati pa so jo odkrili tudi way its residents feel about it, and visitors from abroad tuji obiskovalci, ki se jim je Ljubljana vtisnila v spomin kot have also discovered the city, creating lasting memories of zeleno, čisto, varno in prijazno mesto. Ljubljana as a green, clean, safe and friendly town. Publikacija Portret mesta Ljubljana bo ostala večen pomnik The publication Ljubljana: Portrait of a City will remain a naše vizije, načrtov ter uresničenih idej, s katerimi Ljublja- permanent reminder of our vision, plans and ideas that no vodimo na sam vrh sveta! were carried out, helping us take Ljubljana to a top-notch positon at the global level. Srečno, Ljubljana! All the best to you, Ljubljana! Zoran Janković župan Mestne občine Ljubljana Zoran Janković Mayor of the City of Ljubljana 3 Beseda urednika Foreword by the Editor Ljubljana ni London, Pariz niti Dunaj, vendar Ljubljana may not be London, Paris or Vienna, ni zaradi tega nič manj zanimiva. Ima namreč but it is no less interesting. It has a rich and bogato zgodovino, ki je izjemno pestra, saj exceptionally diverse history, stretching back sega več kot dva tisoč let nazaj, njene sledi pa more than two thousand years, with its traces sestavljajo njeno današnjo podobo. contributing to the city’s character today. jubljana je bila pomembno rimsko mesto na poti t was an important Roman town on the route be- med Panonsko nižino in Apeninskim polotokom. tween the Pannonian Plain and the Apennine Penin- L Skoraj 600 let habsburške oblasti je mestu dalo ti- Isula. Nearly 600 years of Habsburg rule gave the city pično podobo avstrijskih imperialnih mest, kakršno imajo its typical pattern, characteristic of imperial Austrian cities tudi Gradec, Salzburg, Praga in številna druga mesta nek- such as Graz, Salzburg, Prague and many other urban danjega cesarstva. »Severnjaškemu« nemškemu značaju centres in the former empire. During the interwar pe- je Plečnik med obema vojnama vdahnil »južnjaški« medi- riod, architect Jože Plečnik added a “southern” or Medi- teranski značaj, s čimer je preprečil nadaljnji nemški vpliv terranean flair to the city’s “northern” or German charac- in v slovensko arhitekturo vnesel oblikovni svet prednikov ter, preventing further German influence and introducing ter ji dal novo slovensko kulturno fiziognomijo. Ljubljana the design features of Slavic predecessors into Slovenian je ohranila tudi človeško merilo, ki ga pogosto znajo bolj architecture. He gave the city a new Slovenian cultural ceniti tujci kot domačini. O tem je že leta 1954 arhitekt physiognomy. However, Ljubljana has also retained its Edvard Ravnikar zapisal: »O Ljubljani imamo predstave, human scale, which visitors often appreciate more than ki niso vedno enake. Sami si želimo hrupnega velemesta locals. In this regard, architect Edvard Ravnikar wrote in z močnim prometom in gosto, visoko zazidavo. Tujci, ki 1954: “We have these notions of Ljubljana that aren’t prihajajo k nam, nam odpirajo oči za njeno manjše merilo, always the same. We want a noisy metropolis with heavy mir, bujno zelenje, lepo tradicionalno arhitekturo, ki je traffic and dense high rise construction. Those that come mnoga mesta nimajo. Ti vidijo tudi okolico z malimi mesti to us from abroad are opening up our eyes to appreci- in gosto mrežo zanimivih in lepih krajev v izredno lepi po- ate its smaller scale, peace and quiet, lush vegetation and krajini s svežim zelenjem, bistrimi vodami, zanimivimi ce- attractive traditional architecture that many other cities stami in zelo kulturnim prebivalstvom. Kako naj torej bo? don’t have. They also see and appreciate its surroundings Prav bi bila neka srednja mera«.1 Ljubljana je na neki način with the small towns and a dense network of interesting res ubrala pravo sredinsko pot, saj se je po eni strani razvila and beautiful places with fresh vegetation, crystal clear v moderno mesto z vsemi atributi velemesta – od visokih waters, attractive roads and extremely well mannered stolpnic do gostega prometa –, hkrati pa je ohranila značaj people. So how should it be then? A middle road would zelenega mesta in tesno povezavo z zelenim zaledjem. be most appropriate.”1 In some ways, Ljubljana did in fact Že leta 1989, ko so se začele priprave za Svetovni kon- take a middle road because it has developed into a mod- gres oblikovalcev (ICSID) v Ljubljani, je Mestna občina ern city with all the attributes of a metropolis (i.e., from Ljubljana začela akcijo Ljubljana – moje mesto, v katero je high-rises to heavy traffic), while also preserving the char- vložila pomembna sredstva za prenovo, ureditev javnih acter of a green city and the close links to its surrounding površin mesta in prilagoditev javnih mestnih prostorov green countryside. za gibalno ovirane z odpravljanjem arhitekturnih ovir. Od Already back in 1989, when preparations began for the tedaj pa do danes je bilo obnovljeno več kot 400 stavb- congress of the International Council of Societies of In- nih lupin (fasad in strešin), prenovljena so bila nabrežja dustrial Design (ICSID) in Ljubljana, the City of Ljubljana Ljubljanice in številni mestni trgi.

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