HOT ROCK SONGS™ 2WKS. LAST THIS TITLE CERTIFICATION Artist "" w<1.o.• .t.tO WHi( WEEK PRODUC ER (SON GWRIT[R) IMPRL-'H/PROMOT ION LA BEL POS. CHARI JOSEPH CULTICE twenty one pilots Pure McCanney FUEL[D BY RAUEN/RRP 60 BAND OF HORSES Why Are YOU OK 53 AME"RICAK/INI [RSC.OPE/IGA A/B UNSTEADY X Ambassadors Alf)( OAKIO (AJiRANT.S..N.HARRIS. N.fELOSHUH,C..HARRJS,A. LEVIN) l<IOltUil(ORNER/lNlERSCOPE 37 Stranger To Stranger I I Disturbed 4 5 30 Garbage REPRISE/WARNER BROS. , . Fitz And The Tantrums 9 HYMN FOR THE WEEKEND Cold play 5 25 ~IJA'"JJ!.11 W?"J~. ,11 El~Ri..l U.W:XU.'i 11,w.,m,w). Jl#,llllh M~lArIN I ~110~-~ '}T\.lhnr Goes 00 seal The Deal & Lers Boogie 6 The Lumineers 19 -.J 7 OUALTONE TWENTY ONE PILOTS A Blurryface 57 No. 1 DARK NECESSITIES Red Hot Chili Peppers rnnED 8¥ RAM[N/AG 7 Garbage (above) reaches Rock ' 0 DANGER MOUSE (A.KIEOIS. rLLJi,C.SMITH.J.KUNGHOH ER.8.BURTON) WARNER B~S. ERIC CLAPTON I Still Do BUSHBRAN(H/SURfOOG the pinnacle of Top Rock SPIRITS The Strumbellas Albums for the first time 00 Q.SCHHW.N(S.WD,OP:ltl[R,JmJl~IJltl(Hl£,IJ(MIIR£Y.8.PO:CIIJ.S(ll(IINt10t-0 CUSSHOTE 21 NAHKO AND MEDICINE FOR THE PEOPLE HOKA S10EON [DUMMY as Strange Little Birds, BRAND NEW Ben Rector 10 17 e] G) E..CASH.D.}tHODGES (B.RECTOR.O.H.HOOGES.ASIOKUI.SA) APTLY NA.MED/CAPITOL Egomaniac the Shirley Manson-led band’s sixth studio album, HANOCLAP 2016 Fitz And The Tantrums RfUDOO'ffiJ'1J!l(l,~IICttRaR,N.9'.Jll,,\~lf.lJUf.5.,lll'NQS.Lll0.UIA,Uff.[{IK) rutmBIJQtllK~nc II 12 THE LUMINEERS Cleopatra starts at No. 1 with 20,000 July 2 July 2 10 OUALTONE -e sold, according to Nielsen BORED TO DEATH Blink-182 6 8 Hollow Bones • J.FELOM.-..NN (M.HOPPUS,T.t.BARl<ER,J.JELOMANN.M.SKIBA) VIKI NG WtZARO EYES/BMG Music. The set’s first-week !PJG sales represent the act’s WAY DOWN WE GO Kaleo 13 19 DISTURBED Immortalized 43 G) KAl£0.M.CROSSE't (JJULIUSSON) ELEKTRA/ATLANTIC REPRISE/WARNER BROS. best sales frame since 2005, when Bleed Like Me 14 WALKING ON A DREAM . Empire Of The Sun 6 23 VANIIORRIION .Jr1 IOOU!e IOll(l)N<Wi-llllllTl?lll lll&IV l.SmlE.HUllUJG[ 0..SlHLE).SLOAN.N!HTlEMCQ:J UI SlEIPY INXSCW/VIIIGfV,.SIAAtiti[RKWPnCl EXILE/LEGACY arrived with 75,000 sold. • most popular triple The week’s J COLVIN & EARLE Colvin & Earle The new LP also begins RIVER Bishop Briggs t'SCOTT,M.JACKSON (S.MCLAUGHllN.tSCOJ'[.M.JACKSON) HLEPORT/fSLANO/R[PUBLIC 15 12 rir.r-tTAS'r1CONCORO at No. 1 on Alternative TRIPLE A: • Albums, marking the band’s titles, or songs receiving -released TAKE IT FROM ME PANIC!AT THE DISCO. Death Of A Bachelor 22 KONGOS 16 8 OCD2/FUELE:O fN RAMEK/ltG -.a •• KONGOS 0J.KONGOS,J.0.KO NGOS..D.G.KONGOS. D.LKONGOS) TOKOLOSH£/EPIC second leader, following ·- THE SOUND The 1975 Unden!able its last studio release, 9 22 !i]••G l,tCRC65£Y.G.OANIEU.UlEALY(M.HfAL.Y,G.D.\NJflAHANN.R.S..MU:00tLA.LO) DIRlY HlT/INTERSCOPE 2012’s Not Your Kind of People. Concurrently, the 18 Beck 12 rONOGRtlf RECOROSl(APITOL new album’s lead single, SOUNDTRACK Me Before YOU HOT SHOT Blink-182 INTERSCOPUIGA “Empty,” debuts at No. 40 newly if they are d as current DEBUT G) VIKING W!ZI.RD fHSIBIAG 19 • on the Alternative airplay NATHANIt RAT! llff& 1 11 Nlli!T IWEATS NUI~ R.llEtff_ 43 STAX/COIKORO chart. 20 THE DEVIL'S BLEEDING CROWN volbeat 20 IO J.HANSENJtcAGGIANO,M.S.POULSEN (M.S.POULSEN) REPUBLIC After more than a decade Misadventures C and Nielsen Music, Inc. All rights reserved. AMERICA'S SWEETHEART Elle King together, 21 10 20 The Avett • M.JOHNSON (ELLE l(ING,.MJOHNSO~ RCA notch their first Diamond In The Rough Brothers ' . GOO GOO Dolls 22 7 No. 1 song as “Ain’t No • G.WA TT ENBERG.DA.£ Ju HRMANN (lR2EZN 11<,G.WATT ENBERG.D.A.£ .ruHRMA NN) WARN ER BROS. If I'm The Devil... Man” rises 2-1 on Triple A. 23 DEATH OF A BACHELOR Panic! At The Disco 11 22 The lead single from the • • J.SINCLAJR (8JJRIE.l .Pl<'ITCHAR0.J.SINCLAIR) DCOl/fUEL£0 BY RAMEN/RRP A Moon Shaped Pool 6 folk-rockers’ ninth studio DON'T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME Panic! At The Disco album, True Sadness (out 1R.mlUUSl(1..AIIIURJIOl'Ell.UO..MLHLlUIIWlll,11W!S501i.B.iJIE.LMAR)..YI.Ul,Ul.l!'",Cfcj Da:Q/FlllE0f{f9,&,lillVUIP 10 24 June 24), also rises 35-26 TROUBLE cage The Elephant on Rock Airplay (2 million 0.AUERBACH (CAGE THE HEPHANT.D.AUERBACH) OSP/RCA 25 10 TRIPLE A™ in audience, up 21 percent) WE TURN RED Red Hot Chili Peppers and 38-34 on Alternative, NE\'/ DANGER MOUSE (A.KIEOtS,rLEA.C.'SMITH,J.KUNGHOH'ER,8.BURfON) \I/ARNER BROS. 26 TITLE Artist where it is the quartet’s IMPAINT/PROMOllON LABEL 27 KISS THIS The Struts 21 18 II first entry. J."1tMIJN.IID fRVNliU (l.91llERASl.AO('.J,)1fUNSONR.P.&RrJOJSEJiJIUAADJ ~RHS(UllfHERrroPE AIN'T NO MAN The Avett Brothers 9 AIA[P.l(AN/J:l[PUBL!r Plus, Bastille returns I I • 28 ,: •:• 17 3 with “Good Grief,” the ' DARK NECESSITIES Red Hot Chili Peppers 6 lead track from the band’s ASKING FOR IT Shinedown 29 5 sophomore LP, Wild World, Global Media, LL © 2016, Prometheus com/biz for complete rules and explanations. O.BA.SSETT (B.SMITH,D.BA:SSEin AHA.NT IC Barns Courtney 13 V!RGINi(APITOL due in late summer. The WOMAN WOMAN AWOL NATION 30 28 17 song debuts at No. 23 on A.BRUNO (A.BRUNO) RED BULL The Lumineers 19 Rock Airplay (2.5 million) MUNA RCA 31 Naihanl~ Ral~iff &11' Ni!/1I S-.WI\ II and No. 29 on Alternative, marking the group’s highest NE\'/ CHVRCHES Featuring Hayley Williams CH \IRCH ES (I..COOK.M.OOHERTY . l,MI-Y8£ RRY.H.Wl LUA.MS) G0008YEftitA5SNOl£ 32 All WE EVER KNEW Th> Head And The Hean entrances on each chart. -.•t.i~:NEA EIKIS. Previously, the British UP&UP Cold play Band Of Horses Sl.li!QTE,RCJ!.JISUrll [t.REURl~~U.lWAiUN,W1Ult:IDl,lfJl!W.IU,t IIROMffh.1t.WllC 33 6 act led both surveys in 2013 with breakthrough ALL WE EVER KNEW The Head And The Heart 34 OFF THE GROUND The Record company 21 a week. 7 days See Chartson billboard. Legend J..IOYCE{THE HEAD AHO lHE HURT) WARNER B~S. CON COAD single “Pompeii,” which Band Of Horses SEND MY LOVE (TO YOURN EW LOVER) Adele also crossed to pop radio, AMERl(.riN/lrtlERS(OPE 35 XI.JtOlUMBlA logged top-five peaks on Beck Mainstream Top 40 and CLEOPATRA The Lumineers 11 12 S.Frnce ('lf.'>(HULTZ.J..C.FR4tTES.S.FEtlc.E) OUALTONE rnNOGRAJ AECOAOS/CAPlTOL Adult Top 40 and soared Cage The Elephant 8 to No. 5 on the Billboard SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN Young The Giant 34 7 A.S.\UBIAtt(S.GAOHLUTILlltE.ONN.\TAJ.COMTOIS.P.OOOSWiOOVt..S/lllNASJ FUHEO BY RAMEWRRP Hot 100. —Kevin Rutherford SHINE Ben Harper And The innocent criminals 11 SOUNOCHECK Catfish And The Bottlemen BEN Hli RPE R/STAX/CONCORO ISLAND/CAPITOL 32 6 WISH I KNEW YOU The Revivalists 8 FEEL INVINCIBLE Skillet WIND-UP/CONCORD top 100. in the Billboard 200’s less than 18 months old or older but still residing are if they by sales data as compiled Nielsen Music. defined as current Albums are albums, ranked most popular rock The week’s 8.HOWES(J.L.COOPER.S.MOSLEY) ATLANTIC 17 4 radio airplay audience impressions as measured by Nielsen Music, sales data as compiled by Nielsen Music and streaming activity data by online music sources tracked by Nielsen Music. define Songs are tracked by Nielsen Music, activity data by online music sources as measured as compiled by Nielsen Music and streaming sales data audience impressions airplay radio Declan McKenna 13 LIFE ITSELF Glass Animals HIGH QUALITY POPULAR MUSICi(OLUMBIA 0.8AYlEY (O.BAYLEY.T.TAFO) l'.Ulf TONE/HARVfST 34 4 Frightened Rabbit II Nielsen Music. Stations are electronically monitored 24 hours a day, monitored Nielsen Music. electronically Stations are RE-ENTRY NEEDTOBREATHE ROCK ALBUMS: TOP AH.ANTIC 18 ONE MORE NIGHT Michael Kiwanuka THERE WILL BE TIME Mumford & sons X Baaba Maal POLYOOR/INTERSCOPE J.Hlk;O,MUMfORO &SONS(MUUfORO &SONS..B.MAAl) GENTLEMEN OF THE RD,rtO/GLASSNOTE 22 8 The Strumbellas 17 RE-ENTRY Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats ST A)l',ot'ONCORD 43 5 Paul Simon IO WE DON'T BELIEVE WHAT'S ON TV twenty one pilots 39 14 R.REEO (TJOSEPH') ~UEL[D BY RAUEN/RRP Coldplay 4 PARlOPHONE/ATLANT!( Red Hot Chili Peppers RE-ENTRY 30 by songs, ranked rock most popular current The week’s DANGER MOUSE {AJ<IEOIS,HEA.C.SMITH.J.KUNGHOH'E llB.BURTON) WARNER BROS.. Mumford &S on, XBaaba Maa l 8 CiENllEMEhl OF THE ROAD/GLASS.NOTE twenty one pilots 37 13 rnEUO BY RA.UE'N/RRP TRAILER Mudcrutch 11 REPRISEffl!iRNER BRO'S. a songs, ranked by radio airplay detections as measured by detections as measured airplay by radio a songs, ranked widespread airplay and/or sales activity for the first time.
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