, TODAY: INFANT DROWNS IN TOMBO DRUM' MBUENDE & THE SADC- ' NA;;MlA-i o SIGN EDUCATION PACT '" Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.242 R1.S0 (GST Inc.) Tuesday September 71993 Baby survives Top aid body to meet today toilet pot drama Sweden. Those set to attend in­ Love said yesterday TOM MINNEV This morning they arc clude 20experts from the key challcnges were ·'to A8SALOM SHIGWEOHA AT OSH,!\I<ATI 10 be addressed by Prime region, officials from ensure that support and ; .'0" ., THE RICHEST 24 countries in the world Minister Hagc Gcingob. regional bodies such as attenti on be maintained A 'WOMAN apparenllJ' ' rkd to {lust. , ~r are 10 meet in Windhoek toduy and tomorrow DAC chainnan Ambas­ the Southern African for the African continent Dew·bonl baJ;Jy down il tbikit pbi eir-Iy to discuss future aid to southern Africa. The sador Alexander Love Development Commu­ during the transition. The yesterday at Uupindi kx:ation in Oshakad. co-chair of the meeting says Namibia wins and Swedish ambassa­ nity and the Preferemial image of Africa is very Tbe owDtr oC tbe toilet? And(tlaUaVid, told a pproval for stability, policies including dor Slen Ryl andcr will Trade Area for Eastern much dominated by So­ TlttNamibiU that the woman, whose name investment promotion, and democracy. Rut chair the two-day ses­ and Southern Africa. in­ malia and olher disas­ has DOl betn nleased, asked Cor the key to tb.e he cou ld nol promise aid will be increased. sio n. ternational organisations ters". He said this was a loiIet early yesterday mornj"j, Alter it' was: It will review changes such as the World Bank reason for meeting in baadtd over, (be woman stayed in tbe toilet The meeting is of a nomic Co-operation and and challenges for de­ and representatives of Windhoek, to make for a 10 .. time. Development Assist- Dcvelopment. This has velopment in view afthe di fferent governmem's members aware of the ance Committee of the 22 members such as the region's economic and aid agencies based in the cont. 00 PUle %- Organisation of Eco- US.Japan.Gennanyand political changes. region. conI. on page 2 'Law on land r-eform so~on' Legislation by end of the year PM tells farmers' organisations ON TRIAl. ... Ewuld Hoeseb (right) and Sebastian Kamungu shortly distributed, particularly betwcen whites and the before they boarded the plane to Johannesburg fo r Ewald's trial JOSEF MOTINGA indigenous people. matches at Kuizer Chiefs. See report below. Lusepani called on Govcrnment to reverse thcse LEGISLA TION on land reform inequalities and give morc land 10 the landless. in his speech opening the conference. Ihe Prime will be enacted by the end of the Minister said Namibia's much-praised democratic Young Namibian star year and will further boost efforts constitution guaranteed private ownership includ­ by Government to buy land for the ing that of land. Geingob said that in !.he Namibia the process of on trial with Chiefs resettlement of the iandless, Prime ·Iand reform started with the consultations which Minister Hage Geingob said culminated in !.he Land Conference in June 1990. The next step had been compiling data essential steadily before joining Nampol in yesterday. for drawing up policy. HELGE SCHUlZ 1989. Last year he joined Challeng­ The Prime Minister spelled this oul amid continu­ Now the teconunendations by a technical com­ ers but when they were relegated at ous references 10 the "land hungry and the greedy" mittee were with a Cabinet committee for further ONE NA MIBIA'S up-and­ 0 1<' the end of the season, their chair­ at a conference for small fanners' organisations of consideration and consultation, Geingob said. coming soccer stars, Ewald man, Imms Namaseb persuaded top the Southern African Development Community However. he added, it was a mistake to regard Hoeseb left for Johannesburg local club, Namsea Orlando Pirates, (SADC) and Preferenti al Trade Area (PTA) coun­ Government as the sole agent responsible for solv­ yeslerday for a week's Irials to sign Ewald on. tries which started in Windhoek yesterday. ing all social problems thereby underestimating the with Soulh Africa's top Ewald soon started making his President of the Namibia National Farmers' Un­ coni. on page 3 professional team, Kaizer mark in the tough Premier League ion. Mubita Lusepani said resources were unequall y C hiefs. and it came as no surprise when he This wonderful opponunity is a was selected for the national squad just reward for Ewald, who has put for the match against Zambia. He didn 't make the final team for in a 101 of hard work 10 reach his current status as one of Namibia's that match but his big breakthrough lOp strikers. came a few weeks ago when Pirates AI Pelrus Ganeb High School in took on their Soulh African name­ Vis. Ewald was more interested in sakes in a friendly match in Wind­ athletics and was an accompl ished hock. Although the South Afri cans won hurdler before he lOok up soccer in 1986 at the age of 16. It did not take 3-1. Ewald played a blinder and also laid on his team's only goal which long before he stoned to make his offered by Ja~~;~~r:: tc) :.the Ibis.... e~ nlark in soccer and at the end of thc was scored by Eric Khunugab. Un­ gional farming cor.dueoee wb.i<;b starfed in known to Ewald. a Kai7.cr Chiefs season was already playi ng for his Windboe.k resterday. botb~tors, seoul watched the match and sent a school's first team. Stn Senkwe:1'rom (beZambia National FArm.. After independence, hoWflVfl't the tw9:formtd Thefollowing year. hejoined first very favourable report to Chiefs us' U.JLiC)a, one. of the. de.legates at the C9qt, Oil p~ 3 division outfit Pubs and improved conI. on page 2 tant aathtrm81 described the Zamiblan ,.~, 2 Tuesday September 7 1993 THE NAMIBIAN Top aid body meets in city FROM PAGE 1 lion is also imponant. lowed by Germany I Today's meeting is ($393 million), the UK successes and opponu­ only a prel iminary to a ($322 mill ion), Norway ,. !lities there are in Africa. DAC summit in Decem· ($274 million) and the T he meeting wou ld ber, when the ai d bodies United Slates (5215 mi l­ aim to ensure aid is nOt will foml a poli.cy which lion). Increasing the US concentrated on the they will then bring back and Japan's shares is a cbanging South Africa to southem Africa for key challenge and Japan and .takcn from the rest more discussions. The will hold a big confer­ of 'Ihe region or other OECD members of the ence on aid to Africa in parts of Africa. DAC paid some $3 bil · October. It is al so to review aid lion (R 14 billion) toSadc Alt hough Namibi~ ,I policies and success, counties in cluding onl y received $178'mil. such as how best 10 fo­ "South iV'iica for black lion in aid including less cus on human resource community" in 1991 ,the than $100 inillion from development Ih rough Ia.~ t year for which fig ­ OAC members. it gets sectors such as educa­ ures are avialable. Swe­ the third highest amount tion and health. Boost­ den lOps the donor list per person. after Zambia ing regional co-opera- wit n $458 million. fol - and Botswana. TRAINI NG FOR THE FUTURE ... StudenlS at Namibia Career and Manpower ConsuUa nl'i' Windhoek centre get down to mastering the skills of the keyboard. The manager and owner of the com pany, J an Smil. has granted R30 SOO in bursaries to prosp« tive applicants for the courses. Namibian companies urged I' to invest in training 1 READY TO AID ... Horst Breier (head economics and environment People should be lI'ained He said the fact that d ivision), Alexander Love (cbairman of Development Assistance JOSEF MOTINGA for specific needs, he Namibia had a popula­ Committee) and Slen Rylander (Sweden's ambassador to Namibia) give said, tion of only 1.5 million ~d~eI~'~ils~.~f.!!~~~~d~.~n.~r~~~~ __________~:,,-...j NAMIBIAN companies should stop sitling His said that for his was its greatest asset on tbe fence a nd start co ntributing tDODey company the main con- compared to countries " Baby jammed down toilet ror trainiDl people if Namibia wants 10 avert sidcration was not mak· like Nigeria with its 120 I, ending up with severe ecoDomic problems. ing money. which he millionpcople and avery coulddoby runningbot- high infl ation rate. police. in the north, Joseph FROM PAGE 1 This is the view of the apply at the Ongwcdiva tie Slores. However. the" danger- I The police had to Ekandjo, said yesterday 1 manager and owner of training centre at 08hOO. Smi! said that un less, ous situation" was that Later a friend of break the sides of the thal the police were in· Namibia Career and Appl icants undergo especiall y the ' whi te the majority of David, Ali na Pius toilet pot to free the dis­ vestigating the incident, " Manpower Consultan ts. six-month Keyboard and companies', started in- Namibians were unem- I· lAunB.~l, ,:,::,~j ! ~UhM9AiI IfS~~F.fU'i'!~ L~fti YB~ T,\>l':,'I!~I!lF.l,gf .\\\;, i;l!m JlIiV " Sm'it , L ~:t1ne!lt@d BasicJTiPing courses, vesting in proper trai n- ployed, unl ike Japan' - travelled to Uupindi on let where she fou nd a parentfy was no t sen· wbcql' he ·gl'anl.ed.
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