The I nde pe nd en t September/October 2010 L Issue 24 – $14.00 o c k s m i t h h h J J J o o o u u u r r r n n n a a a l l l TILJ_JanFeb10:TILJ 1/20/10 12:38 PM Page 2 PETERSON DOES IT AGAIN! Introducing the PCT-7: Peterson Carbide Coring Tool Peterson’s new set of vending lock penetration tools make quick work of vending type lock openings including VAN lock, ABA DUO, ABLOY, BATON, 380 Tubular, 360 Tubular and 340 Tubular. The adaptor guides to a preset cutting dept insuring success every time! www.ThinkPeterson.com Standard Price: $224.95 585-264-1199 585-586-2425 (fax) Special Offer: ONLY $179.95 10am-6pm Eastern Time (Special pricing ends April 1, 2010) WE will open them — But YOU have to put them back together! TILJ_JanFeb10:TILJ 1/20/10 12:38 PM Page 3 TILJ_JanFeb10:TILJ 1/20/10 12:38 PM Page 3 NOTE FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Greetings from the editor’s desk!!! Note From The Editor’s Desk There is a lot of news in this issue. First I would like to give a great vote of thanks for the efforts of Mike Pecorella as he substituted for Don DennisNote after Don’s From sudden health The issues. (Don Editor’s still struggles at times,Desk but I happily notice continued improvement in him). Season’s greetings from the Editor’s desk! I hope all of our readers had a safe and enjoyable Mike Season’sstepped up greetingsto the plateholiday. infrom spite the ofNow hisEditor’s manythat theother desk! Holiday responsibilities: I hope madness all of the our requirementsis readersbehind us,had he it’s faced a safetime as aandto father, get enjoyable to a signifiwork cant again. other, Many of the an educatorholiday. in a Now specialty that school,readers the Holiday and might of course madness already keeping know is inbehind conditionthat this us, foris it’s mythe time nextfirst to Bostonissue get astoMarathon. workeditor again. after Taking taking Many on the over ofeditorship the from Donat Dennis. ery large shoes to fill. It is my a momentsreaders notice might was already a heroicThough moveknow I can’tthat that kept thissay The thatis Independentmy I havefirst issue ever Locksmith seenas editor Don’s Journal after feet, active taking I knowfor allover ofI have itsfrom readers. v Don Thank Dennis. you Mike, from all of us, you did an awesomeongoing job.mission to continue his outstanding contributions to The Independent Locksmith Journal Though I can’t say that I have ever seen Don’s feet, I know I have v ery large shoes to fill. It is my and provide our readers with the most current, relevant, and exciting content in the industry. I Now ongoingit is my turn. mission As the topublisher, continue I will his now outstanding assume Mikes contributions responsibilities to and The will Independent now (under Don’s Locksmith quiet tutorage) Journal become look forward to an exciting and rewarding new year. the publishingand provide editor, our having readers the pleasantwith the responsibility most current, of interfacing relevant, with and the exciting brilliant content in the industry. I Suggestions? Comments? Please feel free to leave feedback creativelook minds forward of our to existing an exciting and future and writers. rewarding new year. ent Locksm about a particular content you would like to be featured, or dent Locksm nd it Suggestions? Comments? Please feel free to leave feedback pen ipte h de de h J J Some of the changes at TILJanythi duringng Mike’s up-and-coming tenure will make you this may an easierhave task.heard Additional about! n n o ou I t Lock I u r about a particular content you would like to be featured, or e den sm r n writers have been found, additional benefi ts are in line to be provided to our subscribers, h en iet n a p h h a Tde J l l and sadlyanythi I haveng up-and-coming had the time to restructure you may thehave website heard subscription about! formats to end a n T ou Michael Pecorella I r e n glitch or two that impacted both the subscribers and the TILJ staff. An article is forthcoming h a Editor l on the changes at TILJ, and how they will affect and benefi t you. T Michael PecorellaThe Independent Locksmith Journal Editor Thank you for your continued21 Edenfieldpatronage, Ave. your compliments and well wishes. The best of luck backThe Independentto all of you. LocksmithWatertown, Journal MA 02472 21 Edenfield Ave. January–February 2010 [email protected] Issu e 20 – $14.00 Ken Watertown, MA 02472 January–February 2010 [email protected] $ WHEN TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: September/October 2010Issu e 20 – 14.00 WHEN TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: Issu e 24 – $14.00 The number on your address liable indicates your subscription end. The WHEN3rd and TO4th RENEWnumbers YOURon your SUBSCRIPTION: address label indicate your last issue If your label reads xx-22xx-20xxxxx-xxxxx THEN Means THIS THIS IS YOUR IS YOUR LAST LAST ISSUE. SUBSCRIBED ISSUE. The number on yourxx-21xxxxx address liableMeans indicates issue 21 your is your subscription last subscribed end. issue. xx-30=xxxxxxx-20xxxxx Would Means mean THIS that IS issue YOUR 30 LASTis your SUBSCRIBED last issue. ISSUE. xx-21xxxxx Means issue 21 is your last subscribed issue. The Independent Locksmith Journal New Subscription or Renewal Subscriptions (circle one) New Subscription or Renewal SUBSCRIBEThe IndependentDIRECTLY AT: WWW.TILJONLINE.COM Locksmith Journal FOR PDF ONLY AND PAPER SUBSCRIPTIONS NameSubscriptions (please print) (circle one)BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION or you can Remit $45.95 to TILJ, P.O. Box 744, East Rochester, NY 14445 "for Paper Only"(circle one) 1 – Locksmith or Practicing Individual Company Name BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION Name (please print) 2 – Institutional Locksmith/Maintenance (circle one) 3 – Institutio nal Security Company Name Address 1 – Locksmith or Practicing Individual 2 – Institutional Locksmith/Maintenance4 – Industrial Security 5 – Commercial Security City, State, Zip 3 – Institutio nal Security Address 6 – Locksmith Student 4 – Industrial Security 7 – Government 5 – Commercial Security City, State, Zip Phone Number 8 – Hardware 6 – Locksmith Student 9 – Law Enforcement 7 – Government E-mail Address 10 – Wholesaler/Distributor Phone Number 8 – Hardware 11 – Manufacturer 9 – Law Enforcement 12 – Security Consultant E-mail Address Remit $45.95 to TILJ, P.O. Box 744, East Rochester,10 – NY Wholesaler/Distributor 14445 13 – Architect 11 – Manufacturer 14 – Other Remit $45.95 to TILJ,Payment P.O. Information: Box 744, East Rochester, NY 14445 12 – Security Consultant (circle one) Renewal 13 – Architect (enter subscription number above) JOB TITLE (Best Description) 1 – VISA 14 – Other (circle one) Payment Information: 2 – MASTERCARD 1 – Owner (circle one) Renewal Expiration Date 3 – Payment Enclosed(enter subscription number above) JOB TITLE (Best2 – Description)Employee 1 – VISA (circle 3one) – Corporate Management 1 – Owner 2 – MASTERCARDCredit Card # 4 – Corporate Support Staff 3 – Payment Enclosed Expiration Date 2 – Employee 5 – Apprentice/Student Signature (required) Date3 – Corporate Management6 – Other Credit Card # 4 – Corporate Support Staff (please specify) 5 – Apprentice/Student Signature (required) Date 6 – Other July-August 2009 3 (please specify) The Independent Locksmith Journal March-April 2010 1 July-August 2009 3 TILJ CONTENTS Features The Independent Locksmith Journal All Inquiries - Please Contact: Ken Persson, Publisher SCHLAGE SECUREKEY (585) 264-1199 or mail your request and funds to TILJ, P.O. Box 744, East By Matthew Myers, CPL Page 3 Rochester, NY 14445 Editorial: Mike Pecorella, Editor INTRODUCTION TO SAFE MANIPULATION: Don Dennis, CPL, Editorial Consultant Part 1 Design/Production: By Matthew Myers, CPL Page 12 Roxana Olsen, Beyond Graphics The Independent Locksmith Journal is published six times each year. HAND MAKING KEYS Issues are mailed bi-monthly starting Part 1 in January of each year. Subscription rates may be found by going to By Mike Friend Page 20 www.tiljonline.com. Rates begin at $45.95 for the United States and graduate upward for overseas subscriptions due to DEALING WITH HOUSE LOCKOUTS postage. PDF versions are available on-line at www .tiljonline.com. By Matthew Myers, CPL Page 23 All Rights Reserved by The Independent Locksmith Journal © 2010 IMPRESSIONING BASICS The opinions shared in this By Matthew Myers, CPL Page 33 publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of TILJ. ADVERTISERS Peterson 2 Permavault Safe Co. 26 Locksmithing Unlimitied 7 Marray, Inc. 29 KEYPRINT 13 GKL Products 32 Lectrotruck 14 IFDIA 36 The Desktop Dispatcher 19 KeylessRide.com Inside Back Cover Hinge Doctor 23 Pacific Lock Co. Back Cover Brockhage 24 2 The Independent Locksmith Journal March-April 2010 SCHLAGE SECUREKEY By Matthew Myers, CPL January 2010 Schlage introduced a 1- Schlage’s new SecureKey locks were just released in 2010. new product by the name of SecureKey (Photo 1). This line of residential locks features a newly designed cylinder which allows for quick fi eld re-keying without any disassembly. The product is similar in design and functionality to Kwikset’s SmartKey locks, a similarity which will be discussed in depth later. Identifi cation of the new SecureKey locks is fairly straight forward as the faces of the new plugs feature a “+” above the keyway. Some locksmiths have reported seeing this “+” on some non-SecureKey locks, the reason for which is unknown. Space 1: 0.231” 2: 0.305” 2: 0.387” 3: 0.290” 3: 0.543” 4: 0.275” 4: 0.699” 5: 0.260” 5: 0.855” 6: 0.245” 7: 0.230” Depth 0: 0.335” 8: 0.215” 1: 0.320” 9: 0.200” The Independent Locksmith Journal March-April 2010 3 2- Just the cylinder has changed.
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