UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 197 Date 06/06/2006 Time 11:29:30 AM S-0902-0009-06-00001 Expanded Number S-0902-0009-06-00001 items-in -Africa - Question of Namibia - UN organs and sponsored activities - United Nations Institute for Namibia in Lusaka, Zambia - establishment, organization, and functions Date Created 07/10/1974 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0902-0009: Peacekeeping - Africa 1963-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit MKP/JH cc: SG\/ b/f : AR/AKU/AF/MJS Mr. Issoufou Djermakoye 5 May 1981 Under-Secretary-General Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization Rafeeuddin Ahmed Chef de Cabinet "Appointment of two members of the Senate of the United Nations Institute for Namibia - I wish to inform you that following consultations with the President of the United Nations Council for Namibia and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, as required under Article 6{f) of the Charter of the United Nations Institute for Namibia, the Secretary-General has decided to reappoint Ms. Anne Marie Deiraner and Mr. Adebayo Adedeji, as members of the Senate of the Institute. I would be grateful if you could, on behalf of the Secretary-General, convey the decision to these two persons as well as to all those concerned. ACTION i*. ZCZC DAL0385 NALOS04 ADD0071 DD NYK .ADDISABABA (EGA) 040901 ES/0100 RAFEEUDDIN AHMED UNATIONS REYR CCY 1491-04 I AGREE TO CONTINUE TO SERVE ON UNIN SENATE IF SECGEN DECID_E£_JO REAPPOINT ME. I ALSO THINK THAT MS ANNE MARIE DENMER CONTINUED SERVICE AS SENATE MEMBER WILL BE MOST HELPFUL TO UN. HIGHEST REGARDSCADEBAYO ADEDEJI ECA EXSEC ADDISABABA) COL ES/0100 1491-04 = 0504 1143 =0504 1144 NNNN PpUTING SLIP FICHE DE TRANSMISSION TO' '; " "" ' "-" A! ••".'"'•: Mr. M. Pedanou FROM: *'- ' _ _ , DE: J.F. Rofcson Room No. — No de bureau Extension — Poste Date 29 April 1981 FOR ACTION POUR SUITE A DONNER FOR APPROVAL POUR APPROBATION FOR SIGNATURE POUR SIGNATURE FOR COMMENTS POUR OBSERVATIONS MAY WE DISCUSS? POURRIONS-NOUS EN PARLER ? YOUR ATTENTION VOTRE ATTENTION AS DISCUSSED COMME CONVENU AS REQUESTED X SUITE A VOTRE DEMANDE NOTE AND RETURN NOTER ET RETOURNER FOR INFORMATION POUR INFORMATION COM.6 (2-78) UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA 39th (closed) meeting 28 April 1981 Committee on the United Nations Fund for Namibia NOTE ON THE MEETING Acting Chairman: Mr. P. SORENSEN-MOSQUKRA (Venezuela) 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted. 2. UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR NAMIBIA, GENERAL ACCOUNT PUBLICATIONS PROJECT 3. APPOINTMENT OF SENATORS TO THE SENATE OF THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR NAMIBIA The Acting Chairman pointed out that the original plan for the establishment of an Institute for Namibia in Lusaka (A/962U/Add.l) had stated that the members of the Senate vould hold office for a period of five years. The new Charter of the Institute which had been approved by the General Assembly at its 3^th session in 1979 and amended at the 35th session in order to add one additional Senator nominated by the University of Zambia, did not of itself provide any fixed term of office for the *— _ - - _ Senators. The Charter had not made any provision on this point. The Senate of the Institute, the Chairman continued, now consisted of l6 members. The Council, and therefore the Committee, was concerned with seven of these. Out of the seven, three were ex officio appointments, namely: (a) The President of the Council (b) The Rapporteur of the Committee on the Fund, and (c) the Commissioner for Namibia. The remaining four consisted of: (d) two representatives of the Council nominated by the President ' (e) two members from within the United Nations system appointed by the Secretary-Geeral in consultation with the President of the Council and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa. The Acting Chairman proposed that consultations on the two posts to be filled by representatives of the Council be conducted by the President, taking into account the desirability of filling these posts with representatives of the Council vho were members of the Committee on the Fund. With regard to the two members of the Senate appointed from vithin the United Nations system in consultation with the President of the Council and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, the Acting Chairman proposed that consultations be conducted by the President so that he could make a recommendation to the Secretary-General. On behalf of the Committee, the Acting Chairman expressed thanks to Professor Adebayo Adedeji, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, for having successfully guided the work of the Senate for the preceding five years. The Committee decided (a) that it would be desirable that the two Senate posts to be filled by representatives of the Council should be filled by duly accredited members of the Council who were also members of the Committee on the Fund; (b) that the President of the Council should be requested to conduct consultations regarding appointments for these two posts; (c) that the President of the Council should be requested to • conduct consultations in order to make a recommendation to the Secretary- General regarding the two posts in the Senate where the Senators were to be appointed by the Secretary-General in consultation with the President of the Council and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission of Africa. U II T T Z; I'.:- U A. T 1 0 N S I-.i'OEs Section Office of Public Information United Nations, N.Y0 (FOR USE OF INFORMATION KEDJA — NOT AN OFFICIAL RECORD) Press Release 26 August 1976 ZAM3IAN PRESIDENT OPENS MSTITUTE FOR NAMIBIA IN LUSAKA (The folio-wing was received from the United Nations Information C entre, Lusaka„) President Kenneth D0 Kaunda of Zambia officially opened the United Nations Institute for Namibia today at a ceremony in Lusaka on Namibia Day, A message from Secretary-General Kurt Waldbeim velcoming the foundation of the Institute vas read out at the ceremony, which vas also addressed by United Nations and other officials. The purpose of the Institute is to enable Namibians to undertake research., training, planning and related activities t:vith special reference to the struggle for freedom of the N^-ribi."?.ns and the establishment of an independent State of Namibia". It has ?. Director, a Deputy Director and . T- four Assistant Directors,, and is gover::.'.:d by a Senate of 11 members appointed for a five-year tern., The Institute is financed "by the United Nations Fund for Namibia*. The plan for the Institute ve.a appro/ed "cy the United Nations Council for Namibia on 27 September 197-!v« I"t "<ras endorsed by the General Assembly later that year (resolution 3296 (XXIX) of 13 December 1974)„ (Further information on the Institute is contained in Press Release of 20 August^) Address by Zaiacian President %; i: Presidezi.t Kaunda,, in his remarks at today's ceremony in Lusaka, described the events as a joyous and historic moment representing another milestone in the heroic :aarch of the Namibian people towards their cherished goal of freedcjr., independence and justice= The party, Government and people of the Republic of Zambia vere proud to host the Institute because the struggle for the freedom and indepsnden.ce of Namibia was also Zambia's struggle,, The role which the Institute vas plsying and would continue to play was part of the struggle of the N^ffiibian people for their birthright. (mere) UNITED "ATI 0 H S Press Section Office of Public Information United Nations,, K.Yn (FOR USE OF INFORMATION 1-ZZD7A •-•- HOT AN OFFICIAL RECORD) Press Release SG/SM/2351* NALJ/239 26 August 1976 TEXT OF MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY-GENERAL ON OCCASION OF OPENING CEREMONY OF UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR NAMIBIA Following is the text of a message from Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the United Nations Institute for Namibia in Lusaka, Zambia, which will be read by Sean Macbride, United Nations Commissioner for Namibia: .» On the occasion of the opening ceremony of the United Nations Institute "' for Namibia, I would first of all like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to the President of Zambia, His Excellency ML-. Kenneth Kaunda, for the support and facilities which his Government has given to this important institute by providing for its establishment in Lusaka. I am confident that the Institute mil become a centre for all those who are interested in promoting the welfare of Namibia, It will be parti- cularly valuable for those scholars and administrators from Namibia and elsewhere who will look to it as an appropriate centre for the training of Namibians and for information and research on matters relating to the •Namibian people and their country. Experience elsewhere has shown that it is most essential for a newly- independent country to have available from amongst its own nationals a cadre of well-trained personnel capable of running the national administra- tive machinery. In the case of Namibia, its people have been denied appropriate opportunities to obtain the neces.sary education and training within their country to equip them for these responsibilities., The decision taken two years ago by the United Nations Council for Namibia to establish this institution was therefore both timely and necessary, I would like to extend to the Chairman and the other members of the Senate of the Institute, the Commissioner for Namibia, and everyone else who has been involved in this undertaking, my warmest congratulations upon the successful completion of their efforts to establish the Institute. It is fitting that the Institute should be formally opened on Namibia Day, thus emphasizing the cause of the Hamibian people for self-determination and independence.
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