Released by HELMS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION, Cooperative O rganization For R elease: FRIDAY MORNING, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ( DECEMBER a m . ) * * * ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM 1 9 5 9 FIRST TEAM POS. PLAYER TEAM HEIGHT WEIGHT YEAR REMARK E WÍILIE PITERS , , . 6* 1 180 J r . Pass rcr. Def, E GEORGE HARRYMAN . * Hemet 6 f £ 173 * J r . Pass r c r . T KENNETH HARRISON. * Covina 6* 2 185 S r. Strong Def. T CHARLES DE COUDRES, ft Long Beach 5*11 195 Sr. Def.Blocks. G BERNkRD SCHULZ. t Inglewood 5*10 171 S r, Xlnt Biocker. G ELLIOTT OLDS* . , • Reuon&o 5*11 194 S r. Defence ace. C WALTER BROWN, . , • Canoga Park 6* 2 207 S r. All-Time So.Gal. QB JOHN PETROVICH, , 4 Alhambra 6* 1 190 S r. Triple Threat!i I HB CHARIES SYLVESTER* ♦ S.B arbara u * 0 185 S r, P ass. Run .K ick, HB DICK MANNING, , , , 1 $1 Monte 5* 9 175 S r. TD threat.Fast* FB EDMUND FREITAS, , . ♦ P t, Lorna S'U ¿03 Sr. Line plunger. BB ART SHIPKEY , , , . • Anaheim 5*11 178 S r. Ebccep. Blocker. * Last year of eligibility for George Harryman. * * COMMENT; The 1939 All-Southern California High School Football Team, as chosen by ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOARD OF FOOTBALL, is p o ssib ly the vary finest ' collection of high school football talent that has ever been moulded into a mythical all-star prep school lineup. Several of the boys who have been chosen for honors might easily be listed on an all-time Southern California prep school football team. Never before has an All-Southern California high school team boasted of two high-scoring flankmen the like of Willie Peters and ^eorge Harryman, Peters, only a junior, is regarded the finest pass receiver ever to perform upon a Southern California prep school gridiron. The Santa Bar­ bara end, a Negro youth, caught 12 touchdown passes this year — for a total of 72 points. Lanky George Harryman, of Hemet, the other end, has chalked up 36 points this year* Almost as much may be said of the defensive play of these two boys, Peters is exceptionally strong on defense. In fact, he was probably the best defensive end in Southern California high school ranks. Both Harryman and Peters are juniors» 'Harryman, however, will not be able to compete next year — due to eligibility rulings as to his age. The tackle positions on the All-Southern California are par­ ticularly strong. Harrison* of Covina, a tall 185 pounder, and Charles De Coudres, husky Long Beach boy, the son of a former Long Beach High School grid star, were outstanding in every game played this year* De Coudres was a strong blocker, rugged on defense, and called the plays for his team, Harrison was an aggressive player, fast for his size, and strong on defense as well as offense, Harrison is considered one of the finest linesmen to ever represent Covina High School — a school that has developed many out­ standing players in the past. © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. * * ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM 1939 (Continued) Two Bay League players, Bernard Schulz, of Inglewood, and E lliott Olds, of Rtídondo, captured the guard positions on the All-Southern Cali­ fornia. Both boys were standouts throughout the season. Schulz was one of the finest running guards seen on a Southern California prep school gridiron in the last two years, and did a fine job in backing up the Inglewood line. Olds was a husky, rugged player who particularly shone on defense, Walter Brown, of Canoga lark, was unanimously chosen for the center berth, Walter, a tall 207 pounder, played brilliantly — both on offense and defense. He very frequently ch«iy,ed through the opponent forward wall and pulled down the ball carrier before he was able to reach the line of scrimmage. In auditicu to his sterling defensive play, Brown carried the b u ll on c e rta in p la y s, passed end kicked, Memoers of A ll Southern C a lifo rn ia Boara oi Foot Dull hove - iiuouncuo that they .<ould pL.ce Walter Brov.n on an iill-tim= mythical All-Southern Celiioroib High School footbull tecju, i, one were chosen. There was no argument sbout who ahouiu receive tho signal burking assignment on the All-Southern California. Johnny Petrovich, Alhambra's high scoring ouck won the honor, hands down. Petrovich, who also made the Arl-Southern California team in 1938, tallied 26 touchdowns this year, and passed to 12 others. Including a couple of extra points after touchdown which he kicked, Johnny chalked up a total of 158 points. Petrovich was a brilliant open field runner — fast and shifty — despite his weight of 190 pounds. Tuere ie no doubt about it, Johnny Petrovich was the Southern California prep school "back of the year,” Thw halfback positions were annexed by two players who scintillated in every game in which they played — Charles Sylvester, of Santa Barbara, and Dick Manning, of El Monte. Sylvester, like Petrovich, gained a place on the All-Suuthern California for the second successive season. Sylvester is a fine running back, an outstanding left-handed passer and good left­ footed kicker. Charlie romped into opponent end zones often enough this year to register 42 points, and sparkled with his defensive play. Manning, El Monte's touchdown kid, was a speed-burner. He cruised the ends and ripped the tackles consistently. Dick accounted for 83 points this year — scoring touchdowns and kicking goals after touchdowns, Manning almost gained the monicker of "Double or Nothing" Manning, duo to the fact that he fre­ quently rang up 2 touchdowns in a game. Edmund Freitas, of Pt. Lorna High School, rightly earned the fu ll­ back position. Freitas, a husky 203 pounder, was a line plunger of the first caliber* Ed also did some noteworthy passing and kicking, on a southpaw basis. Although he weighs moro then 200 pounds, Freitas is sur­ prisingly fast. The Pt. Lorna fullback probably the first player from Pt. Lorna High School to ever capture a berth on the All-^outhorn California FIRST TEAM — besides being a triple threat expert, was a splendid blocker, Captained his team, and called signals. Art Shipkey, 178 poundvr from Anrhoim High School, was given the blocking back post. Art, a hard and sure blocker, deserved the honors. Many prep school coaches and authorities likened his work to that of Bob Hoffman, University of Southern California's brilliant blocking back. Be­ sides paving the way for Anaheim ball carriers this year, Art carried tho ball on reverse plays, did a lot of line smashing, and showed to advantage on defense. © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. * * AIL-SQOTHEKK CALIFQHfllA. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM 1959 (Continued) POS. PLAYER TEAM HHICfflT WEIGHT YEAR REMARK E Douglas Essick * » i Inglewood. 6» S 185 Sr. Pass rcr.Def.Kicks. E Frank Sheflin, ♦ * *Newport Har. 5 T:11 170 S r. Iron man. Def, ace. T Tharen Hodges. • Í <Alhambra . 6» 1 200 S r. Outstand. Def, T John Sanchez , * * *San Diego. , 6 ’ 2 200 S r. Strong, Alert.Def. G Bill Hansen. * * *Alhambra , . 6* 0 190 S r. Run.Guard.Def.Tackle, G Jess Parsons . t t •El Monte . 6* 0 225 S r. Defense. Leader. C Jack Corporan, I « «Jordan(L.B«) 5 ' 9 170 S r. Spirited.Rugged, QB George Mickelwait. ,Newport Har. 5 f 8 156 S r. S peedy.S hifty. 66 P ts HB Hoyt Smith , . • t *Eagle Rock , 5» 8 175 S r. Hits line*Bloeks. HB Dave Brewer. • f I Covina . * 6» 0 170 S r. Hard ru n n e r.92 P ts . FB Pat Jones, . • ♦ 1Long Hench . 5 ’ 9 185 S r. Powerhouse, Blocks, BB Bert De Vries, * 9 •Excelsior. 6» 0 172 S r. Exceptional Blocker, THIRD T EAM POS. PLAYER TEAM HEIGHT HEIGHT YEAR REMARK E Bill Nourse . , , ft S.Monica & 1 180 Sr, Xlnt punter,Defense. E Bill Quinn. , , . ft Mt. Carmel 6 3 180 S r. Fine pass rcr.Punts. E Don Chiniquy. • Hamilton 5 11 170 S r. Pass Ror.End-arounds. E Tillio Del Martini Santa ^ r i a Sr. Fuss rcr.Place kicks. T Vincent Meier , . ft Cathedral(LA) 6*1 210 S r. Strong* Def, Charges. T Bryce Hodges. , . « P t. Lorna 6 0 209 S r. Rugged, Defense ace. T Seymour Fuhrman . ft Hollywood 6 1 190 Sr. Aggressive, Defense. T Donald Valentine. • Redlands 6 2 185 Sr. Iron-raan.Def.Leader. G Paul Ewing, . ft Loyola(LA) 5 10 175 S r, Blocks. Consistent. G Otis Scott. ft F u lle rto n 5 11 180 Sr. Plays guard and iackle, G HorreLL Bond. ft Chaffe y Sr, Strong. Spirited, G Kurken Kazarian , ft Poly (IA) 5 9 180 S r. Blocks .Def. place kicks. C Francis Keller. • C alexico 5 11 173 Sr, Aggressive, Leader, C Le Roy L ittle jo h n ft Garden Grove6 0 195 S r. accurate passer.Blocks. OB Gordon Sim. , * C olton 5 9 147 Sr, Fine runner. Fast. OB Howard L ivingston ft M ontebello 6 0 175 Sr, Triple Threat.Shifty. HB Ward Friedman . • Alhambra 5 10 165 Sr, Runs.Passes.Kicks.40 Pts. HB AL F o ste r .... Downey 5 6 153 Sr. Triple Threat, Alert, HB John Elias. , . ft Whittier 5 9 165 J r . Xlnt passer,kicker. HB Willard Sheller . • Compton Sr. Passer.Blocks.Defense. HB Harold Brown. ft S.Bernardino 3*11 170 S r. Xlnt hall carrier, HB B ill O'Rourke .
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