COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE PLEASE CHECK FOR CHANGE INFORMATION AT THE REAR OF THIS MANUAL. PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY Francais Deutsch INSTRUCTION MANUAL Tektronix, Inc. P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number 070-3391-00 First Printing JUN 1981 Product Group 76 Revised APR 1988 Copyright @ 1981 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright O 1981 durch Tektronix, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbe- Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any halten. Der lnhalt dieser Publikation dad ohne Genehmtgung form withouf the written permission of Tektronix. Inc. von Tektronix, Inc. nicht weitergegeben werden. Products of Tektronix. Inc. and its subsidiaries are covered Produkte von Tektronix, Inc. und seinen Tochtergesellschaften by U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patents. sind durch US- und Auslandspatente undloder schwebende Patente abgedeckt. TEKTRONIX. TEK, SCOPE-MOBILE, and @ are reg- istered trademarks of Tektronix. Inc. TEKTRONIX. TEK. SCOPE-MOBILE und @ slnd geschutrte Warenzeichen von Tektronix. Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Specification and price change privileges are reserved. Gedruckt in U.S.A. Spezifikations- und Preisanderungen bleiben vorbehalten. Copyrrght C 1981 TE KTRONl X I NC. Tous dro~tsrCservCs Le contenu de ce rnanuel ne peut atre reprodu~tsous quelque tor- 01981 % &?'& pfi 8 f 3 b a = 3 7 ti Ft7G% me que ce so~tsans I'accord de Tektron~xInc. Tous les produ~tsTEKTRONIX sont brevet& US et Etranger et TEKTRONIX, TEK, SCOPE-MOBILE, les logotypes TEKTRONIX, TEK SCOPE MOBILE, @(d-7-3 t+ n=3xttnZftiW2Td- dCposCs. Imprime aux USA. TEKTRONI X se rCserve le drort de modifier : NZIE 7 EPR~J,wm u!~%&(d?g'i ( ZFT~~S caractkristiques et prix dans le cadre de d&veloppements techno- logiques. 2b.h 9 3 t - INSTRUMENT SERIAL NUMBERS Each instrument has a serial number on a panel insert, tag, or stamped on the chassis. The first number or letter designates the country of manufacture. The last five digits of the serial number are assigned sequentially and are unique to each instrument. Those manufactured in the United States have six unique digits. The country of manufacture is identified as follows: BOO0000 Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon, USA 100000 Tektronix Guernsey, Ltd., Channel Islands 200000 Tektronix United Kingdom, Ltd., London 300000 SonyJTektronix, Japan 700000 Tektronix Holland, NV, Heerenveen, The Netherlands TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page LlST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. v Chapitre 2 INSTRUCTIONS D'UTILISATION(cont) LlST OF TABLES . vii OPERATORS SAFETY SUMMARY . viii Commandes, connecteurs et SERVICE SUMMARY . ix indicateurs ..................... 2-2 RECAPITULATIF DES CONSIGNES DE SECURITE x Conditions d'utilisation . 2-7 CONSIGNES DE SECURITE . xi Commutation automatique . 2-7 SICHERHEITSANGABEN FUR DEN ANWENDER . xii Limitation de courant par SICHERHEITSANGABEN FUR DEN SERVICE.. xiii retournement (alimentation logique) . Alimentations connectees en serie . Alimentations connecthes en parallele . Section 1 SPECIFICATION Inversion d'une tension dans la Introduction . 1-1 charge ........................ IEEE 488 (GPIB) Function Capability 1-1 Inversion d'un courant dans la Performance Conditions . 1-2 charge ........................ Electrical Characteristics . 1-2 Connexion de la charge et de Environmental Characteristics . 1-6 I'instrument de test . Physical Characteristics . 1-7 Sorties de I'interface arriere . Regulation a distance . Boucles de rnasse de I'Alimentation Section 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Logique ....................... Preparation for Use. 2-1 Elevation des Alimentations Repackaging Information . 2-1 Flottantes . Power Up Conditions (Self Test) . 2-2 Controls, Connectors and Indicators 2-2 Abschnitt 2 BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Operating Considerations . 2-7 Auto Crossover. 2-7 Vorbereitende Hinweise . Logic Supply Foldback Current Versandhinweise . Limit.. 2-7 Einschaltbedingungen Series-Connected Supplies . 2-8 (Selbst-Test) . Parallel-Connected Supplies . 2-8 Bedienungselemente, Reverse Voltage Loading . 2-8 Anschliisse und Anzeigen . Reverse Current Loading . 2-8 Bedienungshinweise . Overvoltage.. 2-9 Automatische Load and Monitor Connections . 2-9 Begrenzungsumschaltung . Rear Interface Outputs . 2-1 0 Kurzschlu~strom-Ruck- Remote Sense. 2-10 regelung der Logik Logic Supply Ground Loops. 2-1 0 Spannungsversorgung . Floating Supply Elevation . 2-1 0 In Reihe geschaltete Spannungsversorgungen . Parallel geschaltete Chapitre 2 INSTRUCTIONS D'UTILISATION Spannungsversorgungen . lnstructions d'utilisation . 2-1 Polaritatswechel der Instructions de reemballage . 2-1 Lastspannung .................. Auto-test a la mise en service . 2-2 Polaritatswechsel Tableau 2-1 - Reglages obtenus a des Lastromes . la mise en service . 2-2 Uberspannung .................. Tableau 2-2 - Codes d'erreurs Anschlufi von Last en face avant. 2-2 und MeBgeraten . REV MAR I986 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Page Page Abschnitt 2 BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG (cont) Chapitre 3 PROGRAMMATlON (cont) Ruckseitige Schnittstellen- Liste des commandes detaillees ..... Ausgange ...................... 2-10 Messages et protocole de Fern-Abtastung ................. 2-10 communication ................... Erdschleifen bei Logik ~elimiteurde commande ......... Spannungsversorgungen ......... 2-10 Fin de message ................. Erdfreie Anschlusse ............. 2-1 0 Formattage d'un message ........ Formats numbriques ............. Table de conversion ASCII et IEEE Section 3 PROGRAMMING 488(GPIB) ..................... Introduction .................... 3-1 Arguments numeriques arrondis ... Commands ...................... 3-2 Protocole d'un message .......... Functional Command List ......... 3-2 Messages multiples .............. Detailed Command List .......... 3-3 Weponse de I'instrument aux Messages and Communication messages de I'interface IEEE-488 ... Protocol ......................... 3-15 Indications d'etats et erreurs ........ Command Separator ............ 3-15 Tableau 3-1 .Codes d'erreurs Message Terminator ............. 3-15 utilises sur le bus et reponse Formatting A Message ........... 3-15 a I'appel selectif en serie ......... Number Formats ................ 3-15 Tableau 3-2 .Codes d'erreur Rounding of Numeric Arguments ... 3-17 relatifs au controle en face Message Protocal ............... 3-17 avant ......................... Multiple Messages .............. 3-17 Tableau 3-3 .Reglages a la mise en Instrument Response to IEEE-488 service ........................ Interface Messages ............... 3-18 Applications ..................... Status and Error Reporting ......... 3-20 Programme de transmission et de Power Up (Initial) Conditions ...... 3-22 reception pour contrbleurs de la sbrie Applications ..................... 3-23 4050 .......................... TalkerIListener Program for 4050 Description de ce programme ..... Series Controllers ............... 3-23 Programme de transmission et de 4050 Series TalkerJListener Pro- reception pour le controleur 4041 . gram Description ................ 3-23 Description du programme ........ TalkerIListener Program for the 4041 Controller ................. 3-23 Abschnitt 3 PROGRAMMIERUNG Sample Program ................ 3-23 The POLL Statement and Clearing Einfuhrung ..................... 3-1 SRQ .......................... 3-25 Befehle ......................... 3-2 Using Low Level Settings ......... 3-25 Liste der Funktions-Befehle ....... 3-2 Program Delays ................. 3-25 Detaillierte Befehlsliste ........... 3-3 Information Available ............ 3-25 Mitteilungen und Kommunikation .... 3-15 Befehls-Trennzeichen ............ 3-15 Mitteilungs-Endezeichen .......... 3-15 Chapitre 3 PROGRAMMATION Formatieren einer Mitteilung ....... 3-15 Introduction .................... 3-1 Zahlenformate .................. 3-15 Commandes ..................... 3-2 Rundung numerischer Argumente . 3-17 Liste des commandes de fonctions . 3-2 Mitteilungs-Protokoll ............. 3-17 Commandes de I'instrument ...... 3-2 Reaktion des Gerates auf Commandes d8entr6e/sortie....... 3-2 IEEE-488 Interface-Mitteilungen ..... 3-18 Commandes d'btat de I'instrument . 3-2 Status- und Fehleranzeige .......... 3-20 Commandes du systime ......... 3-2 Einschalt- (Anfangs-) Bedingungen . 3-22 REV MAR 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Page Page Sec PROGRAMMIERUNG (cont) Section 4 THEORY OF OPERATION (cont) Anwendungen .................... 3-23 Circuits @ . 4-4 SprecherlHorer Programm fur Logic Supply ............. 4-5 Controller der Serie 4050 ........ 3-23 Beschreibung des SprecherIHorer ................... 4-6 Programms fijr die Serie 4050 ..... 3-23 SprecherlHorer Programm fur den Converter Circuits 10 ........ 4-6 Controller 4041 ................. 3-23 + Floating Supply @ ...... 4-7 Muster-Programm ............... 3-23 .Floating Supply @ ........ 4-8 POLL und Loschung von SRQ .... 3-25 Die Anwendung binarer Eistellbefehle ................... 3-25 Section 5 CALIBRATION Programm-Verzogerungen ........ 3-25 Lieferbares lnformationsmaterial ... 3-25 Performance Check Procedure ...... 5-1 Introduction .................... 5-1 Test Equipment Required ......... 5-1 Performance Check Summary Sheet 5-3 I WARNING ) Internal Adjustment Procedure ...... 5-15 Introduction .................... 5-15 Services Available ............... 5-15 THE FOLLOWING SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS Test Equipment Required ......... 5-15 A RE FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. Adjustment Access .............. 5-15 TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY. DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN THAT CONTAINED IN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE Section 6 MAINTENANCE QUALIFIED
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