CORPUS INSCRIPTIONUM INDICARUM VOL. V INSCRIPTIONS or THE VAKATAKAS ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA CORPUS INSCRIPTIONUM INDICARUM VOL. V INSCRIPTIONS OF THE VAKATAKAS EDITED BY Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, M.A., D.Litt* Hony Piofessor of Ancient Indian History & Culture University of Nagpur GOVERNMENT EPIGRAPHIST FOR INDIA OOTACAMUND 1963 Price: Rs. 40-00 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA PLATES PWNTED By THE MRECTOR; LETTERPRESS P WNTED AT THE JQB PREFACE after the of the publication Inscriptions of the Kalachun-Chedi Era (Corpus Inscrip- tionum Vol in I SOON Indicarum, IV) 1955, thought of preparing a corpus of the inscriptions of the Vakatakas for the Vakataka was the most in , dynasty glorious one the ancient history of where I the best Vidarbha, have spent part of my life, and I had already edited or re-edited more than half the its number of records I soon completed the work and was thinking of it getting published, when Shri A Ghosh, Director General of Archaeology, who then happened to be in Nagpur, came to know of it He offered to publish it as Volume V of the Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Series I was veiy glad to avail myself of the offer and submitted to the work the Archaeological Department in 1957 It was soon approved. The order for it was to the Press Ltd on the printing given Job (Private) , Kanpur, 7th 1958 to various July, Owing difficulties, the work of printing went on very slowly I am glad to find that it is now nearing completion the course of this I During work have received help from several persons, for which I have to record here my grateful thanks For the chapter on Architecture, Sculpture and I found Painting G Yazdam's Ajanta very useful I am grateful to the Department of of Archaeology, Government Andhra Pradesh, for permission to reproduce some plates from that work Dr B Ch Chhabra, Joint Director General of Archaeology, went through and my typescript made some important suggestions The Government Epigraphist for India rendered the necessary help in the preparation of the Skeleton Plates Shri V P. Curator of the Central Rode, Museum, Nagpur, supplied the photographs of some panels discovered at Pavnar recently Prof N R Navlekar ofJabalpui kindly read a proof of the Introduction and made some important suggestions To all these friends I feel deeply indebted I thank Shri Finally, A Ghosh, Director General of Archaeology, for having included this work in the Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Series and the Director, Eastern of Circle, Survey India, for the excellent plates which illustiate the records in this Volume NAGPUR V V MIRASHI 30th April, 1963 CONTENTS Page Xist of Plates (ix) Abbreviations (xi) Corrigenda (xiu) INTRODUCTION Chapter I The Discovery of the Vakatakas i Chapter II Vakataka Chronology v Appendix A Note on Dr R C Majumdar's Genealogy and Chronology of the Vakatakas vii Chapter III The Home of the Vakatakas . xi Chapter IV Early Rulers xvii Chapter V The Mam Branch xxi Chapter VI The Vatsagulma Branch xxix Chapter VII Administration xxxiv Chapter VIII Religion xl Chapter IX Society xliv Chapter X Literature liii Chapter XI Architecture, Sculpture and Painting Ix TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS INSCRIPTIONS OF THE MAIN BRANCH No Plate 1 I Deotek Stone Insciiption of Rudrasena I 1 ^2 II Poona Plates of Prabhavatigupta 5 ^/3 III Jamb Plates of Pravarasena II 10 ' 4 & 5 IV & V Belora Plates (Sets A and B) of Pravarasena II 16 6 VI Chammak Plates of Pravarasena II 22 7 VII Siwani Plates of Pravarasena II 28 '8 VIII Riddhapur Plates of Prabhavatigupta 33 / 9 IX Indore Plates of Pravarasena II 38 10 X Dudia Plates of Pravarasena II 43 711 XI Tirodi Plates of Pravarasena II - 48 '12 XII Wadgaon Plates of Pravarasena II 53 13 XIII Pattan Plates of Pravarasena II 57 ,/14 XIV Pandhuina Plates of Pravarasena II . 63 15 XV Patna Museum Plate of Pravarasena II 69 16 XVI Rmtek Plate of Pravarasena II 73 17 XVII An unfinished Durg Plate 76 18 XVIII Balaghat Plates of Prithivishena II 79 INSCRIPTIONS OF THE FEUDATORIES OF THE MAIN BRANCH 19 XIX Bamhan! Plates of Bharatabala 82 50-21 XX-XXI Nachne-ki-Talai Stone Inscription of Vyaghradeva 89 22 XXII Gam Stone Tmrrmrinn nfVvaCThraH?va or> (vm) CONTENTS Page INSCRIPTIONS OF THE VATSAGULMA BRANCH 23 XXIII Basim Plates of Vmdhyasakti II 93 24 XXIV India Office Plate of Devasena 101 INSCRIPTIONS OF THE MINISTERS AND FEUDATORIES OF THE VATSAGULMA BRANCH 25 XXV Ajanta Cave Inscription of Varahadeva 103 26 XXVI Ghatotkacha Cave Inscription of Varahadeva 112 27 XXVII Inscription in Ajanta Cave XVII 120 Index 131 LIST OF PLATES Facing Page Map showing places mentioned in Vakataka Inscriptions XVlll Plate A The Image of Tnvikrama from Ramtek " " Between Ix & Ixi B The Panel Meeting of Bharata from Pavnar pages " " G The Panel Killing of Vali from Pavnar D of (i) The Image Ganga from Pavnar ^ Between pages Ixii & Ixin (n) Inscription on the Image of Ganga E The Temple at Tigowa F The of on the of the Image Ganga Door-way -{ Between pages Ixiv & Ixv temple at Tigowa G The Image of Yamuna on the Door-way of the at Temple Tigowa J Between pages Ixiv & Ixv H The Temple at Nachna I The Plan of Gave XVI at Ajanta Ixvi J Dying Sundari Ixviii K The Plan of Cave XVII at Ajanta Ixx Ixxi I Between pages & L Greedy Jujaka receiving Ransom Money M The Buddha, Yasodhara and Rahula Ixxii N The Front View of Gave XIX at Ajanta Between Ixxiv & Ixxv O The Plan of the Ghatotkacha Gave pages I Deotek Stone Inscription of Rudiasena I 4 II Poona Plates of Prabhavatigupta 8 III Jamb Plates of Pravarasena II Between pages 12 & 13 IV Belora Plates (Set A) of Pravarasena II Facing page 18 V Belora Plates (Set B) of Pravarasena II Facing page 20 VI Ghammak Plates of Piavarasena II Between pages 24 & 25 VII Siwam Plates of Pravarasena II Between pages 30 & 31 VII (contd ) Seals of Pravarasena II Seal of (i) Ghammak Plates, (n) Seal of Siwani Plates, (m) Seal of Tirodi Plates Facing page 32 VIII Riddhapui Plates of Prabhavatigupta Facing page 36 IX Indore Plates of Pravarasena II Facing page 40 X Dudia Plates of Pravarasena II Between pages 46 & 47 XI Tirodi Plates of Pravarasena II Facing page 50 XII Wadgaon Plates of Pravarasena II Between pages 54 & 55 XIII Pattan Plates of Pravarasena II Between pages 60 & 61 Plates of II XIII (contd ) Pattan Pravarasena Facing page 62 XIV Pandhurna Plates of Pravarasena II Between pages 66 & 67 of II 68 XIV (contd ) Pandhurna Plates Pravarasena Facing page XV Patna Museum Plate of Pravarasena II Facing page 70 (x) LIST OF PLATES Hate Facing P XVI Ramtek Plate of Pravarasena II Facing page XVII An Unfinished Duig Plate Facing page XVIII Plates of Pnthivlshena II Balaghat Between pages 80 & XIX Bahmam Plates of Bharatabala Between pages 86 & XX Nachne-ki-Talai Stone of Inscription (No I) Vyaghradeva Facing page XXI Nachne-ki-Talai Stone Inscription (No II) of Vyaghradeva Facing page XXII Stone of Ganj Inscription Vyaghradeva Facing page XXIII Basim Plates of II Vmdhyasakti Between pages 96 & XXIV India Office Plate of Devasena Facing page ] XXV Ajanta Gave Inscription of Varahadeva Facing page ] XXVI Ghatotkacha Cave Inscription of Varahadeva Facing page ] XXVII Inscription m Ajanta Cave XVII Facing page 1 ABBREVIATIONS ABORI Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Ajanta G Yazdam, Ajanta ASWI Archaeological Smvey of Western India Bom Gaz Bombay Gazetteer CASIR Cunningham, Archaeological Survey of India Reports CII Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum CTI Burgess, Cave Temples of India DKA Pargiter, Dynasties of the Kali Age END R G Bhandarkar, Early History of the Deccan Ep Ind Epigraphia Indica GCI Ghatotkacha Cave Inscription (pub by Government of Hyderabad). COS Gaekwad's Oriental Series HCIP R C Majumdar and A D Pusalkar, History and Culture of the Indian People ICPB in P and Berar Hiralal, Inscriptions C (Second ed ) Ind Ant Indian Antiquary Ind Cul Indian Culture Ind Hist Quart Indian Historical Quarterly JASB Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal of the JBBRAS Journal Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of the JBORS Journal Bihar and Onssa Research Society JNSI Journal of the Numismatic Society of India JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society JRASB Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal MASI Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India MBH Mahabharata MSM Manusmnti C S WHIP R Majumdar and A Altekar, New History of the Indian People. MIA New Indian Antiquary NUJ Nagpur University Journal PIHC Proceedings of the Indian History Congress PRASIWC Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey of India, Western Circle. PTAIOC Proceedings and Transactions of the All-India Oriental Conference. SI V V Mirashi, Studies in Indology CORRIGENDA \ Page viii, para 2, line 6 For tddnsd putrd read tddntdh putrdh. line 14 ,, ix, For Mahdrdja-Ddmodarasena read Mahdrdja-sri-Ddmodarasena. ix, foot-note 1 For Pnthivshena read Prithivishena. xi, paia 2, line 5 For tftffr read ?ffrfr line ,, xii, 2 For Satpuda read Satpuda ,, xvni, foot-note 2 For amendation read emendation. line 6 ,, xxin, para 2, For Ramgiri read Ramagiri xxix, para 5, line 5 For the sons Pravarasena I read the sons of Pravarasena I ,, xxxix, para 3, line 4 For explicity tead explicitly xhx, line 6 For Jujaka read Jujaka -tilaka li, para 1, line 5 For -tilaka read ,, liii, line 12 For prasasit read prasasti ,, Iviii, hne 12 For *iwr read ^TRTT Ixxiv, para 3, last line Insert an inverted comma at the end.
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