board of Port Catirr# 14"1""- -Re"1117 SetnalrY REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND The meeting was held on Wednesday, January 7, 1970 at the hour of 2:00 p.m. in the office of the Board, Room 376, 66 Jack London Square, President Walters presiding, due written notice having been given members of the Board. Commissioners present: Commissioners Bilotti, Gainor, Mortensen, Tripp and President Walters - 5 Commissioners absent: Commissioners Berkley and Soda - 2 Also present were the Executive Director; Assistant Exe- cutive Director; Port Attorney; Chief Engineer; Director of Aviation; Public Relations Director; Secretary of the Board; and for a portion of the meeting Deputy Port Attorney John E. Nolan; Traffic Manager and Manager, Marine Terminals Department; Port Supervising Engineer Roy Clark; Supervising Airport Traffic Representative Fernand E. Dubois; and Semi-skilled Laborer Edward H. Dillinger. Outgoing President Robert E. Mortensen presented the new President, William Walters, with the gavel of his office and President Walters presented Commissioner Mortensen with a desk set in recognition of his term as President of the Board. The reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of December 17, and the adjourned regular meeting of December 22, 1969, were approved as written and ordered filed. The Director of Aviation introduced Mr. Fernand E. Dubois, Supervising Airport Traffic Representative, to the Board, and First Vice President Tripp presented Mr. Dubois with a pin denoting 15 years ser- vice to the Port. Port Supervising Engineer Roy Clark introduced Mr. Edward H. Dillinger, Semi-skilled Laborer, to members of the Board, and Com- missioner Mortensen presented Mr. Dillinger with a pin denoting 35 years service to the Port. Both were congratulated on their many years of devoted service to the Port. Approval of plans and specifications for construction of dike for Runway 11-29 Extenstion at the Metropolitan Oakland International Airport, was recommended to the Board by memo from the Chief Engineer, together with authority to advertise for bids to be received on Monday, February 16, 1970. The recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 19580. Building permit, Phillips Petroleum Company service station, as part of the Hilton Inn project at Doolittle Drive and Hegenberger Road, was recommended for approval by memo from the Chief Engineer, drawings of which were displayed to the Board. It was explained that these plans re- place those originally approved by the Board. The building permit was approved on passage of Resolution No. 19560. Rejection of bids for fill improvements, north of Taxiway "C", south field, at the Airport, was recommended to the Board by memo from the Chief Engineer. It was explained to the Board that the pending merger between Air California and Pacific Southwest Airlines will preclude the need for the Air California hangar at Oakland, and that the site can be filled more economically at a later date. The bids were rejected on pas- sage of Resolution No. 19561. Tariff changes requested by Howard Terminal in its Terminal Tariff No. 4, having to do with carloading and unloading charges and miscellaneous accessorial charges, as explained to the Board by memo from the Traffic Manager and Manager, Marine Terminals Department, were approved on motion of Commissioner Mortensen, seconded and passed unan- imously. Contract completion for construction of railroad tracks in the vicinity of Freight and Ferry Streets, Outer Harbor, by the con- tractor, M. Lummus, Incorporated, on December 16, 1969, was reported to the Board by memo from the Chief Engineer, and Resolution No. 19562 was passed accepting work performed. -2- Contract completion for Marshalling Yard Expansion, Phase I, on November 19, 1969 by the contractor, Able Builders Company, was re- ported to the Board by memo from the Chief Engineer, in which it was recommended that the original contract completion date be extended by 87 days to November 3, 1969, due to delays by a sub-contractor in furnishing light poles due to strike action, and that the contractor be assessed $1,600 in liquidated damages for 16 days at $100 per day for the period of November 4 through November 19, 1969. The recommenda- tion was approved on passage of Resolution No. 19563, extending time for performance of contract with Able Builders Company, and Resolution No. 19564, accepting work performed by Able Builders Company, assessing liquidated damages and authorizing recordation of notice of completion. Time extension considerations for Umpqua River Navigation Company, was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Chief Engineer, in which the Board was informed that the 180-day completion time required under the contract expired January 2, 1970, and that the contractor was delayed 36 days because of labor disputes with the Marine Engineers Bene- ficial Association, and has requested a contract extension for those 36 days. The Chief Engineer informed the Board that the contractor has also requested an additional 24-day extension due to delay because he was not able to obtain certain equipment locally, but that the contractor by letter dated April 24, 1969, had informed the Port that Umpqua Navigation had "under ownership all equipment necessary for the completion of this project." It was recommended to the Board that the 36-day delay due to labor disputes be granted, but that the additional 24-day extension due to lack of equipment be denied; and in this connection Resolution No. 19565 was passed, extending time for performance of contract with Bohemia Lumber Company Incorporated, successor to Umpqua River Navigation Company, for 36 days. Award of contract for construction of mooring dolphin and connect- ing catwalk off easterly end of Berth "G" Wharf, Seventh Street Marine Terminal, was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Chief Engineer, in which it -3- was recommended that the contract be awarded to Ben C. Lerwick Com- pany in the amount of $17,333, which was the low bid among bids received for this work on January 5, 1970, and Resolution No. 19566 was passed as recommended. A letter entitled, In the Matter of Agreement No. T-2227 Between the San Francisco Port Authority and States Steamship Company, Docket No. 69-5, was transmitted to the Board by the Port Attorney. This was a report on the initial decision of the Examiner, issued December 11, 1969, in which the Hearing Examiner finds the agreement rentals to be compensatory, and recommends approval thereof. It was explained that the Port had opposed the approval of the agreement on the basis of the lack of compensatory rental charges in the agreement, and the resultant competitive disadvantage to the Port of Oakland, and it was recommended that the Port Attorney be authorized to file exceptions to the decision, which was approved on motion of Commissioner Mortensen, seconded and passed unanimously. Agreement with Woodward-Clyde Associates for Soils Engineering Services in the Middle Harbor terminal area, was recommended to the Board for approval by memo from the Chief Engineer, in which he advised the Board that the cost of the additional borings will not exceed $12,000. In this connection Resolution No. 19582 was passed authorizing execution of agreement with Woodward-Clyde E Associates. Approval of plans and specifications for demolition of wharves, foot of Ferro Street in Middle Harbor Terminal, was recommended to the Board by memo from the Chief Engineer, together with authority to ad- vertise for bids to be received on Monday, February 2, 1970, which recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 19581. Application to Bay Conservation and Development. Commission for filling and dredging permit for Middle Harbor Terminal, was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Executive Director, which ap- plication would be for the development which includes the construction -4- of a rock-faced dike along the water side of the property and filling approximately 12 acres behind the dike, construction of a 1600 foot marginal wharf and dredging approximately 200,000 cubic yards from the proposed berth areas. It was further explained that the proposed development would adjoin the wharf being developed by Seatrain Lines, Inc., and will result in a four-berth marginal wharf on a continuous straight line across the face of both parcels of property. The filing of the permit with BCDC was approved on motion of Commissioner Tripp, seconded and passed unanimously. Certificate of Completion for contract with Diamond Janitorial Service and Supply Company for furnishing labor, material and equipment for washing the exterior windows of the Airport Terminal Building, for the period of March 1, 1969 through December 31, 1969, was recommended for approval by memo to the Board by the Port Purchasing Agent, and Resolution No. 19567 was passed accordingly. Approval of award under the Beneficial Suggestion program to Evelyn B. Johnson, Secretary Stenographer, in the amount of $50.00 for her suggestion havin g to do with the filing of copies of the Beard minutes in subject files, in the central file room, was recommended to the Board by the Executive Director, and was approved on passage of Resolution No. 19568. Personnel matters contained in the memo to the Board from the Director of Fiscal Affairs, were approved on passage of Resolution No. 19569 as to appointments, Resolution No. 19570 as to leaves of absence, and Resolution No. 19571 ratifying the granting of leave of absence to Eugene I:: Daley from position of Engineering Aide, and ratifying his appointment to the position of Port Construction Inspector for a limited duration. Authorization for the Executive Director to travel to Washing- ton, D.C. on January 19, 1970, as a member of the Port and Cargo Systems -5- Committee of the Maritime Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council, was approved on passage of Resolution No.
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