Family ISCHNURIDAE Simon, 1879 VICTOR FET This family was introduced by Simon (1879); already Pocock (1893b) defined its scope which has not been changed considerably since that time. At the same time Pocock ( l 893b) downgraded lschnuridae to a subfamily of Scorpionidae where it was included for a long time. This taxon was reestablished as a family by Lourenc;o (1989). Currently, no subfamilies are recognized (Sissom, l 990a). The genus Heteroscorpion Birula, previously included here (Sissom, l 990a) currently is placed in a separate monotypic family, Heteroscorpionidae (Lourenc;o, 1996e). The geographic range of Ischnuridae can be interpreted as a typical Eastern Gondwanaland distribution (Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Australia); however, the origin of genus Opistha­ canthus Peters in South America is a subject of discussion (Newlands, 1973; Francke, 1974a; Lourenc;o, 1989; Nenilin & Fet, 1992). The family includes eight genera, two subgenera (one nominotypical), 56 species, and 23 sub­ species (including seven nominotypical forms). lschnuridae Simon, 1879: 92 (part); type genus lschnurus C. L. Koch, 1837 (= Liocheles Sun­ devall, 1833). SYNONYMS Hormurini Laurie, 1896b: 128 (subfamily); type genus Hormurus Thorell, 1876 (= Liocheles Sundevall, 1833). Opisthacanthinae Kraepelin, 1905: 343; type genus Opisthacanthus Peters, 1861 (see Notes). REFERENCES Ischnurini: Pocock, 1893b: 306-307; Kraepelin, 1894: 108; Laurie, 1896b: 128 (subfamily). Ischnurinae: K.raepelin, 1899: 142; Kraepelin, 1905: 345; Birula, 1917a: 162; Birula, 1917b: 58; Pavlovsky, 1924: 79; Pavlovsky, 1925: 192; Werner, 1934a: 278; Kastner, 1941: 234; Millot & Vachon, 1949: 428; Biicherl, 1964: 59; L. E. Koch, 1977: 159; Louren~o, 1989: 163; Nenilin & Fet, 1992: 5. Ischnuridae: Pocock, 1900d: 76 (part); Kraepelin, 1901a: 273; Kraepelin, 1913: 162; Fage, 1933: 27 ; Louren~o, 1989: 159-177 (part); Tikader & Bastawade, 1983: 477-475; Francke, 1985: 17 (part); Sissom, 1990a: 121 (part); Kovaffk, 1997d: 184; Kovaffk, 1998c: 132. Hormurinae: K.raepelin, 1905: 343; Birula, 1917a: 162; Birula, 1917b: 58; Pavlovsky, 1925: 192. Ischnuraria ("tribus"): Birula, 1917a: 161-162 (part). DISTRIBUTION: All continents, except North America; tropical and part of subtropical zones. NOTES 1. Although the generic name /schnurus was found to be a junior synonym of Liocheles by Pocock ( l 902a), the family-group name "Liochelidae" was never published, while lschnuri­ dae (or lschnurinae) has won general acceptance. According to the Article 40( a) of the Code, a change of this name is not warranted. 2. Kraepelin (1905: 343) introduced the subfamily name Opisthacanthinae probably as a lap­ sus calami since elsewhere in the same paper (pp. 345, 354) he used the name Ischnurinae for the same taxon. Genus CHELOCTONUS Pocock, 1892 Cheloctonus Pocock, 1892: 44; type species by monotypy Cheloctonusjonesii Pocock, 1892. REFERENCES Cheloctonus: K.raepelin, 1894: 112; K.raepelin, 1896: 133; Laurie, 1896b: 128; Kraepelin, 1899: 151 ; Bir­ ula, 1917a: 162; Birula, 1917b: 58; Werner, 1934a: 279; Kastner, 1941: 234; Francke, 1985: 7, 17; Lourern;o, 1989: 171; Sissom, 1990a: 121; Nenilin & Fet, 1992: 15, 16; Kovarik, 1998c: 132. 383 384 CATALOG OF THE SCORPIONS OF THE WORLD Opisthacanthus: Pocock, l 896b: 312 (part). Chelectonus (ISS): Mello-Leitao, 1942a: 125. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. ?Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, South Africa, ?Swaziland. NOTES: The genus includes five species and six subspecies (including three nominotypical forms). There was no recent revision of Cheloctonus. The most recent keys are in Lawrence (1955). Draw­ ings of C.jonesii were published by Louren~o (1989). Cheloctonus anthracinus Pocock, 1899 Cheloctonus anthracinus Pocock, 1899a: 413. HoLOTYPE: (sex unknown) (BMNH), Griqualand West, Cape Province, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonus anthracinus: Hewitt, 1912: 307-308; Hewitt, 1918: 153-154, pl. XXVII, fig. 67; Werner, 1936: 190; Lawrence, 1942: 230; Lawrence, 1955: 256; Lamora! & Reynders, 1975: 536; Kovai'fk, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. Cheloctonus anthracinus anthracinus Pocock, 1899 Cheloctonus anthracinus Pocock, 1899a: 413. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. Cheloctonus anthracinus warreni Hewitt, 1931 Cheloctonus anthracinus warreni Hewitt, 1931a: 459-460, fig. 2. SYNTYPES: 2 specimens (NM), Bulwer, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonus anthracinus warreni: Lawrence, 1942: 230-231; Lawrence, 1955: 256; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 536; Kovai'fk, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. Cheloctonus crassimanus (Pocock, 1896) Opisthacanthus crassimanus Pocock, l 896b: 313. HoLOTYPE: o (BMNH), East London, Cape Province, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonus crassimanus: Kraepelin, 1899: 153; Penther, 1900: 163; Hewitt, 1912: 307; Hewitt, 1918: 153, 185, pl. XXVII, fig. 71 ; Lawrence, 1942: 235; Roewer, 1943: 234; Lawrence, 1955: 256; Lamora! & Reynders, 1975: 536; Kovai'fk, 1992a: 185; Kovai'fk, 1998c: 132. Opisthacanthus crassimanus: Lourern;o, l 979c: 31. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. Lesotho, South Africa. Cheloctonus crassimanus crassimanus (Pocock, 1896) Opisthacanthus crassimanus Pocock, 1896b: 313. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. Lesotho, South Africa. Cheloctonus crassimanus depressus Hewitt, 1918 Cheloctonus crassimanus depressus Hewitt, 1918: 153. SYNTYPES: 3 specimens (sex unknown) (AM), Weenen, Natal, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonus crassimanus depressus: Lawrence, 1942: 230; Lawrence, 1955: 256; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 537; Kovai'fk, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. SCORPIONES: ISCHNURIDAE 385 Cheloctonus glaber Kraepelin, 1896 Cheloctonus glaber Kraepelin, 1896: 134-136, fig. 8. SYNTYPES: 3 specimens (ZMH), "South West Africa", incorrect locality. REFERENCES Cheloctonus glaber: Kraepelin, 1899: 152; Penther, 1900: 163; Hewitt, 1918: 154; Lawrence, 1955: 256; Weidner, 1959: 100; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 537; Kovarik, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. NOTES: This species is not found in Namibia (Lamoral, 1979; L. Prendini, pers. comm., 1998). Cheloctonus intermedius Hewitt, 1912 Cheloctonus intermedius Hewitt, 1912: 308-309. HoLOTYPE: (sex unknown) (TM), Leydenbyrg, Transvaal, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonus intermedius: Hewitt, 1918: 155, pl. XXVII, fig . 68; Lawrence, 1955: 257; Lamora! & Reyn­ ders, 1975: 537; Kovarik, l 998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. Cheloctonus jonesii Pocock, 1892 Cheloctonus jonesii Pocock, 1892: 44-46, pl. IIIB, fig. 1. HoLOTYPE: o (BMNH), Murchison Range, Transvaal, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonusjonesii: K.raepelin, 1894: 112-113; Kraepelin, 1896: 133-134; Pocock, 1898a: 309; Purcell, 1903: 303; Hewitt, 1912: 308; Hewitt, 1918: 154-155, 185, pl. XXVII, fig. 70; Hewitt, 1935: 476; Lawrence, 1937: 262; Lawrence, 1942: 231; Roewer, 1943: 235; Lawrence, 1955: 256; Lawrence, 1964: 38; Lawrence, 1967a: 86; Lamora! & Reynders, 1975: 537; Sissom, 1990a: 125, fig. 3.24B; Kovarik, 1998c: 132. Cheloctonusjonesi (UE): Kraepelin, 1899: 152; Werner, 1934a: 279; Vachon, 1974, fig. 84; Lourern;:o, 1989: 166, pl. 4, fig. 4; pl. 5, fig. 7, 9; pl. 6, fig. 6. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. ?Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, South Africa, ?Swaziland. Cheloctonus jonesii jonesii Pocock, 1892 Cheloctonus jonesii Pocock, 1892: 44-46, pl. CXIB, fig. 1. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. ?Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, South Africa, ?Swaziland. Cheloctonus jonesii sculpturatus Hewitt, 1914 Cheloctonus jonesi (UE) sculpturatus Hewitt, 19 l 4b: 3-4. SYNTYPES: 1 <? (TM 608), Groenkloof, Rustenburg district; I o (TM), Ermelo district; Trans­ vaal, South Africa. REFERENCES Cheloctonus jonesi (UE) sculpturatus: Hewitt, 1918: 154-155, pl. XXVU, fig. 66; Lawrence, 1955: 257; Lamora! & Reynders, 1975: 537. Cheloctonus jonesii sculpturatus: Kovai'fk, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA. South Africa. Genus CHIROMACHETES Pocock, 1899 Chiromachetes Pocock, l 899e: 7 44; type species by monotypy Chiromachetes fergusoni Pocock, 1899. REFERENCES Chiromachetes: Pocock, 1900d: 78-79; Birula, 1917a: 162; Birula, 1917b: 58; Werner, 1934a: 280; Kast­ ner, 1941: 234; Mello-Leitao, 1942a: 125; Tikader & Bastawade, 1983: 511; Francke, 1985: 7, 17; Lourenc;o, 1989: 172; Nenilin & Fet, 1992: 19; Lourenc;o, 19971: 81-89; Kovai'fk, 1998c: 132. 386 CATALOG OF THE SCORPIONS OF THE WORLD DISTRIBUTION: ASIA. India (south). NOTES: The validity of this genus has been unclear (Lourenc;o, 1989). Sissom (1990a) did not include it in his list of ischnurid genera. However, recently Lourenc;o (19971) revalidated this genus, redescribed its type species, and described a second one. Chiromachetes fergusoni Pocock, 1899 Chiromachetes fergusoni Pocock, 1899e: 7 44. HOLOTYPE: 'i! (BMNH 1897.7 .11.1), Trivandram (8°29'N, 76°55'E), Kerala, India. REFERENCES Chiromachetesfergusoni: Pocock, 1900d: 78; Werner, 1934a: 280; Takashima, 1945: 97; Vachon, 1974, fig. 81; Tikader & Bastawade, 1983: 511-516, fig. 1390-1402; Louren\:O, 1989: 166, pl. 4, fig. 8; pl. 5, fig. 8; Louren\:O, 19971: 85-86, fig. 1, 11, 12, 15, 17-22, 29; Kovarik, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: ASIA. India (Kerala). Chiromachetes tirupati Lourenc;o, 1997 Chiromachetes tirupati Lourenc;o, 19971: 87-88, fig. 2, 4-6, 8-10, 13, 14, 16, 23-28, 29. HoLOTYPE: o (MNHN RS-8528), Tirupati (13°39'N, 79°25'E), Andhra Pradesh, India. REFERENCES Chiromachetes tirupati: Kovarik, 1998c: 132. DISTRIBUTION: ASIA. India (Andhra Pradesh). Genus CHIROMACHUS Pocock, 1893 Chiromachus Pocock, 1893b: 320, pl. XIV, fig. 4; type species by original designation Ischnu­ rus ochropus C. L. Koch, 1837 [= Chiromachus ochropus
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