Aromatase (Cyp19) expression is up-regulated by targeted disruption of Dax1 Zhen J. Wang*, Baxter Jeffs*, Masafumi Ito*, John C. Achermann*, Richard N. Yu*, Dale B. Hales†, and J. Larry Jameson*‡ *Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Molecular Medicine, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL 60611; and †University of Illinois, Chicago, IL 60612 Edited by Jean D. Wilson, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, and approved May 14, 2001 (received for review November 14, 2000) DAX-1 [dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia con- nuclear receptors (6, 7). Consistent with this idea, DAX-1 genita (AHC) critical region on the X chromosome, gene 1] is an interacts directly with SF-1 and inhibits SF-1-mediated transac- orphan nuclear receptor that represses transcription by steroido- tivation (15, 16). genic factor-1 (SF-1), a factor that regulates expression of multiple Testicular Leydig cells express both Dax1 and Sf1 (7, 17) and steroidogenic enzymes and other genes involved in reproduction. constitute the major site of testosterone production in males Mutations in the human DAX1 gene (also known as AHC) cause the (17). Testosterone biosynthesis requires five steroidogenic pro- X-linked syndrome AHC, a disorder that is associated with hypogo- teins: steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), cholesterol nadotropic hypogonadism also. Characterization of Dax1-deficient side-chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A), 3-hydroxysteroid de- male mice revealed primary testicular defects that included Leydig hydrogenase (3-HSD type II), 17␣-hydroxylase (CYP17), and cell hyperplasia (LCH) and progressive degeneration of the germi- 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17-HSD type III). Testos- nal epithelium, leading to infertility. In this study, we investigated terone can be converted to estradiol by means of the nonrevers- the effect of Dax1 disruption on the expression profile of various ible action of aromatase (CYP19; ref. 17). Therefore, the relative steroidogenic enzyme genes in Leydig cells isolated from Dax1- amount of testosterone and estrogen in males is determined deficient male mice. Expression of the aromatase (Cyp19) gene, largely by the level and activity of aromatase in the testis and which encodes the enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol, other peripheral tissues such as adipose tissue. was increased significantly in the Leydig cells isolated from mutant Dax1-deficient male mice are infertile and have small testes mice, whereas the expression of other proteins (e.g., StAR and (18). Serum levels of testosterone, gonadotropins, and adrenal Cyp11a) was not altered. In in vitro transfection studies, DAX-1 steroids are normal but have been examined only in a limited repressed the SF-1-mediated transactivation of the Cyp19 pro- number of physiologic states (18). In addition to the progressive moter but did not inhibit the StAR or Cyp11a promoters. Elevated degeneration of seminiferous tubules, the Dax1-deficient mice Cyp19 expression was accompanied by increased intratesticular exhibit Leydig cell hyperplasia (LCH; ref. 18). Although DAX-1 levels of estradiol. Administration of tamoxifen, a selective estro- has been shown to repress SF-1-mediated actions in vitro (15, 16), gen-receptor modulator, restored fertility to the Dax1-deficient its functional role in vivo remains poorly understood. In this male mice and partially corrected LCH, suggesting that estrogen report, we examined the expression level of steroidogenic en- excess contributes to LCH and infertility. Based on these in vivo and zyme genes in Leydig cells purified from the testes of wild-type in vitro analyses, aromatase seems to be a physiologic target of and Dax1-deficient mice. These analyses indicate that Dax-1 Dax-1 in Leydig cells, and increased Cyp19 expression may account, represses only a subset of SF-1-regulated genes, and that Cyp19 in part, for the infertility and LCH in Dax1-deficient mice. is a physiologic target gene for Dax-1 in Leydig cells. The overexpression of Cyp19 may account, in part, for the infertility AX-1 [dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia and LCH that occurs in Dax1-deficient mice, and potentially in Dcongenita (AHC) critical region on the X chromosome, humans with AHC. gene 1] is an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily of transcription factors (1–3). Duplication of the Materials and Methods region on the X chromosome containing the DAX1 gene is Animals. The generation of Dax1 (Ahch)-deficient males has been associated with male-to-female sex reversal in XY individuals described (18). All mice were housed under controlled condi- (1). Loss-of-function mutations in DAX1 are responsible for tions of temperature (21–24°C) and light (12-h light͞dark cycle; X-linked AHC, a disorder characterized by primary adrenal 7 a.m.–7 p.m.) and maintained on normal mouse chow and water insufficiency. Affected individuals lack the permanent zone of ad libitum. All animal procedures were approved and performed the adrenal cortex and have low serum concentrations of min- in accordance with the policies of Northwestern University’s eralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. Hypogonadotropic hypogo- Animal Care and Use Committee. nadism is also a feature of the syndrome and reflects combined defects in the production of hypothalamic gonadotropin- Isolation and Culture of Leydig Cells. The method of Leydig cell releasing hormones and pituitary gonadotropins (4–6). isolation from mouse testis was adapted from Hales et al. (19). Consistent with the clinical features of AHC, Dax1 transcripts Twelve-week-old Dax1-deficient male mice and wild-type litter- are expressed in the hypothalamus, pituitary gonadotrope cells, mates were killed by cervical dislocation and their testes were adrenal glands, and gonads (6, 7). This pattern of expression is strikingly similar to that of another orphan nuclear receptor, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1; ref. 7). SF-1 orchestrates the This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office. expression of several steroidogenic enzyme genes and genes that Abbreviations: SF-1, steroidogenic factor-1; AHC, adrenal hypoplasia congenita; LCH, govern sex differentiation and reproduction (8–10). Sf1 knock- Leydig cell hyperplasia; MIS, Mu¨llerian-inhibiting substance; RT, reverse transcription. out mice lack adrenal glands and gonads and exhibit impaired ‡To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Molecular Medicine, Northwestern University Medical School, 303 East Chicago Avenue, pituitary gonadotrope cell function (11–14). In addition, male Tarry Building 15-709, Chicago, IL 60611-3008. E-mail: [email protected]. knockout mice have XY sex reversal and persistent Mu¨llerian The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This structures (11–14). The colocalization of Sf1 and Dax1 led to the article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. suggestion of a functional interaction between these two orphan §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 7988–7993 ͉ PNAS ͉ July 3, 2001 ͉ vol. 98 ͉ no. 14 www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.141543298 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Table 1. Primer sequences used in PCR Sequence of Primer (5Ј33Ј) Target mRNA Sense Antisense Dax1 CACTTGCTCCCAGCTGCTGC TTGATGAATCTCAGCAGGAA StAR CGCTCAGGACCTTGAAAGGC TACAGCGCACGCTCACGAAG Cyp11a AAGTGGCAGTCGTGGGGACA ACCCCAATGGGCCTCTGATA Cyp17 GCCTGACAGACATTCTG TCGTGATGCAGTGCCCAG 3-HSD type II ACTGCAGGAGGTCAGAGCT GCCAGTAACACACAGAATACC 17-HSD type III ATTTTACCAGAGAAGACATCT GGGGTCAGCACCTGAATAATG Cyp19 CACCCTTCCAAGTGACAGGA AAAAAAGTAAAGTTCTATGGGAA Gapdh CCCTTCATTGACCTCAACTA CCAAAGTTGTCATGGATGAC removed immediately. After decapsulation, each testis was di- cells from wild-type or mutant mice testes were plated in 12-well gested in M199 medium (GIBCO͞BRL) containing 0.75 mg͞ml culture dishes in serum-free DMEM͞F12 medium. The final collagenase (Worthington) for 10 min at 37°C under conditions concentration of androstenedione was 150 pmol͞ml, consisting of vigorous shaking. Interstitial cells were collected by centrif- of 50% [1-3H]androstenedione and 50% unlabeled andro- ugation at 600 ϫ g for 20 min and resuspended in M199 medium stenedione. Cells were incubated for 12, 24, or 36 h at 32°C. supplemented with 2.2 g/liter sodium bicarbonate͞10 mM Incubations were conducted in an identical fashion in the Hepes, pH 7.4͞500 ng/ml insulin͞100 units/ml penicillin͞100 absence of cells to establish background values. The incubation g/ml streptomycin͞1 mg/ml BSA. Macrophages were removed was terminated by transferring 1 ml of medium to tubes con- by adherence to culture dishes for 25 min in a humidified taining 1 ml of ice-cold 30% (vol͞vol) trichloracetic acid. The atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 32°C. Leydig cells were purified from mixture was vortexed vigorously for 30 sec, and centrifuged at the nonadherent crude interstitial cells by centrifugation (Sorvall 2,000 ϫ g for 5 min at 4°C to remove precipitated protein. The HB-4 rotor, 57,000 rpm ϫ 5 min) through an 11–23% metriz- medium was extracted with 5 ml of chloroform. The aqueous amide density gradient and resuspended in serum-free DMEM͞ layer (1 ml) was removed and mixed with 1 ml of activated F12 medium supplemented with 2.2 g/liter sodium bicarbon- charcoal suspension (5%) containing Dextran (0.5%). The mix- MEDICAL SCIENCES ate͞10 mM Hepes, pH 7.4͞500 ng/ml insulin͞100 units/ml ture was vortexed well and centrifuged at 2,000 ϫ g for 20 min penicillin͞100 g/ml streptomycin͞1 mg/ml BSA. Cells were at 4°C to remove the charcoal. An aliquot (1 ml) of the plated at a density of 1 ϫ 105 cells per cm2 and incubated in a supernatant was added to 15 ml of Scintisafe fluid (Research humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 32°C. The Leydig cell Products International) in scintillation vials, vortexed, and as- preparations were determined to be Ϸ90% pure by using sayed for radioactivity. Blank values (incubation of dishes con- immunohistochemical staining for 3-HSD (20). taining medium without cells) were subtracted, and aromatase 3 6 activity was expressed as fmol H2O released per 10 cells per h. Reverse Transcription (RT)-PCR.
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