QUEENSLAND RAILWAYS & TRAMWAYS - SL 110 15.01.19 page 1 of 30 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS North Lines (North Coast Line south to Rockhampton & branches etc north of Rockhampton) (1-33), Central Lines (North Coast Line south to Brisbane & branches etc) (34-64), Southern Lines (Lines & branches South & West of Brisbane (65-103). excluding Brisbane Tramways Based on Queensland Rlys Public TTs 1875 (y), 1889 (z), 1911 (a), 1923(b), 1934 (c), 1958 (d), 1977 (e) & 2000 onwards (f). Also 1884t (n), 1910 (p), 1912t (q), 1917t (r), 1945(s) & 1967(t); Working TTs 1899 (v), 1946/53 (w1), 1960 (w2)* & 1983 (w3). (date)t/w: other Public (t) & Working (w) TTs. * courtesy Thomas Guertler; # Histories; y-f = yzabcdef etc. Former names: [ ] Distances in Miles unless headed Km. Gauge 3’ 6” unless noted. op. opened; cl. closed; rn. renamed; rl. relocated; tm. terminus of service at date shown; pass? passenger service? $: stops for school children $$: railway staff & families; [16]: Rail Motor Stop Post Numbers (as shown in 1960w) All locations served by passenger trains unless shown in italics in brackets, or noted. Line opening and closure dates, see Australian Railway Routes 1854-2000 published by Australian Railway Historical Society 1. NORMANTON-CROYDON RAILWAY 45.3 Welcome z-d u: Gulflander TT 1989; 50.0 Sandown z This railway has never connected with any other railway 59.3 Deighton z-d 63.3 Ballast Siding abc 2. Normanton Wharf # passengers? 67.3 Laura z-d 0.0 Normanton z-f 1. Normanton Airport # 3. CAIRNS RAILWAY 10.5 Clarina a-f [11 miles #1889 ] 13.5 Glenore z-f 0.3 Cairns Wharf (cruise ship passengers) 16. Critter’s Camp f 0.0 Cairns (11) 25.0 25 Miles (track workers) # 0.3 Florence Street [1] cw2 33.0 Crosswater u [32 Miles 71 Chains 1972w ] 0.5 Minnie Street [2] w1w2 36.0 Haydon (1st) z(tm) 0.6 Upward Street [3] cw2 38.3 Haydon (2nd) a-f 0.8 Grove Street [4] cw2 48.0 48 Miles Stop w 1.0 Charles Street [5] cde 48.7 East Haydon f here? [Rail Motor Stop No. 1 u ] 1.2 Thomas Street [6] cw2 56.7 Blackbull a-f [Patterson’s Siding #1890 ] 1.3 James Street [7] cw2 66.0 66-mile Siding abc 1.5 Smith Street [8] cw2 69.7 70-mile Siding abc 1.7 1 Mile 69 Chains [9] w2 76.3 Creen Creek abc [76 Miles #1891 ] 2. State School w1w2 [Edge Hill School c ] 80.0 Ellavale f 2.3 Cairns North de [Edge Hill abc ] 80.5 80-mile Siding abc 3.0 3 Miles 8 Chains [10] w2 89.7 Golden Gate (2nd) abcf [Aerodrome Crossing w1 ] 90. Golden Gate Racecourse # 3.3 Aeroglen [11] de 91.0 Forsythe’s Siding abc [Gate (3 Miles 20 Chains) cw1 ] 91.3 Station Creek (excursions) # 3.5 Greenbank cw1 [Golden Gate (1st) #1891 ] 3.7 Gate (3 Miles 60 Chains) cw1 Banner of Freedom #(1902/14) 4.0 4 Miles 5 Chains [12] w2 Sunset #(1902/14) 4.3 Quarry Siding ab True Blue (excursions) # 4.4 Johnston’s Sawmill Siding w2 94.3 Croydon a-f 4.5 4 Miles 39 Chains [12A] w2 [Crossing (4 Miles 40 Chains) cw1 ] 2. COOKTOWN RAILWAY 4.7 Stratford zabc.e [5-Mile 1887t ] This railway has never connected with any other railway [Stratford Siding d ] 5.3 5 Miles 15 Chains [13] w2 0.0 Cooktown z-d [Gate (5 Miles 15 Chains) cw1 ] 0.7 Racecourse abcd 5.5 Keeble’s Siding cw1 2.0 Airdrome Siding d [Ballast Siding abc ] 5.6 Lily Bank z 4.3 Asmus zabc 5.7 5 Miles 55 Chains [14] w2 5.0 Marton z-d 6.2 Freshwater a-f [7-Mile 1887t ] 5.7 5 Miles 54 Chains w2 [Police Camp zabc ] [Richmond z ] 9.0 Jansen z-d 6.3 6 Miles 23 Chains [15] w2 12.0 Flaggy z-d [Level Crossing (6 Miles 24 Chains) c ] 14.0 Wilton z-d [Freshwater Crossing w1 ] 16.5 16 Miles 44 Chains Siding abc 6.6 6 Miles 50 Chains [16] w2 16.7 Coolah z 6.7 Freshwater Bridge (Cairns end) w1 25.0 Alderbury z-d [Freshwater Creek Bridge (Cairns end) c ] 28.3 Normanby z.d [Normanby Bridge #1885 ] 7.3 Redlynch a-f [8-Mile 1887t(tm) ] > [28 Miles 30 Chains Siding abc ] 8.0 Kamerunga z 31.0 Palmer Road z 8.5 Jungara a-e 32.3 Battle Camp abc [Sandy Creek #1887 ] 11.7 11 Miles 60 Chains $ w1 2 14.3 Stoney Creek b-f [Stony Creek a ] 67.5 67 Miles 43 Chains c 15.5 Springs e 68.7 Kairi abcd ** 1. 19.0 Barron Falls a-f 70.3 70 Miles 19 Chains [2A] w2 19.3 Hydro de [Bradshaw’s Siding 1937t ] 70.7 70 Miles 48 Chains [3] w2 20.7 Kuranda a-f 71.0 71 Miles 5 Chains [3A] w2 21.3 21 Miles 22 Chains [16A] w2 71.7 71 Miles 55 Chains [4] w2 Kuranda Heights d 72.5 New Kulara 1962t 22.0 Fairyland bcde 72.7 72 Miles 68 Chains [5] w2 23.5 Myola a-e 74.3 Yungaburra abcd ** 1. 25.0 Mantaka a-e 75.7 Chumbrumba abcd 26.3 Kowrowa bcde 77.0 76 Miles 68 Chains [5A] w2 27.0 27 Miles a 77.5 Weerimba abcd 27.5 Oak Forest cde [Oaklands ab ] 79.0 Peeramon abcd 31.3 Koah a-f 79.5 Tula abcd 32.0 32 Miles [17] w1w2 81.5 Kureen abcd 34.5 Kambul a-e 82.7 Malanda a(tm)bcd 35.5 Bilwon cde 84.7 Hillcrest cd 40.0 Pukanja de [Progress c ] 85.7 85 Miles 58 Chains [5B] w2 41.0 Biboohra a-e (5) 86.5 86 Miles 44 Chains [6A] w2 42.5 42 Miles 45 Chains w1 87.5 Jaggan bcd 43.0 42 Miles 70 Chains w1 91.0 Tarzali bcd 45.0 Cattle Yards w2 92.0 Gillies cd [92 Miles 32 Chains c+ ] 45.7 Floreat cde 94.5 Beal s [6] 45.5 45 Miles 45 Chains [18] w2 [45½ Miles w1 ] 95.5 Minbun bcd 46.3 Mareeba a-f (6) 96.0 Phillips Siding b 46.5 Mareeba Signals w1w2 97.5 Moregatta bcd 47.0 46 Miles 72 Chains [19] w2 99.0 99 Miles 9½ Chains [7] w2 48.7 48 Miles 56 Chains [20] w2 100.5 Millaa Millaa bcd 50.3 50 Miles 28 Chains [20A] w2 52.7 Turkinje bcde [53 Miles a ] ** 1. Former route until 1958: 56.5 Walkamin de 57.5 Carbeen a-e [Yungarra p ] 68.7 Kairi 60.0 Rocky Creek a-e 70.3 70 Miles 23 Chains c 62.0 Mapee bcd 70.7 70 Miles 67 Chains c 64.3 Tolga a-e (4) 72.3 Kulara abcd 66.7 Golden Grove bcde 72.5 72 Miles 31 Chains c 67.5 Atherton a-e.f*(tm) 74.5 Yungaburra 69.0 Tumbare bcd [69 Miles a ] 69.5 Wirpoo cd 5. MOUNT MOLLOY RAILWAY 70.0 Nyleta abcd 70.5 70 Miles 32 Chains [21] w2 0.0 Biboohra (3) 71.7 Wongabel a-e 9.3 Southedge bc 73.7 Carrington Falls e(fares) 13.7 Yalkula bcd [73 Miles 54 Chains w2 ] 19.3 Mount Molloy ab(tm)cd 79.0 Moomin a-e 24.5 Julatten cd 81.7 Herberton a-e.f(tm) 25.7 Mount Kooyong turn off w2 84.0 Wondecla a-e [25 Miles 58 Chains d ] 85.0 Tepon bcde 26.3 Rumula cd 87.3 Kalunga a-e 87.7 Flaggy Creek w1 6. MAREEBA – MUNGANA 92.0 Black Gate c e*: no service in 1977t, but shown in 1977 fares list 94.7 Kaban a-e 97.0 Turulka bc 46.3 Mareeba (3) 99.0 Tumoulin a(tm)b-e.f(tm) 50.3 4 Miles w1w2 103.5 Ravenshoe b-f 53.7 Chewko cde 55.0 8 Miles 22 Chains w2 [8½ Miles w1 ] 4. TOLGA – MILLAA MILLAA 59.5 Tabacum cde c+: former name shown in footnote of 1934TT 61.0 Bontaba d 62.7 Lemonside cd 64.3 Tolga (3) 63.5 Parada abcd 65.3 65 Miles 23 Chains [1A] cw2 64.7 Algoma (2nd) d 66.3 Yadjin [1] b(index)cd 65.0 Algoma (1st) s 67.3 67 Miles 20 Chains [2] w2 65.7 Mutchilba bcde 67.4 67 Miles 27 Chains 1930t 68.0 Fumar cde 3 69.0 Piemonte s 10. ETHERIDGE RAILWAY 71.0 Chircan cd 73.3 Dimbulah a-f (7) 120.7 Almaden (6) 76.7 Leafgold cd 128.7 Ootann cde [Lime Siding b ] 78.3 Carbonate Creek s 130.0 Lig Siding bc [31 Miles 75 Chains 1937t ] 140.0 Gelaro e 79.3 Solanum d 153.0 Bullock Creek a-e 81.5 Boonmoo a-e (9) 163.7 Lyndbrook a-e 83.5 19 Miles 40 Chains w2 168.0 Fossilbrook Creek e 88.0 Verdure de 175.7 Frewhurst a-e [Springfield p ] 93.3 Cape Horn e 187.7 Mount Surprise a-f 97.0 Petford a-e 200.0 Copperfield River 2002(temp. tm) 102.0 Lappa def [Lappa Junction abc ] (8) 202.0 81¼ Miles s 108.3 Koorboora a-e 222.0 Einasleigh a-f 115.5 Ballast Siding w1w2 233.0 Teesdale a 120.7 Almaden f [Alma-den a-e ] (10) 244.0 Sawmill Siding bc 128.0 Fluorspar cde 250.7 Wirra-Wirra a-e [Reedy Springs (rn.1910) ] 131.3 Calcifer Garden s 263.3 Forsayth a-f [Charleston p ] 132.0 Harper Siding a 138.0 Silica c [Silica Siding b ] 11.
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