% FEDERAL REGISTERvJ* VOLUME 17 \ 1934 ^ NUMBER 237 Washington, Friday, December 5, 1952 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT 882.16 to 882.27). The word “Hard­ CONTENTS ship” is designated the centerhead for EXECUTIVE ORDER 10417 §§ 882.16 t6 882.25. THE PRESIDENT HARDSHIP Creating a B oard of I n q u ir y to R eport Executive Order Pa8e on a L abor D ispu te A ffecting th e C o n ­ Sec. 882.16 General. Creating a Board of Inquiry to struction and O peration of A tom ic 882.17 Definition. report on a labor dispute af­ Energy F acilities 882.18 Delegation of authority. fecting the construction and WHEREAS there exists a labor dispute 882.19 Requirements. operation of atomic energy at the plant of the American Locomotive 882.20 Application. facilities______________________ 10981 882.21 Evidence required. Company at Dunkirk, New York, be­ 882.22 Other factors relating to separation. tween the said Company and certain of 882.23 Concealment of dependency. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES its employees represented by Local 2286 882.24 Release or discharge. * and Local 4498, United Steel Workers of 882.25 Restriction on reenlistment. Agriculture Department See Animal Industry Bureau; Pro­ America, CIO; and A u t h o r it y : Sections 882.16 to 882.25 issued WHEREAS in my opinion such dispute under R. S. 161, sea 202, 61 Stat. 500, as duction and Marketing Admin­ has resulted in a strike affecting a sub­ amended; 5 U. S. C. 22, 171a. Interpret or istration. stantial part of an industry engaged in apply sec. 29, 39 Stat! 187, as amended, sec. Air Force Department trade or commerce among the several 4, 55 Stat. 627; 10 U. S. C. 652, 50 U. S. C. Rules and regulations: States or with foreign nations, or in the App. 354. Discharge or release from active production of goods for commerce, D e r iv a t io n : APR 39-13. duty; hardship.._____________ 10981 which strike, if permitted to continue, § 882.16 General— (a) Purpose. Sec­ will imperil the national safety: Alien Property, Office of tions 882.16 to 882.25 outline the condi­ Notices: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the tions under which an airman may be authority vested in me by section 206 of Vesting orders, etc.: separated by reason of undue hardship. Boden & Haack______________ 11078 the Labor Management Relations Act, (b) Policy— (1) Existence of hardship 1947, 61 Stat. 155, I hereby create a Burkhardt, Emil_____________ 11078 conditions. An airman may be separated Tamaki-Job-Jimusho et al__ 11078 Board of Inquiry, consisting of such for reasons of hardship .when the evi­ members as I shall appoint, to inquire dence submitted indicates that undue Animal Industry Bureau into the issues involved in such dispute. and unforeseeable hardship conditions Rules and regulations: The Board shall have powers and have arisen in his family since entrance Hog cholera, swine plague, and duties as set forth in Title II of the said into the service and that his separation other communicable swine Act. The Board shall report to the will contribute materially to the care or diseases; changes in areas President in accordance with the provi­ support of his family and alleviate the quarantined because of vesic­ sions of section 206 of the said Act on or hardship. Undue hardship exists when ular exanthema_______ ,____ 11058 before December 10, 1952. , the family of an airman must endure Upon submission of its report, the Civil Aeronautics Administra­ hardship conditions beyond those condi­ tion Board shall continue in existence to tions normally incident to military serv­ perform such other functions as may be Rules and regulations: ice as a result of his military status. Designation of: required under the said Act, until the Undue hardship does not necessarily Board is terminated by the President. Civil airways________ ____ __ 10984 exist solely because of altered present or Control areas, control zones, H arry S. T ruman expected income or because the airman is and reporting points______ 10984 separated from his family or must suffer T he W h ite H ouse, Commerce Department December 3, 1952. the inconveniences normally incident to military service. See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ [F. R. Doc. 52-12929; Filed, Dec. 3, 1952; tion; International Trade, Office 3:59 p. m.] (2) Death or disability of member of of; National Production Au­ family not a prerequisite. Hardship thority. conditions warranting separation may TITLE 32— NATIONAL DEFENSE exist in instances other than death or Defense Department disability of a member of the airman’s See Air Force Department. Chapter VII— Department of the family. Defense Materials Procurement Air Force § 882.17 Definition. For the purpose Agency Subchapter G— Personnel of §§ 882.16 to 882.25 the term “members Notices: Part 882—-Discharge or R elease F rom of the family” includes the spouse, chil­ Administrator of General Serv­ A ctive D u t y dren, father, mother, brothers, sisters, ices; delegation of authority any person who has stood in loco parentis to purchase and sell co- hardship lumbium-tantalum ores and Sections 882.16 to 882.25 supersede to the airman prior to his entry into the concentrates of domestic S§ 882.16 to 882.27 (15 F. R. 1268; 32 CFR (Continued on p. 10983) origin_____ _________________ 11073 10981 10982 RULES AND REGULATIONS • / ■ S V CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Foreign and Domestic Com- Page Production and Marketing Ad- FEDERALÄREGISTER ministration— Continued - ^ j f i merce Bureau c Íímitc'***Q “ See International Trade, Office of. Rules and regulations : International Trade, Office of Sugarcane : Virgin Islands ; 1953 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Rules and regulations: crop; fair and reasonable and days following official Federal holidays, prices-------------------------------- 11057 by the Federal Register Division, National Denial or suspension of export Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ priyileges________________— 11059 Rent Stabilization, Office of ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Export clearance__ ——----------11059 Rules and regulations: thority contained in the Federal Register General licenses----------------------- 11059 Procedures for adjustments, ad­ Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Licensing policies and related ministrative review and inter­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8 B ), under regula­ special provisions.---------------- 11059 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ pretations; report of oral Positive list of commodities and hearing_________________ _—’ 11071 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by related matters_________ — 11060 the President. Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Priority ratings and supply as- Securities and Exchange Com­ m ent Printing Office, Washington 25, D. O. sistence__________ 11059 mission The regulatory material appearing herein Interstate Commerce Commis­ Notices: is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Columbia Gas System, Inc., and which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant sion to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Notices: Natural Gas Co. of West Vir­ amended June 19, 1937. Applications for relief: ginia; order authorizing the The F ederal R egister will tee furnished by Ammunition boxes from issuance and sale of shares of mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Greenwood, Meridian, and common stock and install­ per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in West Point, Miss., to Joliet ment promissory notes-------- 11075 advance. The charge for individual copies 11077 (m inim um 154) varies in proportion to the Arsenal (Area 2), 111----- —- Veterans’ Administration size of the issue. Remit check or money Grain, grain products, and re­ Rules and regulations: order, made payable to the Superintendent lated articles from Colo­ National Service life insurance; of Documents, directly to the Government rado, Wyoming, and Ne­ effective date of premium Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. braska to Texas--------------- 11076 There are no restrictions on the republics» waiver-- -------------- 11071 Limestone from Ohio to United States Government life tion of material appearing in the F ederal Ithaca, N. Y---------- ---------- 11076 R eg ister. insurance; change of bene­ Paper and paper articles from ficiary—___________________ 11071 Helena, Ark., to official and Now Available Illinois territories----------— 11076 Petroleum products from CODIFICATION GUIDE western trunk-line and A numerical list of the parts of the Code HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY southwestern territories of Federal Regulations affected by documents and Louisiana to Red Bay, published in this issue. Proposed rules, as DEFENSE ACTIVITIES Ala., group.--------------------- 11077 opposed to final actions, are identified as Pulpboard from Port St. Joe, such. , OCTOBER 1952—MARCH 1953 EDITION Fla., to Lawrence, Kans., and intermediate points in Title 3 Page Published by the federal Register Division, Chapter l l (Executive orders): the National Archives and Records Service, western trunk-line terri­ 10417___ _______________i-------- 10981 General Services Administration tory------------- — 11077 Skids or platforms from offi­ Title 7 120 PAGES— 30 CENTS cial and Illinois territories Chapter VIII: to southern territory----- — 11076 Part 878__- _________ ______ _ 11057 Tile from New Orleans, La., Order from Superintendent of Documents, to Memphis, Term------------ 11077 Title 9 United States Government Printing Office, Rules and regulations: Chapter I: Washington 25, D. C. General rules of practice; mis­ Part 76- 11058 cellaneous amendments------- 11071 Title
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