INTERN INFORMATION PACKET PART 3: ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA Table of Contents: 1. South AfriCa In A Nutshell a. Geography b. Climate c. DemographiCs d. Languages 2. AIDS/HIV, Orphans, Poverty, and Refugees in South AfriCa a. AIDS/HIV b. Orphans c. Poverty d. Refugees and Immigrants 3. History a. A Chronology of Key Events in South AfriCan History 4. MisCellaneous Odds and Ends a. National Anthem b. Money c. Sports d. Food 5. A Primer on South AfriCan English a. NiCknames b. Derogative RaCial Terms c. Swear Words d. Spelling DifferenCes e. Commonly Used Abbreviations 6. Gauteng ProvinCe PART 3: INFORMATION ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA IN A NUTSHELL: South AfriCa is a beautiful and fasCinating Country! It is well known for it's ethniC and Cultural diversity (often referred to as the "Rainbow Nation"), it's mineral wealth (Gold and Diamonds in partiCular), it's Comparatively good eConomy (more than twiCe the total GDP of any other AfriCan Country), it's game reserves (the Kruger National Park in partiCular, whiCh is bigger than Israel!), it's beaches, surfing Conditions (Jeffrey's Bay in partiCular, whiCh draws surfers from around the world), and beauty in general (Table Mountain, the Garden Route, etc). Negatively, South AfriCa is known as the former home of the racial segregation system Called Apartheid (truly demoCratiC eleCtions, in whiCh black people Could vote, took place for the first time in 1994!), the Country with the highest HIV+ population in the world, and a Country struggling with poverty, high unemployment, immigration issues, and rampant and violent Crime. South AfriCa is a Country with huge merCy ministry needs, and with a multitude of problems that only the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it's resulting fruit, Can truly address. GEOGRAPHY : As it's name suggests, South AfriCa is the southernmost Country in the AfriCan Continent. South AfriCa is divided into 9 provinCes. The largest of these, the Northern Cape, is mostly desert and home to only 2.5% of the population. Gauteng on the other hand, South AfriCa's smallest provinCe, is home to about 20% of the population. South AfriCa's population is about 50 million - roughly the same as the population of California and Pennsylvania, 2 of the USA's more heavily populated states, Combined, and about the same as the population of Spain or Ukraine in Europe. At 471,443 sq mi (1,222,037 km2), South AfriCa is the 25th largest Country in the world. It is about 1/8th the size of the USA (or around the same size as California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah Combined), and roughly the size of Portugal, Spain, FranCe, Belgium, and Switzerland combined. South AfriCa has 3 Capital Cities: Cape Town is the legislative Capital, Bloemfontein is the judiCial Capital, and Pretoria is the exeCutive (administrative) Capital. PART 3: INFORMATION ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town and Durban are the Country's major shipping ports, followed by Port Elisabeth, East London, and RiChard's Bay. Kimberley was the site of South AfriCa's first major diamond mining operation, while Johannesburg, South AfriCa's largest City, later beCame the major hub of both diamond and gold mining in the Country. Namibia, whiCh borders South AfriCa to the North West, was a German Colony until it was taken away from Germany at the end of World War I and beCame a part of South AfriCa. Namibia beCame an independent Country in 1990. Botswana and Zimbabwe, whiCh border South AfriCa to the North, were both British Colonies before their independenCe. Mozambique, whiCh borders South AfriCa to the East, was a Portuguese Colony before its independenCe. Lesotho (Completely surrounded by South AfriCa) and Swaziland (surrounded by South AfriCa and Mozambique) are Kingdoms of the Sotho and Swazi people respeCtively. CLIMATE: Being in the Southern Hemisphere, South AfriCa’s seasons are opposite to AmeriCan seasons (so yes - Christmas is in the Summer!). Most of South AfriCa reCeives Summer rainfall, exCept for the South Western Cape, whiCh is Mediterranean in Climate and reCeives Winter rainfall. The North West of the Country is hot and dry (semi-desert to desert), while the East Coast is known for its humidity and sub-tropiCal lushness. The north eastern interior is less humid than the eastern Coast and its high altitude results in Colder winters (espeCially at night). PART 3: INFORMATION ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA In Johannesburg, hot summer days are regularly interrupted by short, intense afternoon or evening thunderstorms. Lightning oCCurs with these storms frequently, and they also bring hail. Summer temperatures range from 61°F (16°C) at night to 86°F (30°C) during the day, with an average high of about 82°F (28°C). Winters are mild and dry with temperatures averaging between 41°F (5°C) and 68°F (20°C). The coldest part of Johannesburg's winter lasts about 6 weeks in July/ August. DEMOGRAPHICS: *Please note: The terms "black", "white", and "Coloured" (the South AfriCan term used for people of mixed race) are widely used in South AfriCa and in and of themselves are desCriptive, not derogatory. The same is true of the term, "Indian", whiCh refers to people who trace their lineage to the Indian subContinent. Further, it should be remembered that not all people fit neatly into these Categories, partiCularly as times Change in South AfriCa. It is far more Common now than it used to be, for example, for someone to have parents from different tribes, partiCularly in South AfriCa’s bigger Cities and the surrounding “townships” (shanty towns). Inter-racial marriage is more Common than it used to be, but is still quite rare. Black population: About 37. 7 million people, roughly 80% of the total South AfriCan population Nguni tribes: 4 South AfriCan tribes are a part of this large family of peoples, inCluding South AfriCa's 2 biggest tribes. Their languages are distinCt, but mutually intelligible (as Spanish and Portuguese are to one another). Zulu: 23.8% of the total South AfriCan population are Zulu; about 10.5 million people. This tribe is most ConCentrated in the KwaZulu Natal provinCe and is also the majority people group in the south-western half of the Mpumalanga provinCe. The Current South AfriCan president, Jacob Zuma, is Zulu. The Zulu language (isiZulu) is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa. Xhosa: 17.6% of the total South AfriCan population are of the Xhosa tribe; almost 8 million people. This tribe is most ConCentrated in the eastern 3/4s of the Eastern Cape ProvinCe. Nelson Mandela, who was the first demoCratiCally eleCted president in South AfriCa, is Xhosa. The Xhosa language (isiXhosa) is well known for its many CliCks and is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa. Swazi: Around 2.7% of the total South AfriCan population are of the Swazi tribe: about 1.2 million people. They are most ConCentrated in the East of the Mpumalanga provinCe, and are the majority tribe in the neighboring Country, Swaziland. Their language, Swati (siSwati), is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa. Ndebele (or Southern Ndebele): The Ndebele are the smallest in number of the Nguni tribes in South AfriCa, making up only about 1.5% of the total South AfriCan population (about 712,000 people). They are well known for their interesting adornment and the Colourful, geometriC designs of their artwork, including paintings on the walls of their homes. They are most ConCentrated in the north of the Gauteng provinCe. The Ndebele language (isiNdebele) is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa. Sotho-Tswana tribes: 3 South AfriCan tribes are a part of this family of peoples. Their languages are distinCt, but mutually intelligible (as Spanish and Portuguese are to one another). PART 3: INFORMATION ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA Southern Sotho/ Sotho: This tribe is most ConCentrated in the Free State provinCe of South AfriCa, and is the predominant people group in the neighboring Country, Lesotho. The Southern Sotho make up 7.9 % of the total South AfriCan population: about 3.5 million people. Their language is Sesotho, whiCh is one of the 11 national languages in South AfriCa and the offiCial language of Lesotho. Northern Sotho (or Pedi): This tribe is most ConCentrated in the Limpopo, Gauteng, and Mpumalanga provinCes. They are the predominant tribe in most of the Limpopo provinCe (all but the far North and East). The Northern Sotho make up about 9.4% of the total South AfriCan population; around 4.2 million people. Their language is Sesotho sa Leboa (or sePedi), and it is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa. Tswana: This tribe predominates the North West provinCe of South AfriCa, and forms the majority of the Botswanan population as well. Their language is Setswana, whiCh is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa and one of the 2 offiCial languages in Botswana. Around 8.2% of the total South AfriCan population is Tswana: about 3.6 million people. Tsonga (or Shangaan): People of the Tsonga tribe are most ConCentrated in the north east of South AfriCa (in the east of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinCes). They are also found in the southern parts of Mozambique, with small numbers in Zimbabwe and Swaziland as well. The Tsonga make up about 4.4% of the total South AfriCan population: just less than 2 million people. The Tsonga language (Xitsonga) is one of the 11 offiCial languages in South AfriCa. Venda: People of the Venda tribe are most ConCentrated in the north east of South AfriCa's Limpopo provinCe, as well as the neighboring Country of Zimbabwe.
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