5/31/2018 קדושין Kidushin Guadalajara Atlantic Coast TALMUD 1482 Talmud printed in Sephardic fashion, without Tosafot 4 טור אורח חיים Tur Orah Hayim Hijar Atlantic Coast PRINT HISTORY 1485 First use of a printers' mark in a Hebrew book 4 1 5/31/2018 משלי Mishle w/Radak Lisbon Atlantic Coast BIBLE 1482 Early example of distinct fonts for Bible and commentary 4 אבודרהם Abudarham Lisbon Atlantic Coast LITURGY 1490 First commentary printed in life of author 4 2 5/31/2018 סדר עולם זוטא Chronologia Hebraeorum maior Paris Atlantic Coast HISTORY 1572 Latin translation of Seder ‘Olam for Christian use 4 De accentibus…linguae Hebraicae De accentibus et orthographia linguae Hebraicae Hagenau (Alsace) Atlantic Coast GRAMMAR 1518 Reuchlin on Hebrew 2 3 5/31/2018 Vetus Testamentu[m] multiplici lingua Complutensian Polyglot Bible Alcalá de Henares Atlantic Coast BIBLE 1514-1517 1st complete polyglot Bible 3 תנ"ך Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim Paris Atlantic Coast BIBLE 1539-1544 Printed by the Estienne Press, known for its beauty 3 4 5/31/2018 Historia de’ riti hebraici Rita hebraici Paris Atlantic Coast RITUAL 1637 First vernacular description of Judaism by a Jew for a non-Jewish audience 3 Hope of Israel Hope of Israel London Atlantic Coast APOLOGETICS 1650 First English translation of Mikveh Yisrael 2 5 5/31/2018 Bay Psalm Book Bay Psalm Book Cambridge Atlantic Coast BIBLE 1640 First example of Hebrew in the New world (block print) 6 To His Highnesse the Lord Protector… To His Highnesse the Lord Protector… London Atlantic Coast GOVERNMENT 1655 Led to Jews being officially allowed back into England 2 6 5/31/2018 Dickdook leshon gnebreet Hebrew Textbook Cambridge, USA Atlantic Coast GRAMMAR 1735 First book using Hebrew type in America 3 Evening Service of Roshashanah Translation of the Prayerbook New York, USA Atlantic Coast LITURGY 1761 One of the first imprints for Jews in the New World 4 7 5/31/2018 סדר הקונטיריס Seder ha-kunteres Avignon Atlantic Coast LITURGY 1765 Prayers for year according to the unique rite of the Comtat Venaissin 2 סדר תפלה על המרד באמריקה Seder Tefilah ‘al ha-Mered be-Amerikah London Atlantic Coast LITURGY 1776 Prayer regarding the “rebellion” in America 3 8 5/31/2018 The twenty-four books of the Holy Scriptures Hebrew Bible in English Philadelphia Atlantic Coast BIBLE 1853 Important translation of the Bible by Isaac Leeser 1 Catalogus librorum hebraeorum Catalogus librorum hebraeorum in bibliotheca Bodleiana Berlin Atlantic Coast BIBLIOGRAPHY 1852-1860 First “modern” bibliography 1 9 5/31/2018 תפילת ישרים קריאי העדה אנשי שם סנהדרין Prière des membres du Sanhèdrin Paris Atlantic Coast GOVERNMENT 1807 Publication by the Sanhedrin (convened by Napoleon) 2 סדור שפתי צדיקים Form of prayers… Philadelphia Atlantic Coast 1837 LITURGY 1st siddur in America (Portuguese rite, translation) 1 10 5/31/2018 Liber Chronicarum Nuremberg Chronicle Nuremberg Germanic ANTISEMITISM 1493 Includes woodcut illustration of the Jews murdering Simon of Trent 3 De antiquitate Judaica Jewish Antiquities Augsburg Germanic HISTORY 1470 First Josephus imprint 4 11 5/31/2018 Errores Judaeorum ex Talmud extracti Errores Judaeorum ex Talmud extracti Augsberg Germanic ANTISEMITISM Before 1473 Christian work on the errors in the Talmud 3 In aller übung der vernunft Contra perfidos Judaeos (German) Esslingen Germanic ANTISEMITISM 1477 Contains a short Hebrew grammar, with woodcut Hebrew types 3 12 5/31/2018 Portae Lucis שערי אורה Augsburg Germanic KABBALAH 1516 Printed by Christian Hebraists (Latin) 3 הגדה Hagadah Prague Germanic HAGADAH 1526 Earliest illustrated hagadah, standard for future illustrated hagadot 3 13 5/31/2018 ספר מידות Sefer midot [Orhot tsadikim] Izny Germanic ETHICS 1542 First ed., book of mussar, in Yiddish 2 Genoa Psalterium Polyglot Psalms (Arabic, Greek, Hebrew) Geneva Germanic BIBLE 1516 First Polyglot portion of the Bible 3 14 5/31/2018 שפתי ישנים Sifte Yeshenim Amsterdam Germanic BIBLIOGRAPHY 1680 First bibliography written by a Jew 2 צאינה וראינה Tsenerene Hanau Germanic WOMEN 1622 First extant edition. Yiddish translation of the Bible 3 15 5/31/2018 הגדה Hagadah Amsterdam Germanic ART 1695 First hagadah to include copper engravings and a map 2 Tractatus Theologico-Politicus Tractatus theologico-politicus Hamburg Germanic PHILOSOPHY 1670 Spinoza’s major work; he had been excommunicated nearly 15 years earlier 3 16 5/31/2018 חמשה חומשי תורה... רש"י והרשב"ם Rashbam’s commentary on Torah Berlin Germanic BIBLE 1705 Printed from ms owned by Oppenheim (collector impacting production) 2 Céŕemonies et coutumes religieuses Religious Ceremonies Amsterdam Germanic ART 1723-1743 Extensive illustrations of the religions of the world; section on Judaism 3 17 5/31/2018 מסילת ישרים Mesilat Yesharim Amsterdam Germanic ETHICS 1740 Ethical text by philosopher Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto 2 ספר נתיבות השלום Sefer Netivot ha-shalom Berlin Germanic BIBLE 1783 Moses Mendelsohn’s commentary on the Bible 3 18 5/31/2018 מחזור מנהג פולין Mahzor minhag Polin Rodelheim Germanic LITURGY 1800-1803 Wolf Heidenheim was an important publisher of liturgy in clear format 2 Neunzehn Briefe über Judenthum Nineteen Letters about Judaism Altona Germanic PHILOSOPHY 1836 Sampson Raphael Hirsch’s corpus on neo- Orthodoxy 1 19 5/31/2018 Der Judenstaat Der Judenstaat Leipzig Germanic ZIONISM 1896 Herzl's seminal work on The Jewish State 2 מעלה בית חורין Hagadah Vienna Germanic ART 1801 Illustrated Hagadah with Yiddish 1 20 5/31/2018 מורה נבוכים Moreh nevukhim Rome Islamic World PHILOSOPHY 1473-1475 First work of Jewish philosophy to be printed 3 ברוך אתה בבואך Barukh atah be-vo'ekha… Cairo Islamic World PRINT HISTORY c. 1400 Earliest example of printed Hebrew (block print on paper), found in Cairo Geniza 6 21 5/31/2018 ארבעה טורים Arba’ah turim Constantinople Islamic World LAW 1493 First book printed in any language in Ottoman Empire 4 הקאנון Canon of Medicine Naples Islamic World MEDICINE 1492 Hebrew translation of Avicenna’s medical work 4 22 5/31/2018 עקדת יצחק ‘Akedat Yitshak Salonika Islamic World BIBLE 1522 Sermons on the Pentateuch; very popular among Sephardi Jews in Salonika 3 מדרש תהלים Midrash Tehilim Salonika Islamic World RABBINICS 1515 One of the first Salonika imprints 3 23 5/31/2018 קהלת יעקב Kehilat Ya'akov Safed Islamic World PRINT HISTORY 1578 One of the first imprints in the Holy Land 3 אבודרהם Abudarham Fez Islamic World LITURGY 1517 Second book printed on African continent 3 24 5/31/2018 שארית יהודה She'erit Yehuda Salonika Islamic World LAW 1600 Commentary on the Shulhan Arukh 2 הליכות אלי Halikhot Eli Izmir Islamic World HISTORY 1662 The author was forced to flee Izmir because he opposed Sabbatai Zevi 2 25 5/31/2018 Bab Musi = Porta Mosis Perush ha-Mishna Oxford Islamic World LAW 1654 First Judeo-Arabic imprint. Maimonides’ commentary on the Mishna 1 כסף נבחר Kesef Nivhar Damascus Islamic World PRINT HISTORY 1605 First book printed in Syria; no printing again in Damascus until the 20th century 3 26 5/31/2018 תורת חיים Torat Hayim Salonika Islamic World LITURGY 1713-1722 1st book to include responsa for New World (includes prayer for rain in Brazil) 2 מעם לועז Me-'am Lo’ez Constantinople Islamic World BIBLE 1730 Ladino commentary on the Pentateuch; beginning of Ladino revival 2 27 5/31/2018 חק לישראל Hok le-Yisra’el Cairo Islamic World PRINT HISTORY 1740 One of the earliest books printed in Egypt 2 זרע יצחק Zera' Yitshak Tunis Islamic World PRINT HISTORY 1768 First book printed in Tunisia 2 28 5/31/2018 פרק אבות Perek Avot Bombay Islamic World PRINT HISTORY 1822 Hebrew and Arabic in Hebrew characters. (Lithograph) 2 סדר הבדלה בלערבי Seder Havdala bil-'Arabi Algiers Islamic World LITURGY 1853 Judeo-Arabic for a Jewish audience 2 29 5/31/2018 שבחי ר׳ חיים ויטאל Shivhe R. Hayim Vital Baghdad Islamic World KABBALAH 1866 Beginning of Baghdad press 1 פאת השלחן Pe’at ha-Shulhan Safed Islamic World LAW 1836 Compendium of Maimonides’ Laws relating to living in the Holy Land 2 30 5/31/2018 TITLE TITLE IN ENGLISH CITY, COUNTRY GENRE 14** CREDITS TITLE TITLE IN ENGLISH CITY, COUNTRY GENRE 14** CREDITS 31 5/31/2018 TITLE TITLE IN ENGLISH CITY, COUNTRY GENRE 14** CREDITS TITLE TITLE IN ENGLISH CITY, COUNTRY GENRE 14** CREDITS 32 5/31/2018 מרכבת המשנה Mirkevet ha-Mishnah Cracow Eastern Europe YIDDISH 1535 Early Cracow imprint; includes Yiddish 2 זאת תורת החטאת Zot torat ha-Hatat Cracow Eastern Europe LAW 1570 First halakhic work of the Rama 3 33 5/31/2018 מסכת עבודה זרה Masekhet ‘Avodah zarah Cracow Eastern Europe TALMUD 1580 Printed in Poland because banned/censored in Western Europe. 2 שולחן ערוך עם הגהות הרמ"א Shulhan ‘Arukh Crakow Eastern Europe LAW 1578 With the commentary of the Rama, uniting Ashkenazi and Sephardi halakha 3 34 5/31/2018 מסכת פורים Masekhet Purim Crakow Eastern Europe YIDDISH 1640 Yiddish parody 2 דת יקותיאל Dat Yekuti’el Zolkiew Eastern Europe LITERATURE 1696 Poetic account of the 613 Mitsvot 2 35 5/31/2018 שערי אורה Sha’are orah Cracow Eastern Europe KABBALAH 1600 Kabbalah; last edition of this work for over 100 years 2 לב טוב Lev Tov Cracow Eastern Europe ETHICS 1641 Ethical work printed in Yiddish 3 36 5/31/2018 תולדות יעקב יוסף Toldot Ya’akov Yosef Korets Eastern Europe HASSIDUT 1780 Primary work of teachings of Ba'al Shem Tov. First edition 3 צפנת פענח Tsafnat Pa’neah Korets Eastern Europe HASSIDUT 1782 Written by student of the Ba’al Shem Tov; works were burned by Mitnagdim 3 37 5/31/2018 סדר התפלה Seder ha-tefila 'al derekh ha-sod Zolkiew Eastern Europe KABBALAH 1781 First complete Ashkenazi Siddur with Lurianic prayers.
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