Books by Lyndon LaRouche o So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? $9.95. 1984 o There Are No Limits To Growth $4.95 1984 o Why Revival of 'SALT' Won't Stop War $3.95 1980 o What Every Conservative Should Know About Communism $3.95 1980 o Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? $3.95 1979 o How to Defeat Liberalism and William F. Buckley $3.95 1979 o The Independent Democrats' 1984 Platform $5.00 Order from: Published by Independent Democrats for LaRouche. Ben Franklin Booksellers, Inc. 27 South King St. Leesburg, VA 22075 o Program for America $10.00. 1985 (703) 777-3661 Published by the LaRouche Democratic Campaign. Add shipping cost at $1.50 for first book, $.50 for each additional book. o The Power of Reason: 1988 $10.00 Bulk rates available on request. LaRouche-at the center of current history The "I have been at the center of some among the leading crisis-developments affecting current history, including the Power of Soviet and liberal establishment efforts to destroy the Stra­ Reason: 1988 tegic Defense Initiative." -Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. "Lyndon LaRouche is striving to undermine the influence of Communists and other left forces among the workers and student youth." -Izvestia, March 12, 1984 "It's LaRouche's people. He's persecuting me." -Henry A. Kissinger, responding to a demonstration in April 1983 Please send me copies of The Power of Reason: Name ______________ _____________________ 1988 by Lyndon LaRouche, at $10.00 per book (plus postage and handling-$1.50 for 1 book, $.50 for each Address _________________________ additional book). City _________ State _____ Zip ___ Please charge my __ American Express __ MasterCard Telephone __________________ __ Visa __ Diners Club __ Choice __ Carte Blanche Card No. _____________Exp. Date ___ _ Make checks payable to: Signature ______________________ Ben Franklin Booksellers, 27 South King St., Leesburg, Virginia 22075 Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: Nora Hamerman Managing Editors: Vin Berg and Susan Welsh Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart-Henke, Nancy Spannaus, Webster Tarpley, From the Editor Christopher White, Warren Hamerman, William Wenz, Gerald Rose, Mel Klenetsky, Antony Papert, Allen Salisbury Science and Technology: Carol White Special Services: Richard Freeman Advertising Director: Joseph Cohen Circulation Manager: Joseph Jennings INTELUGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot, Mary Lalevee Agriculture: Marcia Merry T his is the first issue of EIR since the indictment of our founding Asia: Linda de Hoyos editor, Lyndon LaRouche, by the Department of Justice. While Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Paul Goldstein Americans were celebrating Independence Day, members of "the Economics: David Goldman secret government" made their move, ripping up the Constitution. European Economics: William Engdahl, Laurent Murawiec To do this, they invoked Executive Orders 12333 and 12334, which Vivian Freyre Zoakos Europe: gave them a free rein for dirty tricks against political opponents, lbero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus under the rubric of "national security. " In nUI1lerous press confer­ Medicine: John Grauerholz, M.D. Middle East: Thierry Lalevee ences since his indictment, LaRouche demanded that the President Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: rescind these orders-and every word of this was blacked out in the Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George Special Projects: Mark Burdman subsequent press coverage (see pp. 60-62). United States: Kathleen Klenetsky But already the desperate move against LaRouche is backfiring INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: against its perpetrators, as the Democratic presidential contender is Bangkok: Pakdee and Sophie Tanapura Bogota: Javier Almario catapulted into-the limelight, and even hostile reporters are forced to Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel recognize his political and moral stature. When the New York Times Chicago: Paul Greenberg Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen drops the obligatory epithet "political extremist" in its characteriza­ Houston: Harley Schlanger tion of LaRouche, then you know that "something is up" in Estab­ Lima: Sara Madueno Los Angeles: Theodare Andromidas lishment circles. Mexico City: Josejina Menendez LaRouche has responded presidentially to the escalated attack Milan: Marco Fanini New Delhi: Susan Maitra against him. In our Feature this week (pp. 24-32), we present the Paris: Christine Bierre first of two documents authored by him on Executive Orders 12333 Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios Rome: Leonardo Servadio, Stefania Sacchi and 12334. The first is an analysis of the Orders; the second is a Stockholm: William Jones proposed replacement for them, and will be published in a forthcom­ United Nations: Douglas DeGroot Washington, D.C.: Nicholas F. Benton ing issue. Wiesbaden: Philip Golub, Goran Haglund The real issues of national security are addressed in these docu­ ments-not in the soap opera which is unfolding on the nation's television screens, as Oliver North jousts with Senate counsel Arthur E1RIExecutive Intelligence Review (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly (50 issues) except for the second week Liman, and both cover up the truth. For the real national security ofJuly and last week ofDecember by New Solidarity International Press Service P.O. Box 65178, Washington, issues, look at the Soviet Central Committee plenum (p. 36-37), and DC 20035 (202) 785-/347 the scandalous Soviet treatment of West German President Richard Eru-opetUI Heatlqlllllfllrs: Executive Intelligence Review Nacbrichtenagentur GmbH, Postfach 2308, von Weizsacker (p. 47). Dotzheimerstrasse 166, 0-6200 Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany The day before LaRouche's indictment, an extraordinary trial Tel: (06121) 8840. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, Michael Liebig began in Paris, in which LaRouche and his French associates chal­ I.IH...... : EIR, Rosenvaengets Aile 20, 2100 Copenhagen OE, Tel. (01) 42-15-00 lenged Moscow's propaganda lies in a court of law (pp. 38-39). I. Muko: EIR, Francisco Dfas Covarrubias 54 A-3 Colonia San Rafael, Mexico OF. Tel: 705-1295. This was an astonishing week, with lawsuits pitting one man J"",.,. ./lbscripliDn .1Ik.: O.T.O. Research Corporation, against two superpowers: LaRouchev. U.S.S.R .in Paris, and U.S.A. Takeuchi Bldg., 1-34-12 Takatanobaha, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 208-7821. v.LaRouche, et al. in Boston. Copyright II:> 1987 New Solidarity International Press Service. AlI rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without pennission strictly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailing offices. 3 mon1hs-$I25, 6 months-$225, I year-$396, Single issue-$l0 Academic library rate: $245 per year Postmaster: Send all address changes to EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. (202) 785-1347 • TIillConteDts Departments Economics Science & Thchnology 13 Medicine 4 Reagan's GATT 'free 18 How Russia's radio LaRouche 'bugs' AIDS lobby. trade' plan endangers food frequency weapons can kill supply The second in Robert Gallagher's 15 Africa Report The proposal to end farm subsidies series on the latest Russian Everything keeps falling. will mean plantation-based farm breakthroughs in strategic output, under the control of the weapons, and the threat they pose banking and commodity cartel to the West. 55 Dateline Mexico companies of London and Project Democracy's new party. continental Europe. 56 Andean Report 6 Overcoming the Reagan Kissinger's 'little wars': a replay. 'Recovery' AIDS Update The Virginia shipyards: spearhead 57 Southeast Asia for a nuclear merchant marine. 13 LaRouche 'bugs' AIDS Weinberger encourages friends. Part I of a series. lobby 64 American System 10 Cargill monopolizes 16 Property/casualty in Alexander Hamilton's French French sunflower market trouble, health next alliance. 14 FAO watches as locusts hit 17 Brazil, Britain show sharp 72 Editorial Africa case increase Root out the secret government! 16 Business Briefs 70 Nancy wants 'gay' on AIDS panel 71 AIDS lobby in Georgia fumes over LaRouche • Volume 14 Number 28, July 17, 1987 Feature International National 36 Is Moscow's new 60 LaRouche in New diplomacy really puzzling? England, puts accusers on The Soviets' brutal treatment of trial the West German President and The anti-Establishment presidential the U. S. Secretary of State is only candidate, over a two-week surprising to those whose rose­ period, returns to campaign in colored glasses blind them to the New Hampshire and turns a reality of war mobilization in blatantly politically motivated The monster of illegal government: Shown here is a Russia. indictment against its "secret detail from Albrecht Diirer's woodcut of the seven­ government" instigators. headed Beast of the Apocalypse (1508). 38 LaRouche and the European Labor Party 63 Elephants & Donkeys 24 The case for the take on the Andropov Who's the dumbest of them all? revocation of Executive dynasty Orders 12333 and 12334 An extraordinary trial in Paris pits 67 Eye on Washington Lyndon LaRouche shows how LaRouche against the government Shultz, Abrams sweat over Ollie. these two orders have been of the U. S.S.R. employed to establish a lawless 68 Congressional Closeup secret government in the United 41 Turkey fears betrayal by States, The Justice Department has State Department 70 National News thereby become an accomplice in subverting the Constitution, 42 Panama destabilization accelerates under 'Project 33 How Executive Orders set Democracy' up the secret government
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